
  • Today we’re talking about the unique opportunities and challenges rural principals face leading a country school.

    My guests are:

    Andrew King, NZRASLA president, tumuaki of Oropi School - Bay of PlentyPete Wilkinson, principal of Northern Southland College and Southland Secondary Schools ChairErin Browne, tumuaki of Upokongaro School, Whanganui.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Differences between working in or being tumuaki of a rural school versus an urban centreThe importance of rural schools in a rural community – they're the lifeblood of a rural community and school events are really importantThe importance of being visible and actively engaging with the community when you first start as tumuaki – the expectation is that you are visible and present at all community eventsRural schools face some unique issues urban schools are unlikely to face, like costs and availability of contractors when things break, and the need to repair things yourself when no one else is available.The need to be a strong advocate for your ākonga when it comes to getting learning and behaviour support, and to think creatively around resourcing because the isolation of the school may make it challenging to find someone to work 2 hours a day when they have to drive 50 kms to get there.A big challenge is that the roll drives operational funding and staffing, and this creates challenges.There are some great things about being a rural school principal, including the connection with the community, the fresh air and beauty of locations, and the ability to tailor the curriculum to suit the location and the children.It’s important to connect with other rural principals for support and advice. The New Zealand Rural Schools Leadership Association (NZRSLA) can offer professional learning and development support by principals for principals.Becoming a rural school principal gives you a great grounding for moving to a bigger school because you understand every intricacy of a school's operation.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Additional information

    New Zealand Rural Schools Leadership Association (NZRSLA) https://www.nzrasla.ac.nz


    1:18 [to Andrew] Can you tell me what differences you might notice between working in or being tumuaki for a rural school as opposed to a school in an urban centre?

    01:59 [to Pete] Tell me how a rural kura fits into a rural community and its importance in that community.

    3:03 [to Andrew] How do you go about building relationships when you first start as a rural tumuaki?

    3:51 [to Erin] Should relationships be the focus for new tumuaki when they first start, or are there other things that are important to get your head around first when you first start?

    6:11 [to Erin] You've had some interesting experiences in your time as a rural tumuaki . Tell me about that.

    7:47 [to Pete] Are there other unique issues that urban schools likely don’t have to face?

    8:40 [to Erin and Andrew] What have been your biggest learning curves?

    10:16 [to all] I imagine there are other other challenges that are faced by rural schools and their tumuaki, including things like resources and support for akonga that may be quite difficult to access. How do you make sure that rural kids get the support that they need around learning and behavior?

    12:56 [to all] What other challenges do rural schools and their tumuaki face, and how can you deal with those challenges?

    16:22 [to all] Can you tell me about some of the great things about being a rural principal?

    19:17 [to all] Is one of the benefits of being rural school tumuaki being able to tailor the curriculum to suit the rural lifestyle and rural kids?

    20:18 [to Andrew] Can you me about the support that the New Zealand Rural Schools Leadership Association (NZRSLA) provides for rural principals and how they can connect with each other and with the association?

    21:36 [to all] How important is it for rural principals to have support from their peers who are sharing, you know, similar experience as them?

    22:11 [to Pete and Erin] How do you connect with other tumuaki in your areas or other rural tumuaki?

    23:13 Is there anything that you'd like to add that we haven't already covered?

  • In this episode, we continue the conversation about building relationships with iwi, hapū and mana whenua, discussing common mistakes and how to avoid them, the importance of growing your knowledge of te ao Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and what good relationships with mana whenua can mean for a kura.

    My guests are:

    Robin Fabish, former tumuaki of Tamatea High School in Napier, currently working as a leadership advisor for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, the Ministry of EducationMelanie Taite-Pitama, former tumuaki and currently acting director of the Greater Wellington region for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.Regan Orr, Regan, principal of Central Normal School in Palmerston North, currently seconded to Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga as a leadership advisor for Taranaki, Whanganui and Manawatu.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    The importance of understanding Te Titiri and what happened in the pastLevel of te reo needed – bare minimum is making sure all of your kaiako and kaimahi can pronounce the school name and kids’ names correctlyCommon mistakes tumuaki make when engaging with mana whenua:Expecting iwi to give without reciprocation – relationships need to work both waysExpecting iwi to work the way you do – they work very differentlyOverestimating the capacity of marae and iwi – it might not be what you think it isNot renumerating iwi expertise appropriately or at all – if you compensate other experts for coming to your school, compensate iwi tooNot inviting local iwi to important events at the school – make sure you, as tumuaki, go down to the marae and invite them in personNot communicating properly with iwi – send them your pānui and ask if they want to contribute to those newslettersNot including iwi in important decisions for the kura – they want more than to do the blessing for the building when it opens, they want to be involved in the design and the flora and fauna tooThink about how you make the relationship reciprocal. Robin offered hapu the use of school workshops to build a new wharenui, or if there’s a tangi, offer the use of the school’s kitchen. Think about how the school’s resources can be used to support the whānau.If you have their back, they’ll have yours.Remember you don’t just enrol a child, you enrol their whole whānau and their tūpuna.

    To learn more about this topic, see Section 2 of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules [link].

    Additional information

    Te Wānanga o Aotearoa https://www.twoa.ac.nzPīnakitanga https://www.twoa.ac.nz/nga-akoranga-our-programmes/te-reo-maori-maori-language/te-pinakitanga-ki-te-reo-kairangiTuakaka-teina relationships https://tereomaori.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-guidelines/Teaching-and-learning-te-reo-Maori/Aspects-of-planning/The-concept-of-a-tuakana-teina-relationshipTe Ahu o te Reo https://www.education.govt.nz/our-work/overall-strategies-and-policies/te-ahu-o-te-reo-maori-fostering-education-in-te-reo-maori/


    1:00 [to Robin] Is there a particular level of understanding of te ao Māori and Te Tiriti that tumuaki should have before they start trying to build a relationship? I mean, many of them will have a basic understanding, but do they need more than that?

    2:58 [to Robin] Is there a certain level of reo that’s useful to have?

    4:47 [to Melanie] What are some common mistakes people make when engaging with mana whenua?

    11:20 [to Regan] How can tumuaki get rangatahi involved to make sure that relationship is meaningful and reciprocal and that it contributes to learning as well?

    14:07 [to Melanie] What do solid relationships with iwi and hapu mean for a kura?

    16:26 [to all] Is there anything that any of you want to add that we haven’t covered yet?

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  • Fostering a relationship with mana whenua that’s built on good faith and partnership is an important part of school leadership in Aotearoa, but relationships take time when you build them from a foundation. In this episode we talk about ways to begin, build, and maintain relationships with local iwi and hapū.

    My guests this week are:

    Robin Fabish, former tumuaki of Tamatea High School in Napier, currently working as a leadership advisor for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, the Ministry of EducationMelanie Taite-Pitama, former tumuaki and currently acting director of the Greater Wellington region for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.Regan Orr, Regan, principal of Central Normal School in Palmerston North, currently seconded to Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga as a leadership advisor for Taranaki, Whanganui and Manawatu.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Understanding that building trusting, genuine, and reciprocal relationships with mana whenua is both a moral and a legal obligationWhy it’s important to find out what tangata whenua want from kura in their areaBuilding good relationships with mana whenua is like building a friendship – you need to get to know each otherThe importance of learning who the hapū are at the marae, who runs those marae, the names and the whakapapa, the history and the cultural narrative of the area and how to find that out - this is really important to getting off on the right foot.Where to start if your kura doesn’t have an existing relationship/a good relationship with mana whenuaImportance of budgeting to acknowledge the contribution that mana whenua make to your school.

    To learn more about this topic, see Section 2 of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules [link].

    Additional information

    Māori Achievement Collaborative https://www.mac.ac.nzWaitangi Tribunal website https://www.waitangitribunal.govt.nz


    2:30 [to Robin] Why is it important for kura and their tumuaki to build a relationship with mana whenua?

    4:06 [to Robin] What are some of the things that mana whenua might want from a relationship with a kura. What might they want a kura to be doing?

    6:28 [to Regan] As a Pakeha principal, how did you go about building connections when you first moved into the tumuaki role?

    8:13 [to Regan] How did you bring your staff along for that journey?

    8:41 [to Melanie] Melanie what does a good relationship between a tumuaki and mana whenua look like?

    12:23 [to Melanie] How do you find information about your local iwi and hapu?

    14:22 [to Robin] If the kura doesn't have an existing relationship, or a good relationship maybe with local iwi and hapū or whānau, where does a new tumuaki start?

    16:51[to Regan] What should tumuaki should get their heads around before they start trying to build a relationship?

    18:54 What should tumuaki keep in mind when asking mana whenua to help with things in a kura?

  • Forging partnerships with whānau can make a big difference to the outcomes for ākonga in your school. Today we’re talking about relationships with whānau, including the best ways to engage and connect with families and caregivers who are reluctant to get involved.

    My guests this week are:

    Ngaire Ashmore, tumuaki of Auckland Girls’ Grammar SchoolJohn Prestidge, principal of Motueka High SchoolNgahina Transom, tumuaki of Frimley School in HastingsStephen Eames, principal of Raroa Normal Intermediate School in Wellington.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Partnering with whānau helps your ākonga to be successful at school, which is a common goal for you all. Showing you care is a great way to create trust.Remember that for some whānau, school may be a scary place where they themselves didn’t have good experiences – especially the principal’s office. Having people within your kura who can act as connectors (eg. attendance officers, other teachers) can work well, especially when you’re new to a school and haven’t had a chance to build your own relationships with families and caregivers.Some parents and caregivers may not be able to travel to school, so offering different ways to connect can work well, including for learning conversations – offer online options as well as in-person meetings.Sometimes something as simple as renaming an activity can turn it from something daunting into something fun, eg changing the name of ‘learning conferences’ to ‘learning celebrations’Kai can be a good way to get people in a room together. Thinking of creative ways to attract people to the kura is great eg. offering entry into a draw for kai vouchers for people who come along to learning conferences.Remember that whānau have a lot going on outside of school, so taking the time to get to know a family and how you can support them to support their tamariki is important.Don’t make assumption about why someone isn’t engaging with the school.Use lots of communication channels to connect with whānau and caregivers. Different channels work for different people – emails, text, social media, school apps and portals, face-to-face, phone calls.Keep your messaging consistent across all channels so there’s no chance of confusion.


    1:11 [to Ngaire] how have you built your relationships with parents and caregivers?

    3:37 [to all] How do you approach relationships with families that are more difficult to make time with?

    11:08 [to all] Which communication channels have you found to be most effective?

    16:27 [to all] What advice would you give to new tumuaki about engaging with whānau and community?

  • Being a tumuaki is all about relationships, and good relationships with whānau, the school community and the wider community are essential. Today, we’re talking about ways to connect, build and maintain relationships with your school and wider community.

    My guests are:

    Ngaire Ashmore, tumuaki of Auckland Girls’ Grammar SchoolJohn Prestidge, principal of Motueka High SchoolNgahina Transom, tumuaki of Frimley School in HastingsStephen Eames, principal of Raroa Normal Intermediate School in Wellington.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Importance of being yourself, of being authentic whenever you’re engaging with your community so you can build a genuine connection. Let whānau know you care about their tamariki by sharing your values, passion and hopes for their kids with them.Importance of taking the time to get to know students, staff and families/caregivers when you first start, remembering that the first impression a family will get of you will come from their kids.Learning who your key stakeholders are and taking the time to get to know them, even if you get sick of drinking cups of tea and coffee.If you’re building a relationship with iwi, understand that this is an important relationship and that it takes time. And if you’re looking for contacts in that iwi, look in your own kura - your whānau are iwi, your whānau are your voice, your whānau are your activators of your school and your community [note: building relationships with mana whenua will be covered in a future episode].Role model and live the values of your kura – they’re not just words on a website – to help bring your community along.Good relationships with your community can bring those values to life, creating a shared vision and trust and belief that what you’re doing is going to be good. It helps enable transformation to continue and evolve.Deficit theorising – you can always find problems, but with community buy-in you can solve them too.Look for opportunities to connect to help you learn who the key parties are in your community. You don’t need to figure it all out right away – you can form relationships by asking questions about to talk to about what.


    5:05 [to Ngaire] How important are relationships with whānau, school community and the wider community when you're tumuaki?8:01 [to John] When you first started in the tumuaki role in a new kura, what steps did you take to build those relationships with the families in your school, and with the community?11:26 [to Ngahina] How do you approach relationship-building?14:09 [to Ngahina] What can good relationships with your community enable for your kura?16:35 [to all] How do you establish who key stakeholders are when you first start in a school?
  • Being a tumuaki is a big job, and it can feel overwhelming and more than a little lonely at the top - but you’re not alone. Today, we’re talking about support available to new principals, and networks you can tap into for advice.

    My guests this week are:

    Saane Faaofo Oldehaver, currently seconded to the Ministry of Education for one year as leadership advisor Pasifika from her tumuaki role at Auckland’s Weymouth Primary School.Daniel Wilson, leadership advisor for Nelson Marlborough West Coast, on secondment from Nayland College in Nelson.Sandy Hastings, leadership advisor for Canterbury Chatham Islands area from her role as principal at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto in Christchurch.Patrick Ikiua, national director for professional practice with Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa, the New Zealand School Boards Association (previously NZSTA).

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Importance of developing partnership and networks of supportConnecting with kahui ako and other learning and development groupsWhen a principal should seek advice and/or support, and the importance of connection with othersAdvice and support provided by the NZSBA, and the importance of contacting them early on if there is an issueWhat leadership advisors can help you withSupport offered by the New Zealand Pasifika Principals AssociationOther regional and national principals’ associations and what they can help you withLegal schemes you can joinThe importance of making connections to avoid loneliness and isolationSupport the Ministry of Education providesLeadership advisorsEducation advisorsManager of integrated servicesLearning support teamFinancial advisorsTraumatic incidents teamProperty managersCurriculum advisorsNCEA advisorsFirst time principals programmeNZSBA principals onboarding programme for school boards

    Additional information:

    Kāhui Ako https://www.education.govt.nz/communities-of-learning/NZSBA https://www.tewhakaroputanga.org.nz/advice-and-support/Legal schemes you can joinNZPF https://nzpf.ac.nz/legal-resources-and-support/SPANZ https://www.spanz.school.nz/legal-about-benefitsNZ Pasifika Principals Association https://nzppa.comTe Akatea Maori Principals Association https://www.teakatea.co.nzNew Zealand Principals’ Federation https://nzpf.ac.nzTraumatic incident team - call 0800 848 326Other education sector contacts https://www.education.govt.nz/school/new-zealands-network-of-schools/about/school-network-contacts/Ministry of Education contacts https://www.education.govt.nz/our-work/our-role-and-our-people/contact-us/First time Principals Programme https://www.evaluate.co.nz/support-for-leaders/support-for-principals/leadership-advisor-support-for-beginning-principals


    1:38 [to Saane] Why is it important for a tumuaki to develop partnerships and networks of support, especially when they first start in the role?

    2:56 [to Sandy] When should a principal seek advice or support?

    5:40 [to Patrick] Can you tell me a little bit about the NZSBA please and what it does, and the name changes that's been through in the last little while?

    6:54 [to Patrick] Can you talk me through the kinds of issues that NZSBA can help with?

    8:27 [to Patrick] Why is it important to contact the NZSBA in the first instance?

    9:36 [to Daniel] Can you tell me a little bit about what leadership advisors do please, and what they can offer to new tumuaki?

    11:11 [to Saane] Can you please tell me a bit about the support NZPPA provides Pasifika principals?

    12:50 [to Sandy] There are a number of other national and regional principals associations that also provide support, including Te Akatea as well. Sandy, you were president of the Canterbury Primary Principals Association, what kinds of things did you do in that role?

    15:03 [to all] Thinking back to when you were starting as new tumuaki, what difference did it make to you knowing that you had people you could call on if you did have concerns?

    19:07 [to Sandy] What other support does the Ministry of Education provide to new tumuaki?

    19:51 [to Sandy] What do education advisors do?

  • Today we’re talking about the process of transition into the tumuaki role, and the challenges that come with becoming principal.

    My guests this week are:

    Tom Paekau, who moved into the role of tumuaki at Merivale School in Tauranga from a previous principal role at Te Puke’s Rangiuru SchoolNita Pond, who moved into the role of tumuaki at Whanganui Girls College after assistant principal and deputy principal roles at the school.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Pathways into the tumuaki roleTransition into principal role from senior leadershipGoing into a school new to you as principalImpressions of what tumuaki role would be like versus the realityTips for making a successful transition into the roleImportance of involving the school board in any change, and of bringing staff along on the journeyImportance of building relationshipsImportance of getting to know the school – strategic plan, finances, processesMistakes new tumuaki can make

    Episode themes:

    1:05 [to Nita] Tell me about your journey into the tumuaki role.

    1:33 [to Nita] What made you want to become tumuaki?

    2:06 [to Nita] Tell me about your transition into the tumuaki role. What went well and what did you find challenging?

    3:21 [to Nita] Were there any challenges that came from moving from peer to boss?

    4:01 [to Tom] You've come in as tumuaki to a school new to you a couple of times. Can you please tell me a bit about your previous roles?

    4:55 [to Tom] What was it like the first time you became principal in a new school, at Rangiuru?

    6:10 [to Tom] Looking back on that first role as tumuaki in a school that you had no prior knowledge of, is there anything you would have done differently?

    7:30 [to Tom] When you stepped into the role at Merivale School, was your experience different, because you now had some experience under your belt as tumuaki?

    9:37 [to Nita] What do you think was the magic ingredient for a successful transition into the principal role?

    11:05 [to Tom] How did you handle changes you made at the school with the staff? Did you bring them along for the ride, or how did you how did you navigate that?

    12:45 [to Tom] What do you think new tumuaki going into a school that's new to them should focus on?

    16:05 What do you think are the biggest mistakes new tumuaki make?

    18:00 What advice would you offer to new principals?

    20:09 What do you enjoy most about being tumuaki?

  • Today we’re talking about the law as it applies to schools and to the principal role. While you don't need to be a lawyer to be a principal, you do need to understand how legislation, natural justice and judge-made law affect your role. We talk through relevant legislation, powers you do and don’t have under law, managing legal risk, give tips for avoiding legal fishhooks, and let you know where to go for advice on actual or potential legal issues.

    My guests this week are:

    Gretchen Stone, partner at law firm Harrison Stone with significant expertise and practical experience in the legal issues that schools and school leaders face in New Zealand. Patrick Walsh, MNZM, tumuaki of Sacred Heart College in Auckland, former president of the Secondary Principals Association of New Zealand and the Australia New Zealand Education Law Association, foundation member of the New Zealand Teachers Council and current member of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Education Council, former chair of the New Zealand Law Society Seminars on Education Law.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS: https://training.education.govt.nz

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Importance of understanding legislation as it applies to schools and to the tumuaki roleLegislation principals should understand, including the Employment Relations Act, Privacy Act, Bill of Rights Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, Education and Training ActPowers principals do and don’t have under legislation, including in relation to suspensionsResponsibilities of principals under lawRelevant sections of legislation to get your head aroundManaging legal riskEnsuring you have a good complaints policy to help manage issuesThings that can trip tumuaki up and how they can be avoided, including the dangers of zero tolerance policiesWhere to go for advice.

    To learn more about this topic, see Section 1 of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules [link].

    Additional information:

    New Zealand School Boards Association (formerly New Zealand School Trustees Association, NZSTA)


    Dealing with complaints


    Education and the law


    Basic principals of law for school leaders


    Education and Training Act 2020




    Health and Safety at Work Act 2015






    Employment Relations Act 2000




    Privacy Act 2020


    Privacy Act 2020: Resources for schools


    Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines – Part 1


    Guidelines Part 1: Legal options and duties PDF


    Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines – Part 2


    Guidelines Part 2: Good practice


    M&R vs Palmerston North Boys’ High School decision



    1:52 How important is it that new principals understand the legislation that applies to schools and to the principal role when they're first starting out?

    2:59 Which legislation is particularly important for new tumuaki to get their heads around?

    4:52 What powers do tumuaki have under the Education and Training Act?

    6:35 What powers don’t tumuaki have?

    7:08 What are the responsibilities of principals under law?

    8:28 Are there particular sections that are important to look for in legislation?

    9:27 What can new principals do to manage legal risk?

    11:39 What can principals do to minimise legal risk?

    13:28 What are the pitfalls, the fishhooks that can trip new tumuaki up, and how can they avoid them?

    16:38 Where should principals go for advice on legal matters?

    19:44 Any advice you would like to share with new tumuaki?

  • Welcome to The Principals, a podcast series for new school principals in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    This week, we’re talking about the basics of the tumuaki role – how it differs from other senior leadership roles in a school, your new responsibilities as principal, and how the role changes depending on the kura itself.

    My guests this week are:

    Leanne Otene, president of the New Zealand Principals’ Federation, on secondment from her role as principal at Manaia View School in WhangareiVaughan Couillault, Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand president and tumuaki of Papatoetoe High School in AucklandBruce Jepsen, manukura of Te Akatea Maori Principals’ Association and tumuaki of Te Akau Ki Papamoa Primary School in TaurangaAndrew King, president of the New Zealand Rural and Area Schools Leadership Association and principal of Oropi School in the Bay of Plenty.

    This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.

    You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS.

    Show notes

    Episode themes:

    Overview of tumuaki role, and different hats principals wearDifferences between other roles in a school and tumuaki roleHow assumptions about how the tumuaki role changed once our guests became principalsHow the context of a school changes the nature of the roleWhat new tumuaki should focus on when they first startAdvice for new principals, from those who’ve been there before.

    To learn more about this topic, see Section 1 of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules [link].

    Guest information:

    Leanne Otene, president of the New Zealand Principals’ Federation, on secondment from her role as principal at Manaia View School in WhangareiNew Zealand Principals’ Federation https://nzpf.ac.nzVaughan Couillault, Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand president and tumuaki of Papatoetoe High School in AucklandSecondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand https://www.spanz.school.nzSPANZ FAQs https://www.spanz.school.nz/general-faqBruce Jepsen, manukura of Te Akatea Maori Principals’ Association and tumuaki of Te Akau Ki Papamoa Primary School in TaurangaTe Akatea Maori Principals’ Association https://www.teakatea.co.nzHuia Kaimanawa https://www.teakatea.co.nz/huia-kaimanawa/about-huia-kaimanawaAndrew King, president of the New Zealand Rural and Area Schools Leadership Association and principal of Oropi School in the Bay of Plenty.NZRASLA https://www.nzrasla.ac.nzPrincipals’ toolkit https://www.nzrasla.ac.nz/15/pages/11-nzei-principals-toolkit


    2:19 [to Andrew] How much of a jump was it moving from a team leader role into the role of tumuaki?

    3:02 [to Bruce] When you first started as tumuaki what did you think the role would be, and how different was it than what you first thought?

    4:17 [to Leanne] Thinking back to when you first started, did you have assumptions about the role and what it would be like?

    5:39 [to Vaughn] You’d had some senior leadership roles in some pretty big schools before you became tumuaki. How does the tumuaki role differ from those other senior management roles, in your experience?

    6:59 [to Andrew] So you all wear so many hats as principals, and I imagine that the hats that you wear can be different from day to day. What kinds of issues you could be dealing with in a in a typical week, if there is such a thing?

    7:58 [to Vaughan] When we spoke previously you mentioned things like drainage issues on the property, you know things that I would never think that a principal would have to deal with

    8:44 [to Bruce and Leanne] You agree that it's a CEO role, but it's way more than that?

    10:00 [to Bruce] Do you think there’a a way to prepare yourself for these things that you don't know you don't know until you realize you don't know them.

    11:09 [to all] How does the context of a school change the principal role?

    14:04 [to all] Do you think relationship building is the most important thing for a tumuaki to focus on when they first start in the role?

    18:10 [to all] If you could give any advice to incoming tumuaki one piece of advice, what would it be?

    19:40 [to all] What is your favourite thing about being tumuaki?

    21:50 [to all] Anything to add before we wrap up?