This week Mick and Brian go into great detail about the selection process for Skyline Indie Film Fest and the hell it is to choose what's in and what's out. The pressure is real, my friends!
We have a fond, yet wandering remembrance of Carl Reiner that takes us down the road of zombie movies of all places. Mick found an Australian zombie flick and said it's the best he's every seen. And it's probably call UNDEAD. Maybe. Ultimately we end up on a Rob Reiner movie rant in regard to pretentiousness in filmmaking (its not what it sounds like)...
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This week Mick and Brian go hard on some of their favorite movies to watch with their fathers and about great movie dads. Some you'll find obvious but you might find a few that are a surprise. Drive-Ins coming to the rescue, filling the cinematic void with repertory film fare and we're loving it! Finally we discuss the proposed opening of cinemas on July 15, 2020. Safety precautions they plan to take and how likely are Brian and Mick to jump back into theaters. Well, it depends...
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It has been a long, frustrating couple of weeks. In light of the blatant brutality committed against Black and Brown Americans daily in the U.S., civil unrest from people of all colors continues to make the voice of the people heard. You will not treat our people this way any more. Be safe out there friends.
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Welcome to Episode 8 with Ludvig Gur. CLEAN COLORED WIRE is Ludvig’s 2nd film at Skyline after last years THE EGO DEATH. I spoke with Ludvig for a few minutes on a quick break in his day earlier this week about the inspiration of his latest film, new projects, and the absolute importance of prepping […][Read More...]
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Welcome to Episode 7 with Nick Kovacic at Digital Cave media in Baltimore, MD. Subscribe to this podcast on Stitcher or iTunes. Please like, share and comment so we can get more people to talk about indie films and indie filmmakers. It’s important and you want to do important things, right? As the interview […][Read More...]
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Welcome to Episode 6 of Skyline IndieCast. Subscribe to this podcast on Stitcher or iTunes. Please like, share and comment so we can get more people to talk about indie films and indie filmmakers. It’s important and you want to do important things, right? Skyline IndieCast episode 6 is Christopher Feltner, musician, performance artist, and […][Read More...]
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Welcome to Episode 5 of Skyline IndieCast. Subscribe to this podcast on Stitcher or iTunes. Please like, share and comment so we can get more people to talk about indie films and indie filmmakers. It’s important and you want to do important things, right? Today I’m at Mirandum Pictures with Mike Powell and Colin Mason. […][Read More...]
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This episode you get to listen in on a phone call between indie filmmaker Micah Troublefield and myself. Having a beer and talking about “The Gospel of Hip Bones”, his short film, making films and going to festivals. And he teaches me what a beer bottle shop is! Check out Micah and the gang at […][Read More...]
The post Skyline IndieCast Episode 4: Micah Troublefield appeared first on Skyline Indie Film Fest.
This episode of Skyline IndieCast we get up bright and early on a Sunday to talk with Maris Lidaka and Evelyn Lorena about all kinds of things like industrial farming, southern accents, the difficulty presented by time zones, and a really great short film call SPROUT, a 2015 Official Selection of Skyline this year. SPROUT […][Read More...]
The post Skyline IndieCast Episode 3: SPROUT with Maris and Evelyn appeared first on Skyline Indie Film Fest.
I get to talk a bit with Rob Montague, musician and filmmaker of the life on the road documentary LONG WAY TO THE TOP. This is a fun and interesting film about bands on the road, life behind the scenes, and the grind and search for balance between your dreams and quote/unquote, real life. @LongWayDoc […][Read More...]
The post Skyline IndieCast Episode 2: Rob Montague appeared first on Skyline Indie Film Fest.
It’s here! Episode 1 of The Skyline Indiecast! Today we spoke with filmmaker Anil Dhokai whose short film PULSE OF THE CITY is an official selection at Skyline Indie Film Fest this year. There’s no intro this time but we’re working on that! Anil, I swear we’ll have you back on when I’m better at… […][Read More...]
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