
  • “People do that with their bookkeeping business, they start, they want to get some clients and they want to make some money, but they actually really have no idea what the journey looks like and where they are trying to get to. It’s a very different experience if you don’t know where you’re trying to get to.”
    -Peter Cook

    There is a common misconception among business owners, that we are never truly successful unless we can claim to have done everything ourselves. While there are advantages to stepping out of others’ shadows, it’s also far more likely we'll get burned.

    There is nothing wrong with taking stock of what other business owners are doing and seeing how we might apply their approach to our own bookkeeping business. Walking the same path as someone else doesn’t mean trying to walk precisely in their footprints. It’s just a chance for us to enjoy a slightly easier path made possible by those who walked it before us.

    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. This fourth episode on The E-Myth Bookkeeper series explores the bookkeeper’s journey, the challenges of transitioning your business, and why sticking to the plan can make all the difference.

    If you are struggling to let go of old ideas about success, aren’t sure how to move your business to the next phase of prosperity, or just want to get a better idea of what to expect on your journey, then this is the episode to show you it's okay to follow the trail.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of sticking to the plan How to navigate transitioning your business The importance of understanding the phases of your business

    To find out more about Peter, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.

    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper with Peter Cook series with past episodes below!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Time Stamps

    02:01 - The bookkeeping business journey
    07:41 - Helping bookkeepers grow their businesses
    10:30 - The four stages of a bookkeeping business
    16:26 - The challenges of transitioning your business
    24:21 - Creating your freedom

  • “You have to be willing to think a little bit differently about your business. If you follow what everyone else is doing, you’re going to get the same results everybody got.”
    -Racheal Cook

    Building a business is hard. There are so many barriers to success that the last thing we need is to get in our own way, either by supremely undervaluing our skills, or dramatically overestimating the market for them. We all want to follow our passions, but we need to temper that desire with the real-world potential of earning from it.

    We start our own businesses to gain the flexibility and freedom often not afforded to us elsewhere. But we must be careful not to let our pricing trap us into a situation where we may be our boss but have no time or energy for anything else.

    Racheal Cook, owner of the CEO Collective and host of the Promote Yourself To CEO podcast, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping women create sustainable success on their own terms. She speaks to the power of breaking free of entrepreneurial poverty, how to price your value, and why investing in relationships matters.

    If you are struggling, unsure why everyone else seems so successful, but you are working more and more hours and only being rewarded with less time and energy, then this is the episode to help level up your thinking into a more proactive and strategic mindset.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of investing in relationships How to break free of entrepreneurial poverty The importance of pricing for the value of your skills

    To find out more about Racheal, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram.

    Listen to Racheal's Promote Yourself To CEO podcast.

    Time Stamps

    01:37 - Racheal discusses her career journey
    04:05 - Eliminating entrepreneurial poverty
    08:12 - Finding the value in your offering
    11:05 - Pricing for your business
    13:01 - Underpriced & overworked
    17:50 - Lifetime client value
    27:35 - Committing to building relationships
    32:10 - Promote yourself to CEO

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Sage!

    On May 30th at 5:30pm ET, join their team for an exciting night in Toronto to celebrate the launch of their new product, Sage for Accountants. :)

    Meet fellow colleagues, enjoy free drinks and food, experience amazing entertainment, and best of all, get a chance to win an evening at the all-inclusive Blue Jays Suite!

    Spots are limited so make sure you secure your tickets TODAY by clicking this link. It's a party you don't want to miss!

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • “The importance of your own personal achievement needs to be equal to the importance of everyone else’s achievement. We are all just harmoniously and fortunately moving towards the same thing: survival.”
    -Mike Michalowicz

    Are we working with the business or for the business? A great way to find out is to pay attention to the way you speak about the business. Are the successes and failures ‘ours’ or are they ‘theirs’? From this simple recognition, we can build a really clear picture of who is sharing the vision and who doesn’t feel like they belong.

    From there, the hard work begins. In order to maintain our success, we have to make sure those who work with and for us are benefiting too. No one is an island unto themselves; we all need help and support to achieve our dreams. And when we reach our peak of success, we must look back and help those who have supported us on our journey to achieve their own idea of success.

    Mike Michalowicz, author and keynote speaker, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping people eradicate entrepreneurial poverty, fixing and removing barriers to true success. Mike speaks powerfully about the need to understand your people, how to get inspired, and why remembering your past successes matters.

    If you are struggling to share your vision, aren’t sure how to recognize the contributions of others, or inspire them to action, then this is the episode to get you thinking less about your dream and more about ‘our’ dreams.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of inspiring others to achieve their dreams How to effectively communicate a shared vision The importance of taking stock of your success

    To find out more about Mike, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Buy his new book, All In: How Great Leaders Build Unstoppable Teams by visiting this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:47 - Becoming a great leader
    09:27 - Appreciating collective goals
    16:04 - Communicating a shared vision
    21:04 - How great leaders inspire their teams
    24:38 - Creating psychological ownership

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Forwardly!

    With Forwardly, you can send free instant payments while keeping funds in your bank longer, receive instant payments for 80% less than credit card fees and enjoy same-day ACH—absolutely free!

    The best part?

    You can leap into the future of business payments with Forwardly and possibly earn yourself a FREE iPhone 15 Pro this summer!

    Visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/forwardly for more information!

  • “You don’t have to be the best salesperson in the world. To be good at marketing a bookkeeping business, you just need to be good enough that you stand out in that crowd. You have to get good enough, you don’t have to become the world’s best marketer. “
    - Peter Cook

    We might be excellent bookkeepers, but that doesn’t mean we are automatically great business managers. It’s important to take the time to figure out where our skills are strong and where they could use improvement. If your passion and skill lie in the numbers, there is nothing wrong with focusing your attention there.

    Things start to slip or feel unmanageable in our businesses when we find ourselves spending a lot of time doing things we don’t love. Even if we are not in a position to outsource the work, by connecting with others, we open up a world of experience, where we can find people who have already solved our problems. And whose problems we may have already solved.

    Peter Cook, co-author of the E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. This third episode on The Emyth Bookkeeper explores management, the challenges of growing a business, and why community matters.

    If you are drowning in your business, or want to learn more about what it takes to be a better manager, then this is the episode to help you take stock of your skills and explore connections with people who can help.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of challenges as steps to growth How to manage your business with your passion in mind The importance of community in solving problems

    Click here to find out more about Peter.

    Connect with Peter on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.

    Click here to listen to the first episode.

    Click here to listen to the second episode.

    Time Stamps
    03:00 - The challenge of growing a business
    06:23 - Getting good enough
    08:45 - Taking score of your business
    12:46 - Finding your people
    17:24 - Building a business you love

  • “Don’t just ask for the referral, deserve it. You deserve a referral, and you earn a referral by who you are and how you show up in people’s lives.” - Curtis Lewsey Referrals are a huge part of our businesses but despite this, we often don’t spend as much time and genuine effort as we should investing in the relationships around us. How well we are referred by others is a direct testament to our character. If we are being disingenuous, following the money only rather than the relationships, we are unlikely to build a sustainable network of connections. We have to stop expecting referrals when we haven’t made any authenticity deposits of kindness, gratitude, or appreciation into the relationship. Curtis Lewsey, owner of AM Cards and co-author of Appreciation Marketing, is this episode’s featured guest. Curtis has spent his career helping people get appreciative about their businesses and relationships. In this episode, he speaks to the power of saying thank you, putting authenticity first, and how to set healthy expectations. If your attempts to build client relationships are failing, or you just want to get more authentic about showing your appreciation to clients, then this is the episode to put you in the receiver’s shoes, to truly take stock of how you are showing up in the world. During this interview, you'll learn... The value of saying thank you How to set healthy expectations in business relationships The importance of connecting authentically Click here to find out more about Curtis. Connect with Curtis on LinkedIn. Time Stamps 01:34 - Curtis talks about his career journey 04:34 - The power of authenticity and gratitude 08:27 - The chain of appreciation 14:07 - Appreciation marketing 20:05 - Leading by example 27:20 - Looking for opportunities to be grateful 32:20 - Learning more about Curtis

  • “I think we just get sucked into this pattern of being busy, and telling ourselves that there aren’t any other options and that we have to accept this. That ‘it is what it is’. Instead of taking that step back, taking a deep breath and thinking what would I want this to look like, what could this be?”
    - Erin Daiber

    We are creatures of habit, but all too often those habits become a prison, preventing us from growing and stepping into our greater potential. Just because things have always been done a certain way, doesn’t mean we cannot choose at any moment to try something different.

    It is scary to step out of our comfort zones, but much worse to be trapped in a repeating cycle that will never lead us to the success we desire. As long as we remember we are the ones setting the rules for our lives and business, we can change them.

    Erin Daiber, returning guest and owner of Well Balanced Accountants is this episode’s featured guest. Erin speaks to the power of connecting with your passion, how to navigate high-stress environments and what your life could look like with the right coach and a willingness to set rules that work for and not against you.

    If you are feeling stuck, sure that success is within your reach, but are unsure how to grasp it, then this is the episode to help you take that step back, that deep breath that will bring clarity on the best way to move forward into a more successful business.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of setting rules that work for and not against you How to navigate high-stress environments The importance of connection to your passion

    Click here to find out more about Erin.

    Connect with Erin on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:54 - Erin talks about her career journey
    04:42 - Navigating high-stress environments
    07:47 - Things don’t have to be as they’ve always been
    14:57 - Creating your future perfect scenario
    17:56 - Taking control of your business
    23:30 - Transforming your business with small changes
    27:00 - Holding yourself to account
    32:50 - Learning more about Erin

  • “I find, even just that connection, talking to other people
 helping each other out, so important to the success of an entrepreneur because you can’t do it alone.”
    -Roger Pierce

    Starting our own businesses is a daunting prospect. There are many roads to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and each person’s journey is so different, it can often feel like we have to walk the path in isolation.

    Acting in isolation, it can be hard to maintain course or connect to our purpose, chasing instead the hope of more money and clients. This is why support systems matter. When we surround ourselves with people who have or are on a journey of their own, it really helps us avoid common pitfalls and feel like we are a part of something bigger.

    Roger Pierce, who is an entrepreneurship expert, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career not only as a successful entrepreneur but also in bringing other like-minded people together to create their own business success. Roger speaks to the power of networking and community in building successful businesses, learning to pivot and how to approach your life with purpose.

    If you are tired of working for other people or are already on your journey but feel lost and isolated, this is the episode to get you thinking about the people you surround yourself with and the power of your purpose.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of learning to pivot How to approach your life with purpose The importance of building lasting relationships

    To find out more about Roger, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:43 - Roger discusses his career journey
    05:42 - The challenges & opportunities of small business
    09:05 - Approaching your life with purpose
    13:05 - Evolving through education
    16:30 - The Unsure Entrepreneur
    22:09 - Learning to pivot
    25:52 - What’s next for small businesses
    29:56 - Building lasting relationships
    34:50 - Learning more about Roger

  • “If I was just open to meeting somebody and having a conversation and understanding where they were coming from, it naturally turned into a client, and that’s what we have continued to do to this day.”
    -Melissa Broughton

    We all feel like imposters in our businesses at one time or another. This fear can paralyze us, stopping us from taking any action at all. But it will always be better to try and fail, than let fear stop us from ever trying at all.

    When it comes to putting ourselves out there, it is hard to know which school of thought to listen to. Do you go for the soft or hard sell, hit the pavement, or focus on online marketing? The answer will always be to try everything and see what works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

    Melissa Broughton, owner of Busy Bee Advisors, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping small businesses gain financial clarity. She speaks to the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones, leaning into our inner problem-solvers, and the way embracing technology will help you find financial freedom.

    If you are struggling to find clients, or just aren’t sure about the next step to take in your bookkeeping business, then this is the episode to help you get intentional about your goals, objectives, and purpose.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of leaning into our inner problem-solvers How to use technology to your best advantage The importance of stepping out of our comfort zones

    To find out more about Melissa, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Check out Busy Bee Advisors at this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:11 - Melissa discusses her career journey
    04:53 - Stepping out of our comfort zones
    07:41 - Building a successful network
    12:38 - Embracing technology
    13:55 - Leaning into your inner problem-solver
    16:28 - Working with family
    21:47 - Looking to the future
    24:25 - Passing your knowledge on
    27:17 - Learning more about Melissa

  • “When people say, ‘What do you do?’ instead of saying I’m a bookkeeper, say ‘I run a bookkeeping business.’ It’s a subtle difference, but it’s actually a really big shift in mindset.”
    -Peter Cook

    We must all leave our businesses one day. This confronting reality can make us quite uncomfortable. So much so that we bury ourselves working in our businesses, rather than working on them. More than the work we do, our businesses are valuable assets, if we treat them as such.

    Problems arise when we lean into negative thoughts and actions. If we only ever refer to ourselves as ‘just a bookkeeper’ that is all we'll ever be. Our habits define who we are, what might change if you began to introduce yourself as a business owner instead?

    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. He speaks to the power of shifting mindsets, how to prove the value of your business to yourself and others, and why even small changes to our habits can have huge impacts.

    If you are worried about the future of your bookkeeping business, or just starting to consider it as a valuable asset for the future, this is the episode to get you thinking about long-term value and what leaving your business might look like.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of long-term thinking How to shift into a business owner mindset The importance of creating successful habits

    To find out more about Peter, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper!

    Click this link to listen to Peter's previous Successful Bookkeeper episode in 2024.

    Time Stamps

    02:01 - How you exit your bookkeeping business
    08:58 - Creating habits for success
    10:46 - Positive versus negative thought
    14:10 - The value of a bookkeeping business
    16:44 - Proving the value of your business
    19:55 - The challenges of stepping away
    24:48 - Thinking with the end in mind

  • “If someone is asking for immediate payment, that’s a huge red flag. Telling you to 'go to your bank, buy a gift card’ or any kind of payment outside of the ordinary, be very, very weary. When it comes to taxes, you can always walk into an IRS office or state office. Go to the source.” -Hubert Johnson Fraud is one of the biggest problems facing business owners. It is hard enough to keep up with all the changes in compliance law, that when we are then faced with identity or money fraud, it can seem an insurmountable problem. But as with most things, these issues will only hit us hard if we don’t prepare for them or ignore them and hope they will go away. Education is the key to prevention, whether we do it one-to-one, or build community groups, sharing knowledge is the surest way to prevent more people falling into the trap of fraud. Hubert Johnson, tax attorney and owner of Guardian Tax Law, is this week's featured guest. He has spent his career helping thousands of clients and businesses find resolutions and peace of mind when dealing with tax issues. In this episode, Hubert and Michael explore the concerning rise of fraud, how to protect yourself, and the value of working together to face the challenges of the future. The cost of cleaning up a problem is often far more than the cost of making sure the problem never occurs. If you want to defend yourself against fraud but aren’t sure where to begin, this is the episode to get you started. During this interview, you'll learn... How to protect ourselves from ever-increasing fraud The value of keeping up to date with compliance changes The importance of community in facing the challenges of fraud To find out more about Hubert, click here. Connect with him on LinkedIn. Time Stamps 01:46 - Hubert discusses his career journey 02:42 - Protecting ourselves from identity fraud 08:59 - Spotting the scam 18:45 - The power of community in overcoming fraud 20:28 - Understanding changes to tax rules 26:52 - Getting payroll right 31:33 - Investing in business protection 38:17 - Learning more about Hubert

  • “I was outgrowing my money habits, and I was outgrowing the people teaching me about money, so what is that next level? Who is the next person I want to learn from?”
    -Stacy Tuschl

    Business owners often exist in the space between not believing we are worthy of our business, and believing we are the only ones that can get things done in our business. What would happen if you give yourself permission to start delegating some tasks to others?

    Of course, everyone is unique. If you are happy with the way things are working for you, then your growth may lay in other directions. But if you aren’t happy, if you are spending too much time IN your business and not enough time ON your business, it might be time for a change.

    Stacy Tuschl, founder of Well-Oiled Operations and operational systems expert, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career not only building incredibly successful businesses but helping others to achieve their dreams, by freeing them from the limiting mindsets holding them back. In this episode, Stacy speaks to the power of delegation, shifting limiting beliefs and growing beyond our spheres of influence.

    If you are struggling to let go in your bookkeeping business, not sure how to start trusting others with the things you do so well, or simply want that push to try, then this is the episode to get you out of an operator mindset and start thinking like an owner!

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of mindset in shifting our business perspectives How delegation can change your life The importance of learning from the right places

    To find out more about Stacy, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:46 - Stacy discusses her career journey
    03:02 - The challenges of building a healthy business
    04:32 - Who are we learning money from?
    06:26 - How is this working for you?
    08:22 - Learning to delegate
    12:40 - Stacy’s tips for successful delegation
    19:41 - Shifting out of the operator mindset
    25:47 - Navigating the flow of change
    31:15 - Getting our finances in order
    36:35 - Learning more about Stacy

  • “I have to do a lot of things that are downtime, or non-billable things, so I have to roll that into my rate. I had to do a mind shift change. I had to do a complete 180 on my thoughts and how I thought of clients and how I billed them and what I am doing for them.”
    -Robin Hall

    Automation is the future, but shortcuts are only helpful if we have already been to the destination the long way round, otherwise, there is no way to know if we have arrived at the right place. Until we have a full understanding of just how many steps it takes to achieve a certain result, we can’t begin to implement any useful shortcuts.

    The next problem is successfully communicating the worth of that experience, especially when we reach levels of skill that make us really good at something, but unable to explain how to do it to others. Knowing the value of our skills is only half the battle. Not everyone that can do, can teach. It takes a different skill set to be able to effectively communicate and replicate in others those things we do well.

    Robin Hall, owner and principal consultant at VARC Solutions, is this spotlight episode’s special guest. She has spent her career helping people get to grips with automation. She discusses all things automation, from how to shift our mindset, to understanding the value of your skills and time, and how to bring your team along on the journey.

    If you have been considering a more automated approach to your bookkeeping business, but aren’t sure which direction to take, this is the episode to get you thinking about people-first automation.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The power of pricing for your value not just your time How to shift your mindset to be open to the future The importance of bringing your people on the journey with you

    To find out more about Robin, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

    Time Stamps

    01:24 - Robin discusses her career journey
    03:45 - The value of passing on our knowledge
    06:03 - Shifting to value-based pricing
    11:56 - Getting to grips with automation
    15:44 - Factors to consider when automating accounts
    22:31 - Bringing your team with you
    27:10 - Finding your preferred solution partners
    36:14 - Robin’s automation tips

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at BILL!

    BILL automates your clients’ AP, AR, spend, and expense, and lets them track and manage their cash flow, in real time.

    You can also use the BILL Accountant Console to access insights to level up your advisory services plus so much more!

    To learn how BILL can help you and your clients, and to sign up for the referral program, visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/bill.

  • “There’s going to be some crazy stuff that happens in the next five to ten years. I think when we look back in ten years, we may see the same amount of change in that ten-year period that I have seen in my last thirty years, which is massive.”
    -David Hartley

    There are so many changes happening simultaneously in the world, often happening faster than our ability to process them. It is no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed. Should we use AI or not, should we work in the office, remotely, or hybrid?

    What matters more than understanding everything that is happening in the world, is an understanding of ourselves in terms of how well we embrace or resist change. Some people love to jump into the deep end, and that’s okay, but some like to be more cautious in their approach.

    In the second of a two-part special, David Hartley, a business and technology executive with over 30 years of continuous innovation and leadership, talks about how to achieve the right mix for successful hybrid working, co-creating value and the power of getting intentional about how you create and involve your teams in your business.

    If you are afraid of change or aren’t sure whether in-office, remote or hybrid working is best for you or your bookkeeping business, this episode spotlights that it doesn’t have to be one or the other, there is room for everyone to succeed.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    How to overcome the challenges of hybrid working The importance of embracing change The value of connecting with like-minded people

    To find out more about David, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Listen to David's But Who’s Counting? podcast.

    Time Stamps

    01:28 - Who gets access to your experience?
    04:41 - The evolving role of a CPA
    09:03 - Overcoming the challenges of hybrid working
    18:47 - David’s tips for business success

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at BILL!

    BILL automates your clients’ AP, AR, spend, and expense, and lets them track and manage their cash flow, in real time.

    You can also use the BILL Accountant Console to access insights to level up your advisory services plus so much more!

    To learn how BILL can help you and your clients, and to sign up for the referral program, visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/bill.

  • “What would I do, if I could still get my work done, but I had it done five hours faster, or ten hours faster? -David Hartley There was a time those using the abacus, feared the calculator. It is natural to be nervous and have some fear around evolving technologies, especially at their current pace. But those that lean into these advancements, are far more likely to survive them. And more than just surviving, there are huge opportunities to thrive when we embrace them. What makes us comfortable, might also be the same thing keeping us from reaching greater heights in our business. If there are tools that can systemize the repetitive, mundane tasks all of us must do to keep things running, why wouldn’t we let a capable AI handle them for us? In the first of a two-part special, David Hartley, a business and technology executive with over 30 years of continuous innovation and leadership talks about the impact of AI on the bookkeeping industry, will discuss the need to embrace, adapt, and overcome the challenges of new technologies, why your advice matters, and what the future will look like. If you are living in fear of the looming shadow of AI, afraid for your bookkeeping business or job security, this is the episode to help you lean into a pivot towards embracing the future, as it happens. During this interview, you'll learn... The value of advisory skills in an automated world How to grow your business with AI The importance of embracing the changing technological landscape To find out more about David, click here. To explore Anders CPAs + Advisors, click this link. Connect with him on LinkedIn. Time Stamps 01:27 - David discusses his career journey 03:18 - The impact of technology on our profession 04:58 - Using AI to your best advantage 10:23 - To fear AI, or embrace it? 12:08 - Growing your business with AI 19:37 - The continued evolution of AI

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at BILL!

    BILL automates your clients’ AP, AR, spend, and expense, and lets them track and manage their cash flow, in real time.

    You can also use the BILL Accountant Console to access insights to level up your advisory services plus so much more!

    To learn how BILL can help you and your clients, and to sign up for the referral program, visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/bill.

  • “My unique ability is to have people become aware of the value they provide, and then use that to transition their businesses to what they want.” -Lisa Campbell There is a world of difference between making a living in a job, and creating a business that gives us true freedom. The problem is many of us get stuck on the way. Stuck charging low prices to clients who don’t value our skills. Creating a bookkeeping business, just to have a business, is not the same as setting out with a clear idea of what you want your future to look like and directing all your effort behind that goal. Your business should be the gateway to the life you have always dreamed of, not another barrier. Lisa Campbell, founder of Accelerate 2 Advisor, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping people find their personal pathways to success. In this episode, she speaks about how to determine our unique abilities, what it takes to beat limiting beliefs and how you can set yourself up for a great 2024. If you are struggling to measure your successes, aren’t sure what you offer that makes you special, or love her courses and want to listen to even more useful tips for success. This is the right episode for you. During this interview, you'll learn... The value of facing limiting beliefs How to determine your unique abilities The importance of measuring past successes for future growth To find out more about Lisa, click here. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Time Stamps 01:18 - Lisa discusses her career journey 05:44 - Determining your unique ability 10:43 - Lisa’s recommendations for a great 2024 15:22 - What do you want your business to do for you? 18:24 - Beating the limiting beliefs 23:37 - The Accelerator Method Masterclass

    This episode is brought to you by The Accelerator Method Masterclass Series!

    If you're a bookkeeper tired of working in overwhelm on compliance detail, learn how to reposition to high-value advisor correctly with this virtual opportunity that's hosted by Lisa Campbell. It begins on March 4th at 4pm ET.
  • “The good thing is that you don’t have to be the one to replicate the knowledge, you can hire those that do. Know your strengths but know when somebody else is stronger, and lean to each person’s strength.”
    -Rachel Fisch

    Finding your niche is a great way to work with focus on the things that matter most to you and to find your ideal client.

    In this episode, Rachel Fisch, owner of RealityTax.ca and FischBooks Inc and now General Manager of Dext, speaks to what your ideal client profile could look like, the power of organic networking, and how getting excited about the success of others, can drive our own.

    If you have found your niche, but are stuck with the wrong clients, aren’t sure which direction to invest your energy, or want to learn more about effective networking, this is the episode for you.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of getting excited about shared success How to build an ideal client profile The importance of organic networking

    To find out more about Rachel, check out her LinkedIn profile.

    To learn about RealtyTax.ca, go here.

    To explore Dext, click this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:28 - Rachel discusses her career journey
    03:03 - The story of RealtyTax.ca
    08:44 - Managing a new acquisition
    13:31 - The key factors of a good merge
    18:40 - Finding your ideal niche
    25:39 - The value of a strong network
    30:36 - Getting excited about shared success

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Dext!

    They have a FREE webinar called AI: The Accounting Trend That’s Here to Stay that’s on February 22nd at 12pm ET.

    During the session, you’ll learn how to leverage AI to positively impact your bookkeeping business plus so much more!


    You’ll be glad you did! 🙂

  • “Our clients, they’re consumers at some level, and they’re comparing the experience they have with you. They are going to compare it to the great experiences they have. Their favourite businesses are the ones that take care of them the most. The best service experience they have ever had, that is their benchmark.”
    -Shep Hyken

    All of us are customers. And yet despite having a wealth of experience, we hardly ever apply it to our own bookkeeping business. Getting started on the journey of quality customer service and experience can begin with some simple questions:

    Why do people work with us, and why don’t they? And what do I love about my favourite businesses, and what don’t I like?

    That is not to say you have to do what everyone else is doing. But if you can identify the criteria in yourself and others that really gets you excited about your work. You will have better footing to make more informed decisions about the future of your business.

    Customer service and customer experience expert, Shep Hyken, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping the world’s best brands build a customer-centred culture. In this episode, Shep digs into what it means to set the tone in your business, the importance of great customer service, and how to measure it successfully.

    If you are tired of people deciding what you do, and how you do it, this is the episode to get you clear about who you are, what your business can offer, and how best to present that to the rest of the world.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of a great introduction How to find & retain clients that fit your business The importance of great client services

    To find out more about Shep, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:41 - Shep discusses his career journey
    05:44 - Labelling ourselves before others can
    08:11 - Creating the best client services
    15:27 - The fine balance of quality customer service
    21:23 - The Right Fit Client
    25:50 - Why are your clients picking you?
    33:33 - How much better do you need to be?

    This episode is brought to you by The Accelerator Method Masterclass Series!

    If you're a bookkeeper tired of working in overwhelm on compliance detail, learn how to reposition to high-value advisor correctly with this virtual opportunity that's hosted by Lisa Campbell. It begins on March 4th at 4pm ET.

  • “If we could get what’s in your head, about how you do bookkeeping, out of your head and onto paper, into a system or process that someone else could follow, do you think then you could trust somebody else with your clients?” -Peter Cook The world of bookkeeping is ever-evolving. More and more frequently we are being relied on not only for our number crunching but in an advisory capacity. There is a wealth of knowledge we each possess from years of working within our niches. The problem is, all that great information is trapped inside our heads. Building effective systems and processes is about more than just having a computer run the numbers. Our systems should reflect the very best of ourselves. They should contain our knowledge and experience, so others can easily use that information to help clients. Peter Cook, co-author of the E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career mentoring business owners to find out what they really want from their businesses and their lives and how to get it. If you are struggling to move from working IN your business to working ON your business, are looking to scale your business, but everything is stuck in your head, or just want to test your systems against the advice of a master in the field, then this is the episode to get you started! During this interview, you'll learn... The power of the entrepreneurial mindset How to build your ultimate systems manual The importance of getting out of your own head To find out more about Peter, click here. Connect with him on LinkedIn. Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper. Time Stamps 03:12 - Peter talks about his journey 06:34 - Evolving with the times 09:40 - The story of E-Myth 14:02 - What is a business system? 17:18 - Measuring successful outcomes 20:01 - Building your ultimate systems manual 24:01 - The impact of great systems This episode is brought to you by The Accelerator Method Masterclass Series! If you're a bookkeeper tired of working in overwhelm on compliance detail, learn how to reposition to high-value advisor correctly with this virtual opportunity that's hosted by Lisa Campbell. It begins on March 4th at 4pm ET.

  • “It was going to be another thing, like the internet itself, that completely changes the landscape of everything.”
    -Seth David

    Embracing the future of technology in our bookkeeping businesses can be a daunting task. Taking the leap into AI and innovation requires trust and a willingness to adapt. There are so many innovative apps on the market, constantly changing and evolving their offerings, that it can be really hard to know which direction to turn.

    If we make our systems the starting point, we better position ourselves, such that we may not understand how the technology works, but we do understand how to leverage it for the best outcomes for our business. We can’t know the right tool until we understand the problem we have to fix.

    Seth David, Chief Nerd at Nerd Enterprises, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping people to understand not only the tools and resources available to them, but how to apply them for maximum results in their businesses.

    If your work management isn’t flowing, you don’t know which tool is the best fit for your business or are unsure about the future, this is the episode to get you future-focused.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    How to work in partnership with AI How to choose the right tool for your business The importance of workflow management

    To find out more about Seth, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:42 - Seth discusses his career journey
    09:38 - Getting to grips with AI
    21:25 - Looking to the future
    30:08 - Finding the right apps for you
    37:45 - Understanding work management flow
    49:34 - Seth’s app recommendations
    56:41 - 2024 & beyond

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Gusto!

    Gusto’s payroll and HR services can make your life a little easier.

    Automatically calculating paychecks, filing payroll taxes and much more!

    Gusto does it all.

    The best part? Because you’re a listener, you get THREE MONTHS TOTALLY FREE!

    Just go to gusto.com/thesuccessfulbookkeeper to sign up TODAY!

  • “When a business owner is supported and when they have extra funds available, those funds usually funnel back into their local community.”
    -Julie Walters

    Welcome to our 400th EPISODE!!

    Thank you for your support!

    Now let's get to the episode... :)

    Best practice isn’t what everyone else is doing, it is learning from everyone else and building practices that work best for you. When we consistently deliver on our processes, we automatically create the space for growth as things begin to run themselves.

    There is never a right time to make a start or take the next step in your bookkeeping business. If we don’t make the change today, 12 months from now we’ll find ourselves stuck in the same position, wishing we had acted sooner.

    Julie Walters, owner of Pathfinder Bookkeeping and Tax, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping businesses grow and prosper. She speaks powerfully about the safety and security our businesses provide us, while explaining just how far-reaching the impact of what we do can be felt by others.

    If you are struggling to build effective systems and processes into your business, aren’t sure how to communicate your skills or worth to your clients, or just want to modernize your business without leaving your clients behind, this is the episode to set your business in motion.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of Pure Bookkeeping as a tool for your success How to find the courage to take a leap The importance of bringing our clients with us on our journey

    To find out more about Julie, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn.

    To learn more about Pure Bookkeeping, visit this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:27 - Julie discusses her career journey
    03:39 - Navigating the highs & lows
    06:01 - Taking the leap
    10:41 - Bringing our clients with us
    12:48 - How Pure Bookkeeping can help you
    14:53 - Building your dream team
    17:14 - Never a right time
    20:00 - Growing with your business
    27:06 - Measuring the impact ripple
    33:44 - Looking to the future