In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m sharing two transmissions from my Money, Magic, & Spirituality Bootcamp.
In these transmissions, I’m diving into:
-scarcity mindset around money
-inherited beliefs + societal condition around money and survival
-shifting perspectives on work and money
-reclaiming personal expression in professional settings
-self-expression and boundaries in professional settings
-a personal story (of my ex’s!) around money, career, and money mindset
… and so much more!
Soul Purpose Incubator
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving back into the Spiritual Awakening 101 series. We’re chatting about:
-understanding the dark night of the soul and dark entities
-understanding entities and thought bots
-dark night of the soul transformation
-trickster entities and narcissistic dynamics
-self-acceptance and spiritual growth
… and so much more!
Magic in the Dark
Soul Purpose Incubator - waitlist -
Manglende episoder?
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into:
-making it through Mars Retrograde
- White Moon Selena: the lesser-known point in our astrological birth chart
-White Moon Selena as the counterpart to Black Moon Lilith
-the importance of these two astrological signs
-White Moon Selena through the signs
-new timelines and your role in creating the next Eon
… and so much more!
Find your White Moon Selena
Into the Akasha - Self Study
Akashic Keys Mystery School
Akashic Reader Certification
Weekly Tarot & Akashic Energy Reports - Spotify | Apple -
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into:
-my experience from my first QHHT session
-my past life as a Priestess
-Pleiadian experiences
-Interdimensional experiences
-my personal journey of Spiritual Awakening & mental health
-past lives & personal empowerment
…and so much more!
How to Read the Akashic Records Masterclass
Into the Akasha - Self Study
Akashic Keys Mystery School
Akashic Reader Certification
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into:
-understanding the Akashic Records
-understanding Black Moon Lilith & Chiron
-understanding Black Moon Lilith & the Witch Wound
-the nature of power and the False Matrix
-the Lilith Wound & personal power
-the Black Moon Lilith (and her wounds) across the zodiac signs
…and so much more!
Soul Purpose Incubator
Into the Akasha - Self Study
Akashic Keys Mystery School
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m excited to have my beautiful friend Kasia on the show!
Kasia is a dedicated Womb Health and Wellness Guide, committed to helping women reclaim autonomy over their wombs and embrace their holistic, sexual, and feminine essence. She provides compassionate, woman-centered care from her home-based clinic on a biodynamic farm in the heart of the Canadian Maritimes.
In addition to being a devoted mother to three earth-side children and one angel baby, Kasia is an author, speaker, iridologist, detox counselor, and a trusted resource for womb wellness. She channels her passion for the Sacred Feminine through her work, including hosting "The Temple Podcast," where she explores divinity, alchemy, and the connection between body, mind, and soul.
When she’s not guiding women on their wellness journey, you can find her in the kitchen, crafting nourishing ancestral meals, or wandering her herb farm with her children, animals, and her "magical" husband, all under the shelter of the trees.
In this episode, Kasia and I chat about:
-the re-emergence of Old World religions
-spiritual re-awakening
-spirituality and grounding in the modern world
-personal spiritual journeys & spiritual transformations during pregnancy
-ancestral connections to religion & spirituality
… and so much more!
Akashic Keys Mystery School
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m excited to have Isabella Beham on the show!
Isabella is a matchmaker whose life purpose is helping restore Divine Union to our planet. She combines her channeling work, her training in Theta Healing, and her professional experience in the matchmaking industry to help her clients manifest the soul soothing love of their dreams.
In this episode, Isabella and I chat about:
-Isabella’s spiritual upbringing & awakening
-exploring soul relationships-the impact of cultures on soulmate dynamics-the concept of fragmented souls
-soulmates in relation to ascension
-understanding soulmate relationships & twin flames
-soulmate manifestation & self love
… and so much more!
Ancient Origins Mystery School
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m chatting all about
- the darkness of current events and personal power
-the False Matrix and our role in reestablishing balance
-Higher Dimensional Consciousness & personal responsibility
-spiritual activism & the responsibility of sharing knowledge
-the urgency of collective action in 2025
…and so much more!
Ancient Origins Mystery School - WAITLISTThe Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind
Got questions? Send me an email!
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into the topic of money - our relationship to it, our power with it, its power over us, abundance, the guilt we feel around this power.. And so much more!
If your relationship with money is something you want to transform in 2025, this episode is for you!
Soul Purpose Incubator
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind
Free Weekly Energy Reports
The Game Makers are here, friends.
We do not abide by previous paradigm rules. There's a reason that we're here And that reason is to architect the game from the inside out, to change the game.
You're here to play a bigger game. You know it, I know it. This is your activation point.
Soul Purpose Incubator
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind
Book a complimentary clarity call
Magic Awakening: Live Group Journey
Free Weekly Energy Reports
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I am so excited to have Erica Cordeiro on the show!
Erica is here for the women who are changing the world—entrepreneurs, visionaries, and purpose-driven business owners. But don’t come to her for business advice. Instead, Erica supports you—the woman behind the mission—helping you dismantle the limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and energetic blockages standing in the way of your fullest potential.
As a psychic-medium, channel, trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, certified life coach (TMLCS), and energy healer, Erica weaves together grounded tools and spiritual insights to help you align with your power. She sees your brilliance and your mission and provides the deep, transformational support you need to rise above the mental and emotional noise to make the impact you were born to create.
No therapy couch. No BS. Just you, fully seen and fully supported, stepping boldly into your magic.
In this episode, Erica and I chat about:-Erica’s personal journey into psychic mediumship-challenging Christ Consciousness-Fairy and Dragon energies-understanding grief and spiritual connection-communication challenges in mediumship
…and so much more - Erica even channels for Amy!CONNECT WITH ERICA
@alignwithericaLINKS MENTIONED:
The Next Chapter: Finding Clarity on your Soul Legacy-- FREE MASTERCLASS
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind details
Book a complimentary clarity call
Magic Awakening: Live Group Journey
Free Weekly Energy Reports
Today's episode is a deep dive into understanding your North & South Nodes as keys to Soul Purpose clarity.
As I share in this episode, recognizing the pattern of your North & South Nodes as it plays out in your life is a total game-changer. This pattern is undoubtedly repeating itself fairly frequently, and if you don't realize what it is, it can be a bit crazy-making.
BUT! When you see it, and you learn how to consciously leverage your South Node and aim for your North Node, you automatically align with your Soul Blueprint and begin to fulfill your Soul Purpose and its most fundamental level.
I truly feel that understanding this, is the most important starting point when seeking to discover your Soul Purpose.
I hope you find it informative, inspiring, activating and at very least entertaining!
The Next Chapter: Finding Clarity on your Soul Legacy-- FREE MASTERCLASS
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind details
Book a complimentary clarity call
Magic Awakening: Live Group Journey
Free Weekly Energy Reports
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m sharing an IG Live on how I found my Soul Purpose, how I can help you find yours, and why it’s TIME for you to do what your SOUL came here to do.
Soul Purpose is a rich, deep and multi-layered thing.
2025 is the year of Soul Purpose alignment.
I’m NOT saying all of your dreams will come true, you’ll get the answer to everything, and you’ll start shooting laser beams out of your third eye in 2025.
But what I AM saying is that a shit-ton of clarity and Soul Purpose alignment is on the menu.
Look— your Soul chose this incarnation for a reason.
Some of it is karmic, some of it is mission-based.
All of it is important.
I genuinely believe that even the most “asleep” people are about to have their lives rearranged to align with the fulfillment of their Soul Purpose, whether they realize it or not.
And for all of us who are awake (to whatever degree)— we’re going to be able to ride these waves of change with lucidity.
It’s not necessarily going to feel comfortable or easy… but it will feel good.
The way a workout feels good.
Like you get to see Who You Really Are and what You’re made of… and it turns out you’re actually dope AF and proud of the Human & Soul that you are.
You realize that you are enough.
You are a gift.
Your existence is a valuable contribution to this reality.
And that is what aligns you to your Soul Purpose.
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m sharing the energy report from November 29 through December 5, 2024.
The energies of this week were just TOO GOOD not to share with everyone
(if you want to get these updates weekly, get on my list)
The density that we have all been feeling is beginning to lift. We are ready for transformation, stepping more into our authentic power and soul purpose.
The Game Plan: Soul Purpose Mastermind
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I am so excited to have Lori Lynne Johnson on the show!
Lori Lynne Johnson is a Registered Nurse and Respiratory Therapist with more than 2 decades of clinical experience including critical care and palliative care. Despite a Near Death Experience at the age of 9, she lived most of her adult life with only a remote interest in spirituality or metaphysical teachings.
That abruptly changed with the decision in 2017 to pursue a life long dream of becoming a singer/songwriter. Despite not playing an instrument or having any experience composing, Lori Lynne channeled 5 songs in just a few weeks. Late one night while trying to develop a slower vibrato, she felt a tap at the base of her skull. Then a voice in her head said “try it now, it’s been taken care of”. When she began to sing, her voice had changed to now contain healing tones. Thus began a spiritual awakening that continued throughout 2018. Her debut EP Heartache and Healing released to Spotify and Apple Music and the first single “Courage” received airplay on country radio in Canada.
During a trip to Sedona in April 2019, Lori Lynne experienced a loss of time while visiting the vortex at Cathedral Rock. During a private reading, Paul Selig’s guides would reveal that “the illusion of time stopped for an experience of eternity…she retrieved her true self and came back realized”. However, this experience was very challenging for the body and upon returning to her hotel room, Lori Lynne slept for an almost continual 16 hours.
Over the past 5 years, Lori Lynne has been integrating her higher self to her physical body, raising her frequency one step at a time as tolerated. Since becoming known as Frequency Nurse through her website, Lori Lynne has connected with clients across North America. While channeling high frequency energy during sessions with clients over Zoom, her frequency elevates, bringing the clients frequency higher via entrainment. Results can include better sleep, boosted mood, reduced anxiety, reduced pain, faster healing, increased energy and improved blood circulation.
Lori Lynne seamlessly blends clinical nursing knowledge with energy healing techniques to offer a truly integrative approach to health. She is committed to helping each person tap into their innate healing potential by raising their energetic frequency.
In this episode, Lori Lynne and I chat about:
-Lori Lynne’s spiritual awakening and near-death experience
-her journey from Nursing to music
-Reiki, energy healing, & frequency experiences
-Arcturian energy, emotional neutrality, and how these influence Lori Lynne’s clients-psychic abilities and remote healing
-Lori Lynne’s time in Psychic School
…and so much more!CONNECT WITH LORI LYNNE
Website - Frequency Nurse
Lori Lynne Music
Soul Clarity Bundle
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into Module 2 of this brand new Spiritual Awakening 101 course.
Let’s deep dive into Spiritual Awakening 101: You Are Magic
Energy Report for October 28-Nov 1, 2024
Magic Awakening Membership
2025 Year Ahead Readings
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I am beyond excited to have my friend Andrea Donnelly back on the show!
Andrea is the Creator of the Future Medicine Healing Modality and Spiritual Advisor and Guide.
She jokes that she has a "25-year-long Independent PhD in healing studies” such as light language, energy work, the akashic records, flower essences, plant and animal medicine and more, and works with high achievers and visionaries to attune them to their highest frequency, restore their divine codes and cosmic creativity, and ultimately move them towards their soul’s gifts, mission and purpose; which is her sweet spot!
In this episode, Andrea and I chat about:-cult programming-understanding triggers, shifting paradigms, and manifesting-spiritual work and political action-embracing weirdness and joy-manifesting your reality…and so much more!
Instagram– Seawitchery
Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams - Facebook
Facebook Community
Link to freebie, a Miracle Activation Bundle
Magic Awakening MembershipAkashic Soul Code ActivationSoul Code The Key to Your Highest Timeline
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast -
A BRAND NEW course - hosted for free right here on the Third Eye Awakening podcast!
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m diving into Module 1 of this brand new Spiritual Awakening 101 course.
Let’s deep dive into Spiritual Awakening 101: You Are Not Weird
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast
Magic Awakening Membership
In this solo episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m chatting about all things psychic awakening and psychic development.
In this episode, I chat about:
-the collective energy shift
-understanding psychic abilities and spiritual experience
-challenges in describing psychic experiences
-the witch wound and trauma in psychic experiences
-embracing doubt and self validation
-developing psychic abilities and understanding psychic information
• Do you feel like you're not having spiritual experiences or like nothing magical is happening when you try to meditate, connect with your past lives or the Akashic records or whatever different path of spiritual exploration any of us is called to?•Do you feel frustrated and do you feel like nothing is happening and it's not working?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, this episode is for you!
Take the Psychic Clairs Quiz!
Akashic Soul Code Activation
Soul Code The Key to Your Highest Timeline
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast
In this episode of the Third Eye Awakening podcast, I’m so excited to have Aaron French back on the show!
Aaron French is a Medium, Akashic Reader, and Spiritual Guide. He has been a student of Nonduality, Classical Tantra and Daoism for over 25 years, and finds deep comfort in guiding others into the Now.
Aaron first realized he was communicating with Spirits in the late 1990’s, and has been expanding & grounding into the path of Mediumship since then. He now has a flourishing relationship with beings across the Astral realms and beyond, as well as powerful access to the Akashic Records. Aaron’s purpose is to support each one of us as we journey towards our Highest Truth and finding the greatest Joy in being Human on this Earth.
In this episode, Aaron and I chat about:
-the shift in Consciousness, relationships, and insights into these shifts
-the concepts of Time, Awakening, and the expansion of the present
-Wizard and Warrior archetypes
-Magic and Beingness
-the rise of Feminine energy and the new Masculine
… and so much more!CONNECT WITH AARON
www.naturalheartalchemy.comGET INTO AMY’S WORLD
*NEW* Akashic Soul Code Readings
Akashic Soul Code Activation
Akashic Reader Certification
FREE Weekly Tarot & Akashic Guidance - Private Podcast
False Matrix Freedom
- Vis mere