In this retreat of the Valued Life Podcast, you will hear the dialogue between Veena and Christy with the aim to invite you to the virtual women’s retreat from 5-7th of February 2021.
Mollynn's Profile: Dr. Mollynn Mugisha-Otim was born, raised in Uganda and has lived in The Netherlands since December 2006. As an expatriate in an inter-cultural marriage, she is also raising 2 multi-lingual children in The Hague. She has over 10 years’ experience working in early childhood education. She is an author, including #sosaidgrandma and owner of Mollynn Cares who enjoys teaching others to live life to the full with great knowledge, good health and a positive outlook on life. At each phase of her journey after leaving Uganda, she insisted on integrating but not losing her identity, culture and language - something she has tried to transfer to her 2 young kids. She was clear on what she wanted to achieve but was not always certain how, but she did not allow that to discourage her.. 💜.. . .
She focused on what she had and what she could offer and this approach enabled her secure her first job outside her medical background at a small company dedicated to children education. Mollynn, though a busy mom and interested in so many activities, at work, home, church and other social spheres is focused on contributing towards enabling children of different cultures, thrive and fulfill their optimum potential while embracing their own identity. This she encourages by starting with her own kids and by writing 2 books with the latest entitled "So Said Grandma" which are wise quotes from her grandmother... . . ..... . . .
Mollynn challenged us all to focus on what they can give, and do what they each could do with the means available, and not let limitations like time or skill discourage us. Thank you to all our participants for attending the session -
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Profile of Nina which you can use is: Dr. Nina Bogerd is from Slovenia and lived in Switzerland before moving to the Netherlands. She now lives in the Delft area with her sons, Neo and Njal, and her husband Niels. She is an outdoor enthusiast and philanthropist, with a scientific research background in physiotherapy, physiology and human movement science.
In 2018, Nina and her family made an incredible journey around the world. During this period, she explored her career options and realized she found fulfillment with her volunteering services, particularly with assisting pregnant women and mothers. She made the radical but conscious decision to become a certified doula and now as owner of Birth Your Way, provides birth education for expats living and working in area of The Hague, Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.
Nina shares her story of transitioning from her 'normal' academia life to becoming a Doula, supporting mothers to birth their way and offers same quality support to Refugee mothers. This shift which was a huge leap to take at first is where she has found happiness in making a difference, one woman at a time. -
Summary of the Audio: Gaayathri spoke on the concept of rejection and gave some pertinent and transformative perspectives on how to reframe rejection and use it as an educational resource to help navigate through difficult times and challenges. She tied back the concepts to her own life, growing up in a toxic environment surrounded by racial and ethnic discrimination from different groups of people. She touched on the three distinct misconceptions of rejection (rejection being used as a feeling, as a social construct, and as a measuring tool) and how these have been constructed by society to keep undermining our worth. 🤎
Intended living does not happen per accident! Taking valued-based decisions causes intentional steps‼️ Let Us Explore‼️
In this episode on the Valued Life, Veena Josephs affords AN overview on the Women’s Retreat hosted by Shesustains in February. This is the first collaborative podcast between Melvina and Shesustains. Please enjoy!
During this episode we explore the difference between choices and decisions and the weight decisions carry. We apply the value of ‘Integrity’ as an example. By listening to this second episode it will make it clear how our values can steer the right decision-making and even minimize future regrets. I trust you will learn something and it will help you!
This series explores living a life of worth, purpose & value‼️ Episode 1 explores the basic principles in Values. We lay a foundation by referring to our CORE values! Please enjoy ‼️