So many times in our lives we put restraints on ourselves for adulthood. For the male of our species, it is possibly the hardest to live up to what others think should be truly a man.
Having been raised in a Northern Michigan rural area, our host walked through trails to adventure that he felt showed him to be a man. The first time a boy catches a large fish or shoots a buck and brings it home to hear, "well done," it feels like a big step to being a man. But manhood is much more.
There are also self-imposed hurdles that all men and women set to feel successful. On today’s program, we won’t hear too much about hunting and fishing, but we’ll hear a great story of a city boy who had finally made it in the music world, just to see that it was not all he had thought it was. He felt like there had to be more than the victories he had been striving for in life! -
High country elk camps and the sounds of bugling bull elk draw 1000’s of hunters to the mountains each fall. People are different when they’re in the mountains. They drop their guard and relax more than
most any place on earth. Relationships grow in amazing ways when we allow God to move in our lives.
God has used the mountains in the life of today’s guest as well as the lives of those he has shared elk camps in the Colorado and Wyoming mountains. We’ll hear of miracles that were the answers to prayer. -
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Every one of us has a calling in life. For many of us, our calling is self-directed and, if we allow, many are God given. Callings can change from year to year as we move into new places in life. On today’s program, we will meet with a man who has been called to reach out to disciple men. He loves the outdoors and enjoys spending
time with others on the water and in the woods… especially in those times sharing what God is doing in his life and the lives of others. God is using this friend to get others to places where they can share their relationship with God and to others as well. He is stepping up in his calling and shares how you can as well! -
To some, it might seem dangerous or foolish but to others, it's something they look forward to all year. People lose their trucks, their ATVs and occasionally even their lives doing it, yet each year they venture out on frozen lakes, ponds rivers and streams to pull a fish through a hole drilled through the ice.
It takes a tough person to sit all day on a bucket on a frozen body of water and stare into a hole in the ice. It makes you wonder about their sanity!
Today, we'll meet such a man... a man with a passion for ice fishing. He's out on the ice every chance he gets. He'll share his passion for both ice fishing and for growing big whitetails.
Deer hunting is probably the number one hunting sport in the world. In the 2021/2022 season alone, more than 6 million deer were harvested in the United States. Most of those deer were never scored and a small percentage of them were scored and entered into a record book of some kind. Today, we’ll revisit a story of a world record whitetail buck that was taken in 2006 in Grant County, Wisconsin. We will hear from the mouth of the lucky hunter who was lucky enough to pull the trigger and down the massive buck. Then we’ll hear how that buck became one of the most important things in another man’s life and how it caused strife in his life before it finally pointed him to Jesus Christ.
Many of us grew up going to hunting or fishing camps from our youth. For many, it’s been a lifelong tradition to hunt with a bunch of others. Our host grew up where several hunters came together to work as a team to harvest deer. Then there are others who would much rather hunt and fish on their own. There are blessings and challenges in either style of hunting, But in
our daily lives, we need to understand that there are times to seek out God one on one… digging into his word and spending time in prayer. On today’s show, we meet up with a good friend of our host and the two of them talk about different ways of deer hunting, with a focus on tracking mature bucks in big woods settings. This is a solitary sport that takes a lot of stamina and concentration… But is so very
rewarding in the end! -
Hunters and fishermen have a serious passion for their sports. If you ask a deer hunter what their favorite day of the year is, most would say opening day of hunting season. If you ask a fisherman what their
favorite day of the years is, you’ll hear opening day of fishing season. Many outdoors people also share another passion; riding motorcycles. When many of us think about bikers, we think about biker
“gangs” and all that goes along with that crowd. But there is a different side to bikers, and that is a giving side. On this program, you'll hear about how giving and caring the biking community can be! -
Life is a series of new beginnings. Each morning when we wake up, it is a new opportunity to live for the Lord. This week we move from 2024 to 2025 and we don’t know what the year will bring. It’s often said that we don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. The God that created everything… Is the one who we can count on to see us through whatever lies ahead for each of us.
As we move into the new year, we thought it would be fun to bring our most listened to and most requested program back for an encore appearance. This program has more laughing than all of the rest of the programs combined. If you have never heard it, you will be greatly entertained and if you have heard it before… you will laugh even harder this time!
More importantly with the laughter is the story of new beginnings with the two brothers who join us. They share how they went from a life of religion to a life of a relationship with Jesus Christ because of the boldness of a good friend and his persistence in sharing the Gospel! -
Those of us who live in a time of immediate information have no idea what it would be like to live in a place or a time where we have no idea what is going on outside our little world. The Bible talks about how in end times, travel and knowledge will increase. If we look back over the last 100 years, travel has increased at amazing
rates. There was a time, not to long ago, when most people rarely traveled 100 miles from home. Many of us travel across the country or around the world all the time.
Today, we will learn about a chief from the deep jungles of South America and how he went from being filled with demons to becoming filled with the Holy Spirit. Most of us live in a sheltered atmosphere! -
There is a great blessing in both the young and the old as we enjoy the outdoors together. One of the things that we have lost in recent times is the passing of wisdom from one generation to the next. There are few places where it is easier to share in these times than in a fishing boat
or hunting blind. We often fail to take advantage of the opportunities to share in these special times. On today's program, we will join a grandfather and grandson on a very special fishing trip in Northwest Ontario, at Rushing Winds Camp! -
Our God is a God of new beginnings. He provided for so many people throughout the Bible, in the new and old testaments. He restored so many individuals, including king David, Moses, Joseph and all of Joseph’s family.
Many of our listeners are going through a tough time right now, having lost a loved one or maybe in the process of saying goodbye to someone. We understand that these are things that we will never get over… But with God’s help, we can get through them victoriously.
It seems that life at times is nothing more than a series of one loss after another, from beginning to end. That seems to be a given. It’s how we respond to those losses that gets us through. For those who have their hope in Jesus Christ, we have the only chance for peace in the midst of life’s losses. Today’s guest has had to deal with some terrible losses in his life and he has gotten through them. As you will hear him say, we get through our losses, but we never get over them.
Someday, all of God’s children will hear a trumpet call and we will rise up and join Him in the air for all eternity. The trumpet is used by the military to start the day and to end it… as well as to honor those who have passed away. There is something very special about the trumpet call.
Today’s guest has played his trumpet in 37 countries all around the globe and it has opened many doors; not for entertainment, but to glorify God. Today he will share several adventures in the jungles and on the rivers of South America. -
Old age might not be all it’s cracked up to be… but for a few, it is an amazing trip. Today’s guest has certainly outlived most, if not all, of our listeners. He has seen more changes in his 100 years than most of us will ever see. He has been blessed to live through a World War and many other
hardships. And still today, God sustains him! -
There is an old saying that starts with, “Out of the mouths of babes." Kids are honest. At times, children will say things that adults often find embarrassing if it happens to be around other adults. Children notice things we often don’t, or they are perhaps not as desensitized to the feelings and ideas of others. Come along today and learn about how God used a preschool girl to point
her parents to a life lived for Jesus Christ! -
Most people in America don’t think of pastors as real guys. Often they
are thought of as someone who is unapproachable and stuffed shirt. On
today’s show, you will meet a pastor who is anything but those things. He is an outdoorsman through and through and his passion for hunting and fishing are only surpassed by his passion for his Savior and his family. Come along now and join our host, Dean Hulce, share the life of a pastor and special Michigan outdoorsman as they talk about life in God’s Great Outdoors and they travel together down the Trail To Adventure! -
This week, our host visits with a man from deep in the heart of south Texas who has spent his life hunting and fishing in the hill country and brush country. He lived most of his life chasing the American dream in business and the outdoors. Losing his wife at a young age brought big changes in his life. Today, Jesus Christ is the most important part of his life. He has spent much of the last several years serving others, while serving the Lord through the outdoors. Today, you’ll hear of how our guest has given up much of his hunting to not only share in the hunting and fishing experience, but also share in a hope and trust in Jesus Christ.
The leaves have changed colors in the North and many have fallen. Many
areas have had their first frost and the whitetail bucks have begun to look for does. Most every of the country has an open archery season. Groups of archery hunters are joining together to pursue a number of different species of big and small game. All with Bows and Arrows.
There’s another group of archers who gathered together earlier in the
year. The Christian Bow Hunters Association gathered in Cadilac,
Michigan to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Today’s guest is the head
of this great organization that not only shares a love for God’s Great Outdoors, but for Jesus Christ as well! -
All of us who are blessed enough to make it to an age where we can consider retirement will have to consider what we will do with the time that God has remaining for us before we leave this life. Most individuals who do retire say that they don’t know how they had time to work before retirement, because they are so busy. On today’s program, we will meet a gentleman who is just leaving the day to day working world and seeking out what God has for him and his wife in the future. They retired with the intention of spending more time serving the Lord and others.
There are few places that bring a father and son together like a hunting and fishing camp. Time in the woods or on the water make it all but impossible to grow closer together and closer to God. Come along now to NW Ontario as we learn about the painful disaster that brought our guests to seek God’s healing hand. We’ll be on the water on Populus Lake in God’s Great Outdoors!
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