
  • If you ask yourself one questions this week - let it be this one 👇

    Are you paddling against or with the stream?

    In today’s podcast episode I’m only sharing ONE shift, but let me tell you - this one is likely going to change your entire life!

    So let’s dive in and talk about making choices in your life (and business) that feel easy, expansive and simple, because *news flash* nothing that is truly meant for you requires you to constantly paddle against the stream!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Hi Gorgeous,

    Ready for a super quick, high-value episode that will help you level up your messaging? 🚀

    Then tune in as we talk about positioning your offers as a "must-have", communicating your unique approach and how that is directly going to resonate with your hell-yes-dream clients.

    So grab a yummy drink and let's dive into the episode!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • 🇩🇪 Ihr Lieben,Eine weitere deutsche Podcast-Folge! 💃🏼...dieses Mal mit der großartigen Corinna Kehl & ich muss sagen: es ist eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsfolgen!Egal, wo du im Business stehst, ob du noch am Anfang stehst, oder bereits selbst sechsstellig verdienst - hier ist SO viel Gold drin.Wir sprechen über unsere Zusammenarbeit über die Jahre, ihren Erfolg, wie sich ihr Verhältnis und ihre Definition von Luxus verändert hat und was für sie DIE Durchbrüche waren, um ein Match fuer (viel) mehr Geld zu werden. Lasst euch inspirieren & wir freuen uns riesig von euch zu hören und was die Episode in euch ausgelöst hat.Corinna's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corinnakehlCorinna's Website: https://www.corinnakehl.com/ (designed by Pink Pineapple - der Agentur meines Freundes ;))------------------------------➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoringTo subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458fAll the love,Christina

  • In this episode, I'm sharing how you *really* create illogical, mind-blowing results inside your business by stepping away from the "HOW" and instead follow the little impulses and guidance you receive along the way.

    We talk about taking aligned actions that match the extraordinary results we want to see, rather than moving in a logical, safe way that keeps us small.

    So go ahead, grab yummy drink & have fun with the episode!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • In today's, episode we talk about High-ticket or low-ticket offers, positioning yourself & your prices inside the online space (based on what feels good) and how to decide what you want to be known for!

    You’re someone that loves designer bags, concierge services and 5-star hotels and you are offering the same luxury vibe experience to your clients?
    >> Let your prices reflect that.

    And if not, that is also totally fine! This quick episode will help you discover the vibe you want to embodie inside your business & in your pricing.

    So grab a yummy drink, maybe even take me on a little walk and let’s get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • 🇩🇪 Ihr Lieben,

    Eine weitere deutsche Podcast-Folge! 💃🏼
    ...dieses Mal mit der großartigen Annika Woettki.

    Ich wollte sie UNBEDINGT in den Podcast einladen, da ich weiß, dass ihre Geschichte erzählt werden muss.
    Wir sprechen über ihren Weg vom Coach zum Influencer, Selbstzweifeln, "Ersatzträumen" und darüber wie man herausfindet was man WIRKLICH will.

    Ich sag es immer wieder... viele von uns bleiben in ihren "Premium Komfortzonen" stecken und verpassen damit das was ihr Herz wirklich höher schlagen lässt.

    Lasst euch inspirieren & wir freuen uns riesig von euch zu hören und was die Episode mit euch gemacht hat!

    Annika's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annikawttk/


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Hi Gorgeous,

    In today’s episode, we are talking about the foundational work that needs to happen BEFORE we even think about our next income goal.

    We dive deep into scalable offers, mindset and why more visibility might not be the answer to more sales.

    So lean back, get cozy and listen to this short episode!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • If you're someone with huge visions...

    Waiting for the permission slip
    .. to start acting BIG.
    .. to create content that stands out and truly feels like you.
    .. to start creating EXACTLY what you feel you're here to create.

    Let this episode be exactly that for you. The permission to go big NOW. To start acting in alignment with your big visions.

    There is no need to wait until you hit x followers or made x sales. In fact, this might be one of the biggest mindset shifts you need to go through to attract the clients, sales, and community you deserve!

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink, and let's get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • 🇩🇪 Ihr Leben,

    Eine weitere deutsche Podcast-Folge! 💃🏼

    ...dieses Mal mit meiner ehemaligen 1:1 Klientin Chiara Kolz über ihren Weg zum Erfolg, der in meinen Augen mal so richtig, richtig relatable ist und für viele von euch eine unglaubliche inspirierende Story.

    Wir blicken hinter die Kulissen ihres Businesses und sprechen über no-bullshit Wachstum, wieso Aufgeben nie eine Option war und wie sie sich selber treu geblieben ist - obwohl sie jahrelang trotz Konsistenz im Business auf den großen Durchbruch "wartete"!

    Wir LIEBEN es von euch zu hören!

    Hier findest du Chiara auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiara.kolz/
    & hier ist ihr Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5arNyUbfqs236vqoG49Uf2

    Lust auch intensiv mit mir zusammenzuarbeiten? Schreib mir auf Instagram, oder schau mal hier: https://www.christinaarntz.com/work-with-me


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Increased your prices, but struggling to get clients ready to pay it, or ready to increase your prices, but afraid that it'll repel clients?

    I got you!

    Inside this episode, I'm breaking down the mindset and strategy shifts you need to go through ASAP to create confidence in your pricing!

    If you love this episode and are ready to consistently stay in the energy of your highest alignment (rather than jumping from to "woohooo I'm so excited" to "wtf am I even doing here?") - my feminine business coaching hub, Rich & Relaxed, is the perfect place for you. Find all the details & sign up here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/rich-and-relaxed


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Hello gorgeous!

    This year has been HUGE and I feel like I haven't been able to catch you up on all the things that have happened, so let's sit down with a coffee, or a glass of wine and catch up!

    You ready?

    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Welcome (back) beautiful,

    In today's quickie we talk about the state of lack when it comes to money and how that state MASSIVELY effects your income & impact.

    We chat about realigning within yourself and shifting your mended towards serving and fulfilling your purpose.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink and let's get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Welcome (back) beautiful,

    Today's quickie is a super powerful deep dive into our money mindset.
    We talk about celebrating every single dollar that is coming in, how to treat money as your friend and small shifts that allow you to step into full abundance.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink and let's get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • 🇩🇪 Ihr Liiiebeeen,

    was ein Moment - deutsche Podcast-Folge. Juhuuu! Immer wieder ein bisschen aufregend für mich und gleichzeitig fühlt es sich noch intimer an als sonst.

    Ist es nicht total langweilig, dass man immer erst "Behind the Scenes" einblicke bekommt wenn alles rund gelaufen ist? Und wäre es nicht viel cooler & authentischer auch hinter die Kulissen eines Projekts oder Unternehmens zu schauen zu können während vielleicht NICHT immer alles glatt läuft?

    In dieser Episode quatsche ich mit meiner ehemaligen 1:1 Klientin Mona Wiegand über ihr anstehendes MODERN SPIRIT CLUB EVENT, welches am 11.11.23 in Frankfurt statt findet (PS: Tickets gibt's noch unter: https://modernspiritclub.com/).

    Noch vor dem Event, erzählt Mona als dem Nähkästchen auf welche unglaublichen Speaker und Goodies sich die Teilnehmerinnen freuen können können, aber auch welche Herausforderungen sie meistern durfte um ein solches Event auf die Beine zu stellen.

    Wir beide hoffen euch mit dieser grandiosen Folge ermutigen zu können unerschütterlich euren Impulsen zu folgen und, sofern es auch euer tiefer Herzenswunsch ist ein Offline-Event ganz nach eurem Geschmack auf die Beine zu stellen.

    Bei Fragen zum Event meldet euch gerne bei Mona (IG: https://www.instagram.com/monawiegand_/), und schreibt uns auch gerne wenn ihr konkrete Fragen oder Gedanken zum Thema Offline-Events habt - denn wir planen bereits die zweite gemeinsame Episode, die wir nach dem Event aufnehmen, um euch noch mehr mit hinter die Kulissen zu nehmen.

    Wir LIEBEN es von euch zu hören!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Blindspots. We all have them.

    That's why we hire coaches & mentors to help us find them so we can clear our path to where we want to go rather than getting stuck & frustrated over a lack of progress.

    In today's episode, I'm telling you your biggest blindspot - and yes, I can tell you this one with a 99% accuracy because I've worked with tons of clients at this point and there's ONE particular blindspot we keep finding.

    Curious? And ready to gain a whole new perspective on yourself and business?

    Then tune into this juicy quickie now.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • If you have been here for a while you know - I LOVE SELLING!

    But I also know that is not the case for everyone.

    So in today's episode we dive deep into shifts that make selling your higher-ticket offers more effortless, fun and exciting.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink and let's get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • In today's episode, we talk about the key pieces that allowed me to make a quarter of a million dollars in 3 months.

    We dive deep into calling in the right clients by OWNING who you want (and don't want) to work with, hiring support and necessary mindset shifts that needed to happen.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink and let's get started.


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Ever felt like you're putting a ton of content out there, but you're wondering if you are really reaching your people? ...and IF they buy, if you could actually really help them?

    I hear you!

    In today's episode, we unpack the feels behind not knowing I your content is speaking to the right person and I'm sharing my secret sauce (and honest thoughts!) on how to create content that not only gets you clients, but the right ones who will LOVE being in your offer (vs. regretting opting in).

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink, and let's go!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Hey gorgeous!

    In today's episode, I'm giving you a juicy look behind the scenes of my signature program TRINITY.

    We dive deep into embodiment, showing up as your future self, and how that will naturally attract ready-to-buy high-ticket clients that you're OBSESSED to work with.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink, and let's go!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,

  • Sounds familiar?

    You created an amazing, mind-blowing offer that you KNOW will help your clients on a whole different level, but the spots are not filling up as quickly as you hoped they would.

    This is what today's episode is all about. We talk about the messaging changes you need to make asap to speak to the right person and sell out your offers every single time.

    So lean back, grab a yummy drink and let's go!


    ➳ Enjoying this podcast? It would mean the world if you'd rate it & help us spread the message!

    We're excited to announce that we are offering scholarships for our online courses from this point on: https://www.christinaarntz.com/scholarship

    & instead of blowing out tons of Instagram content, we are now focusing on bringing you quality blog posts with unique perspectives and stand-out content: https://www.christinaarntz.com/blog

    To learn more about working with me 1:1, click here: https://www.christinaarntz.com/offer/1-1-mentoring

    To subscribe to our exclusive podcast playlist, click here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7h5sZHiuxbCUulTJiLQet0?si=be7cee569e5c458f

    All the love,