Is there a diet and exercise routine that will make you more sanctified? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss the Muscular Christianity movement and how it reverberates in our churches, even to this day.
Are we really justified before God by faith alone, or are our works a necessary part of our salvation? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss the Protestant understanding of justification by faith alone, both from the scriptures and from the confessions and catechisms.
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The place of good works in the Christian life has been and often still is confusing. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we talk through how good works fit into our lives as believers.
Emotional ups and downs are normal for all of us, and that doesn't change when we become Christians. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss depression, anxiety, and our eternal hope in Christ.
Come celebrate the glory and humility of Jesus, the God man with us on this special Christmas episode of The Reclamation. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss the primacy of Christ for Christians, and the implications of the incarnation with pastor Bradley Gray.
Gospel comfort was built in to the confessions and catechisms of the reformation. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss this wonderful gospel comfort with Reverend Ben Crosby on this week's episode of the Reclamation.
Law Gospel distinction, and a clear understanding of the gospel are not new concepts of the 21st Century, in fact, they were established in the early church and rediscovered in the Reformation. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we talk with Pastor Cody Schwichtenberg about Gospel Clarity in the Reformed Tradition.
As those in the faith, we have so much to be grateful for, but what is the foundation of that gratitude? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss what it means to have a godly gratitude, as opposed to a worldly gratitude. Spoiler alert, it has to do with our redemption in Christ.
Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we sit down with Pastor Bob Hiller to discuss gospel clarity, law/gospel distinction, and the function of the law and gospel in the life of the believer. Bob Hiller is the pastor of Community Lutheran Church in Escondido and San Marcos CA, a cohost on The White Horse Inn, and content editor for "Craft of Preaching" at 1517.org.
Piety is good, so wouldn't focusing on our personal piety be a positive thing? Not exactly. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss the origins and effects of Pietism, and offer a more hopeful alternative.
What is the ultimate end of salvation? Will we be disembodied spirits, floating around on clouds with harps and little cherub wings? The real answer might actually shock you, and I don't want to ruin the surprise, so join Brad Kafer, Pastor Timothy Baird, and Pastor Carl Mosser to hear what the bible, the church fathers, and the reformers had to say about it.
Join Brad Kafer, pastor Jeremiah Hurt, and pastor Carl Gobelman as we discuss what it looks like to lead a Reformed church as a pastor who's dedicated to making Jesus the main character. Christ is not only our Justifier, but our Sanctifier as well.
Is the Christian life just a checklist of spiritual activities? If it feels that way, then this episode is for you. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss several things that you are not required to do as a Christian in this week's episode of the Reclamation.
What's the value of the creeds for us as modern believers? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we talk with author Phillip Cary about the rich gospel clarity of the Nicene Creed and Luther's understanding of it on this week's episode.
Is Jesus your Good Shepherd, or your drill instructor? Join us this week for part 2 of Gospel Discipleship with Jeremy Marshall.
What does discipleship look like when it's grounded in the gospel as opposed to our obedience? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we talk with pastor Jeremy Marshall about gospel discipleship on this week's episode.
We aren't inventing a new teaching for the modern church, we're reclaiming teachings that go back hundreds of years, arguably all the way to the apostles. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we explore articles 22, 23, and 24 of the Belgic Confession and bask in its gospel clarity.
The Reclamation joins forces with Doth Protest in this week's episode. Join Michael Lewis and Brad Kafer as we hear the stories of two Episcopal priests (James Rickenbaker and Kyle Tomlin) and how they each came to gospel clarity. We also discuss the fruits of Christ centered preaching and rightly understanding Jesus' disposition toward us as believers.
Okay, so I'm all about the clarity of the gospel and law/gospel distinction...now what? Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss how to get along well in settings where there isn't a clear Law/Gospel distinction, and when it may be time to move on.
You don't have to be a theology troll to be confessional. In fact, we would argue that the confessions offer us a clear picture of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone, and that we find comfort and rest in confessionalism, not theological superiority. Join Brad Kafer and Michael Lewis as we discuss cheerful confessionalism with Pastor Tony Phelps.
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