Tervetuloa Odotushuoneeseen! Lapsen odotus, synnytys ja kotiin asettumisen aika ovat täynnä kysymyksiä ja oivalluksia. Tuleville ja tuoreille vanhemmille suunnattu Liberon Odotushuone podcast on suoraa puhetta vanhemmuudesta asiantuntijoiden ja tunnettujen äitien ja isien kanssa. Odotushuoneessa vierailee yli kaksikymmentä asiantuntijaa ja vaikuttajaa. Kuulemme lääkäreitä, kätilöitä ja psykologeja yhdessä tunnettujen vanhempien kanssa. Podcastin juontaa kolmen lapsen äiti, toimittaja ja juontaja Marja Hintikka. Liberolla on ilo kutsua sinut Odotushuoneeseen kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan vanhemmudesta ja vauva-arjesta.
If you work with kids, families, or clients impacted by trauma, you’re in the right place.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is your go-to podcast for real conversations about trauma, attachment, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.
Every other week, host Kirsty Nolan sits down with experts in attachment, trauma, and child development to talk about the stuff that really matters—how trauma shapes behavior and development, how to build stronger relationships, and how to bring these insights into your daily work.
Looking for practical tips you can actually use? Wondering how to better support your clients? Curious about the latest research in attachment and trauma? We’ve got you covered.
With nearly 2 million downloads, over 300 episodes, and a loyal community of listeners, the Attachment Theory in Action Podcast helps professionals like you grow and learn—all in under an hour, every other week.
Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, social worker, parent, or simply someone who cares deeply about helping others, this is a space for learning, growth, and inspiration. Hit follow, and let’s dive into the work that changes lives.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is brought to you by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. The Knowledge Center has equipped thousands of educators, clinicians, and helping professionals on the latest trauma-informed, attachment based strategies. Visit to learn more.
Want to jump behind the mic and share your expertise? Visit to fill out our form to be a guest. -
When it comes to grief, individual loss is unique, yet so much of grief is universal. How do we lean into the pain, and then let it go? How do we reconnect with our loved ones and find them in new ways? What does death and losing someone ultimately teach us about life? Join Kelsey Chittick — writer, comedian, and widow of NFL Super Bowl Champion, Nate Hobgood-Chittick — as she explores grief and its gifts.
A Zibby Audio production.
Music by Morning Moon Music.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Beyond the Boob, the podcast where your friends from the Milk Minute move beyond breastfeeding to focus in on a new pregnancy! What happens when a midwife and lactation consultant finds out she's expecting her third baby?
Listen in as Heather chronicles her pregnancy and plans her first homebirth with Maureen as her midwife! Join your favorite podcasters for a week-by-week journey full of unfiltered pregnancy experiences and badass midwifery wisdom.
Beyond the Boob is filled with practical prenatal education that you won't get anywhere else!
For full access subscribe on Apple Podcasts or join the Milk Minute Podcast Patreon. -
Becoming a mother is life-changing in nearly every way. Some days are magical, some days are survival. You have new priorities, hopes, worries, perspectives, and identities - your world is all new. And it’s never been so full.
If you want to embrace change, learn and grow, and bloom in motherhood - you’re in the right place. -
Do you struggle in your parenting because of childhood pain? Do you sometimes repeat old patterns from your childhood? You want to be a better parent, but you don’t know how. I understand, parents. I came from dysfunction, trauma, and abuse. I didn’t know what was healthy. Over the years, as a school counsellor, and mom of two, I learned what is healthy and how to be healthy with my own children. There’s a better way to parent where you feel good and so do your children. This way can replace the old patterns so you can nurture healthy relationships with your kids. This is relational parenting. This is what I teach parents.
Hi, I’m Anne Alvares, Parent Coach of the Masterful Parenting Program. In this 9 week program, I will help you to heal, gain confidence in your parenting and foster healthy relationships with your kids. You will learn how to become more self-aware, how to connect better, and ways to communicate that touches your child’s heart. I have helped many parents over the years as a high school counsellor and teacher and I am also the mother of two boys, age 23 and 13. I understand the challenges of parenting and have gained the skills to help keep peace and build relationship with your kids. And I can help you too. If you want to feel confident about your parenting, less tired, more connected, and more appreciated by your kids, then you are in the right place. Join me in my Masterful Parenting Podcast. I truly believe parents can feel empowered in their role and we can change the world one parent at a time. -
Join hosts Dr. Carrie Wilkens and Rev. Jan Brown in this 6-part series as they explore the complicated and often life-altering, experience of loving someone struggling with substance use. Jan and Carrie will provide ways to approach the helping process that are grounded in the latest science and their guests will share how real change happens for a family and the community around them. Re-Thinking Rock Bottom sheds light on the impact shame and stigma have on those struggling and the people who care about them and provides insights that can help everyone involved invite in and find the belonging they need. If you don’t have optimism that someone who struggles with substance use can change, we hope that you borrow some of ours and join on us on this journey.
Rethinking Rock Bottom is a production of CMC:Foundation for Change, a 501c3 non profit dedicated to providing evidence-based tools for change to everyone who cares about a person struggling with substance use. Visit WWW.CMCFFC.ORG to find more resources, sign up for a workshop or find a support group. -
Emilia Vuorisalmi on lääkäri, tietokirjailija, yrittäjä sekä kahden lapsen äiti. Emilian intohimo on rohkaista ja inspiroida ihmisiä sekä auttaa jokaista löytämään oma yksilöllinen resepti terveeseen ja täyteen elämään. DocEmilia-podcastissa keskustellaan mielenkiintoisista terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvistä teemoista eri alojen johtavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.
Suomi tarvitsee enemmän positiivista puhetta perhe-elämästä. Ruuhkavuosirakkautta-podissa keskustellaan perheestä, työstä, parisuhteesta, taloudesta, hyvinvoinnista ja koko elämän ihanasta härdellistä.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En ohämmad och intim podd från folkkära realitystjärnan Mia Parnevik och barndomsvännen Annelie Engblom. Kliv rakt in i ett frispråkigt samtal mellan två bästa vänner som ibland vet lite för mycket om varann. Ta del av allt från tokiga ungdomsminnen till Parneviks brokiga vardag i solparadiset. Igenkänningsfaktor kan bli hög om du är tonårsmorsa, känner vallningar eller en gång insisterat på spretlugg och axelvaddar!
Parnevik & Engblom klipps av Victor Ganguly -
Parents! We CAN change the world, starting with the way we're parenting our future.
Up to this point in history, children have been seen as less than and parented in a way that uses power over a child. Most of us were parented in this way but there is a shift in thinking about the way we raise our kids. Parents don’t feel good about using shame, blame, criticism, punishments, and even rewards, to get their kids to listen. Parents are wanting a different way because they know from their own childhoods this type of parenting hurts and leaves us with scars we take with us through our adulthood.
Each one of my episodes is designed to help you navigate the difficult journey of parenting but in a way that is more peaceful and intentional. I’ll show you how to get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling, punishments and rewards. I’ll show you how to understand your own feelings and those of your kids.
My intention is to bring you to a place where you feel connected with your kids and yourself (we often get lost when we become parents!). Tune in weekly for all the inside tips, tools and tricks I teach my private clients to help you build the family you always wanted, and to become the parent you always envisioned you would be. I promise to provide you with fun and entertaining content that will leave you seeing your kids and your reactions in a whole new light!
Please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps, and leave you feeling inspired! I am always grateful for every person who subscribes, leaves a review and rates my podcast 5 stars. -
Husbands and wives were designed to be different. You want different things in marriage and intimacy on every level (emotional, spiritual, and physical).
Whether you're a wife or a husband, whether you're suffering or pretty good... and you're looking for Bible-based insights and scriptural practical guidance on how to transform your marriage, you've found the right podcast!
We have "transformation stories" that will inspire hope that putting into practice these principles, by God's grace, can truly change your intimacy completely.
If you're looking to see how to transform your marriage sign up for a free Clarity Call, we can hear your story and work with you to determine if we are confident we can help you: -
The Confessions of a Bikini Pro Podcast is the only place where IFBB bikini pros share their struggles, strategies, stories, insights, and advice in a real, raw, and vulnerable setting.
The goal of this podcast is to educate, inspire, and remind other competitors, athletes, or the every day gym goer that even the most elite professionals face hardships, health problems, mental obstacles, and other adversities.
All show notes, time stamps, links, and information can be found on this page, just search the athlete you want to listen to in the alphabetized categories section or keep scrolling.
Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast if you love it as much as we do so we can continue spreading the message to people worldwide! And be sure to follow @celestial_fit on instagram too for behind the scenes, sneak peeks, and more! Tag her and the guests in your posts and stories loving on the podcasts too!
Make sure to rate, review, and subscribe so you never miss an episode! -
Debbie Potts is the host of 'The Low Athlete Podcast', author, speaker and coach. Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with The WHOLESTIC Method elements. In this podcast, you will gain the knowledge how to burn fat, optimize health (mitochondria!) and improve athletic performance. If you want to be a peak performer in LIFE and SPORTS, then listen in each week to our conversations on all topics to optimize your health and longevity.
Do you want to improve your athletic performance AND the aging process at the same time? Debbie will discuss the elements of with "The WHOLESTIC Method" program:
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Stress
5. Movement & Mobility
6. Digestion & Gut Health (Immunity!)
7. Hydration
8. Happiness, Play & Gratitude
Life is not a Race… it is a journey. Learn from Debbie’s mistakes in over training and being addicted to busyness for too many years. Now she is on a mission to help others living life as a race to avoid burn out and break down at a cellular level.
You will learn how to become metabolically flexible fat burner, optimize your health, and improve your performance for athletics- or just the challenges of daily life! More is not better... The GOLDILOCKS Effect is real! Learn from Debbie's mistakes, experiences and education. Stop over training, under recovering and living each day as a race.
You will learn when you should slow down to push the 'pause-reset' button to re-calibrate daily! We discuss external stressors and hidden internal stressors that are impacting your ability to burn fat, performance gains and longevity.
Men and women are different but also that we are all bio-individuals with different genetic make up, stressors and lifestyles- so there is NOT once size fits all approach to anything!
Join the journey and transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method' elements and Coach Debbie Potts. Debbie is committed to following her purpose, passion and mission to helping transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method".
Read all about Debbie's journey in her book 'LIFE IS NOT A RACE' and in her 'The WHOLESTIC Method Manual" on Amazon. Contact Debbie to learn about her "health detective" services on
Debbie is a certified Kion Coach, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) - as well as much more!
Learn more about Debbie on
Debbie Potts
Health Coach, Author, Speaker & Podcaster
Host of The Low Carb Athlete Podcast
The WHOLESTIC Method Coaching Program
The D&D Fitness Radio podcast is the culmination of more than 50 years of elite coaching experience in sport, fitness and health by two individuals at the top of their professions: Don Saladino and Derek M. Hansen. Don and Derek speak with the world's top experts and performers to bring you the best information to enhance your health, wellness and human performance.
Emelie och Mikael är nyblivna föräldrar som tillsammans med sina lyssnare utforskar vad det innebär att vara förälder. Hur byts blöjorna bäst, sova ensam eller med mamma och pappa. Godis, socker, skärmtid? När ska barnet gå, krypa? Det finns hundratals saker att ta reda på och där det ej finns ett tydligt svar så finns det en intressant diskussion!