Welcome to "The Autism Dad" podcast, hosted by Rob Gorski — a single father to three remarkable autistic children and the voice behind a widely-read blog that has been a lifeline for parents since 2010. With over a decade of firsthand experience, Rob's insights have not only impacted families worldwide but have also been featured on platforms like The Tamron Hall Show, ABC News, BBC Worldwide, CNN, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for fresh episodes that delve into the complex world of autism and special needs parenting. This podcast serves as a safe haven, offering a blend of personal stories, expert interviews, and actionable advice. Whether you're a parent navigating the nuanced challenges of raising a neurodivergent child or simply someone looking to better understand the realm of autism, "The Autism Dad" podcast provides understanding, support, and education for all. Don't go this journey alone; tune in and become part of a community committed to awareness, acceptance, and growth.
Sometimes challenging, sometimes inspiring. Always authentic. A radio show for real people experiencing divorce and family breakup.
Alternative Divorce is about staying out of court, protecting the children and saving money by getting the information and inspiration you need to divorce amicably, and to create healthy blended co-parenting families. -
Go behind the memes with Stefanie Parker (@shesallbach) and Jackie Maroney (@jackiemaroney_) as they discuss The Bachelor franchise and the drama that surrounds it. Listen for real life encounters, interviews with alumni, recaps, reality TV news, and so much more. Plus, every Friday, join in for Sound Off in the Comments Below, where the listeners submit pop culture questions and topics.
Fyrir um 25 árum fæddust tvær litlar stelpur á Landspítalanum í Reykjavík sem eru nú sestar hér fyrir framan tvo litla míkrafóna sem senda raddir þeirra rakleiðis í sætu litlu eyrun þín kæri Homo sapiens. Velkomin í hlaðvarpið ÞETTA FULLORÐNA FÓLK ER SVO SKRÝTIÐ þar sem Björk Guðmundsdóttir og Annalísa Hermannsdóttir kryfja breyskleika manneskjunnar í gegnum ýmsar kenningar og rannsóknir sem tengjast mannlegu eðli, menningu og gríni.
Stef: K.óla -
One Mom and A Dream Podcast is a verbal platform used to empower and encourage moms by speaking on all things postpartum and faith.
Our host, Allyson, is mom of 3 small people that shares her mindset shift of life after baby so you can be postpartum's advantage.
Her goal is for all moms to live a maximized life by turning overwhelm to overflow and sparking faith to walk in purpose.
Come and listen for free flowing convo in our welcoming mommy community. So sit back, relax, and let your ears enjoy! -
Kjaftæði! með Délítunni er spjall- og leikjaþáttur þar sem Délítan (Dagur, Viktor Ingi, og Palli) fær fólk til að ljúga upp í opið geðið á sér. Í hverjum þætti mætir gestur og segir áhugaverðar og skemmtilegar sögur úr sínu lífi en laumar einni lygasögu með. Drengirnir í Délítunni setjast í yfirheyrslusætin og spyrja gestina spjörunum úr til að komast að því hvað er sannleikur og hvað er kjaftæði.
Grínistinn Eggert og kvikmyndagerðamaðurinn Dagur bjóða þér í fróðlegt spjall yfir góðum kaffibolla.
Í hverjum þætti er kafað ofan í málefni líðandi stundar, poppmenningu og ýmislegt annað sem er að gerast í samfélaginu.
Vertu með í umhugsunarverðum og skemmtilegum samtölum hvort sem þú hefur áhuga á samtímanum eða vilt fara dýpra í eldri mál sem hafa mótað heiminn.
Ertu að leita að einstakri og fyndinni upplifun?
Eggert Smári er kjörin veislustjóri og uppistandari ef þú vilt breyta hvaða tilefni sem er í almennilegt partí.
Hringdu í síma 659-4674 eða sendu skilaboð á [email protected]
"if you wanna light up the funeral, book me." -
Bringing to you all things infant and toddler sleep and sleep training! I'm Megan Robert, Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant, Former Postpartum Doula and Former Nanny. Whether being proactive or struggling with a child's sleep, my objectives for this podcast are to help you better understand what a safe, strong, healthy sleep foundation looks; how to go about building one; what sleep training means in the Stork Community space; what it involves; and what myths or misconceptions often surround it and child sleep altogether.
My name is Sandra, and I'm the virtual mom bestie you didn't even know you needed. I am here to empower you and give you permission to not love every layer of motherhood (without the guilt.) I'm here to be uncensored in my experience as a mom to help you realize what you're feeling is normal. I want every mom to feel seen, validated, and understood. Please make yourself comfortable, grab a cup and allow me to spill the tea on motherhood. Let's chat about all things mom life, postpartum, and marriage.Follow along on Instagram for more @mybestmomfriend Support this podcast: