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Do you love finding exciting new interactions in the world of Magic The Gathering? Join seasoned multi-format player Sebastian as he discusses cards, strategies, and gameplay taken straight from recent games. For fresh perspectives and fun analysis, tune in to MTG Magic Moments each month!
This series delves into the phenomenon of Fortnite, exploring its development, gameplay mechanics, and modes, and the vibrant community that surrounds it. Each episode covers a unique aspect, from the game's birth and evolution to its cultural impact and business success. Listeners will gain insights into the game's influence on pop culture, its economic significance, and what the future holds for this iconic game. Interviews with players, developers, and industry experts provide a comprehensive understanding of Fortnite's journey and ongoing relevance in the gaming world.
Welcome to Difficulty Class, a Podcast about all things Dungeons and Dragons and occasionally other fun TTRPGs. Hosted by Treavor Bettis and Allie Deutschmann, each week we bring a topic to talk about, plus give time for listeners to write in with questions or their own advice for playing D&D. If youโd like to be part of the show you can write in to [email protected]/Outro by Jay Yi @PoundJayYi
Defining Duke is a weekly podcast dedicated to all things Xbox co-hosted by beloved YouTuber MrMattyPlays and Lord Cognito. Whether you're a fan and player of Xbox Series X|S, still hanging around on Xbox One, or have fond memories of Xbox 360 and the original Xbox, our show is for you. We go over the news, talk about the games we're playing, scour rumors and speculation, and much more. We publish each and every Sunday, and you can get the show three days early and ad-free by supporting us on Patreon at
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Since our horses are often a reflection of the environment we create for them, this podcast shares ideas, strategies, and innovative products that help us create the best home we can. Whether the barn is your sanctuary or your business, you will learn a lot from our conversations with experts about about best practices in horse keeping (and the life that goes with it)!