This is the 2nd podcast in a series on the Medicine Supply in Global Health. Today we will be looking at the Supply System vs the Primary Health Care Program.
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This is the 1st podcast in a series on the Medicine Supply in Global Health. Today we will be looking at the basics challenges in supplying medicines and what a good supply program looks like.
In this 3rd and final podcast of this series on Storytelling in global health, we will look at how to use stories in our own work as global health professionals.
This is the 2nd podcast in a series on Storytelling in global health. In this podcast we will be talking about what types of stories health professionals tell.
This is the 1st podcast in a series on storytelling in global health.
In this podcast we discuss with Dr. Elvira Beracochea about why it's important to use effective storytelling in global health.
In this 3rd episode of our M&E series, we address the following questions: Is everyone using the same definition of M&E? What exactly is being evaluated, and how? What needs to be done when you conduct an evaluation? What must be done when your own project gets evaluated?
This podcast is the 1st in a series on the topic of Monitoring and Evaluation in global health. Here we try take a general look at the state of M&E today and ask the question: What can be done to improve M&E in global health?
We interview Dr. Beracochea who is a global health professional with more than 30 years experience in over 50 countries. She is the President and CEO of Realizing Global Health and a tireless advocate for stronger health systems and support for the development of health professionals. And in collaboration her colleague, Jennifer Winestock Luna, they developed a one-day workshop that promotes a unified direction that avoids misunderstandings and promotes a collaborative methodology between donor and implementing partners.
In this podcast we speak with author Gina Stracuzzi about the importance of telling one's story and why personalizing health communications can be so effective.
In this podcast we talk with co-author Eric Munoz and talk about food aid, experiences from his work with Oxfam America, and why food aid is important when looking at aid effectiveness in health.
In this Podcast we will be talking about Scaling up of high impact interventions, with co-authors of chapter 10, Dr. Rashad Massoud and Nana Mensah Abrampah.
In this podcast episode we will be talking about Asking Effective, Powerful Questions with author of chapter 24, Dianna Crouse
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