
  • Items necessary for "Minimum Viable Airlines" and your "Minimum Viable Project". These are the items that we agreed we would need before embarking on a project together. Do you have all of these before you begin a project?
    Destination - Project Vision
    Altitude - Depth of backlog
    Location - Progress (working software)
    Airspeed - Speed of delivery and speed constraints
    Fuel - Stories
    Captain or pilot - A leader
    Black box - Project data or metrics
    Landing gear - A clear and well worn path to prod
    Good flight procedures - Working agreements
    FAA flight time restrictions for pilots - Sustainable pace
    Logbook - Source control
    Emergency slide - Good enough or a safe way to end a project on short notice
    Podcasting Innovation - it’s amazing how much has changed in the last 7+ years, thanks to all the people & companies that have created
    Goats to Go - www.goatsonthego.com - you can poop out the back of the airplane
    The Red Rubber Ball at Work - by Kevin Carroll - a fun book on practical strategies and why you should inject more fun into the workplace - http://kevincarrollkatalyst.com/books
    TV shows you can watch that Jason likes:
    Why Planes Crash
    Airline Repo
    Uncle Bob, professionalism in software development and the future of programming, https://youtu.be/LmRl0D-RkPU
    Vacation from your vacation
    China Airlines Flight 006, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChinaAirlinesFlight_006
    Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclearandradiationaccidentsand_incidents

  • Join the guys as they, on the fly, create the Developer Experience Manifesto
    Book - “Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words of Influence & Impact” by Phil Jones - great insights and straights on how many of the simple things we say (including on this podcast) impact how people perceive and respond to what we say as agilists - https://www.philmjones.com/exactly/
    Product (for virtual teams) Sococo - Provides a virtual office with different spaces for team collaboration, pairing, or solo work - creates the experience where people working virtually can drop in - www.sococo.com
    Live Event - Agile Midwest 2019 - Come hang out in the “Agile Lounge” to discuss advanced agile topics or attend any of the other 40+ sessions on the program - www.agilemidwest.org
    Three Amigos, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092086/
    WWT Software Development podcast episode on the Virtual Office, https://wwtapps.podbean.com/e/virtual-office-1563125261/
    John's relatively new podcast, Dalio's Principles: A Philosophical Examination, https://daliosprinciples.fireside.fm/

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Scaled Agile and the similarities between hair styling and agilist.
    The Picks
    New version of git, introducing git switch and git restore:
    Pros and Cons of Scaled Agile
    Rocketbook Beacons
    https://daliosprinciples.fireside.fm/ My new podcast Dalio’s Principles: A Philosophical Examination

  • In this thrilling episode of This Agile Life, Jason asks for advice from Craig, Amos and Lee on what kind of metrics development teams can provide so there is some level of predictability as to new when features will be available to users or potential customers.
    I Estimate this Talk will be 20 Minutes Long, Give or Take 10 Minutes by Noel Rappin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBMwT53oGsM
    Concolic testing, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concolic_testing
    * Concolic = concrete + symbolic
    #NoEstimates Project Planning Using Monte Carlo Simulation, https://www.infoq.com/articles/noestimates-monte-carlo/
    ActionableAgile, https://actionableagile.com/
    Agile and Beyond - Tom Churchwell, http://agileandbeyond.com
    Code Craftsman Saturdays - Bob Allen, http://codecraftsmansaturdays.blogspot.com
    Ford Agile Coaches - They are hiring agile craftsman who want to pair and do TDD email Fadi at [email protected]
    Give and Take - Adam Grant, https://www.adamgrant.net/give-and-take
    Book - Lynn Cazaly - Visual Mojo – Learn how drawing can be easy and fun & Agile 2019 keynote speaker - https://www.amazon.com/Visual-Mojo-Express-Lynne-Cazaly/dp/0987462911
    Video - Brene Brown – Netflix Special: Call to Courage – Learn how shame and vulnerability impact you and your team and what you can do about it – https://www.netflix.com/title/81010166
    Event - Agile Midwest Call For Papers Round Two (Sept 25/26 in St. Louis, MO) – Congrats to our first round selections but it’s not too late to submit your idea to share OR improve your submission if you weren’t selected – www.agilemidwest.org

  • Topics
    Marriage Workshop
    Skinny Agile
    Working software, delivered in short intervals (weekly or more often)
    Every story has to be deployed when it’s finished
    Every story has to be valuable (to the stakeholders) and observable
    Jessica Kerr’s talk about Opera at Agile: Deliver, https://www.agilealliance.org/resources/sessions/the-origins-of-opera-and-the-future-of-programming-jessica-kerr/
    This is 40, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1758830/

  • Jason and Amos in a steel cage match of death.
    Live Event - Play For Agile NA - September 26 - 29, 2019 - Corwall, ON - Multi-Day Open Space conference focused on collaboration for high performing teams - theme this year is: Growing Empathy through Play - https://play4agilenorthamerica.com/
    Elevation of Privilege - Card Game for Threat Modeling - Open Source thanks to Microsoft - Model Your Threats - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20303
    GigCity Elixir - October 17-19, Chattanooga, TN, https://www.gigcityelixir.com/
    Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir: Find Bugs Before Your Users Do by Fred Hebert, https://pragprog.com/book/fhproper/property-based-testing-with-proper-erlang-and-elixir
    Behind Human Error by a bunch of people, https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Human-Error-David-Woods/dp/0754678342

  • What to do when team members don’t want to follow the established team rules? How to deal with your emotions getting the better of you?
    How Craig prefers to work
    * Introverted, but likes to work with people
    * Thinking out loud
    * OK with taking criticism in public
    * Passive with ideas
    The only thing you can control is how you act/react (Amos has been seeing this, but Tice brought it up)
    Team-first development (https://www.teamfirstdevelopment.com/)
    Vulnerability stories
    * Five Dysfunctions of a Team
    * The Advantage
    * Lead or Go First
    Tice’s advice on building trust
    * Share appreciation - more important than sharing constructive feedback (just appreciation & thank you)
    * Listen
    * Assume positive intent - assume that others are not out to get you
    * Share / Transparency
    * Agile Midwest 2019 - www.agilemidwest.org - Call for Awesome Sessions - now open - come share your ideas, help others learn, receive feedback and be part of the agile community.
    * Team exercise to learn how to work together better - Jason Lankow - https://medium.com/@jasonlankow/how-to-do-the-best-work-with-these-4-creative-types-5bf366a08f9c
    * Ballast Point - Grapefruit Sculpin IPA
    * http://www.thelittletyper.com/
    * Single-Site Browsers (SSBs)
    * Coherence Pro (https://www.bzgapps.com/coherencepro)
    * Unite 2 (https://www.bzgapps.com/unite)
    * Fluid (https://fluidapp.com/)

  • How to tell how well your team is doing
    * Happiness
    * Productivity
    * Informed (communication)
    * Needed a break?
    * Learned/improved?
    * How many times did you feel pain?
    * Trust
    * Feeling important/useful
    * Self-organizing
    * Have you tried “all” the Agile practices?
    * Amos: team complains about chairs
    * Empathy Map exercise, https://www.solutionsiq.com/resource/blog-post/what-is-an-empathy-map/
    * Plickers - App for doing live anonymous polls, https://get.plickers.com/
    * TCR (test && commit || revert) - article by Kent Beck, https://medium.com/@kentbeck_7670/test-commit-revert-870bbd756864

  • Picks
    * test && commit || revert with Kent Beck on https://hanselminutes.com/663/test-commit-revert-with-kent-beck
    * GTD, for $1.99 https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity-ebook/dp/B00KWG9M2E
    * GullyTown Double Barrel Aged by Restless Spirits in Kansas City
    * A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout
    * Elixir Outlaws - https://elixiroutlaws.com

  • Picks
    * A critique of “the 5 whys” (https://www.kitchensoap.com/2014/11/14/the-infinite-hows-or-the-dangers-of-the-five-whys/) (not the one I saw recently, but similar)
    * Office Space scenes with the real Michael Bolton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03lrL9CFWxM)
    * Alchian-Allen effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchian%E2%80%93Allen_effect)
    * People
    * Paper
    * Getting Things Done (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280) - David Allen

  • Links
    Agile Connection (https://www.agileconnection.com/question)
    Subway Map to Agile Practices (https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/subway-map-to-agile-practices/)
    Doug DeMuro car videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsqjHFMB_JYTaEnf_vmTNqg)
    Auto Trader column called Oversteer
    Music without lyrics, but that I like
    2Cellos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjuFsbclXyntSRMBAILzbw)
    Harp Twins (https://www.youtube.com/user/CamilleandKennerly)
    Agile Connection (https://www.agileconnection.com)
    Bonus pick not mentioned in the show (http://dilbert.com/strip/2018-01-22)
    2017 Top 66 Developer Resources (https://hackernoon.com/the-top-66-developer-resources-from-2017-e82531365e6d)
    Agile Coalition (https://coalition.agileuprising.com/)

  • Special Guests
    Don Peters
    Marc Chouinard
    Real-Time Team Improvements
    Setting Clear Objectives, Goals, and Working Agreements
    Try Pair Testing in 2018
    Find Your Personal Impact / Motivation
    Liftoff (https://www.amazon.com/Liftoff-Start-Sustain-Successful-Agile/dp/1680501631/) (Book) by Diana Larsen & Ainsley Nies – provides specific methods for “agile chartering” to help teams define their vision, and then write mission and mission tests to guide activities supportive of the vision
    Mile High Agile 2018 (https://www.milehighagile.org/) (Live Event) – Inspired by being in Denver, consider checking out the annual Mile High Agile conference being held in Denver, CO on May 21 & 22, 2018 – great conference with open space to learn from others
    Don’t just attend a conference, go present at it (Personal Development) – If you’ve attended a conference before, consider getting involved by presenting a session at a 2018 conference somewhere – lots of call for papers are open this time of year (early 2018), so consider helping improve the agile community by sharing what you know in 2018 – if you wait ‘til next year, you’ll only be another year older!
    Stop Work Authority Card (https://medium.com/@JoshuaKerievsky/stop-work-authority-d853f6a3c42d)

  • Topics
    Leadership by example
    Clean Architecture (https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Architecture-Craftsmans-Software-Structure/dp/0134494164) by Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin
    Building Evolutionary Architectures (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1491986360/) by Neal Ford and Rebecca Parsons
    The Mother of All Demos (https://youtu.be/r6iADUTlqwQ), presented by Douglas Engelbart 1968
    The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (https://smile.amazon.com/Five-Dysfunctions-Team-Leadership-Fable/dp/0787960756/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1508296754&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=five+dystfunctions)
    Liberating Structures (http://www.liberatingstructures.com) - helpful and well designed frameworks for specific types of strategic conversations - references available on the web at plus a Mobile App and also in print.
    LIVE EVENT - Imposter Syndrome: Innovation Killer Among Us (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/imposter-syndrome-innovation-killer-among-us-tickets-38074391530) - Wednesday morning, November 8, 2017 in the Kansas City area - Join Billie Schuttpelz after the Lean Agile KC conference to recreate the audacious salon experience from Agile2017 and learn more about Imposter Symdrome and how it impacts all of us.

  • Discussion
    The standardization of agile process across an organization.
    22 Scrum Master Anti-Patterns (http://www.101ways.com/22-scrum-master-anti-patterns-job-ads/) from Job Ads, blog post by Stefan Wolpers
    Mellowcreme pumpkins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candy_pumpkin)
    The Greatest Generation (http://www.maximumfun.org/shows/greatest-generation)
    Amos (channeling Tice)
    ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (https://ethics.acm.org/)
    How a Raccoon Became an Aardvark (https://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/how-a-raccoon-became-an-aardvark)
    Deep Teases ;-)
    WASD Keyboards (http://www.wasdkeyboards.com)

  • The Discussion
    We discuss ways that you can create a virtual "Save Point" in your project, both technically and with your relationships.
    Audible Content Exchange (http://acx.com)
    Welcome Inn Manor (http://welcomeinnmanor.com/) - B&B in Chicago
    Jason’s Recommended Bed & Breakfast in Boulder, CO - The Alps Canyon Inn (http://www.alpsinn.com/) - (Lee thinks they have great bathtubs) - http://www.alpsinn.com/
    Let’s Be Awesome (https://www.slideshare.net/JasonTice/lets-be-awesome-big-apple-scrum-day-2017-game-objective-guide) - a collaboration framework to guide recurring team/customer conversations to prioritize needs, practices to support them, and metrics to determine effectiveness -
    LIVE EVENT - Lean-Agile Kansas City (http://2017.leanagilekc.com/) - Nov 7, 2017 - Troy Magennis will be keynoting - Join us to celebrate long live #NoEstimates in Kansas City, MO
    Factorio (https://www.factorio.com)

  • Picks
    Moon Monkey - Ginger Beer from Saint Louis’ Urban Chestnut
    Quixir (https://hex.pm/packages/quixir) - Property-based testing in Elixir
    Artillery (https://artillery.io/) - performance testing tool
    Testing Pyramid (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html) - from Martin Fowler
    Ansible (https://www.ansible.com/)
    Server builds/configs
    My server configs (https://github.com/boochtek/server_config)
    Linux or macOS software install/configuration
    My macOS configs (https://github.com/boochtek/mac_config/tree/ansible)
    Puppet (https://puppet.com/) is also acceptable
    Chef (https://www.chef.io/chef/) is also acceptable
    Approval testing (http://approvaltests.com/)
    Previous This Agile Life on Approval Tests (http://www.thisagilelife.com/46)
    Xkcd-1205 (https://xkcd.com/1205/)
    Low Orbit Ion Cannon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_Orbit_Ion_Cannon)

  • Links
    Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs)
    The DevOps Lego Chocolate Game (https://www.agilealliance.org/resources/sessions/introduction-to-devops-with-chocolate-lego-and-scrum-game/) - a great way to learn about DevOps practices and how to apply them on your team
    Team First Development (http://www.teamfirstdevelopment.com/) - 3-minute Improv games to improve team dynamics, collaboration and communication - all the essentials to have a great team
    Live Event - Agile Midwest 2017 - Join @theagilefactor at the Midwest’s Largest non-profit agile conference - check out our program of 40 agile talks and a keynote by Tricia Broderick (Conference Chair for Agile2017) on growing leadership - conference sessions are held on Thursday, October 12, 2017 & be sure to attend Open Space, facilitated by @theagilefactor, on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - Register at: https://www.agilemidwest.org/
    Talk (https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/09/06/mozilla-washington-post-reinventing-online-comments/) - Mozilla’s attempt to bring back civil conversation to the Internet
    Missouri Mule - IPA from Piney River Brewing Company
    Nerves (https://hexdocs.pm/nerves/getting-started.html) - embedded development in Elixir
    Strange Loop (https://www.thestrangeloop.com/index.html) SEPTEMBER 28-30 2017

  • Recorded at the Rolla Brewpub (http://www.publichousebrewery.com/rolla-brewpub/)
    Amos and Craig head out to a Brewery...Yes, a Brewery, and talk Josh Stacy, one of the co-owners of Public House Brewing Company. They talk about learning from our mistakes, continuous improvement, scaling, producing quality, and, of course, making beer.
    Being Employed
    ### Amos
    Farmhouse Ale (http://www.publichousebrewery.com/the-beer/)
    ### Josh
    Voltron (https://www.netflix.com/title/80075595)

  • Working from Home / Pairing
    Suggests on how to pair
    Mob Programming
    Maltopia, Hermitage Brewing (https://hermitagebrewing.com/beer/year-round/maltopia-scotch-ale/)
    Strange Loop (https://www.thestrangeloop.com/)
    ElixirConf (https://elixirconf.com/)
    Elixir Rocks
    Ruby Conf (http://rubyconf.org/)