Welcome to a CrUiSe themed episode of The Podiac Killer! Ryan talks about his experiences throwing up on public transportation, Cabo and tells you why you don't want to go on a Disney Cruise. Jordin talks about Harold SHIPman, a doctor that dedicated his life to saving the innocent (psych). Ryan dives into the case of Rebecca Coriam and the Disney Wonder. A rogue wave, suicide, or something more sinister?
Life Tip #210 - If you find yourself on a cruise ship, someone will probably throw you overboard and get away with it.
A new episode of The Podiac Killer is here! Ryan is currently typing this as his flight is boarding to Cabo so this will be short and sweet. We talk about some headlines from Now This Snapchat articles: underground chirping competitions? Human feet washing ashore? Terrible people? Just the usual. Ryan tells you another sad story about an innocent college student with a window and stalker problem. And Jordin dives into the mind and upbringing of serial killer Ed Kemper.
Manglende episoder?
We are literally the worst podcasters but we are back with a new episode of The Podiac Killer! We got our first mean review and we are low-key excited, we talk about what we're watching on Netflix and of course murder. Jordin talks about 10 serial killers you may not have heard of from the Rolling Stones article by Melissa Locker. Ryan deciphered Polish for the skin crawling murder of Katarzyna Zowada. This murder will make your Buffalo Bill nightmares come to life. We hope you regularly use lotion!
A word of advice from The Podiac Killer: Never leave your house.
Heller Podiac Killer listeners! We apologize for the late episode but we are struggling over here. It's not Wednesday, it's Friday but we also listen to murder on Fridays... This episode was brought to you by Wicked Clothes, Ryan's YouTube channel and Blood, Sweat & Heels, a film series that is an authentic, entertaining representation of sex workers free from whore-phobia and stereotyping. Ryan stumbles through the disturbing and horrible case of Cary Stayner, the serial killer of the Yosemite National Park. Jordin hitchhikes you through the sound of broken chicken bones in the intense I Survived story of Mary Vincent, Wonder Woman whomst? PSA Cards Against Humanity sucks.
Check out the Blood, Sweat & Heels Seed and Spark campaign page, we would love for our listeners to help them reach their goal! ( https://www.seedandspark.com/fund/blood-sweat-heels-teaser-2?fbclid=IwAR0kpjvggSL8gJFyCx9tsMzkrx5OWkW1Xko6sMiTOGhX9O8uZ7Rnj4DjlLA#story )
We have another special episode of The Podiac Killer: Podiac and Fr(amily)iends! On this episode of Podiac and Friends we welcome our "grandmother Peggy" to our traveling studio. Find out why we call her Annie, our next children's book empire, and about how she was kidnapped when she was a child, she's not your average grandma! A grocery store robbery, a possible connection to a series of violence, a confession in Guam and a mysterious University Radio host with all the answers but nowhere to be found. Your ears don't want to miss this!
We are happy to announce that there is no death in this episode!
It's a rainy day here at The Podiac Killer, come experience the sound of murder in the city. What had happened on November 18th? What about the 28th? Lucky for you Jordin tells ya! Think the moon landing was fake? Yeah so do we. Do you praise Satan, and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? Yeah, same. Do you want to know 13 facts about Jonestown? Who is Mr. Mugs and why is he so cute? What's your favorite season of Dexter? Would you star in a movie directed by Mark Twitchell? Why are we asking you so many questions? Have you followed our social media yet? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous? Are you single?
Don't forget the commissary popcorn for our Dexter marathon!
Welcome to Episode 11 of The Podiac Killer: Karaoke edition! After we butcher some classic Christmas and Karaoke jams Ryan fills you in on the new headliners at Coachella and Jordin ranks them on a scale of 1 - 10. Why is Pegasus the Guardian of Dallas and what's its story? Listen to find out. Ryan reads an article written by our homeboy Jim Goad about the theory of the Smiley Face Killer, don't go swimming in the winter! Jordin gives you a real confirmed reporting of the Vampire Jesus worshiping Marcus Wesson. Trigger warning, this isn't Disney Channel. Also, find out why Ryan hates Thanksgiving (besides the food). Cop the new outro, or fast forward through our rambling.
PS. We apologize for any technical difficulties you may experience while listening, Ryan bought a new mic for all future episodes.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The Podiac Killer is back from our sabbatical! We apologize for the delay in episodes but life got in the way, some people had social media life crises and others were getting murdered by school. Ryan tells you a weird story about a brick he picked up and when he was possessed by a demon. Jordin spooks us with her friends Haunted House and 13 brutal murders that happened on Halloween, including a triggering Scream mask murderer. Ryan haunts you with the unsolved Villisca Axe Murders, talking about the murders, suspects and the ghosts that haunt the home. Our stepfather/father Jeff also makes an appearance!
Life tip #36: If Jordin offers you a pixie stick don't take it!
This is episode 8 of The Podiac Killer. Grab your tissues and cold medicine because Ryan and Jordin are both deathly ill, we apologize for the sniffles and our sicc voices. We talk about the Mattress Firm conspiracy, BoJack Horseman, and most importantly we have a Charles Dean Bryant UPDATE!! Ryan blows his nose on the obscure unsolved murder of Blair Adams. Follow Blair and his bizarre journey from Canada to Tennessee, where he tells his friends and family someone is trying to kill him then 6 days later... you guessed it, ends up being murdered! Jordin sniffles her way through the murder of Cathy Lamb, where a pepperoni saves the day. Was it her husband Jeffrey (probably) or someone else? R.I.P. Nipper and Dakota you beautiful puppy souls, and of course Cathy. Send us your prayers for a speedy recovery.
Serious question, did you get your mattress from Mattress Firm? Have you ever seen anyone in a Mattress Firm? Do you work at Mattress Firm? We need answers!! #thepodiackiller@gmail.com
Hello hello hello Podiac Killer listeners this is episode 8! In this episode Jordin fills you in on Dallas serial killer, Charles Albright. Eye See Dead People, but three sex workers can't. Hey bitch, this is a trick you don't want to treat. Taxidermy birds with button eyes, a family trip to see Polio patients, and a prankster with an eye for beautiful eyes. Ryan speed reads another Satanic gospel from Occult Crimes about the Circus of Satan and their friendly entity the Beasts of Satan. What happened to Chiara and Fabio? Fabio's father undergoes his own investigation and busts the police of Italy's balls. Who doesn't love a Black Sabbath singing cult?
Just another fun day at The Podiac Killer because on Wednesdays we listen to murder.
Hello there bitch, this is the 7th episode of The Podiac Killer. We whisper you some ASMR to stimulate your senses, talk about Crocodiles, Debby Ryan and Evan Peters ripping out an IUD. Ryan hands in a 20 page thesis over Bruce McArthur, the most prolific gay serial killer Canada has ever seen. Sexual cannibalistic contracts and a Stephen King connection? Never trust a mall Santa. Jordin sings sweet nothings about the demented Toy-Box Killer, David Parker Ray. This is a Toy-Box you do not want to be apart of. Trigger warning! But don't worry, we will be brushing your face to relieve your anxiety.
Here at The Podiac Killer we want you to stay safe, be careful who you swipe right on and be cautious when you meet anyone online! Yes we are your parents.
Cute date idea #13 Beat each other off in a McDonalds parking lot
We apologize for the delay in episodes but you probably didn't even notice. In Episode 6 of The Podiac Killer we talk about our parents strange encounter in an AirBnB, and an apparent shooting that happened outside Ryan's apartment. Jordin gives you the horrifying deets of Danny LaPlante, the Hash Slinger Slasher, where a seance at the Andrews home causes a demonic haunting? Ryan tries to play devils advocate in the controversial Amber and Josh Hilberling case. Was it just a push or something more sinister? Suicide or murder? You will have to listen and decide for yourself.
Date tip #66: Constantly ask your date every detail of their Mother's death for a long lasting relationship
This is the first episode of its kind here at The Podiac Killer. Since Ryan and Jordin were both on vacation, failing at life and not having an episode prepared... you get Podiac and Friends! Our first guest you probably know already because she is a famous actress, you probably have her poster in your room, and seen all 30 of her films, the one and only, Paige Kriet as well as the Kris to her Jenner, her awesome Mom, Stefanie! They both tell you TWO hometown murders about rabid gangster dachshunds while Ryan attempts to tell you some crazy life coincidences.
Oh yeah, we should preface this episode by saying we were all drunk... except Jordin, because she's not 21 :)
This is Episode 5 of The Podiac Killer! BEWARE of the RED VAN. Ladies, hold on to your breasts because Ryan enlightens you about a satanic cult. Crimes you may have never heard of but John Wayne Gacy has! Jordin spoon feeds you the List Murders, where D.B. Cooper mows the yard in a suit? Full of classical music, Tiffany & Co. and America's Most Wanted... something straight out of a horror movie. We also found out what happens when you smoke weed, your Dad literally will kill you!
Be sure to follow us, rate and subscribe wherever you are listening! :)
This episode was NOT brought to you by Movie Pass, but it could be.
Guess who's back again, welcome to episode 4 of The Podiac Killer. Ryan makes the executive decision to give you a light hearted murder in this episode. Who would want to murder Ellen Sherman? A Forensic Files episode brought to your ears by Ryan's soothing voice. Always remember to turn off the AC when you leave for vacation! Jordin tells us about Jack Unterweger the STAR of the criminal rehabilitation program, and yes Prague actually is in the Czech Republic it's the Capital!
Well that's all we have for now folks. Do you want to hear Jordin and Ryan's voice every week? Do you want us to disappear off the face of the Podcast Earth? Let us know! Be sure to follow us where people go to be social @ThePodiacKiller
RIP Blockbuster and the 90s.
This is episode 3 of The Podiac Killer... it's a magic number! Jordin spills the beans on how a 14 year old boy allegedly slayed his family in the Heartland Massacre. Farm is life. To all the Dungeons and dragons lovers out there this one is for you! Ryan tells you about a fun occult crime where all of your wildest Underworld fantasies can come to life. Just don't eat the porkchop!
Hey, are you liking what you are hearing? Then give us a rating! We really appreciate it and would love to continue talking into your ears. Want to send us ANYTHING you find interesting and think we woud like? Email it to us at thepodiackiller@gmail.com!
This episode is brought to you by: the letter 3! #ThePodiacKiller
On episode two of The Podiac Killer Ryan tells you him and Jordin's hometown murder that was denied from My Favorite Murder! Charles.. Charles... Charles.... Jordin brings us back to one of the world's most tragic events, the Holocaust. Learn about the twisted experiments of Josef Mengle and the sister who survived. Eye know you are dying to listen!
Follow us on ALL your favorite social media @ThePodiacKiller
This episode was brought to you by: The amount of times Ryan says like, if we made it a drinking game we would be charged with second degree murder, so don't do it!
Hi, do you like listening to two millennials talk to each other about true crime? Then this Podcast is for you!
Ryan and Jordin are step-siblings following their dreams of Podcast stardom. Welcome to our attempt.
In the FIRST episode of The Podiac Killer, Jordin gives you a classic unsolved lover's lane story from Houston. Who murdered Cheryl Henry and Andy Atkinson? Was it IT? Consipiracy reddit we need your help! Ryan starts the podcast off the same way J.K. Rowling would, by talking about a serial killer who has magical capabilities, a Dukun, that just needs a little something to take the edge off. Be sure to follow us on social media @ThePodiacKiller on pretty much every social media you have!
If you enjoyed listening be sure to give us a rating and subscribe! We appreciate any feedback :)