
  • Tell me. Have you ever heard yourself say, "I just want to be able to eat like a normal person."

    I know. I used to say this too. 

    But when I really uncovered what normal means I realized I don't want to eat normally. 

    I want to eat extraordinary. 

    Because when I eat this way I create what I want - which is a naturally thin me and an extraordinary life.

    My guess is this episode will unlock some normal but toxic thinking that will free you from diet mentality.

    If you are eager to learn more about the Yummy Mummy Experience, but aren't sure if it's right for you, book a call to learn more! https://calendly.com/laura-1818/apply

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We have a VERY special guest today, Kat, my friend and fellow weight loss coach.

    What's super fun about Kat is she is a weight loss coach for perfectionistic type A women. She teaches women to lose weight WITHOUT the hustle which means in this episode we talked about perfectionistic tendencies and what that looks like when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating.

    Because NOT every person who struggles with these things even identifies as a perfectionist!

    But maybe you treat yourself like a robot? Maybe it's hard to leave room for your human nature when it comes to weight loss? Maybe you want to do everything perfectly -- never eating too much when you come home from work, never going off your meal plan -- and when you don't, you'd rather just throw in the towel…

    Sound familiar? Trust me, you'll want to hear this episode in FULL because it's SO relatable and you'll walk away with tangible tools you can implement today to help you start healing your relationship with your body and pursuing lasting weight loss.

    Listen in and you'll hear more about:

    Healing by accepting your messy human natureHow to create the weight results you want without perfectionism and hustleParallels between science experimentation and creating weight loss resultsThe trap of the 'eating right' versus 'eating wrong' mentality

    Did you miss joining YMX for April enrollment? No worries! The next round of Yummy Mummy will be kicking off soon, so be sure to get your booty on the waitlist for the July 2024 YMX cohort! \ Resources from the episode:

    Kat Rentas CoachingFollow Kat on Instagram

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • If your brain offers you the thought, "I should know better by now", I have good news, you are a normal human being. We all have this thought. However, this thought is just plain not useful. AND not only is it not useful, it can actually lead to self sabotage. Tune in to hear how to deal with this thought so you can free yourself from the shame and over eating it may create. You are going to love this episode!

    If you are ready to work together and learn how to really follow through on your word go to lauraconley.com/work-with-me, and get your cute booty on the waitlist for our January YMX.

    The next round of Yummy Mummy is here, so be sure to get your booty in for the April 2024 YMX cohort: http://lauraconley.com/work-with-me!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • You guys are in for a super special treat today because we have actual Yum Mums here to share their experience with you. So if you need a little inspo or a seed of possibility, this podcast is going to give you that.

    Jana is a mother and grandmother living in the Phoenix Valley. She’s lost 40 pounds in Yummy Mummy.

    Lindy is also a mother and grandmother who lives in California and she’s lost 30 pounds so far.

    Susan is a mother of 5 living in Wyoming and is down 30 pounds since joining Yummy Mummy.

    Their backgrounds might be different, but there are many things these women have in common: 

    They had tried all the things…  Meal replacements, weight loss challenges, and diets. Watching the scale go down and then back up, over and over. Feeling stuck. Feeling doomed to the cyclical weight loss/weight gain experience forever, whether due to genetics or feeling helpless to change.

    They used all those crappy past results (which were not their fault) as evidence that they couldn’t do it. And that’s what they believed, until the Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX) showed them another way.

    Now Jana, Lindy, and Susan have the mindset tools AND the practical day-to-day tools to help them avoid emotional eating, to embrace a well-lived life, and to free themselves from food worry so they can be more present with their families. 

    That’s what the YMX delivers - food freedom and the option to lose weight for the last time.

    Because it IS an option. You get to choose it. And YMX guarantees you will succeed. So get this episode in your ears and get the inspo you need to explore YOUR weight loss possibilities.

    The April round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off TODAY, so be sure to get your booty over PRONTO to join the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I'm super excited to chat more with you about something near and dear to my heart – why diets often leave us feeling defeated, and the solution for achieving weight loss once and for all.

    You've tried diet after diet, only to end up right back where you started, feeling frustrated and discouraged. Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone. But fear not, because I'm going to spill the beans on why this happens and how we can break free from that cycle.

    Most diets crash and burn because they miss the mark on what's really causing our struggles – things like wonky hunger hormones and mindset roadblocks. That’s exactly why we address those root issues in the Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX).

    This program isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming your power, embracing self-love, and enjoying the journey to a healthier you. We're talking personalized plans that actually make you excited to hop out of bed in the morning – yes, seriously!

    I know what you might be thinking – "But Laura, what about the time commitment? What about the cost? And how on earth do I get my partner on board?" I've got answers for all of that, too! Trust me: investing in yourself is the best decision you'll ever make.

    But don't just take my word for it – I've got some incredible success stories from real Yummy Mummies who've transformed their lives with this program. These testimonials give me all the warm fuzzies because I think about how much these women have overcome to be able to lose weight for the last time. And you can, too.

    APRIL IS HERE and that means the next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off SOON, so be sure to get your booty over to learn more about the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is the Yummy Mummy Experience right for you? This episode is designed to help you decide.

    I'm gonna share with you a lot of real-time, real life conversations that I've had with clients over email and in DMs who were on the fence, who couldn't decide if they should do this. 

    If you’ve been wondering this for yourself, just know you're not alone!

    SO, at its most basic level, The Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX) is a six month group coaching and course that guarantees you lose weight for the last time.

    But really it’s SO MUCH MORE than just that. It’s science-backed, it’s a built-in support system, it’s community with other women on the same journey, and it’s ALL rooted in self-love.

    Today I’m going to share exactly how we go about losing weight for the last time, which includes my holding your hand step-by-step all along the way.

    In YMX, every client’s plan is DIFFERENT. Because you’re all different. Different bodies and biologies and lifestyles and needs. And no matter what their plan is, clients are constantly telling me how easy it feels to follow YMX.

    We’re not doing keto or carb cycling or counting macros, no tracking calories in-calories out. It’s the ease and effortlessness YMX provides that makes this program so different and so sustainable. 

    Now, does that mean there won’t be any hiccups or mental freakouts or self-doubt along the way? Of course not! We’re humans here. Losing weight for the last time is a big task, but YMX makes sure you’re up for it with all the support and tools you could possibly need. 

    Listen in to this episode and you’ll hear more about:

    The steps involved in losing weight for the last timeHow balancing your hormones affects your weight lossWhat it means to rewire your brain and how YMX helps you rewire for successHow YMX supports the often-overlooked emotional component of losing weightWhy incorporating self-love is such a game-changer 

    APRIL IS HERE and that means the next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off SOON, so be sure to get your booty over to learn more about the April 2024 YMX cohort! 

    PPS want a lil taste of the Yummy Mummy (no pun intended)? ​ I made you a roadmap called "Create your perfect weight loss plan... PLAN!" And you can download it for FREE (it is usually $37) by clicking here now! ​

    Not only will you be able to kick start your weight loss with this plan but you are also invited to come to the FREE (usually $97) workshop to ask any questions and get help on your plan. ​

    The workshop and Q+A call is on Thursday, April 11th at 12pm MST. We will send you the zoom link after you click above download your PLAN!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Would you believe me if I told you that the way you talk to yourself about food really matters?

    It affects the way you feel in your clothes, the number on the scale and the feelings in your body.

    Tune in to hear some of the best advice I have on feeling free as you journey towards your dream weight!

    The Yummy Mummy Experience April is here! Learn more and join us! Link is here www.lauraconley.com/work-with-me

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Heads up for an extra-super-duper-crazy-special episode. You've been warned!

    Yum Mum Alum Yvette joined me for an episode to talk about all the ways the Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX) changed her personal experience of food, eating, and her body for the better.

    Wife, mom of two, and pediatric dentist in Chicago, Yvette was schooled from a young age to soothe with food. If the emotion you were feeling was "negative," the answer was always the same: eat.

    Not shockingly, this led to Yvette internalizing the belief that experiencing anything other than 100% happiness was a problem. Only life doesn't quite deliver us 100% happiness, does it? So Yvette felt stuck the other 50% of the time that she felt less-than-stellar. So, as taught, she ate about it, and spent years thinking the hopelessness she felt was inevitable.

    After a few months in YMX, Yvette is 20 pounds down to the size she was in high school, only THIS time, she's finally shed those emotional eating patterns that held her back for so many years.

    As a result of the work she's done in YMX to overcome emotional eating, Yvette finally feels hopeful, healthy, and has a beautiful, empowering self-care practice to rely on.

    I love her story SO much and I know you will, too.

    Listen in to my conversation with Yvette and you'll hear more about:

    - Unlearning the pattern of emotional eating and overeating

    - How Yvette used the YMX band-aid approach and why it works so well

    - Effective emotional management tools to use instead of food

    - The impact of truly realizing this body journey never ends

    - The most extreme things Yvette tried to lose weight for the last time

    The next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off THIS month, so be sure to get your booty in for the April 2024 YMX cohort: http://lauraconley.com/work-with-me!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The thoughts around us not having enough time feel extremely true.

    I get it. 

    BUT I promise you there is another way to look at time so that you create more. 

    So that if you want to spend the amount of time it takes to lose weight for the last time (5-10 minutes/ day) you can totally do it.

    The next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off next month, so be sure to get your booty on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort: http://lauraconley.com/work-with-me!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I got to have the MOST fun conversation with Serena Hicks for her podcast, “The Serena Hicks Show”, where she talks about money and our relationship to it. 

    We talked a lot about the feminist values that show up in our relationship to both weight and money, so I thought why not release it here so you can hear it, too?

    Culture tells us a lot of things to believe about money. Who can have it, how you can get it, what you’re allowed to do with it…

    And it’s the same way for our weight. We’re told what we should weigh, what we should think about our weight, and how we need to manage it. 

    Body image and money also have the legacy factor in common. What do you want to leave behind for your children? 

    What voices do you want them to hear when they’re having a tough time looking at the bank account or in the mirror? 

    What values do you want to instill in them now so that as they mature, they have a strong foundation to face whatever obstacles come their way? 

    Because as any Yum Mum will tell you, it’s better to lead by example. 

    Listen in to our convo and you’ll hear more about:

    Permission to lose weight and to make a lot of moneyHow to heal our patterns around weight and money in order to move forwardThe power of learning and progressing in communityDeveloping true self-love and self-trust What our energy and emotions have to teach us 

    Can you believe March is almost over?? The next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off SOON, so be sure to get your booty over to learn more about the  April 2024 YMX cohort! 


    Serena Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xoxoserenahicks/ 

    Serena Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xoxoserenahicks/ 

    Serena Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@xoxoserenahicks

    The Boom Boom Room: https://www.serenahicks.com/boom

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The scale is not the problem.

    The scale is actually my favorite for two reasons.

    One - it IS actually a pretty good measuring device and helps us to see if we are going where we want to.

    Two - it is a mirror into our own thoughts about ourselves. And if you know me, you know how important I think thoughts are.

    Once we see these toxic thoughts we can actually clean them up. It is not like by not seeing these thoughts we are not having them, they are still running through our subconscious and creating toxicity around our value, our worth and who we are.

    My guess is this episode will break your brain and help you take your power back and stop delegating your mood to the scale! Let me know what you think!

    Learn more about my April cohort of the Yummy Mummy Experience- you will thank yourself later!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever wondered where intuition fits into losing weight for the last time?

    How about what it means to balance your hunger hormones – or even what the heck hunger hormones are?

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “What makes Yummy Mummy different from just another diet?”

    Then babes, you are in for a TOTAL treat with this episode.

    Firstly – the one and only Rose Watson, my assistant coach, is here! Rose has over a decade of experience with coaching and the Yum Mums are obsessed with her. 

    Secondly, we took the burning weight loss questions you sent in so we could tag-team those answers here. If you have questions about losing weight for the last time, you’ll want to get this episode in your ears so you can get all the answers, pronto.

    Listen in and you’ll hear more about:

    The importance of healing the relationship between food and selfThe challenge of taking the emotion out of eatingHow diets have set impossible expectations of weight lossWhy balancing your hormones is so importantThe deep work that sets YMX apart from diets and weight loss programs

    Can you believe it’s already the middle of March?? The next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off next month, so be sure to get your booty on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What do you do when you say you aren't going to have the cupcake and then you have the cupcake?

    Let me guess.

    You either beat yourself up OR you just let yourself off of the hook.

    NEWSFLASH: neither of these methods work to create permanent habit change, neither of these work in our quest to lose weight for the last time. What we must do instead is Look Back with Love.

    Tune in to hear exactly how to do it. It isn't even that hard and I bet you are doing it in other areas of your life already! I can't wait for you to listen.

    Get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The three pillars that hold up everything in your life are how you prioritize your time, money, and your body. It's the dream trio. And when it comes to actually investing in the body you want, our most common excuses are? EXACTLY -- no time, no money.

    I got to sit down with Jess, the go-to coach for women business owners who want to master their time, money, and CEO drama. Together, we broke down the relationship between time, money, and body and unpacked exactly how this trio can impact our journey to lose weight for the last time.

    After Jess had gotten into a groove with fitness, she had a baby and everything changed. She told herself she no longer had the time or money to invest in creating the body and life she wanted.

    That's right about when she realized the importance of her physical fitness and the MAJOR impact it had on her life. She quickly took her excuses off the table and never looked back.

    Biggest lesson from our convo? What you do in one pillar of the trio, you're doing in the other pillars, too. MIND. BLOWN.

    Listen in and you'll hear more about:

    The relationship between time, money, and your bodyHow hard our brains work to create excusesUnderstanding our unhelpful thought patterns and succeeding despite themThe power of advanced decision-making skillsWhy you should never reassess your goals or plans in the moment

    AND, if you didn't sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • You yummies have the best questions ever! Tune in to learn what to do when your so stressed and your normal go to is to stress eat, how to stop a binge once you have started and what to do when you are caught up in compare and despair! It is so good!

    Don’t forget to get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode is a really cool double-feature deal because it’s an interview I did over on The 8th House podcast with Caley. Her pod is all about deconditioning and deprogramming to get back to the essence of who we are, and this episode is totally reflective of that vibe. 

    When I was still under the programming of diet culture, I didn't give a crap about loving myself. I just wanted to be skinny. 

    And most of the Yum Mums I work with feel the same way – at first.

    Because what does loving yourself have to do with weight loss? We just want to get on the scale and see the number we want to see. We’re programmed to believe that’s all that matters.

    And that’s what diet culture would have you believe until your dying day, so that you keep coming back and keep buying the supplements and exercise programs and pills that inevitably stop working because you’re not going deep enough to fix the root cause.

    Fixing the root cause is the only way to lose weight for the last time, which is totally different from regular ol’ weight loss.

    Fixing the root cause involves loving yourself enough to care about it. It’s never just about the scale. You can’t hate your body thin. I tried it a million times. It just doesn’t work.

    In Yummy Mummy, I basically trick you into loving yourself. I call it weight loss, but really the weight loss is a byproduct of the self-love and self-connection we do inside the program.

    But how do we start to untie our worth and value from the scale, WHILE ALSO wanting to lose weight for the last time? That’s exactly what we talk about in this episode. 

    Listen in and you’ll hear more about:

    How diet culture hijacks our brainThe shame around body hate and weight lossFiguring out where the weight is really coming fromBalancing body love with wanting to changeHow to create support physically, mentally, and emotionally

    AND, if you didn’t sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Are you constantly falling off the wagon, promising to get back on Monday morning, only to then fall off again later in the week? This was so me! In this episode I will teach you exactly why this back-and-forth does not work, and what DOES! And I promise you will be able to apply it for yourself!

    Don't forget to get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to episode two in a new series centered around the idea of what makes a good mom!

    This concept is so important, because too many of us moms walk around with all these preconceived notions of how we ‘should’ be with our kids. We hold ourselves to impossible standards day in and day out, and it’s so stressful.

    Stressful enough that we’re driven to use food to soothe those feelings of inadequacy and frustration.

    And then, SO OFTEN, our weight – the physical, mental and emotional weight of our fricking yo-yo diet cycles – gets in the way of our life’s purpose.

    And we don’t get to be present for our kids, which I believe is the primary definition of a good mom. 

    Yes, in Yummy Mummy we get to lose weight, but more so, we get to fully be with our kids and our friends and our families! Because we’re not up in our head beating ourselves up with guilt or hanging out in the pantry shame-eating. 

    So, how do we address these obstacles so we can get down to the root cause of why we overeat? 

    That’s exactly what I’m going to touch on in this episode. 

    Listen in and you’ll hear more about:

    Defining what a good mom is for yourselfHow societal pressures make it feel like moms can’t winRepairing mistakes when you don’t interact with your kids how you wantedMaking the case for doing B- work as a momWhy you need to say no a lot more often

    AND, if you didn’t sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Tune in to hear me interview Dr. Katrina Ubell, author of How to Lose Weight for the Last Time! It is always THE BEST when I get to geek out with fellow weight loss coaches! She shares tips and tricks that blew even my brain!

    She just launched her book How to Lose Weight for the Last Time available on all platforms! https://katrinaubellmd.com/how-to-lose-weight-for-the-last-time/ I am thinking this should be required reading for anyone that wants to lose weight!

    AND, if you didn't sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort: http://lauraconley.com/work-with-me!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode kicks off a new series centered around the idea of what makes a good mom.

    Pam Howard, parent coach and author of “Less Drama, More Mama,” sat down with me to talk about the nine parenting truths she outlines in her book to help moms avoid sabotaging our own success! 

    The great thing about both the book and the episode is that even if you're NOT a mom, this episode totally applies because these principles still apply to weight loss and to life.

    Like, how to be present for the other people in our lives without taking on their feelings, and learning to process our own emotions instead of turning to that pint of ice cream.

    As a matter of fact, that’s one of the truths in Pam’s book: feelings don’t need to be fixed, they need to be felt. 

    I mean, come on. IT’S SO GOOD. 

    Listen in to our conversation and you’ll hear more about:

    Defining what it means to be a good momParenting is supposed to feel hard Taking things less personally and assuming the best in your kids instead of the worstSelf care isn’t selfish – but people-pleasing isValidating your kids’ emotions without trying to fix anything for them

    AND, if you didn’t sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.