We make no secret of the fact that we are anti-diet culture. But, does that mean that we are anti-body modification? And what happens when one of our clients comes to us with a desire to change their body? Can you love your body and want to change it?
Listen in are we discuss a listener question that address these topics and more.
Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:
PUSH Fitness’ email address: info@thepushfitness.com
You know those globo gyms like you see in the movie Dodgeball? Many times larger gym spaces like that are filled with toxic masculinity, racism, homophobia, ableism and the like. Matt Turnquist, general manager of Pursue Fitness in Springfield, Oregon sits and talks with us about ways that he is working to change the big gym culture to be a safer and more inclusive space.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Justice Roe Williams of Fitness 4 All Bodies
The Performative and Toxic Roots of Kettlebell Culture - 6 Hour Course
Health At Every Size (HAES) Principles
PUSH Fitness Instagram Handle: @push.fitness.salem
Matt Turnquist’s Instagram Handle: @mattturnquist
Manglende episoder?
Wether we’ve been made aware of it or not, we’ve all unintentionally harmed someone. We that happens, it’s important that we steer away from becoming self defensive, lean into the discomfort and seek to understand how we can both take accountability and do better.
In this episode we talk through what this looks like in three areas: individually, interpersonally and systemically.
Also, full disclosure, we started the episode with margaritas so, buckle up.
Love the PUSH Podcast? Support us on Patreon! ===> www.patreon.com/PUSHFitness
We’re back, baby! After a hiatus, we are finally here with season 3 and we are excited!
In this episode we talk about how the fitness industry has historically shaped and defined what our society views as “good” and “bad” bodies. Well…..we strongly disagree with their expectations and made up standards!
How can we place more focus on the social determinants of health versus just a number on a scale or an effed up BMI assessment? Can we redefine fitness?
Listen in on the discussion to hear more on this important topic!
Resources Discussed In This Episode:
Community workouts with PUSH Fitness & Black Joy Oregon
Justice Roe Williams from Fitness 4 All Bodies - Abolition of The Fitness Industrial Complex
Trauma Informed Care
Trauma Informed Oregon
Health At Every Size
Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison
The Body Is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
Fearing The Black Body by Sabrina Strings
Food Psych Podcast
The PUSH Podcast
Study Reference: Adipose Tissue Distribution, Inflammation and Its Metabolic Consequences, Including Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Article Reference: Do 95% of Dieters Really Fail?
Social Determinants of Health
Squats for Social Justice event
Content Warning: This episode tackles the topic of pro-life, pro-choice, abortion and the recently passed 6-week abortion ban in the state of Texas. We will be discussing personal abortion stories, miscarriage and more related to this topic.
This episode is heavy. If these topics are triggering to you in any way, we ask that you please protect your mental and emotional health by skipping this episode.
We would describe ourselves as being both pro-life and pro-choice. Does it sound like we’re straddling the fence? Well…we’re not. Listen to this episode to hear more about our thoughts on this very difficult and very important topic.
Resources discussed in this episode:
The Advocate Activism Podcast with Rayah Dickerson and Amira Stanley
The PUSH Podcast Patreon Page
Ever wonder what sex, purity culture and diet culture have in common? Check out our latest episode to find out!
In this episode we sit down with sex educator and sex coach Meaghan Thurston to talk all things sex, body image, pursuit of pleasure and more! Listen to our latest episode now!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Meaghan Thurston’s website
Meaghan Thurston’s social media
Squats for Social Justice
Becoming a PUSH Patron
We’ve heard it time and time again. Our pregnant clients who have shared that they are terrified of gaining “too much” weight during pregnancy. But….how much is too much?
In this episode as we discuss:
Our personal pregnancy experiences and feeling of shame around our bodies
The illusory effect
Why gestational diabetes doesn’t make you a failure
Resources on continued learning on what having a healthy pregnancy can look like for you.
Give our latest episode and listen and let us know what you think!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Justice Roe Williams
“Do Diets Really Fail?” by Regan Chastain
The Trajectory of Truth: A Longitudinal Study of the Illusory Truth Effect
The risk of eating disorder relapse during pregnancy and after delivery and postpartum depression among women recovered from eating disorders
HAES Health Sheets: Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis (T2D)
We are so excited and honored to have Justice Roe Williams as a guest on this episode of the PUSH Podcast! If you've been listening for awhile you know that we talk about Justice in pretty much every episode.
Justice is a Certified Personal Trainer, head coach at Kettlebell Justice, founder of The Queer Gym Pop Up and BodyImage4Justice, and Executive Director of Fitness4AllBodies. As a trans, body-positive activist Justice is committed to creating safe spaces for everyone and implores others to do the same, particularly those within the fitness industry.
Justice's passion, laugh foundation of love is contagious. Believe us when we say that this is an episode that you just don't want to miss!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Justice’s courses through Fitness For All Bodies
The PUSH Podcast Patreon page
“Fitness has no shape, fitness has no size, no gender, no age, nothing. It is for everybody.” - Jen Borruso of Anchor Fit Club
Like many of us in the fitness industry, Jen started her fitness career with a company that claims to be “all about health”, but really isn’t.
In this episode we talk with Jen Borruso of Anchor Fit Club about her journey from a very unsatisfying experience with a fitness company designed to prey on people’s insecurities to where she is today.
Jen is raw, honest and an all around good human. Check out our interview with Jen in our latest episode!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Jen B. Anchor Fit Club website
Jen B. Coaching Faceook
Jen B. Coaching Instagram
Meg Boggs
Your health is about so much more than what your body looks like or the number on the scale.
There are so many factors like your background, family life, trauma, how the society that you live in values you and so much more that is at play when it comes to overall health.
Julianne Jackson of Black Joy Oregon sits down with us in this episode to give us an authentic look at her life, her past and present struggles and her ability to put joy at the forefront whenever possible.
We are beyond thrilled to share this episode with you where we sit down with Claire Snyder, a local activist and good friend to us here at the PUSH Podcast.
In this episode we discuss:
Claire’s lived experiences as a Black women in different fitness environments and in her community;
How mental health is so crucial to overall health
Her evolution toward becoming an activist;
Her relationship with her body growing up and how it has changed throughout the years;
And more. Such much more!
Laugh, cry and learn with us as we talk with Claire during our latest podcast episode.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Sit in Salem
Black Joy Oregon
SEKNA Community Garden
Salem Keizer Interfaith Network
“What we’re creating here is what we never got ourselves.” - Stacy Hobson
Stacy Hobson from SLH Fitness dives deep with us on this episode of the PUSH Podcast. Listen in as we discuss:
Weight stigma in personal training spaces, medical biases & fatphobia
How fitness doesn’t have one a look and neither do personal trainers. We need to keep showing up and pushing back against diet culture and the fitness industrial complex
And so much more!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Stacy Hobson - website
“The Beauty Myth” by Naomi Wolf
“Average American women’s clothing size: comparing National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys (1988–2010) to ASTM International Misses & Women’s Plus Size clothing” by Deborah A. Christel and Susan C. Dunn
Health at Every Size
In this episode we are so excited to interview Bee Decker, our first outside guest interviewee on the PUSH Podcast!
Bee, owner of Spill the Beans Etc and The Freckled Bee, shares her experiences about her relationship with her body growing up, her journey toward embracing her body and where she is at today. Also, you’re going to get the lowdown on the best Cheetos out there. You don’t want to miss this episode!
TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains descriptions and discussions surrounding physical and sexual abuse, eating disorders and specific body image issues pertaining to weight, clothing sizes, diets and over exercising. We recognize that breaking up with diet culture takes time, grace and patience. We are all constantly learning how to navigate this battle. We here at the PUSH Podcast want to honor where you are at with your physical and emotional health. If listening to discussions on this topic will be triggering for you in any way, we suggest that you take care of yourself and go ahead and skip this episode.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Spill the Beans Etc
The Freckled Bee
Bee Baby Instagram account
Black Joy Oregon + PUSH Fitness Community Workouts
In this episode Jill interviews Cara, co-host of the PUSH Podcast. Hear more about Cara’s story of growing up, how she made the transition from trying to conform to the thin ideal to the body liberation that she experiences today and how she can show up as her most authentic self in this world.
Trigger warning: Cara has suffered from eating disorders and is a rape survivor which we discuss in this episode. Please take care of your mental health and proceed with caution.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Keizer Pride Fair
Fitness for All Bodies Swing-a-Thon
Become a PUSH Patron!
A diet unicorn. We can all visualize that person in our life that has lost weight by dieting and has kept it off.
Or….so it seems.
When we step back and take a look at the bigger picture, what are the things that we don’t see? What parts of the story are unknown?
In this episode we break down all of the reasons that dieting may look successful for some people and what variables we may not consider when we see those before and after photos on social media.
Oh, and we also talk about what kind of dogs we are according to our personality types.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Black Joy Oregon & PUSH Fitness Community Workouts
Unexpected Clues Emerge About Why Diets Fail by Daniel Engber
Love the PUSH Podcast? Become a PUSH Patron!
Being trainers who firmly believe in health at every size we are no strangers to the backlash from folks who are immersed in diet culture and who are tied to the Western “ideal” when it comes to fitness. One of the questions we are asked is, “Are you promoting obesity then?”
Short answer: Yes. ;)
Long answer: Listen to the episode. It may actually be the other way around!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Ignaz Semmelweis
QRisk Calculator
The social determinants of health
Healthy lifestyle habits and mortality in overweight and obese individuals
Become a PUSH Patron!
Whether it’s a big globo-gym or a tiny boutique training studio, fitness spaces historically have not been welcoming for all people. In this episode we discuss and explore some ways that we can all work toward creating and cultivating fitness spaces that feel safe for everyone.
Bonus material: discover that Jill has low standards when it comes to popsicle sanitation.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Fitness For All Bodies
“What It's Like Being a Black, Body-Positive Female Trainer In an Industry That's Predominantly Thin and White” by Chrissy King
Community Workouts with Black Joy Oregon & PUSH Fitness
Become a PUSH Patron!
Have you ever bargained with yourself over food?
Have you ever binged on a food that you had been trying to limit yourself on?
Have you ever used exercise as punishment for what you ate?
If you’ve answered “Yes,” to any of the above you are not alone. We have all been wading in the waters of diet culture and quite frankly, swimming away can be really tough.
Listen in as we tackle the topic of dealing with treats and dieting, as well as some strategies for beginning to find peace with your relationship with your body and with food.
Resources discussed in this episode:
Fitness for All Bodies
Black Joy Oregon
Join Black Joy Oregon & PUSH Fitness on Slack
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with Christy Harrison
Become a PUSH Patron!
The Surprising Problem with Calorie Counting (Part 1: Calories In)
The Surprising Problem with Calorie Counting (Part 2: Calories Out)
Do you love the PUSH Podcast? Consider becoming a PUSH Patron! Becoming a PUSH Patron will give you early access episodes, personalized Q&As, exclusive content, freebies and more! Get more info and become a PUSH Patron here ====> PUSH PATRON
“I don’t care how you look, I just care that you’re healthy!”
Hmmm…..really, though?
In this episode we tackle shame and stigma surrounding weight, what determine’s a person’s ability to be healthy and how society has created a hierarchy surrounding what “good” bodies should look like.
Also, Cara gets a little heated about Joe Rogan.
Listen in as we dive in to discuss this topic and more!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Fitness For All Bodies
Justice Roe Williams
PUSH Fitness Instagram account
The social determinants of health
Ragan Chastain
The long term health effects of playing football
The 4 pillars of athleticism
History of the terms “overweight” and “obese.”
The history of the BMI
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