Under the Hood: We roll up our sleeves and talk about games from the perspective of their mechanics! The mechanisms that are present and cover what some of the buzzwords may mean.
Rallyman GT By Jean-Christophe Bouvier Published by Holy Grail Games Released in 2020
A deeper look - We pick a game (each) and do a deeper dive into the title. Not a review but speaking to the mechanics of it, NOTING any challenges in obtaining said title. So this does not have to be all new hotness.
Downforce By Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, Wolfgang Kramer Published by Restoration Games Released in 2017
Beyond the Box - Sleeves, Mats, Dice, customized. This time a VERY SPECIAL Summer of Games themed look at accessories to make your racing games BRILLIANT!
Replacement Cars
Alex shares some thoughts!
Etsy Manufacturers for car replacements:
Link one
Link Two 17mm Formula one cars
Shapeways F1 Section for F1 Cars for boardgames
Mae Mini World for Cars
With all of these make sure to look into the size of the car you need, it will be easiest to measure the current cars you have. 17-22 mm (Usually)
Files Section of BGG, Publisher sites for add-ons expansions
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Solo Flight (On the table) - We will examine what the game is like when played, to personify that experience, cover angles and what to expect from the title: components, setting, rules and the overall atmosphere.
This Episode
Wreckland Run By Scott Almes Published by Renegade Game Studios Released in 2022.
Points to hit:
Rules - This covers everything in the Rule book from setup to actually communicating what you are doing when you play.
Components - Every piece in the box, this also covers table presence, what does it look like when it is all laid out, how much real estate does it take up?
Play - How does the game play, is it smooth, what are the fun interactions, what does it encourage. Is it a stand alone mechanics rich experience, or a more puzzle oriented gaming session?
Theme - What does the title do with its theme, how does it use it to further the narrative of the game and provide atmosphere when playing.
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Intro/Interlude/Outro :
Sparkle / by Joshua Morse
Original Song: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Emerald Mist
From The Album - Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned
Project Page - http://sotd.ocremix.org - Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned
Original Composer - Yasuhiro Ichihashi
Manglende episoder?
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Game Time! : Our Hosts will place any general gaming topic in this slot as they see fit! So it may be a new release, PSA etc. if it's Gaming related, and it's time to talk about it, it's GAME TIME!
This time Alex talks about his time at the Disney Lorcana game launch!!
Lorcana Designed by Ryan Miller, Steve Warner Published by Ravensburger Released in 2023
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Summer of Games Theme 2023
Summer Speedway - We focus on Racing themed games in all forms!
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts in writing and on the show.
Thunder Road Vendetta By Marie Bergeron, Garrett Kaida Published by Restoration Games ReReleased in 2023
Building Blocks - New to the Hobby Must have games, by mechanic and genre’ do you need some games if you own others in the same category?
The Quest for El Dorado By Reiner Knizia Published by Ravensburger Released in 2017
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Alex: Scout By Kei Kajino Published by Oink Games Released in 2019
Larry: Bohnanza by Uwe Rosenberg Published by AMIGO Released in 1997
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Grand Designs - Talk to Designers about the process and what is their recent projects
This time we welcome Tom Sturdevant Designer of Q-less about his wonderful life Journey and Games!
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Alex: Dutch Blitz Designed by Werner Ernst George Muller Published by Dutch Blitz Games Company Released in 1960.
Larry: Ashes Reborn Designed by Isaac Vega Published by Plaid Hat Games Released in 2015.
Special guest Show Links:
Discover Tom on Tiktok
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Talk: Earth Designed by Maxime Tardif Published by Inside Up Games Released in 2023 .
Summer Of Games 2023 Edition!
Summer Speedway - We focus on Racing themed games in all forms!
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts in writing and on the show.
Heat:Pedal to the Metal By Asger Harding Granerud, Daniel Skjold Pedersen Published by Days of Wonder Released in 2022
Not just Good, but SUPER Good - Top 3 lists themed by genre
This time TWO player Games!
Boop Designed by Scott Brady Published by Smirk and Laughter Games Released in 2022
Star Wars DB Designed by Caleb Grace Published Fantasy Flight Games Released in 2023
Star Wars Rebellion Designed by Corey Konieczka Published By Fantasy Flight Games Released in 2016
Onitama Designed by Shimpei Sato Published by Arcane Wonders Released in 2014
Hon Mention
7 Wonders Duel Designed By Antoine Bauza, Bruno Cathala Published by Repos Production Released in 2015
Aqualin Designed By Marcello Bertocchi Published by KOSMOS Released in 2020
War Chest Designed By Trevor Benjamin, David Thompson Published by Alderac Entertainment Group Released in 2018
Star Wars Deck Building Game Designed by Caleb Grace Published by Fantasy Flight Games Released in 2023
Battlelore 1st Edition Designed by Richard Borg Published by Days of Wonder Released in
Curious Cargo Designed by Ryan Courtney Published by Capstone Games Released in 2020
Hon Mention -
Targi Designed by Andreas Steiger Published by KOSMOS Released in 2012
Tabletube - Inform about Board Games in other formats.
This time looking at the mechanics of Deck Building in various Video Game formats and discussing their design, comparing and contrasting to tabletop counterparts. (This is NOT a “this is better/worse because of” session! Want to get into the clever design and the state of the art in DB Game design that we seem to be in, INCLUDING other mediums.)
Slay the Spire
Monster Train
Electronic examples:Teppen, Marvel Midnight Suns, Night of the Full Moon
TableTop Examples: Aeon’s End, Ascension, Digimon Deck Building game
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts in writing and on the show. This segment will contain BOTH, so deliver the cliff notes on the show to be discussed, then point to WHO has submitted deeper thoughts on the blog (can be either or both!)
Both: League of Dungeoneers By Michael Lundstedt Published by von Braus publishing Released in 2023.
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Alex: Camel Up By Steffen Bogen Published by Eggertspiele Released in 2014
Larry: Rolling Realms By Jamey Stegmaier Published by Stonemaier Games Released in 2021
Boardlandia For Games mentioned this show, OR your FLGS (always!)
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Beyond the Box - Sleeves, Mats, Dice, customized.This time Deep dive into the current state of Hobby Board Game assisting accessories!
Gamegenic Token SIlo
Ultra Pro Sleeves:
Pro Mattes
Dragon Shields
Folded Space Game Inserts
Monster Protectors
Zen Bins
Show Links:
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Special Guest - Cythnia Wallace!
Topic - Miniatures Painting.
Marvel Crisis Protocol Designed by Will Pagani, Will Shick Published by Atomic Mass Games Released in 2019
Iron Brush Murals
Speed Paint
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
On the table, Solo (Solo Flight) - We will examine what the game is like when played, to personify that experience, cover angles and what to expect from the title: components, setting, rules and the overall atmosphere. Noting any difficulty in obtaining said titles where applicable.
Points to hit:
Rules - This covers everything in the Rule book from setup to actually communicating what you are doing when you play.
Components - Every piece in the box, this can also cover table presence, what does it look like when it is all laid out.
Play - How does the game play, is it smooth, what are the fun interactions, what does it encourage.
Theme - What does the title do with its theme, how does it use it to further the narrative of the game and provide atmosphere for those playing.
Motor City Designed by Adam Hill, Ben Pinchback, Matt Riddle Published by 25th Century Games Original Release to crowdfunding 2022
Meeple Mountain
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Nashville Tabletop day 2023!
Open: Reason for the show - ITTD History and background. Discussion about why we think it's important, and a wonderful day!
Share resources on air about how to get involved.
Speak to our local host Andy Matthews of Meeple Mountain.
Getting to know you - We look at certain boardgame related topics and explore strategies for getting involved. ITTD and conventions, starting/joining/finding a local game group.
The Right kind of crowd - Talking about the type of players/crowd that a particular game is aimed at, convention edition.
Larry - Players looking for a full experience
Game: Lisboa Published by Eagle Gryphon Games
Alex - Player Type looking for the atypical
Game: Two Rooms and a Boom Published by Tuesday Knight Games
Conventional wisdom - convention going ons
Entries taken from:
Meeple Mountain entries from their list located Here
Steve Jackson Games entries from their list located Here
Listed Conventions this episode:
May 27-29: ReCon 2023 - A ReMarkable Tabletop Gaming Experience – Kernersville, NC
Location: Project:Re3, 1474 Kerner Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284
Since 2017, ReCon - A ReMarkable Tabletop Gaming Experience has grown to be the largest non-profit community board gaming event in North Carolina. This event features 4500+ sq ft of dedicated space, a play-2-win event, a staff tabletop gaming flea market, raffle and door prizes, a curated game library, and access to food, drinks, and snacks on site. All proceeds from ReCon 2023 will be donated to H.O.P.E. for Belarus to support local families planning to host children from Belarus in their homes this summer!
Contact Person: Luke Dixon
For more info, contact: 409 Barnsdale Ridge Road, Kernersville, NC 27284
June 2-4: SaltCON Summer 2023 – Layton, Utah
Location: Davis Conference Center, 1651 N 700 W, Layton, UT 84041
Utah's Board Game Destination! The board game event of the Wasatch Front! Come join thousands of gamers, and check out the hottest new releases, enter a tournament, browse game themed jewelry, decor, and accessories. Find a great deal at the game swap, try-before-you-buy with our game library of over 2000 games, advance in D&D Adventurers League, or lose yourself in one of our unique RPG games!
Contact Person: Dale Gifford
For more info, contact: SaltCON, c/o Dale Gifford, 3730 S Brookside Drive, West Valley City, Utah 84120
Play On Con
Birmingham, Alabama Jul. 6-09, 2023
Southern-Fried Gaming Expo
Atlanta, Georgia Jul. 28-30, 2023
Board Games Road Show - Touring locally owned shops.
This episode we talk with Rick Kueler owner of Game Point a Board Game Cafe and Game Point A Board Game Store.
A Few of my Favorite Things - Each Host takes a random title from their collection and covers it at length!
Larry: Button Shy Games collection, the game haul, the games the experiences that they provide, their accessibility, replayability, so much to love!
Alex: Starship Captains By Peter B. Hoffgaard Published by Czech Games Edition Released in 2022
Game Point A Board Game Store
Meeple Mountain
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Talk about BGA.
The Name on the Box - Favorite board game by designer. We go through a list of our personal top designers, covering a few titles that personify why we love them, then we name our personal favorite of their designs and talk about why!
Special Statement on Klaus Teuber and his legacy in gaming
Settlers of Catan
Cities and Knights
Starfarers of Catan
A deeper look - We pick a game (each) and do a deeper dive into the title. Not a review but speaking to the mechanics of it, noting any challenges in obtaining said title. So this does not have to be all new hotness.
Larry - Star Eater Designed By Jason (5Volt) Abrahams, Originally (Self-Published) through crowd funding in 2022.
Alex - World of Warcraft: The Board Game by Christian T. Petersen Published by Fantasy Flight Games Released in 2005.
Game Changer - Talk about the moment when we discover a game changing rule/play elements to a long played board game and how they affected us!
Larry’s favorite game to play with his siblings: Cargo Noir
Game Point A Board Game Store
Board Game Arena
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Elephant In the Room - Topics that HAVE to be talked about.
This time we briefly touch on where we have been, and why. Also the apology for missing out on notifying everyone that we would be away and a sincere thank you for sticking around. LOTS of exciting things are coming up!
It’s the Big One! - Discussion about Grail games, what they are and why we put them on the list!
Alex Acquired a Grail Game!
GKR Heavy Hitters!
Alex - World Of Warcraft:The Board Game,
GKR Heavy Hitters
Larry - The Queen's Gambit
Mail Call (Kickstarters and Purchases)
Alex - Maglev Metro Maps, Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition, Lost Empires, Counter Warfare, Flamecraft, Dungeon Petz, Revie, Akropolis, Star Wars: Deck Building Game
Larry - Maglev Metro Maps, Motor City
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts in writing and on the show.
Both - Star Wars Deck Building Game
Gigabites Cafe
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Introduction and purpose:
Here we set up the episode and say what sets it apart by identifying it as a KS preview.
Game Preview:
Larry - Full set up and how to play.
Highlights: Talk about their experience with the game and give overall thoughts:
Weird Giraffe Games
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Freedom the underground railroad
July 27th contest deadline for Taboo board game subjects!
Host Hotseat; What's your Genre’? - In this segment the hosts pick a Genre and give some highlights and really share why they like it and why everyone should try games from it!
Adventure games: Xia: Legends of a Drift System, The 7th Continent, Destines, etc.
Dice Dictating Action Games: Dice Throne, War of the Ring, Roll for the Galaxy, etc.
Revisit Revelry - The hosts revisit a title and give ongoing impressions of living with the game. Revealing and detailing facets of the game that have emerged over their time with it!
Star Realms by Robert Dougherty, Darwin Kastle Published by Wise Wizard Games Released in 2014.
The Pillars of the Earth by Michael Rieneck, Stefan Stadler Published by KOSMOS released in 2006.
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Larry: Euphoria: Build a better Dystopia By Jamey Stegmaier, Alan Stone Published by Stonemaier Games Released in 2013
(Hand Management, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement, Worker Placement with Dice Workers)
Alex: Picture Perfect by Anthony Nouveau published by Arcane Wonders Released in 2020
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
What's new - (Kickstarter) What’s new with Us.
Alex: Corinth, Dungeon Drop, Moonrakers, Smartphone Inc., Oath
Larry: Motor City: A strategic engine-building roll and write game! , Ironsworn: Starforged
League of Dungeoneers
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts on the show.
Alex: Stars of Akarios by Brendan McCaskell, Jonathan Thwaites Published by OOMM Released in 2022
*Summer School - We take on and detail some fun, but serious Gaming activities that are specifically celebrated in the summer!
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Larry: Fantastic Factories by Joseph Z Chen, Justin Faulkner Published by Deep Water Games released in 2019
Alex: Dune Imperium by Paul Dennen Published by Dire Wolf Released in 2020
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome! Summer of Games VI Kickoff!!
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts on the show.
Larry - Origins 2022 / Foundations of Rome By Emerson Matsuuchi Published by Arcane Wonders Released in 2022
Alex - Bitoku By Germán P. Millán Published by Devir Released in 2021
Summer Of Games Game choice: Our Hosts share their end of show games to go get right now!
Alex - Letter Jam By Ondra Skoupý Published by Czech Games Edition Released in 2019
Larry - Digimon TCG By Ryan Miller Published by Bandai Released in 2020
Origins Game Fair
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Stars of Akarios (Alex) Sneak Ark Nova
Under the Hood: We roll up our sleeves and talk about games from the perspective of their mechanics! The mechanisms that are present and cover what some of the buzzwords may mean.
Summer Games Epic Campaigns!
Hallmarks of campaign games Progression Narrative driven (player/game) Single unconnected scenarios (Player created narrative, Sentinels of the Multiverse) versus from determined by the book Things to consider Cost of Entry, Expansions? Arkham Horror LCG, Descent 2nd Ed, Mice and Mystics, Group size Consistency of meeting Table size How to “save” the game Campaign versus Legacy Risk Legacy Charterstone Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar Best Campaign games for 1 player, 2 - 3 player, 4 - 5 playerAlex:
Solo : 7th Continent, LOTR the Card Game, Legacy of Dragonholt
2 - 3 Player: Shadows of Brimstone, Pandemic Legacy, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Gloomhaven
4 - 5 Player: The Crew, The Initiative, Imperial Assault, The King’s Dilemma
Solo: 7th Continent, Hostage Negotiator Career, Zombiecide Invader,
(Honorable Mention Space Infantry)
2 - 3 Player: Sword and Sorcery, Mage Knight/Star Trek Frontiers, Mechs Vs. Minions
4 - 5 Player: Sentinels of the Multiverse, Thunderstone Quest, Gears of War
Space Infantry 2.1 Rules
Mice & Mystics Downwood Tales
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
Not just Good, but SUPER Good - Top 3 lists themed by genre this time:
Favorite Art from a game artist
Artist - Beth Sobel
LOTR The Card Game Wingspan ArboretumLarry
Artist - Kwanchai Moriya
Galaxy Trucker Piece Days of Ire Cover to Overlight
Bonus, Favorite Games featuring their art!
Viticulture by Jamey Stegmaier, Alan Stone Published by Stonemaier Games Released in 2013 Subastral by Ben Pinchback, Matt Riddle Published by Renegade Game Studios Released in 2021 Coldwater Crown by Brian Suhre Published by Bellwether Games Released in 2017Larry:
Dinosaur Island by Jonathan Gilmour, Brian Lewis Published by Pandasaurus Games Released in 2017 Kepler 3042 by Simone Cerruti Sola Published by Renegade Game Studios Released in 2016 Bosk by Daryl Andrews, Erica Bouyouris Published by Floodgate Games Released in 2019********************************
Larry Special mentions:
Ian O’Toole
On Mars Cover Lisboa Cover Nemo's War CoverGames
On Mars by Vital Lacerda Published by Eagle-Gryphon Games Released in 2020 Lisboa by Vital Lacerda Published by Eagle-Gryphon Games Released in 2017 Nemo's War by Chris Taylor (I), Alan Emrich Published by Victory Point Games Released in 2020
Special Mention and worth looking into:
Milan Vavron
Prophecy original cover
Underwater Cities
Lost Ruins of Arnak Cover
Prophecy by Vlaada Chvátil Published by Z-Man Games Released in 2002
Underwater Cities by Vladimír Suchý Published by Rio Grande Games Released in 2018
Lost Ruins of Arnak by Elwen, Mín Published by Czech Games Edition Released in 2020
MORE special mentions:
Antonis Papantoniou - Among the stars and 79 others! (Epic, Hero Realms)
Odysseas Stamoglou - Among the stars and 50 others! (Teotihuacan: City of Gods)
Game Gab - The hosts take a more in-depth look at game related topics specifically related to Hobby Board Games in other areas of popular culture.
This time we expand our ART discussion from the supergood lists!
The Name on the Box - Favorite board game by designer. We go through a list of our personal top designers, covering a few titles that personify why we love them, then we name our personal favorite of their designs and talk about why!
Alex: Lords of Waterdeep Peter Lee
Larry: John Werner
Zombie State: Diplomacy of the Dead by John Werner Published by Zombie State Games released in 2010
Quick Hits: We each detail a game that we can endorse to run out and get to play in the near future, just some quick notes on why you should get it and what we like about it.
Alex: The Red Cathedral by Isra C. , Shei S. Published by Devir Released in 2020
Res Arcana by Thomas Lehmann published by Sand Castle Games 2019 art by Julien Delval
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome!
First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts on the show.
Alex - Isle of cats Explore and Draw By Frank West Published by The City of Games Released in 2022
Larry - Bees The secret Kingdom By Kamil 'Sanex' Cieśla Published by Van Ryder Games Released in 2019
What's new - (Kickstarter) What’s new with Us.
Alex - Tiny Epic Vikings By Scott Almes Published by Gamelyn Games Released in 2023
Larry - Maglev Metro Maps By Ted Alspach Published by Bézier Games Released in 2023
The Reading Room - We talk about board game related books. Where to get them, why you should and of course our thoughts.
Larry - Fail Faster Playtester Journal
Alex - How to Create Your First Board Game (6th Edition) By Aaron Frias
What’s NEW(s) - We discuss current relevant news AND or new things to us in the boardgaming world!
Viticulture World Announced and on the way.
Hasbro purchases digital Toolset D&D Beyond from Awaken Realms (Via Dicebreaker)
Digimon TCG is vibrant and well!
BanDai is releasing a Once Piece TCG
DC Deckbuilding game celebrates its 10th Anniversary!
Dicebreaker Some news this episode is linked from this site, be sure to check them out!
Music: As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at ocremix.org go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!
Outro :
De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball
Original Track - The Phantom Forest
Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin
Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix
Content Group - Final Fantasy VI
Original Copyright - Square Enix
Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu
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