
  • I am delighted to welcome Rob Cubbon back to the Podcast

    Get the Show Reel with my detailed notes and links from our conversation by clicking on this button

    Click here to Download the Show Reel

    Rob is a serial online entrepreneur and his continuing success means that he has already made the mistakes that you and I are going to make when we follow in his footsteps. So it seemed like a great idea to avoid all that by asking him to share his advice about Printing T-Shirts on Demand with Merch by Amazon

    In this Episode we cover:

    What is Merch How you get started Other T-Shirt Design sites How Rob got started on Merch Copyright and Design issues and policies Details of a design Step by Step starting out on Merch Keyword Research Its all about the Niche Design Tools Styles Pricing Links to Merch by Amazon Researching your Own T-Shirts

    Find Out More About Rob

    You can find out more about Rob at http://courses.robcubbon.com/courses/category/Free

    Rob's Merch Online Video Course

    If you want to accelerate your own Merch business to success, then here is the link to Rob’s Course – Just click on the Image.

    You can enroll here with a 68% Discount for just $19 - Affiliate Link (thank you for supporting the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast)

    Get the Show Reel with my detailed notes and links from our conversation by clicking on this button

    Click here to Download the Show Reel

  • Today I am delighted to welcome Dave Espino to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast. We are talking about how to list your online course on Amazon!


    We all know that Amazon Video Direct has not been a great success for Online Course creators. Its just to complicated and fiddly. And those pesky closed captions..

    Well, what if you list you online courses on Amazon without having to go through the whole AVD rigmarole?

    Dave has worked out how this can be done and in today's episode of the show he discusses how he did this and the great benefits this strategy offers online instructors.

    This also applies to any digital assets you may have including audio books, ebooks and even podcasts!

    The main benefits are:

    You list your course, you don't have to upload it again It works for any platform including Udemy, Thinkific, Teachable and many more
 There is no cost for listing There are Eight steps to complete the process - and Dave shows you exactly how this is done, step by step in his course "Hidden Revenue Exposed" You access a market place of 300m people, 20x that of Udemy There is little or no competition for online courses right now

    Hidden Revenues Exposed

    You can find out all about the course and enroll by following this link


    (This is an affiliate link and if you do enroll I will receive a financial reward but you will not pay any extra. Thank you.)

    Amazon Listing Course - List Your Online Video Course on Amazon (BONUS COURSE)

    I enrolled in Dave's course right away and so far have listed 10 of my courses on Amazon. I have found that my experience of Amazon meant that I had extra things I wanted to add to Dave's course to make it easier, faster and to help you to avoid some of the newbie mistakes I made. You can find my course below.


    Please note = you need to enroll in Dave's course to get any benefit from my course - I do not share the method with you in my course - only the tips, tricks and tactics I worked out while I was listing my own courses.

    Special Offer - Two for the Price of One

    For the rest of the month of October - if you enroll in Dave's course using my link and send me an email of your receipt that I can match to my affiliate account, I will send you a free coupon to my course. This offer expires on 31st October 2017 at midnight.

    Email me your receipt to john [at} jbdcolley [dot] com.

    Find out more about Dave

    You can find out more about Dave at his website: http://daveespino.com/

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • I am delighted to welcome Internet Marketing Expert Greg Jeffries to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast. Having seen the success Greg was having (he publishes his income reports), I was very keen to get him on to the podcast as a guest to ask him about his marketing strategies.

    Greg is a very successful internet marketer who is focusing on Affiliate marketing using very focused SEO and Long Tail Keywords.

    In June 2015 Greg made $1,548.08

    In August 2017, just two years later, he made $18,034.23

    [In the show reel, I have provided a summary of his earnings over the last two years by affiliate programme so that you can see exactly where he has been making his money and this may help you to decide where to focus your efforts. Incidentally, I have done the same with another internet marketer, Mark Woodward.]

    There is something seriously smart going on and I wanted to find out more.

    Greg is very open about his approach and helps us to understand why is affiliate marketing business is so successful. Greg is very much focused on Long Tail SEO for his marketing activities.

    In particular, Greg focuses on Transactional keywords (intent) and by going after the long tail, he has less competition which greatly improves his organic search results and ranking in Google.

    Greg has a very systematic approach

    He understands SEO He identifies niches and acquires domains with niche keywords He creates a niche website He identifies the competitive and profitable keywords associated with that niche using Keyword.io (I also use Market Samurai) He gets his on page SEO right He gets his off page SEO right, particularly with some neat back linking strategies He tracks his progress with Google Analytics He identifies and promotes affiliate products, particularly identifying attractive products in Affiliate networks He builds and cultivates an email list. He scales his content distribution

    Find Out More About Greg

    You can find out more about Greg at his site, http://imsource.org - which is a great resource for finding out more about internet marketing and resources you can promote.

    SEO Affiliate Domination Course

    If you want to discover Greg's system for SEO Affiliate Domination you can find all his strategies laid out in an easy to follow (I know, I enrolled) course which he has published on Teachable.

    To Get $100 off this course, download the show reel and in there you will find this exclusive offer for Optimistic Entrepreneurs.

    You can only access this through the Show Reel because I want this to be for serious students and I do not want this link spammed around the internet.

    Download The Show Reel - 4 Steps to Affiliate Income

    I have created a Show Reel for this episode which takes Greg's interview a step further. I share with you the 80+ products and services he promotes as an affiliate along with the total of his earnings from those properties over the last two years. I have done a similar exercise for successful internet marketer Mark Woodward, summarising his earnings in 2017.

    The Show Reel also takes you through the four key steps you need to follow in order to start generating your own affiliate income, including a detailed explanation of on page SEO.

    Click here to Get Instant Access to the Show Reel

    How to Find Keywords

    I have published Two Blog Posts about how to find Keywords which you can find here:

    How to Find Keywords Part 1 - https://jbdcolley.com/how-to-find-keywords-part-1

    How to Find Keywords Part 2 - https://jbdcolley.com/how-to-find-keywords-part-2

  • Its my great pleasure today to welcome extraordinary videographer, Scott Hamlin to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.

    Scott shares his expertise on creating Promotional Videos, its virtually a step by step guide on how to create them.

    Discover My Video Courses - Exclusive Offer $10

    (Shhhh - its our secret)

    Video Design Mastery: Create Awesome Videos Fast!


    Promo Video Mastery


    Join the Optimistic Entrepreneur Mastermind Group on Facebook at


    Please leave an iTunes Review for the Podcast at:


    The Show Reel for this episode may be downloaded from here:

    Download Your Podcast Show Reel Here

    The Show Notes for this Episode my be found on my Blog here:


    Find Out More About Scott.

    You can discover more about Scott at https://kinetictextanimator.com

    You can access Scott's Software Products here:

    Kinetic Text Animator Anibits Mega Bundle

    (Full Disclaimer: These links are affiliate links and I will benefit if you decide to buy these products from Scott - Thank you)

  • Its my great pleasure to welcome Bruno to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast

    Bruno is an online marketer who has focused on Facebook Groups and unlocked the secret sauce of how to generate leads without getting banned by the Group Owner!

    Bruno takes you through six clear steps:

    The Mindset behind Groups How to Find the Best Group How to Attract your Ideal Clients How to Generate Leads How to Close Your First Sales How to Manage Your Leads

    Bruno's approach focuses how you can scale your business and avoid be overwhelmed.

    You are going to love this Episode for the detail and inspiration that Bruno shares.

    Find Out More About Bruno

    You can find out more about Bruno at https://www.multiuniversal.com/evolution/about

    You can join his webinar at: http://evol.li/15-leads

    (This is an affiliate link - if you do join Bruno's programme, I will be rewarded for the introduction - thank you)

    Bruno also offers help with:

    Google Ads setup + management FB Ads setup + management Building a Website Sales Funnel
  • Carlo and I connected on Linkedin and I thought it would be interesting to compare notes on how to develop and market a business online.

    This took the form of a Q&A session and discussion with both of us throwing in our ideas. We hope you find these useful.

    You can download the Show Reel by clicking on this link.

    It includes:

    Notes from the episode Links mentioned in our conversation Two Max Discount Coupons for my Fiverr and Youtube Hacking Courses

    Please go to the Show notes at http://jbdcolley.com/OEP005 to download the show reel.

  • I am delighted to welcome Henry to the Podcast.

    Henry is the Co-Host of the How Of Business Podcast, which he was kind enough to invite me on back in Episode 66 of his podcast. You can find the Episode here:


    Find out more about Henry at The How of Business


    Prosperity Place - Joan Sotkin

    My thanks to Joan for her introduction to Henry. You can find out more about her at https://prosperityplace.com

    Scrivener Software

    You can find out more about Scrivener at https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php

  • I was very flattered to be asked by Ilona Hetsevich from the JoomlaLMS Blog for an interview to discuss elearning and Podcasting.

    I hope you find this episode helpful and it inspires you to look more closely at how you can become more successful by embracing eLearning and how you might incorporate a Podcast into your business.

    Discover How to Podcast with Pat Flynn

    Follow this link to find out everything you need to know about Podcasting and how to get started in Pats amazing post and videos (more elearning I'm afraid) on the subject.


  • In this week's episode I am delighted to welcome Tom Hunt to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.

    While I was on holiday, I came across this great post by Tom Hunt on creating traffic and the right way to do it. I was really taken by the post and read it several times. Then I realised I had to get Tom on to the Podcast to share his story and this content with you.

    Tom is a serial entrepreneur who has worked out a system which he is sharing with you, to drive prospects to your site and your products.

    In the interview he shares his story with us, so that you can understand that this is all based on his experience gained creating his businesses.

    You can find his blog post - which I strongly recommend that you read at


    You can find his video series (which is free but requires a sign up) here:


    Tom has a great blog post on driving traffic from Facebook Groups which you can read here: http://tomhunt.io/blog/facebook-group-marketing/

    If you want to know more about Joesph Campbell and the Hero's Journey - again, required reading in my view, you can find it on Amazon here:

    US: https://www.amazon.com/Heros-Journey-Voyage-Self-Discovery/dp/1845902866

    UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Books/Hero-Thousand-Faces-Collected-Works-Joseph-Campbell/1577315936/ref=as_li_ss_tl

  • Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast Episode 2

    Crowdfunding under a Microscope with Andrew Monk, Founder and CEO of ioLight

    In March 2017, ioLight successfully raised over ÂŁ300,000 on Crowdcube and Andrew shares this experience with you step by step.

    If you are considering your own crowdfunding, you will not want to miss this episode as Andrew is very open with his stories of his experience and provides some excellent advice.

    You can download a PDF ShowReel of our conversation here

    Click Here to Download Crowdfunding Under A Microscope and Get Andrews Great Tips and Strategies

    Show Sponsor - Galvanic Pip

    This Podcast is proudly sponsored by The Pip, the world's most advanced stress management device, The Pip has been helping thousands of people with their stress for the past five years and now you have the chance to get involved as an investor. Visit the Pip on Crowdcube and earn some great rewards for yourself, including a free Pip. Capital at Risk, be sure to read the Crowdcube terms and conditions.

    Check out the Pip's Campaign at http://jbdcolley.com/pipcampaign

    Links Mentioned

    ioLight web page http://iolight.co.uk/

    ioLight YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7dLC89D0PUGQsw52R6Iqw

    Cambridge Industrial Design http://www.cambridge-industrialdesign.com/

    Red Book Productions http://www.redbookp

  • Welcome to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast!

    Optimistic Entrepreneur! This Podcast is focused on you the Optimistic Entrepreneur

    This short introduction explains how my podcasts have evolved and why I have now launched my third Podcast, the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast!

    I started out with "A Conversation with the Six Minute Strategist" which was a great excuse to speak to lots of interesting people that I knew and to get them to share great information. I really enjoyed it but there were two problems. It did not really have any focus and secondly it did not tell you who it was for - it sounded like it was all about me.

    Then my Online Learning Podcast, almost went the other way. Too focused. Again great fun and amazing guests but very Udemy centric which meant that I was spending my time promoting some one else's brand. Duh!

    Optimistic Entrepreneur

    So now, my new brand is the Optimistic Entrepreneur - and that is you! I want to find people who will provide great ideas, tactics, tips and stories to make you even more successful!

    In my first few episodes, you are going to hear quite a lot about equity crowdfunding as I am in the middle of a campaign and it seems to be a great idea to give you a view from the trenches, so to speak.

    Watch out for some great Episodes coming very soon with some great interviews with Entrepreneurs, just like you!

    Engage with Me!

    I would love to hear from you!

    What topics would you like me to cover? Perhaps you know someone who would be a great guest on the show? Maybe that is you? Reach out and let me know: john[at]jbdcolley.com.

    I like to try to record interviews in video as well as in audio so that the interview can reach a wider audience but this does not have to be the case for every episode.

    So if you have something to say, let me know!

  • Its my great pleasure this week to welcome Chloe Thomas to the Online Courses Insider Show. Chloe is an ecommerce expert and author of the newly published book, Customer Manipulation. Chloe provides a framework to help you to understand where you need to focus your market efforts to have the most impact on your ecommerce business.

    This Week’s Guest: Chloe Thomas

    In this Episode you will discover:

    Who is Chloe Thomas What is Customer Manipulation and why do it How Chloe described her book – imagining she was drunk What is meant by Manipulation How to understand the Customer Masterplan Model Why you should be doing right now in your business The Six Circles, Five Arrows and Five Stages of the Model What is meant by the “customer conversation” How to attract the right visitors How to understand the three types of marketing Shine a Light Activities – make the world aware that you exist Target Customer Tactics Get Found Tactics – really focused on targeting customers The importance of classifying your marketing How to turn Visitors into Enquirers The importance of strategy in building trust How to get that email sign up How to turn Enquirers into First Time Buyers Turning your Buyers into Repeat Buyers Why its important to get the second purchase ASAP Why upsells and downsells might not work How to decide where to start How to follow Chloe’s recommendation on where to start with your business

    You can find out more about Chloe and Customer Manipulation



  • Today its my great pleasure to welcome Phil Pallen to the Online Courses Insider Show! Phil was a mesmirising keynote speaker at New Media Europe 2016. Phil is a Brand Expert who helps a very wide range of clients all over the world build and promote their brands.

    This Week’s Guest: Phil Pallen

    In this Episode you will discover:

    What Brand Building does for you Why bother with Branding Where does Phil start with a new client How Phil combines, Photography, Typography and all the other elements when creating a brand The impact of your audiences’ 3 second attention span What is meant by Sub Branding How Phil uses Iconography as part of the brand building process Some of his most interesting client experiences How Phil combined the letter D, an Elephant and a Coffe Cup for a client Some quick wins to improve your own brand How to get your Avatar right Phil’s book, “Shut Up and Tweet” How to make the most of Social Media platforms Why its important for people to be able to find you Why you should give your social media platforms purpose How Phil uses Snapchat for his business Why Phil believes that Video is going to be incredibly important in the future

    Examples of Phils’ Branding Mentioned in the Podcast

    Find Out More About Phil

    Twitter: @philpallen

    SnapChat: PhilPallen

    Website: http://www.philpallen.co

    You can find Phil’s book: Shut Up and Tweet on Amazon

    New Media Europe 2016

    You can get your Virtual Ticket to New Media Europe 2016 by clicking on this link. This is an affiliate link. If you do purchase a ticket, thank you. I will benefit but you will not pay more.

  • Today its my great pleasure to welcome Rachel Martin and Dan Morris to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rachel and Dan are the founders of BC Stack, a project where they bundle an amazing array of courses and products into a digital “Stack” and then market this stack globally to a wide audience. I was very honnoured to be invited to participate and had to get them on to the show to share it with you.

    If you are a Digital Entrepreneur, is this something you can do?

    This Week’s Guests: Rachel Martin and Dan Morris

    In this Episode you will discover:

    A little more about Rachel and Dan How they came up with the idea for BC Stack – and yes, it involves Rachel’s van What BC Stack is Some of the people and products in BC Stack this time round How BC Stack Works How you can make the concept of BC Stack work for you

    Link to BC Stack

    BC Stack runs from 27th June to 1st July 2016

    You Can Find BC Stack here: http://bcstack.com

    Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link and if you click on it and purchase the stack you will not pay any more but I will benefit – thank you for keeping Henry, my Border Collie, in dog biscuits

    You can find out more about Rachel and Dan:

    Blogging Concentrated.com - http://bloggingconcentrated.com

    Finding Joy.net - http://findingjoy.net

  • Today I am delighted to Welcome Rob Cubbon to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rob has been a digital entrepreneur for 10 years and as he freely admits has tried many strategies in his business over this time. Today we discuss the newly unveiled Amazon Video Direct platform and its potential for helping us to grow our businesses.

    This Week’s Guest: Rob Cubbon

    In this Episode you will discover:

    What has changed in Rob’s business over the past six months The impact that Udemy’s price change has had from Rob’s perspective The platform’s that Rob currently recommends for his online courses Why its important to have multiple streams of income for your business Why Rob is so keen on Amazon Kindle Books and publishing on the KDP platform How to set up your account on Amazon Video Direct Why Amazon Video Direct is a similar model to the Amazon KDP Platform The difference between standalone, episodic and subscription videos How to get the most out of your video titles The importance of getting keywords into your Video Synopsis The biggest sticking point for most publishers and how to overcome it How to price your video on Amazon Video Direct What sort of videos will work on Amazon Video Direct – and why its counter intuitive Why promoting your video is important Rob’s current three (well actually six) prioritites for his business What Rob thinks about Facebook Live and Periscope How to get the balance right between Content Creation, Marketing and Sales in a Digital Business What Rob has done with Active Campaign to improve his email autoresponders

    Find Out More About Rob at:



    Mentioned in this Episode:

    360 Training: http://www.360training.com

    Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/home

    Amazon Video Direct: https://videodirect.amazon.com

    Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): https://kdp.amazon.com

    Stackskills: https://stackskills.com

    Deal Fuel: http://dealfuel.com

    Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv

    Josh Kaufman The Personal MBA
a World Class Business Education in a Single Volume – find it here on Amazon.com:

  • Today I am delighted to welcome Ian Anderson Gray to the Online Courses Insider Show. Ian is a technical wizard and when I heard that he had found a way to Livestream on Facebook from his Desktop and that the software was free, I had to get him on to the show to discuss his breakthrough. It also quickly became apparent that the OBS Studio software was also potentially a way to create Online Courses without having to invest in Screenflow or Camtasia.

    Check out our Free Introductory Tutorial to OBS Studio below

    This week’s Guest: Ian Anderson Gray

    In this Episode you will discover:

    Why Facebook Live is so important – a real game changer Limits of Facebook Live on Mobile Phones Can you justify the $500 cost of Wirecast? Why OBS Studio is such a good answer How to hook up your screen, video and mic to record How to download OBS Studio How to create “scenes” with multiple input sources How to add text, multiple layers and switch between them How to add images How to share Skype conversations and video How to share Smart Phone video with Reflector 2 or AirPlay How to use OBS Studio for a Periscope broadcast How to create an video course with OBS Studio Discover some advanced settings How to use a 2 monitor set up How to stream to Facebook and record the video at the same time Ian’s OBS Studio Course Why you need a “stream key” to stream to your Profile or Group How to get the most out of OBS Studio Ian’s view of Facebook’s vision for the future How does OBS Studio compare to Wirecast

    Find out more about Ian on his website: Seriously Social at http://iag.me/

    Free Video Tutorial – Introduction to OBS Studio with Ian Anderson Gray and John Colley


    Just follow this link to access this free video training – approximately 12 minutes.

    How to Broadcast from your Computer with Facebook Live

    Discover Ian’s Online Course by clicking on this Link


    Use Coupon Code

    The code is OLP20 and gives $20 off making it $39

    OBS Studio

    You can download OBS Studio by clicking on this link


  • My Guest this week is Rob Wilson an expert marketer who is particularly adept with Using Active Campaign and this week's episode is all about how to establish build and grow your email marketing, in particular (but not exclusively) using Active Campaign.

    This Week's Guest: Rob Wilson

    Founder of the BizSysMan, building business improving systems.

    Over 20 years in IT at the Director level. I work as the bridge between IT and the business to produce business systems that produce a return on investment.

    Expert in Active Campaign, OptimizePress, OptimizeMember. With certifications in Sales Funnel Creation and Content Marketing.

    Also loves WordPress and PHP programming :)

    In this Week's Episode you will discover:

    How email marketing can help your business Why using a proper Email Service Provider is important How to start building your email list How to develop your customer relationship with your email list How to get the most out of Broadcast Emails Why you might want to send out a single email The power of Active Campaign Automations Some examples of how to use Active Campaign Automations The Common problems and mistakes made in email marketing How to avoid some of the pitfalls of email marketing

    You can find out more about Rob at:




    Generously Rob is offering $15 off his Active Campaign Course which you can find here. Use coupon code "John01" to get the discount

    AC Power Start


    Step by Step Squeeze Pages


    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Email Service Providers

    Active Campaign - http://www.activecampaign.com (affiliate link)

    Aweber - https://www.aweber.com

    Mail Chimp - http://mailchimp.com/

    Infusion Soft - https://www.infusionsoft.com

    Convertkit - https://convertkit.com

    Other Software Tools

    Leadpages - http://www.leadpages.net/ (affiliate link)

    Get Your Active Campaign Email Marketing Cheatsheet - Detailed Notes From This Episode!

    Click on the Image above or on this Link to Get Access to Your Email Marketing Cheatsheet!

  • My Guest today is Gabby Wallace who I am delighted to interview on this the first episode of the new branding for the show.

    Gabby has had amazing success with her Youtube channel and it has been one of the major contributing factors to her success. Today she shares some great ideas about how you can be successful too! If you find this helpful, then grab the Cheatsheet I created from the content in the show which you can get below!

    Guest: Gabby Wallace

    Gabby Wallace earned her Masters Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in 2010 and that same year started making ESL video classes with the goal of helping more students learn ESL in a convenient, awesome way.

    Gabby has been teaching English as a Second Language since 2004. She loves to travel, learn other languages and explore culture and food.

    In this Episode you will discover:

    Youtube Strategies you should be focusing on Why you need a clear goal Some important facts about Youtube audiences you may not know Why you need to be using Youtube Annotations Why Tags are important and how to create the most relevant ones The importance of Thumbnails and how to create an effective one Why Youtube should be seen as an interacitve platform How to use Facebook in conjunction with Youtube How to create effective Titles for your Video Why sharing your videos is important How to tie your Youtube Video into other content What you need to know about selling on Youtube How to demarcate your free and paid content What you need to do next! Where to Find Gabby


    Go Natural English https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNaturalEnglish

    Laptop Teacher https://www.youtube.com/user/OnlineTeachingLife

    Check out Gabby’s Channels and take a look and see what she is doing there and how she is doing it!

    Are You Looking to Growth Hack Your Youtube Channel following Gabby's advice?

    Just Click on the Image or this Link!

  • In this week's episode I am delighted to welcome Nathan Williams from Crazy Eye Marketing who shares with us the step by step explanation of his lead funnel. Nathan is an expert marketer and his lead funnel expertise is going to completely blow you away as he shares exactly how and why he constructs his lead funnel the way he does.

    This Week's Guest: Nathan Williams

    In this Episode Discover:

    How Nathan transitioned from the Military to becoming an online entrepreneur We discovered a mutual background in the military Interest driven Sales Funnel Understand why Nathan recommends Active Campaign as his email service provider of choice Discover what a Lead Magnet is and how to design a good one which will appeal to your audience Explains how to design an effective Landing page Nathan explains why he has a welcome series and what it involves How you check in Active Campaign if the subscriber is a new subscriber and how Nathan uses Tags Explains what his Action Series is and what it contains Problem, Agitate, Solve Copywriting Formula Why I use Zapier to connect my Course Platforms to Active Campaign Understand how Nathan uses upsells and downsells Conversion rates that indicate success

    Nathan's Interest Driven Sales Funnel - Download the image from here

    The Vault

    This contains all Nathan’s Courses and everything that Nathan will create in the future too.

    Click on this Link to go to the Special Page Nathan has set up for the Online Learning Podcast Community

    https://CrazyeyeMarketing.com/OLP (Affiliate Link)

    Find Out more about Nathan at:

    Crazyeye Marketing Blog - https://crazyeyemarketing.com/blog/

    Active Campaign

    Discover the amazing power of Active Campaign - Just click on this link (Affiliate Link)

    I am building all my funnels with Active Campaign now and I know you are going to love it!

    Can I help you with your Lead Magnets?

    Down load my 24 Tips Lead Magnet Cheatsheet by clicking on this link!

  • This Week's Guest: Joan Sotkin

    It is my pleasure to welcome Joan Sotkin to the Online Learning Podcast. Joan is an experienced Online Entrepreneur and is now turning her attention to creating online courses. She is truly inspirational and I hope you enjoy our wide ranging discussion.

    You can find out more about Joan at her website - http://prosperityplace.com

    John's New Youtube Video Optimisation Course

    You can enroll in John's new Youtube Video Optimisation Course by following this link. At the time of publishing this episode of the podcast, the course is free to enroll in at the Six Minute Strategist School. This may change in the future.


    Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

    This is my Facebook Group
    for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join
    us. Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join
    the Group.