
  • This week we hear from Anne, a mum of three and recent Grandma. On this episode, we chat through our decision making and setting our priorities; being in community with God's people and being in His word.

    I appreciated Anne's empathy and acknowledgment of how hard this can be as mothers, and as hurting people.

    A helpful episode to not just listen to, but realign family priorities with your husband and share with your Bible Study group as you commit to meeting with each other, encouraging each other in this way.

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  • A candid episode with Unsung Stories host, Laura Smith, discussing the future of this podcast, Laura's decision making process and a reading of a liturgy "For those who have not done great things for God" from the book Every Moment Holy.

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • This episode with Lauren, mumma of two, considers how God is refining, moulding and teaching us though trials of many kinds. And, that the trials we face might be bigger life events, or smaller ones.

    We talk about how as christians, we all will be being moulded in different ways as God is growing to be more like Jesus and himself in holiness. For Lauren, her trial has been around her weight.

    As you will hear, she has tried hard at loosing weight over the last 20 years, though nothing seems to work. Not only has she tried every diet out there, she has considered her weight as a christian - is she being sinful in some way by leaning into laziness or gluttony.

    She's tried it all to get it under control. Her landing in this? God is using her weight to have her lean on him, to trust in him. There is purpose to this trial she is enduring, and more and more she sees God's goodness in how he is shaping her character, her priorities and heart in this.

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  • This week we are joined by Terri, mumma of 5 kids (at the moment). She is passionate about foster care and currently is fostering two children at the moment.

    In this episode, we consider foster care, however the focus of the conversation leans towards our self reliance - how more often than not, we find it safer to trust ourselves and what we know, rather than trusting in God.

    The challenge we consider is what we do when faced to choose our own way or choose God.

    Terri encourages us that we can risk more than we think we can - we can choose faithfulness and self sacrifice and God will sustain us and supply all our needs. We consider our need to have an eternal focus and to trust God's promises at every step along the way.

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  • I wanted to call this episode, "What is a good mum?", as it's where Mel and I land in our conversation. But more appropriately titled out of the heart of our conversation, "We are sinful mums". What a tagline hey. Not really what we want to be known for. But we are.

    This episode, Mel shares her journey with motherhood. We both consider how motherhood was the catalyst to seeing our total depravity as humans.

    Mel's aim in life was to be a great mum - it's what she desperately longed for and wanted to be. When faced with her lack of control and the harness that is being a mum, she was grieved by the anger and frustration and lack of ability that she could see so clearly. There is real grief when we cannot be who we thought we could be, or want to be.

    We then consider how great God is - how loving, how merciful and gracious he is to us to consider our sin no more.

    It's a really helpful, and honest, conversation about sin and the grief and guilt it bares in our life. I'm so thankful for Mel and her honesty, vulnerability and practical advice in this episode.

  • Sylvia is a mum of 3, a pastors wife and carer of her father. As we reflect on her story, we chat though how our hearts are idol factories and how we want to been seen as (<insert idol> Successful? Independent?) by those around us.
    We consider what is the successful life and land on where we derive our value from. She is vulnerable in her story, sharing how the pain and trauma in her to desire certain things for her life, though through Gods intervention, she had a multitude of choices to make in order to align her heart to him.

    She now seeks faithfulness at every point, looking for ways that she can lay down her desires for this world here and now and work hard for eternity to come.

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  • SNEAK PEAK of Unsung Stories, Season 6.

    Australia’s favourite podcast for Christian mothers who want to know and love Jesus more. Who are following Jesus as King and wrestling with the hard and refining moments of this stage of life.

    On this show, we chat to regular christian mums in our churches. They are open and honest with their struggles and share how God is with them in motherhood.

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    Season 6 is launching Wednesday 19 October, 2022

  • We couldn’t revisit our favourite episodes without another listen to this one. I’ve yet to hear one women who hasn’t been encouraged as a christian mum by this episode.

    Lesley is a mother of 4 and grandma of 12. She and her husband Jim have lived a life on mission for Jesus, teaching the bible, pastoring in churches and evangelising in Australia and overseas.

    Lesley has taken the time to step us through a biblical view of motherhood. In a culture that defines your success by what you do and your successful career, motherhood is not highly valued. And it often doesn't feel like a noble task as you pour yourself into your family, see your sin more clearly and wrestle with your own sense of identity.

    In this 45 minute episode, we have a good look at what God has called us to as mothers and the task we've been entrusted with.

    Lesley finishes the show with her 9 tips, nine things she wishes every mother today could know and remember.

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  • Stacey’s episode was helpful in two ways; not only for the mum who is battling chronic or silent illness, but for every mama as we consider what we are actually called to in motherhood.

    It was so encouraging to hear Stacey’s reminder that it’s not the things we do with our hands and bodies that are the important work of motherhood. What’s important is that we be faithful to Jesus and point our kids to him. To think through how we can rest in Him - he is the ultimate carer, provider and sustainer of our kids. When our ability is stripped away, God will provide.

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  • This episode has struck a chord with many of our listeners and worth another listen. Alicia’s mum passed away shortly into Alicias start to motherhood and she helpfully unpacks the heartache she’s been experiencing. Not only does it provide solidarity for others of us who are experiencing this grief, Alicia helpfully reminds us all that this life is not it.

    When life is going well, it’s easy to become distracted by the beauty and good things in this life. We have a beautiful country, beautiful children. It’s these times of suffering and when it feels like our world is in a spin that we see where we have been putting our hope in things other than God. When we see this world for what the bible says it is: dead and decaying to sin. We see the desperate need for our saviour and we fall on our knees pleading for his return.

    If anyone is feeling swallowed up by grief or depression at this moment, there is always someone to help and hear you. Beyond Blue is a great resource for anyone with anxiety, depression or suicidal feelings. 1300 22 4636 or visit beyondblue.org.au. Your local church would be great to connect with and find spiritual support through this time.

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  • Working mum, Crunchy mum, Helicopter mum... SAH, Breastfeeding, Attachment Based, Kmart, By The Book, Allergy, DIY, Workout, Small Business Slayer, Influencer, Anxious, Charity, Tired, Child Led, Martyr, Perfect, Packet Food, Competitive, Mimosa....

    What kind of mum are you???

    There are so many identifiers for us to associate with!

    But what about us? What does it actually mean to identify as a Christian mum?

    And not just that - what about the different pulls we have that we WANT to identify as. The lures that appeal to us, that validate and give worth to what we value.

    This week we revisit this episode with Sarah, where we chat through our identity as christian women and the tensions we face. We consider all the different labels we have as women today and the temptations we face.

    Sarah provides a helpful framework of thinking as we align our feelings and experiences to be under Christ - how the gospel is the lens that we look at everything through.

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  • Mum Guilt - it’s nearly a right of passage to motherhood isn’t it?

    This episode we relisten to Sarah’s experience with mum guilt, the different ways it plays out for her and how she works through it in her own journey.

    It’s so encouraging to listen to a real, mum of four's experience of raising Christian kids - how she seeks to point them to Jesus, struggles with Bible time and what has and hasn't worked for their family.

    Sarah’s reminder is helpful, "You don't have to be the perfect parent. God hasn't called you to perfection. And he doesn't expect you to be, he knows that you're not. But, we are called to be faithful and obedient with what God has given us to point our families to God. God uses our weaknesses to do that."

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  • Motherhood is hard. Every time Rachel cried out to God for help and relief, she was met with radio silence. Did God hear her? Did God care? Does God even exist? Have another listen to Rachel's Unsung Story, where she dealt with unmet expectations in motherhood, being humbled and wrestling with big doubts as to God's existence and care for her in a difficult season of life.

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  • Marriage and children comes with a whole new set of conflict and arguments. Both are tired, she's nagging, he's not listening and its easy to wonder if you'll ever agree with your spouse again.

    Kim Parry-Jones is an advocate for marriage and helping couples communicate better.

    In this episode, she helpfully chats through conflict, communication and navigating the parenting stage of life.

    She shares her advice and reflections of 42 years of marriage to Scott, mother of 4 and grandma of 7.

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  • This week, we revisit our conversation about Anger. Fiona shares her experience of motherhood and how she wrestled with this new found anger inside her - that she was both confronted and grieved by it. She goes on to share how she's learned to trust God's love and grace in the midst of her emotions.

    Whether we struggle to control overwhelming anger or other powerful emotions, Fiona's story reminds us that God has given us the tools and truth we need to learn how to process our emotions well and move forward with hope.

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  • This term we are taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting some of our favourite episodes together.

    Have you heard this episode with Sarah?

    When you feel the weight of parenting a child with big emotions and a strong will, what do you do? Sarah helpfully chats through her experience in parenting over the last 12 years and chats through the challenges that come with a child with a big personality and determination to match.

    She shares how she often finds parenting a thankless job - that you pour into the lives of these little children and that the fruit of this labour often isn't seen immediately.

    Have another listen and let me know - what stood out to you this time?

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  • This week on Unsung Stories we are joined by Nat. Nat and her husband have two primary aged children.

    The life Nat has lived the last 13 years isn't one she ever would have written for herself, however after years of deep grief and heartache, she has come to the conclusion that the times that seem darkest and messiest is when God has done the mightiest work in her life.

    From walking through cancer treatment with her own mumma that lead to her mum passing away, followed by an infertility diagnosis weeks later. The harrowing road of infertility treatments, their hearts being changed to pursuing adoption regardless of their infertility outcomes. Then came navigating the messy world of adoption, bringing home two toddlers and facing the reality of her shortcomings as a parent.

    There were times where she couldn't understand or see God's hand and where she wrestled with considering what it means to be blessed by God. Nat's story will shape how you view adoption and make you marvel at God's goodness and faithfulness to his people.

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  • This episode, we chat with Nat. Nat is a mum of 4 boys and she shares how her expectations of herself as a mother weren't quite the reality.

    Shocked by her inability to control her children or circumstances, shocked by her and her children's sin, shocked by the unmet expectations.

    It's a helpful conversation as we unpack what our goals as mothers are, and what she has found helpful in adjusting her expectations, working on her sin and raising disciples.

    One love of Nat's family is scripture memory, and from that @ccbckids_sing was born. You can find their jingles and songs on YouTube or Spotify.


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  • Chloe's story has Laura reflecting on how our parenting is shaping our kids, and it's probably not the things we think that are going to stand out or impact them the most.

    She encourages us to consider ways we might be hurting them, hurting the relationship with them, or how they view authority.

    She calls us to repent, to seek God and prioritise pursuing Him in this life - because nothing else will matter at the end of our days.

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  • In this episode we chat to Chloe. Chloe is a mum of two boys and is navigating parenting with a completely different approach to how she grew up.

    Chloe was raised in a home that used the bible and God as a weapon against her, and she believed that God was an angry God who she would never be good enough for.

    Through all this, she still had a deep love for God and his people, and would do anything it took to be at church.

    She now realises that when God sees her, he sees Jesus. She knows there is nothing she can do to earn her salvation, but accept the gift God offers.

    She shares how one of her sons has autism and ADHD, and how this is a challenge to her parenting style, but also how she has a deep desire to love him well and foster the gifts God has given her son, challenges and all.

    Chloe reminds us that though we feel like we need to be perfect, God doesn't require us to be. His grace is sufficient and his mercies are new every morning.

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