
  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. This week we have stories in health, the animal kingdom and history.

    In our first story on health, we learn that dogs may be a great help to us during the corona virus pandemic. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story on the animal kingdom, we discover how sharks find their way around in the ocean, and you can read more by following this link:


    In our final story on history, we hear how microbes have helped to clean some of Michelangelo’s most beautiful statues. Read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    C 2. A 3. D

    © Martin Parsons, 2021

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have two stories on world news and one on the environment.

    In world news, we hear a very scary story about a tourist bridge collapsing in China. You learn more about this story here:


    In the environment, we discover that the Earth’s stratosphere is getting smaller. You can learn more about this frightening story here:


    And finally, in world news learn about a young boy who has gone from being homeless to being a Chess master. Read about this inspiring story here:



    Worksheet Answers:

    B 2. B 3. D

    © Martin Parsons, 2021

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. This week we have three stories related to the ocean.

    In our first story, we hear about a walrus that went to sleep and ended up in … Ireland. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story, we learn about a very unusual animal which can replace its entire body. You can read more about it here:




    In our final story, we learn that there is large scale fraud in the seafood business. Read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    D 2. B 3. D

    © Martin Parsons, 2021

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. This week we have stories in science, world news and the environment.

    In our first story, we hear about a strange bear attack in the USA. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story, we discover that NASA has named an important crate on Mars after a small village in Bosnia - Herzegovina, and you can read more by following these links:



    In our final story, we learn that batteries for cars which can be recharged in five minutes are being developed. Read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    C 2. A 3. B
  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. This week we have three stories about animals.

    In our first story, we learn about a tiny chameleon in Madagascar. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story, we discover that naked mole rats have different “accents”, and you can read more by following this link:


    In our final story, we try to understand why wombats have square-shaped poo. Read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    A 2. D 3. B

    © 2021, Martin Parsons

  • Chirashi zushi is a unique kind of sushi, well known in Japan. Chirashi zushi uses a wide variety of ingredients and is both healthy and delicious.

    In this video, a student from Hannan University in Japan explains the process for making chirashi zushi.

  • Kinako is a powder made from roasted soybeans and used in Japanese confectionery and other dishes.

    In this video, students from Kyoto explain how to make kinako, and introduce other uses for soybeans in Japanese cuisine.

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks.

    In our first story, we learn about an ancient fast-food shop in Italy. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story, we discover that marsupials glow in the dark, and you can read more by following these links:



    In our final story, we learn that a new movie has just become the box-office record holder in Japan. Read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    C 2. A 3. B

    © 2021, Martin Parsons

  • Udon is a noodle dish, famous in Japan, usually served in a hot broth with various toppings. It is delicious.

    In this video, students from Kyoto explain how to make a delicious bowl of udon.

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have “good news” stories on health, the environment, and world news.

    In our first good news story, we learn that scientists have developed a simple blood test to check for cancer. You can read more about it here:


    In our second story, we find out that waste from sugar production could replace plastic for coffee cups, and you can learn more by following these links:



    In our final story, we hear about a family which found a koala in their Christmas tree. You can watch a video and learn more here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    1. C 2. A 3. C

    ©Martin Parsons, 2020

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have stories from around the world all about animals.

    In our first story, we learn that a little puppy was grabbed by an alligator in the USA. You read more about it here:


    In our second story, we find out about an elephant that fell into a well in India, and you can learn more by following this link:


    In our final story, we hear that some of the animals in London Zoo are feeling lonely. You can find out more by watching this video:


    Worksheet Answers:

    D 2. B 3. B
  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have stories on the environment, science, and archaeology.

    In our first story, we learn about possibilities Australia to become a clean energy superpower in the Asia-Pacific region. You read more about it here:


    In our second, we discover that if global warming does destroy our planet, there are plenty of other planets we might be able to go to, and you can learn more by following this link:


    In our final story, we hear about new discoveries of ancient coffins in Egypt. You can find out more here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    B 2. C 3. A

    © Martin Parsons, 2020

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have something on health, science and the environment.

    In health, we learn that indigenous people are probably the best people to give advice and help other indigenous people with the coronavirus.

    You listen and learn more about this by listening to this interview:


    In science we discover that octopuses can ‘taste’ with their arms. You can learn more here:



    And finally, in the environment we learn that sugar gliders in Australia are more diverse that was previously thought. Read more about these lovely animals here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    C 2. C 3. A
  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have two stories from world news and one from science.

    In our first story, we discover that Tokyo is installing transparent public toilets in parks and other places. What is going on? Find out here:


    In our second story, we learn about how the sense of smell in animals can get a great help for us, in detecting landmines, or in detecting the coronavirus. And you can read more by following these links:



    Finally, we hear a humorous story about companies misusing words from another language. Learn about their mistakes here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    1. C 2. D 3. B

    © Martin Parsons, 2020

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have three stories related to the coronavirus.

    In our first story, we hear about a wonderful new test developed by scientists at Monash University in Australia. You read more about it here:


    In our second, we discover that the lack of human activity caused by the coronavirus has been ‘seen’ by seismologists around the world. And you can read more by following this link:


    In our final story, we consider the environmental problems caused by disposable masks. Find out how to make your own cloth mask here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    1. B 2. D 3. B

    ©Martin Parsons, 2020

  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have two stories from science and one on sport.

    In our first story, we learn that our bones are much more important to our health than just holding our bodies together. You read more about it here:


    In our second scientific story, we discover that one human year is NOT seven dog years, like we always though. To work out how old a dog is in human years, you need to do this calculation: human age = 16 ln(dog_age) + 31. And you can read more by following this link:


    In our story on sport, we hear that the football has started again in Australia. Find out how Essendon are going and learn more by following these links:



    Worksheet Answers:

    B 2. D 3. C
  • These videos introduce a new YouTube channel, 'The Beard of English, and describe various English idioms and expressions.

    This video is on the expression, 'tuppence a dozen' or 'a dime a dozen'. You can check it out on YouTube:


  • These videos introduce a new YouTube channel, 'The Beard of English, and describe various English idioms and expressions.

    This video is on the expression, 'sooner or later'. You can check it out on YouTube:


  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have something on health, geology and science.

    In health we discover that the coronavirus kills more men than women, and that a lot of medical research is biased in favour of men.

    You read more about this important story here:


    In geology, we hear the story of a subsistence farmer in Tanzania suddenly hitting it rich.

    You can read more about this story here:


    And finally, in science, we learn that hummingbirds (and other birds) can see colours in ultra-violet light.

    You can read about it here:


    Worksheet Answers:

    B 2. D 3. A
  • This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have something on sport, science, and the environment.

    In sport, we find that a group of Sumo wrestlers saved a woman from drowning in Tokyo.

    You learn more about this story here:


    In science, we learn about the wonderful ways that lasers are being used to learn more about the world around us.

    You can read more about this story here:



    And finally, in the environment, we see that pangolins, which are on the brink of extinction, are being saved from poachers and re-introduced to the wild.

    You can read about it here:
