Recently , for the first time, the sight and sound of a meteor impact was recorded by a doorbell camera on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Fortunately the event occurred a few minutes after Joe Velaidum the home’s owner had been standing at the impact point on the way out to walk his dogs. Joe himself considers it to be a near death experience.
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Greg Leonard was using the University of Arizona's 60 inch telescope atop Mt. Lemmon when he discovered a 50 foot diameter asteroid with an orbital period around the Sun of 364.4 days. After the discovery observations were posted this small asteroid was observed by telescopes in Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, England, New Mexico, New Zealand, Japan, France, and Australia. Greg's new space rock, 2017 FZ2, follows a path which crosses Earth's orbit twice a year as it moves from near the planet Venus's orbit to halfway to the path of Mars around the Sun. Most of the time it is so far away and dim that asteroid hunters are unable to track it.
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Using high powered graphics processing units, a team of 21 astronomers led by Dr. Artem Y. Burdanov of MIT used 93 hours of data from the James Webb Space Telescope or JWST for short to serendipitously search for asteroids which happened to be present in images taken in the of study planets circling distant stars. JWST and the new Vera C. Rubin Observatory will help to fill in asteroid hunters current blind spots. Better asteroid impact prediction will allow asteroid hunters to warn people to stay away from doors and windows and take shelter in the event of an Earth bound space rock much as weather forecasters do currently with tornados and hurricanes.
Near Earth Asteroids or NEAs which are accessible are those objects whose orbits bring them close to Earth at speeds which are reachable by our rockets. They are potential space mission targets for science as well as for asteroid mining to obtain the raw materials necessary for humans to colonize space.
We will continue to search for life as we know it by studying the chemistry of the atmospheres of extraterrestrial planets and trying to detect signals from alien civilizations while being aware that alien life could be so weird that it is unrecognizable
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Jacqueline Fazekas was asteroid hunting with our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Arizona when she spotted a glowing patch of light moving through the constellation of Cancer.By discovering her first comet Jacqui became the 483 person to discover a comet since 1758 when Charles Messier created a catalogue of diffuse objects to help fellow comet enthusiasts not be fooled by gas clouds and galaxies in their search for a new comet.
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Greg Leonard discovered an asteroid, 2017 EA, which is so tiny that it could pass under a basketball hoop. It missed exploding in our atmosphere by only about 9,000 miles as it streaked between the communications satellites and the surface of our planet high above the eastern pacific ocean. After Greg discovered it, this small celestial visitor was tracked by telescopes in Arizona, New Zealand, and New Mexico before it disappeared into the Earth's shadow. When this tiny space rock emerged from our planet's shadow it was too close to the Sun for further observations by ground based telescopes. However, our observations pinned down it's orbit around the Sun well enough, for astronomers to conclude that it will not come this close to us again during the next six encounters with Earth from 2019 to 2126.
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Vivian Carvajal was asteroid hunting in the constellation of Aries with the Steward Observatory 90 inch Bok telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona when she spotted a fast moving point of light in a set of her images. Nearly 10 hours later it entered the Earth’s atmosphere over Eastern Siberia north of Olekminsk
To travel to the edge of space you can strap yourself into a capsule and ride atop of a carefully controlled explosion or you can enter a crew capsule and be gently lifted by a balloon into the stratosphere. Unlike a suborbital rocket flight lasting for a few minutes a ride under a balloon can give you several hours to enjoy the wonders of the Earth and its curvature against the back drop of space. Tucson based World View Enterprises is on track to take you on such a balloon ride to the edge of space for the price of a $75,000 ticket. This innovative company is getting started with an unmanned balloon borne capsule called the Stratollite.
From our vantage point on planet Earth asteroids appear as moving points of light which strictly follow the law of gravity as they orbit the Sun. On the other hand comets appear as gas clouds which sometimes deviate from their gravitational orbits when they burp bursts of gases as they are warmed by the Sun. Dark comets appear as points of light like asteroids but move through space as though they are influenced by small rocket like bursts of volatile materials in cometary fashion.
My team was excited when our Catalina Sky Survey teammate Carson Fuls discovered his first comet, C/2017 D1 (Fuls), when it was traveling between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter about 257 million miles from Earth. It is classified as a Jupiter Family Comet and orbits the Sun once every ten and a half years on a path that keeps it hundreds of million miles from both the Earth and Sun. It is likely that Carson's comet originally had an orbit out in the Kuiper belt far beyond Pluto.Comet Fuls was directed into our vicinity when its original path was changed by a collision with another object or perhaps because of the gravitational tug of passing star. A Jupiter family comet like Carson's orbit is unstable due to the gravitational pulls of the planets especially the giant Jupiter
In the journal Planetary and Space Science Dr. Kevin Cannon and his two coauthors analyze the potential of asteroid mining as a source of metals for manufacturing here on Earth as well as a repository of raw materials for space colonists.These authors find there are less precious metals in iron meteorites than was previous estimated. However there are a small number of precious metals whose concentration in asteroids is higher than any ores found on Earth. In the future Earthlings may be wearing jewelry made from asteroidal metals.
The company Planet's, Dove satellites may not be spot you looking up, smiling, and waving when you are in the great outdoors but they could detect a car in your driveway.
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate David Rankin has discovered 13 comets using our team’s professional telescopes. Recently he discovered a 14th comet as an amateur using a small, 11 inch telescope in his backyard Saguaro Observatory in Tucson, AZ.
When the material came together to form our home planet, gravity was strong enough to pull the heavy materials like iron to the center, giving our planet an iron core. The vast majority of the hundreds of thousands of known asteroids and comets orbiting our Sun are made of mixtures of rocks and ices of various substances. They do not have enough gravity to cause heavy materials to move to their centers. From scientific measurements the asteroid Psyche appears to be composed almost entirely of iron, nickel, and possibly other valuable metals. Perhaps the Massachusetts sized, 130 mile diameter, asteroid Psyche is the core of a Mars sized planet whose outer layers were blown away by collisions early in the history of the solar system. Although NASA has no plans to bring back material for earthlings to use, space mining enthusiasts are interested in Psyche since the metal in this asteroid may be worth 10,000 quadrillion dollars on today's market. The Psyche spacecraft is scheduled for launch in 2023. It will get a boost in speed from the Earth's gravity in 2024, fly by Mars in 2025, arrive at the asteroid in 2030, and then orbit this strange world for at least 6 months taking scientific data. Since we can not visit our home planet's core a trip to Psyche will enable us to explore the unknown nature of what is below our feet and provide clues about the exotic mixtures of metals and minerals which may be hiding there.
Meteor shower data can provide an additional warning time for a potentially dangerous comet of from 1 to 12 years giving humans extra time to determine and carry out mitigation strategies.
Jupiter's Trojan asteroids lead and follow the giant planet around the Sun occupying stable locations where Jupiter and the Sun's gravity balance each other. Humans have discovered only a tiny fraction of the million of them larger than one kilometer or about 3,300 feet in diameter that are suspected to exist. Upon NASA's selection of the Lucy mission, Dr. Harold Levison of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado commented “Because the Trojans are remnants of the primordial material that formed the outer planets, they hold vital clues to deciphering the history of the solar system. Lucy, like the human fossil for which it is named, will revolutionize the understanding of our origins.”
Through out history humans have dreamed about living creatures on planets orbiting distant stars. As technology has improved and our robotic missions have begun exploring our solar system in some detail the aspiration to learn about alien solar systems continues to build. At the focal point of the solar gravitational lens it is theoretically possible to image a planet orbiting a distant star to show its details as small as 20 miles in diameter. Such images could reveal oceans, land masses, clouds, and provide evidence that life is possible on an alien world.
A research expedition to near the south pole is developing to investigate a meteorite mystery. Meteorites landing on the Antarctica ice sheet are slowly transported along by ice flows until they are dumped into the ocean or up against a mountain range. The concentration of meteorites into stranding zones on the lower slopes of mountain ranges has allowed humans to collect 2/3 of the meteorites discovered on Earth in Antartica. The fact that the percentage of iron meteorites found in these places in Antartica is 1/8 what are found elsewhere on Earth is puzzling.
The Sun emits a solar wind of charged particles reaching speeds of more than a million miles per hour, bursts of energetic ultraviolet photons, huge blobs of ionized gas called coronal mass ejections and other phenomena which effect the near Earth environment. A team of scientists present a comprehensive network of ground based instruments and analysis tools called the Chinese Meridian Project. This research project has been established to provide stereoscopic, comprehensive, monitoring of space weather from the Sun to the near Earth environment. Although the authors state its results will be shared with the international community such knowledge will provide a powerful advantage to the nation operating it.
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