
  • A key element in shaping our identity today is our bond with our mothers. Our mothers are the initial role models for what it means to be a woman, as well as the expectations of being a spouse and mother, which is why it's crucial to understand how they influence us and whether they align with our true potential.In this segment, I'll explore the profound effects our mother-child relationship has on us, including the attachment styles we develop in our relationships, our emotional connection, and our sense of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence, all influenced by her example during our upbringing. Many women are unaware that much of their behavior in relationships is learned, and the only way to evolve into our true selves is by recognizing our roots.The transformation of your relationship may hinge on changing the way you view yourself, and this segment will detail the importance of doing so. As always, if you're seeking additional guidance in this area and are ready to start the healing process with your mother, please reach out to me, and let's begin your journey today.All my love always,


    Instagram:⁠ www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠Facebook: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com⁠Email: [email protected]

  • I think we often undervalue the bond we share with our dads and underestimate their influence on the kind of relationships we develop as grown-ups.

    In this episode, I'm going to explore this topic in detail, helping you understand how your relationship with your dad shapes your foundation and your perspective on what it means to be masculine. I'll also delve into how this foundation affects you in two key ways: the kind of relationships you attract into your life and your views and beliefs about men. So, if you're struggling with trust issues in your relationships, feeling emotionally vulnerable, there's a reason for that. This episode contains all the insights you need to know and how healing your dad's wounds can truly change the kind of men you attract in the future.

    This episode is a game changer, and as always, if you want to take your journey further, just message me, send me an email, or schedule a consultation call using the link below.

    All my love always,

    Instagram:⁠ www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles
    ⁠⁠Facebook: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠
    TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠⁠
    Website: ⁠⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com⁠

    Email: [email protected]

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  • One of the most important aspects to look a before entering a relationship is our emotional needs. Knowing what they are, being aware of them and making sure you are fulfilling them in the right way. In this episode, I will drive in deeply to allow you to understand what are your emotional needs? How they play a key role in your search for love & how to fulfill them internally, not externally as when seeking them to be fulfilled externally this can lead you into a cycle of anxious attachment & toxic relationships. Lots of important wisdom inside this episode and as always if you desire further support around this subject then please reach out on the below links or pop me an email. All my love always,


    Instagram:⁠www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠Facebook: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com⁠FB Support Group: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/743550154224380

    Email: [email protected]

  • Many of us wonder why heartbreak comes to us in our lives.... Why do we have to feel the pain that we go through and why is his heartbreak happening to me?

    In this episode, I will dive deep into why I believe any heartbreak has come into our lives and how this heartbreak is an extremely powerful lesson in you redefining your definition of love. This is probably some of the most powerful teachings I have recorded on his podcast so far and I would love to know your thoughts on it.

    If you resonate with anything in this episode and believe you would like to use our heartbreak to redefine your definition of love then I would love to invite you into my 1:1 coaching container where I can support you to do exactly that, pop me an email or visit my website below to book a free 30 minute consultation call with me to get started.

    All my love always,


    Instagram:⁠www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠Facebook: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com⁠FB Support Group: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/743550154224380

  • Recovering from heartbreak is one of the most challenging processes that a lot of women avoid happening to them, with many not understanding why.
    In this episode, I share with you a tonne of realisations I have had as to why I didn't allow myself to fully express my tears and emotions recently and how it related to the first experience I had of heartbreak. Heartbreak was and still is a very heavy emotion to move through and many people don't realise that their inner child/childhood can be an extremely large reason why they are struggling to process any large emotion they are experiencing, especially the feeling of heartbreak.
    I dive into what your childhood self is avoiding feeling within this process, how heartbreak can't just be acknowledged and understood but how the most vital part of the heartbreaking process is for it to be truly felt and how by feeling you are returning to your feminine essence.
    As a Relationship Coach, I support women through processing their heartbreak and in finding themselves again so if you resonate with this episode and are desiring further support & coaching I would love to invite you into my coaching container, for more details check my website below or pop me a message.

    All my love always,

    ⁠⁠Facebook: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠⁠
    TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠⁠
    Website: ⁠⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com⁠
    FB Support Group: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/743550154224380

  • After feeling a lot of emotions over my self-development journey, the one key thing I have realised is the importance of being your own safe place. Many of us, including my past self, are codependent in certain relationships because we rely upon the other person to be our safe place emotionally. During my own journey of dealing with my emotions, I learned just how much I can be my own safe place and the more I cultivated safety to express my emotions, the less co-dependent I became to others and the more I was able to self-soothe myself and process all the emotions that needed to be processed. This was such a huge moment for me during my self-development journey and in today's episode I will tell you how I created my own safe place and how it is so important for your journey too. All my love always, JLTInstagram: ⁠www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠Facebook: ⁠www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles⁠TikTok: ⁠www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2⁠Website: ⁠www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    FB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/743550154224380

  • Many of us don't realise how much we are standing in the way of our happiness by trying to control the outcome of our own lives. In this episode, I go into the depths of how we avoid facing our fears resulting in us trying to control the process of our lives that actually leads us further away from our desires. Bringing awareness to this aspect of us is where the transformation work comes in. By learning how to walk with our fears instead of exhausting ourselves with control I will show you exactly how you can start moving out of your own way, surrendering to the process and allowing your life to happen.

    To join the Walking with Fear masterclass go onto my Instagram bio link or pop me a message.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • As women, one of the biggest places we are afraid to go is rock bottom, it's viewed as a scary dark place that is avoided and overlooked yet I am here to tell you something different. Rock bottom is one of the most powerful places any woman can go, it is where any woman reignites herself, births her new identity and rebuilds herself into a woman she didn't know she could be. In this episode, I dive into the incredible power of what lies within rock bottom, why it exists and what is there to be found. When utilised properly it can take you on an incredible journey of growth, evolution and transformation. Starting from the very beginning where most of my clients find me, a place that transformed my life and I know it has the potential to do exactly the same for you. This is a place not to be ashamed of but one to be remembered. I hope this episode supports you in your journey and as always my inbox is open if you need further support in any way.All my love always,JLTInstagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibblesFacebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibblesTikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • One of the most powerful statements you can confirm to yourself and the world is that enough is enough, and I just can't do it anymore.
    I have had this moment happen a few times in my life including recently. I know the deeper meaning behind making this admission to yourself hence why I wanted to validate you in this episode. I want to highlight the true meaning behind making this admission and by doing so you are laying the first foundation block for you to step into a whole new beginning and the process of rebuilding yourself again.
    All my love always,

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2
    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • As we grow as women we go through so many deaths & rebirth processes due to a version of us expiring. This process can be confusing and scary as most women don't understand the true depths of what is truly happening. In this episode while I'm going through another death & rebirth myself, I will explain how a version of you is expiring and how you have a choice of how you decide to birth this new version of you. This is how we evolve as women by a version of us expiring for a new version of us to come into this world and this is very potent at the time of a breakup. At any time we as women can recreate ourselves, rebuild ourselves into anything we desire to be and as always once you know how to navigate one death & rebirth cycle, you can do another.

    As always have a listen and if you desire any further support you know where I am.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibblesFacebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibblesTikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • So many of us go through extremely sad moments in our life, ones which break us into a version of us that we don’t know. Yet it’s in this very sadness that we can find the true strength & fuel to create our new beginning, to create a new version of ourselves and to create the life we have always wanted to live. Sadness is an incredible powerful emotions and when transmuted correctly you will be amazed where it will take you and in this episode I will tell you how my sadness has always been my fuel for better.

    All my love always,

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2
    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • After going through quite a large transition in my own life recently I have realised the only thing that made this change so effortless was the unbreakable amount of trust that I have cultivated within myself.
    Many of us are held back in life due to the mistrust we have in ourselves and the world around us. We don't make changes in our lives due to not trusting ourselves, we don't step forward into other relationships due to being hurt in the past when doing so and we don't trust our own capabilities when taking certain decisions in our life.
    Trust within ourselves in the biggest piece when it comes to any transformation and within this episode I go deeper into my own journey of how I have cultivated an insane amount of trust within myself which is enabling me to allow my dreams to come true.
    Take a listen and as always if you need my support you know where I am.
    All my love always,

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2
    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

  • 'No matter what I am going to be ok'

    I hold such a powerful mantra very dear to me whenever I am going through times of hardship. Life can throw us some pretty challenging life experiences, some of which we believe are too large for us to deal with and its holding onto this mantra right here that has got me through life to this point. Some people think that my transformation and my way of life is down to doing something big when in reality it's creating small powerful mantras and truths that support me mentally whenever challenges show themselves to me. Life will always throw you challenges hence why it's so important to know how you are going to navigate them and the first way to do so is by repeating this powerful mantra right here, with full faith knowing you are going to be ok.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • After freshly returning from a very unexpected trip to the UK I received so much clarity around a new chapter I am able to embark on and within this I came to the realisation that magic truly does happen in our life with the power of choice. In this episode I will be sharing with you the reason why I feel this trip took place so unexpectedly and go deeper into the fact that us not being clear on what we want for ourselves is actually keeping us stuck.

    Have a listen and as always if you need further support you can find me on the below socials or pop me an email.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • This a widespread feeling that so many women experience at multiple times in life yet suffer in silence not understanding the depths of what is truly going on.

    After going through many times of stuckness and stagnancy in my journey, I want to share with you the lessons this feeling has behind it. Many of us don't realize that feeling stuck is actually resisting the flow of life, instead of trusting the flow of life we are actually relying on our own plan and it's in doing so that deep feelings of being stuck appear in life.

    As always, if you know anyone going through something similar and feel this episode & wisdom could support them, I would love it if you could share it with them.

    As always you can find me hanging on my socials below if you need further advice & support & I look forward to catching you on the next episode.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • In this episode, I will go into the deeper meaning of what is feminine power. I feel this is such an important topic, especially in society nowadays feminine power is somewhat misunderstood and shamed which makes us as women stay away from the most powerful part of us. I explain deeper within the episode the 3 main parts of feminine power and how we can heal our pain from the past to reignite these 3 very important aspects of us. Feminine power is extremely unique to each of us which is why its so important to find and establish our own to step into the women we were put on this earth to be.

    As always I am available on the below socials and I hope this episode supports you and your journey.

    All my love always,

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2
    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com
    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • I have been going through a deeper inward journey recently and have faced some deep realisations about myself and how I have been trying to fix internal problems within me with external solutions (losing weight). I have faced many setbacks and frustrations behind the scenes the last year and it all finally came to a head this past week, I wanted to share my recent breakthrough with you with the lessons I have learnt as I feel this could really support you in your own journey.

    Let me know if this episode brought you any clarity in your own life, I would love to hear from you!

    As always you can find me on the below socials.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • In this extra, intuitive episode I am taking you on a journey of exploring your own inner world. Stepping into the world of your mind & soul for you to truly understand and see the depth of who you are as a person.

    As you explore each of the worlds I would love you to grab a pen and paper and write about each of your experiences, asking yourself what this is telling you about your inner world and how you feel you can begin transforming your own inner world to align with the world you desire to live within you.

    You have a choice remember as to how you desire your inner world to look and it's the power of self development that is going to make this happen for you. I would love to hear about your journey and what you discovered!

    Remember you can find me on the below socials and I hope to connect with you soon.

    All my love always,


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • 'So how do I find me?'

    The deepest struggle of any woman is the search and yearning to find herself, her true self, the version of her who is completely unapologetically herself and after being in so many different roles in her life she has lost sight of her truth. In this episode I will share with you the way I found myself, how I managed to understand the world within me to reconnect with the truth of who I am and radiant that into the world. This deep episode will help so many women out there to understand the roadmap to find themselves & discover their own truth, radiating their light and encouraging other women to do the same.

    We really are all in this together.

    As always if you need my support you know where to find me (links below)

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]

  • 'Where did your relationship go wrong'

    This is such a deep question that so many women hold deep within themselves, one that holds so much self-reflection and self-awareness if you decide to use it in the right way. In this episode, I will be going into the real reason why that relationship went wrong and how you can ask yourself some deeper inward questions supporting you to stop it from happening again in the future.

    And remember you can find me on my socials below.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jadelouisetibbles

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/jadelouisetibbles

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jadelouisetibbles2

    Website: www.jadelouisetibbles.com

    Or contact me directly by email [email protected]