
  • [00:20]
    Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race
    Two weeks after saying only the Lord Almighty could convince him to drop out of the United States presidential election, Joe Biden has quit the race. Newsweek reported that Biden was irritated with Barack Obama for talking to Democratic Party leaders behind his back in an attempt to force him to step aside. Yet Obama’s meddling seems to have worked.
    America Under Attack

    ‘The Abraham Alliance’
    In an address to the United States Congress on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he would like to form a NATO-like alliance with nations in the Middle East. Will he be able to put his trust in these countries? As an alternative, could China bring peace to the region?
    “Who Is Behind the War on Netanyahu
    ”Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet
    The King of the South
    Jerusalem in Prophecy
    The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem

    Is China Preparing for War?
    Xi Jinping is building secret commodity stockpiles of oil, gas and food. Why? These are all things you would need in abundance if you were at war.
    “China Is Steering the World Toward War”

    Tension Between Europe and Islam
    The Olympics began today in Paris, France, but the city is coming under some bizarre attacks. Germany’s Islamic Blue Mosque was just raided by police. Could there be a link between that raid and the attacks in Paris?
    The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem

  • [00:23]
    God Decides Who Survives Assassination Attempts
    Donald Trump was almost assassinated last Saturday night at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service wasn't protecting him, but God was. U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon also dismissed Special Counsel Jack Smith's criminal trial against Trump this week.“
    Ready for War”
    “God Isn't Finished With Trump”
    “Why Is God Protecting Donald Trump?”
    America Under Attack

    Europe Fears Trump's VP J.D. Vance
    Donald Trump's new running mate, J.D. Vance, is putting Europe on alert. Vance believes America should send less aid to Europe, boosting calls from the Continent to militarize on its own.

    Russia Is Building a New Space-Based Nuclear Weapon
    Xi Jingping may have had a stroke this past week, which raises the question, What would happen if he wasn't around anymore? And Russia threatened the world with nuclear war again; it announced it is developing a new space-based nuclear weapon with indiscriminate destruction capabilities.
    Isaiah's End-Time Vision

    Bad News for Netanyahu
    The Houthis conducted a drone attack today on Tel Aviv, Israel. Meanwhile, Israel is finally drafting Orthodox Jews into the military, which spells bad news for Netanyahu.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • [04:57]
    Iran’s New President Is Less Important Than He Seems
    Masoud Pezeshkian has replaced Ebrahiam Raisi as Iran’s president. The media are hailing him as a moderate and fresh start for Iran—when really he’s more of the same.
    The King of the South

    Will Joe Biden Be Bushed Out?
    The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three top White House aides to find out who is running America. It is obviously not Joe Biden, so more Democrats are calling for him to drop out as their presidential candidate.
    “Why the Trumpet Watches America’s Retreat From Global Leadership”

    Far Left Wins French Elections
    France is still struggling with instability after its recent election and a looming economic crisis. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the New Popular Front alliance, is pushing to become France's next prime minister, but his radical policies don't make him a good choice for President Emmanuel Macron. For the time being, Macron could look to Germany for help.
    “French Elections: A Crisis and an Opportunity for Germany”
    “France's Deadly Ignorance About Germany”

    Asia Stands With Putin
    Russia carried out its biggest missile attack in months on Ukraine, targeting a children’s hospital and killing dozens of civilians. Despite this, at a recent meeting, India’s prime minister Narendra Modi gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a big hug, and NATO called China a “decisive enabler” to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
    “Asia Stands With Putin”
    “Asia Still Stands With Putin”
    Russia and China in Prophecy

  • [00:45]
    Tension in the Middle East
    Following Israel’s assassination of another Hezbollah commander, the terrorists are firing barrages of rockets at Israel. The rising tensions are leading to a biblically prophesied outcome.
    “Why We Told You to Watch Lebanon.”

    Fit for Reelection?
    Biden’s disastrous performance at last week’s presidential debate has unleashed pent-up concern about his candidacy. Many Democrats are demanding that he drop out of the 2024 race.
    America Under Attack

    Asian Cooperation
    China is developing an attack drone with Russian companies to help the Russians in their war against Ukraine, showing that Beijing is increasingly unconcerned about Western sanctions banning countries from giving Russia lethal aid.
    “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China”

    Britain’s Landslide Election
    After 14 years of Conservative rule in Britain, Labour won a landslide in Britain’s election, and Sir Keir Starmer is now the nation’s prime minister. Higher taxes, more regulation, more transgender propaganda in schools and promotion of it in businesses and continued high immigration seem on the way.
    “Britain’s Landslide Election: What’s Next?”
    “Britain’s and Judah’s Governments Fall—America Next?”

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.Watch the Trumpet Daily here.E-mail the host: [email protected].
  • What can the 200th anniversary of Independence Day teach us about the 247th?Who will we be as a nation by our 250th?Do you remember the Bicentennial? E-mail your thoughts to [email protected].


    America Under AttackPhiladelphia Trumpet (August 2023)
  • [01:15]
    The Court, the Presidency, the Maelstrom
    Amid major Supreme Court decisions and the aftermath of a consequential presidential debate, it becomes certain that the next six months will be much more turbulent than the last six.
    America Under Attack
    Philadelphia Trumpet (August 2024)

    The Kings of the East in the Time of War
    Of all the developments in the eastern hemisphere, a North Korean deployment to Ukraine is worth more attention than most media narratives give it.
    “North Korea to Send Military Unit to Ukraine in Coming Weeks to Help Russia: Report”
    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    ‘Everything for Germany’
    Just what do you mean by “everything,” Björn Höcke?
    “Is the AfD Really Nazi?”

    Vatican Intervening in Lebanon
    If you aren’t watching this, you absolutely need to.
    The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.Watch the Trumpet Daily here.E-mail the host: [email protected].
  • [01:35]
    Bibi Blows Up to Big Bad Biden
    Benjamin Netanyahu released a video Tuesday claiming the U.S. has been withholding military aid for months. Washington has reportedly erupted.
    “Biden Administration 'Enraged' by Benjamin Netanyahu”
    “Israel’s Deadly Wound”

    Chinese Cyberattacks Reach Chilling Levels
    The Chinese Communist Party is giving cash prizes to Chinese hackers.
    “China Hacks America and None Goes to Battle”

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Briefe-mail newsletter here.Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpetprint magazine here.E-mail the presenters: [email protected].
  • Are demons real? Satanic themes are becoming more common in popular culture, even with young children. We talk about why this is something you need to watch out for and stay well away from.Artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm—from ChatGPT to health-care applications to autonomous vehicles. AI is also changing the nature of weaponry and warfare, and it could factor into the fulfillment of some important end-time prophecies.Coffee is enormously popular, and some people say they can’t live without it. This beverage has many proven health benefits, but there are also some caveats you need to know to make sure it doesn’t hurt your health.We finish the program talking about the most powerful result that prayer can accomplish.


    [02:39] Demonism (18 minutes)
    “The Dangerous Rise in Demonism”[20:58] Artificial Intelligence (14 minutes)
    “Artificial Intelligence: From Writing to Space Warfare”The United States and Britain in ProphecyEzekiel—The End-Time Prophet[35:25] Coffee (15 minutes)
    “Spilling the Beans on Excessive Caffeine”REPRINT “We Are What We Eat”“We Are What We Eat: Acid-Alkaline Balance”“We Are What We Eat: The Horrific American Diet”“Three Principles of Healthful Living”[50:47] LAST WORD: Prayer’s Most Powerful Result (7 minutes)
    “Prayer’s Most Powerful Result”
  • [00:45]
    EU: Bad News for Big Parties
    Richard Palmer gives an update on a tumultuous week in French, German and European politics.
    “Nazism Arises in Germany”

    Israel’s Next War?
    Hamas isn’t the only murderous Islamic force currently attacking Israel.
    “Why the Trumpet Watches an Alliance Between Arab Nations and Europe”
    “As You Watch Gaza, Watch Germany”
    “The King of the North (2023)”

    China Eating the Philippines
    Chinese use of force in sovereign Filipino territory is designed to redraw the map in East Asia.
    “China Is Steering the World Toward War”

    Importance of Ports
    With the Monroe Doctrine deleted by Barack Obama, China is moving into South America in a big way.
    China’s Dangerous Move Against America

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.
    Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.
    E-mail the presenters: [email protected].

  • Fake news is not the only aspect of modern life that is fake. We look at evidence of deceit affecting politics, education, social media, food production and other arenas. Artificial intelligence is making it easier to cheat. What are some reasons for the increase in fakery?Climate activists say real meat hurts the environment, so food scientists are creating plant-based meat, and now, lab-grown meat. Is this fake food healthy?Canada’s military is in crisis. Obsolete equipment, low recruitment and retention, low morale, poor leadership, and loss of identity and culture are all debilitating the forces. Fighting capability has taken second place to “woke” priorities like transgender awareness and battling climate change.Our Last Word exposes another dimension to the danger behind modern society’s assault on truth.


    [04:27] Fake World (15 minutes)[20:47] Lab-Grown Meat (17 minutes)[37:21] Canada’s Military (13 minutes)[50:50] LAST WORD: Will Worship (8 minutes)
    “Climate, Gender and the Fight Over Truth”
  • [00:49]
    Mexico’s New President
    Here is what to expect in future U.S.-Mexico relations.
    “Mexico’s New Revolution”
    “‘Murder With a Borrowed Knife’”

    German Anti-Islam Activist Stabbed
    As Michael Stürzenberger has experienced, political animosity always has the potential to transform into physical violence.
    “Germany, Migrants and the Big Lie”

    Russia Practicing War in the Caribbean
    Russian warships and warplanes near the American coast are more than just symbolic.
    “Preparing to Storm America’s Castle”

    Will Biden and Obama Save Hamas?
    With the terrorists’ power hanging in the balance, the United States government is intervening more powerfully, but not in the way you would expect.
    “Obama’s Radical Transformation of the Middle East”

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.
    Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.
    E-mail the presenters: [email protected].

  • [05:30]
    U.S. Shielding Iran Nuclear Program?
    Britain and France want to censure Iran at the IAEA for its nuclear activities, but someone is apparently standing in their way.
    America Under Attack
    The United States and Britain in Prophecy

    Franco-German Love
    Emmanuel Macron paid a symbolic and not-just-symbolic state visit to Germany.
    “France’s Deadly Ignorance About Germany”

    Russo-Chinese Love
    The “Russia-China axis” has kept Russia’s economy strong.
    “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China”

    Government-Big Tech Collusion
    The Central Intelligence Agency just protects American citizens from foreign threats, right?
    “Barack Obama and the Twitter Files”

    • Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.
    • Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.
    • E-mail the presenters: [email protected].

  • The James Webb Space Telescope is en route to its place in the heavens a million miles from Earth. This is the most impressive effort ever made to understand the cosmos and learn the secrets of the universe and its Creator.NASA administrator Bill Nelson quoted Psalm 19: “The heavens declare the glory of God.” For centuries, scientists have studied creation to learn more about God. They viewed the natural world as evidence of the Creator, and the more we learn about it, the more we learn about God. Scientists study and follow precisely the laws that govern the physical world, whether or not they realize that this points back to the great Lawgiver. But more and more of them are acknowledging that scientific evidence does prove the existence of a great Designer and Creator.Today we look at how the heavens declare the glory of God.


    00:25 James Webb Space Telescope (20 minutes)“‘At the Verge of Impossible’”20:17 Two Schools of Thought (21 minutes)41:40 LAST WORD: Hear What the Heavens Are Saying (13 minutes)Our Awesome Universe Potential
  • [03:27]
    ‘Let This Ruin Be Under Thy Hand’
    Conservatives in Britain have abysmal approval among voters, yet for some reason decide to hold elections sooner rather than later.
    “Interview With Jim Ferguson: The Dangers of the Globalist Movement”
    “What Happened to British Leadership?”
    Isaiah 3

    Israeli Self-Defense Is Criminal?
    The International Criminal Court considers an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    “The Hidden Danger in Germany’s Alliance Against Iran”

    The Chinese Communist Party takes steps to minimize “mutually assured destruction” if it decides to use one of its “nuclear options” against the United States.
    “Why the Trumpet Watches America’s Economic Collapse”

    Subscribe to the Trumpet Briefe-mail newsletter here.
    Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpetprint magazine here.
    E-mail the presenters: [email protected].

  • [02:44]
    Assassination in Europe
    No one knows why a man tried to murder Slovakia’s prime minister, but everyone knows what could happen if political violence keeps spreading.
    “Robert Fico and the Return of Europe’s Ghosts”
    Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?

    Putin Visits Xi
    What would the Trumpet’s Rufaro Manyepa look for if he were a fly on a wall in Beijing?
    Russia and China in Prophecy

    International Intervention in the Holy Land
    As some Israelis clamor for Benjamin Netanyahu to announce a plan for postwar Gaza Strip governance, the Trumpet looks for connections to Psalm 83.
    The King of the South

    Artifice and Intelligence
    Rapidly advancing information technology could be used to steal elections around the world, fair and square.
    America Under Attack

  • The radicalization of public-school curricula is affecting more and more children in America and many other nations.Educators are teaching the next generation leftist views that depict America as hate-filled and oppressive against people of color, and American history as genocidal. They are exalting wealth redistribution and socialism while condemning free markets. They are encouraging students to become environmental activists. They are teaching radical views about sexuality, normalizing transgenderism, gender fluidity and sexual experimentation.These educators realize that implanting these concepts into young minds is an extraordinarily potent means of reshaping society.We have a God-given responsibility as parents to serve as our children’s educators. We must counteract these trends in education by teaching our children truth, and morality, and history.

  • Trumpet Daily special: Watch host Stephen Flurry’s two-part interview with Dinesh D’Souza here.

    Houthi Threat: Push Middle East Conflict Into Mediterranean
    Bible prophecy names a power bloc called “the king of the south” that will “push” against Europe. Is this the beginning of the push?
    “Is the Red Sea Crisis About to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?”
    The King of the South

    Russia Practices Using Tactical Nuclear Weapons
    Are the scariest nuclear weapons the smaller and more tempting ones?
    “Germany Is Transforming Before Your Eyes”

    China’s New-Class Aircraft Carrier
    “Someday China will have a supercarrier” is now “China is operating a supercarrier.”
    “Where Is the China-America Clash Leading?”

    Why Is There an Attack on Masculinity?
    A question Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has repeatedly asked and warned about since the early 1990s is now inescapable.
    Biblical Manhood

  • Science and education almost universally teach that there is no Creator. Man and the material world and universe simply came about by blind, arbitrary natural forces. On today’s program, we explore where such thinking leads us as a society.Without God, man is free to devise his own governments, his own social structures, his own ideas of right and wrong—his own morality.He is also free to follow the whims of his own imagination—to dream up his own utopia—and to do whatever he deems necessary to fellow man, however horrifying, to implement that dream.We look at philosophy and history, as well as the Bible and current events, to evaluate the outcomes and dangers of evolutionary thinking.


    “The World’s Most Powerful Weapon”“Mystery of Man” from Mystery of the Ages“Researching the Bible and Darwin” from Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong“The Fraud of Evolution”“The Improbability of Evolution”VIDEO: “Evolution—the Deadly Hoax”
  • Week in Review: Power of Will
    Philadelphia Trumpet live stream event: See Dinesh D’Souza present “Why Fight for America” at Armstrong Auditorium on Sunday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. (Central Time).

    Obama's Staff
    The crass hatred for Israel and support for Hamas is not limited to American college campuses: Other more powerful elites are involved.

    “Why Biden Is Saving Hamas”

    “Betraying Israel in Its Hour of Need”

    The United States and Britain in Prophecy

    Russia’s Willpower

    Ukrainian and Western leaders should eliminate a Russian change of heart from their strategic objectives.

    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    Terror From, and in, Bahrain
    A single unconfirmed drone strike against Israel by terrorists in this island nation signifies something much bigger.

    The King of the South

    “Psalm 83”

    Millions In, Billions Out
    Europe pays down another refugee crisis, but is paying it off ever possible?

    “Why You Need to Watch Lebanon” The Philadelphia Trumpet (May-June 2024)

    • Subscribe to the Trumpet Brief e-mail newsletter here.
    • Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet print magazine here.
    • E-mail the presenters: [email protected].

  • Open your eyes to the injustice around you—and reach out to our last and only hope for making it right.


    “The World Needs Justice”