
  • Podcast guest: Yenenesh Girma, Vita's Human Resources Officer. Note: This podcast contains an in-person translation from Amharic to English by Risko Assefa, Vita's Community-led Learning Project Leader. In this episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, we explore the inspiring journey of Yenenesh Girma. Over 18 years with Vita, Yenenesh advanced from Community Facilitator to Human Resources Officer, reflecting her growth and Vita's dedication to female leadership. She advocates for women's active participation and economic independence. This episode highlights the vital role of community collaboration and Yenenesh's vision for a future where women are central to decision-making in Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • In this podcast episode recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, the spotlight is on Jerry Oloba, the Human Resource Management Leader at Gamo Bara Secondary School. Jerry is leading a movement to empower women and girls through education in the Gamo region, where traditional gender roles limit women's opportunities. Her mission is deeply personal, driven by her belief in education as a tool to break the cycle of poverty and inequality. The episode also explores Vita's initiatives, such as improved cookstoves, which help reduce women's daily burdens, giving them more time for education. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

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  • In this podcast episode recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, we explore the inspiring journey of Tihut Tsehay, Public Relations Officer at the Gamo Development Association. A passionate advocate for cultural preservation and community empowerment in the Gamo Zone, Tihut's Sociology and Social Anthropology background from Arba Minch University has equipped her to tackle social challenges in her community. Her career began at the Gamo Zone Culture and Tourism Department, promoting the region's unique heritage. Today, she focuses on creating educational and economic opportunities, especially for women, while running a business that preserves and promotes traditional Gamo clothing. Tihut's efforts are significantly impacting her community through her dedication to education and empowerment. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • In this podcast episode recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, Sintayehu Abebe, Arba Minch University's Academic and Clinical Director, discusses the importance of community-focused initiatives, particularly in maternal and public health. She shares her journey from midwife to Assistant Professor and her current role, emphasising the connection between community well-being and healthcare quality. Sintayehu highlights ongoing challenges in maternal health and her deep commitment to improving healthcare accessibility and quality. Her personal experiences as a mother further drive her passion for these issues. The episode shows the need for continued efforts to strengthen communities across Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • In this podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, Tseganesh Anbesie, an English Language Lecturer and PhD candidate at Arba Minch University, discusses the transformative impact of gender empowerment in Ethiopia. She highlights the significant challenges Ethiopian women face. Tseganesh's work addresses these issues. The episode also explores Vita's initiatives, which offer practical solutions such as improving traditional cooking methods. Through Tseganesh's insights and Vita's efforts, the podcast illustrates how empowering women can lead to broader societal transformation, uplifting entire communities. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • In this podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, Dr. Mekdes Ourge, an Assistant Professor and Researcher at Arba Minch University, explores the transformative impact of the Moringa tree on women's empowerment and community health in Ethiopia. She discusses the tree's significant nutritional and economic benefits, particularly for women, pregnant women, and new mothers. Dr. Mekdes emphasises Moringa as a vital, affordable resource in a region facing food security challenges. Her research aims to integrate women into the Moringa value chain, enhancing their visibility and empowerment within the community. The episode highlights Moringa's potential to improve health and economic opportunities for future generations in Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • This podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, features in-person translation by Risko Assefa, Vita's Community-led Learning Project Leader. It explores the transformative impact of Vita's initiatives in the Gamo Zone, focusing on women's empowerment through improved cooking technologies. The discussion highlights insights from Miserak Tanga, a Gender Expert in the South Ethiopia Government's Mine and Energy Department, and Mekedes Dawit, a Gender Expert in the Women and Children Affairs Department. They share how these technologies empower women economically and socially by reducing harmful smoke exposure, creating income opportunities, and enhancing their household and community decision-making roles. The episode also emphasises the potential for expanding this successful model across Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • This podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, highlights the transformative work of Dr. Teklu Wegayehu Zara, Arba Minch University’s Director of Community Engagement. Collaborating with Vita, Dr. Teklu has led efforts to electrify local health centres and schools, significantly enhancing education and healthcare. The episode also explores environmental restoration projects around Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo, initiatives empowering women through improved cooking technologies, and introducing innovative solutions to local challenges. The partnership between Vita and the university serves as a model of sustainable development, blending local knowledge with external support to drive long-term progress in the region. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • This podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, showcases Vita's impactful work. With insights from Mesaye Tesafye, Vita's Admin and Finance Coordinator, the episode delves into the significant transformations seen in the region through initiatives like efficient cooking stoves and community-led projects. Mesaye expresses his pride in being part of an organisation committed to transparency, accountability, and making a tangible difference in people's lives. The episode shows the importance of local leadership in driving sustainable change and highlights Vita's ongoing efforts to expand its positive impact across Africa. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • This podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, explores the transformative work of Vita, an organisation committed to sustainable development. The episode delves into Vita's innovative community-led approach, which empowers local communities to shape their socio-economic future. Solomon Kebede, Vita's Ethiopia Deputy Director, shares his experiences, particularly the success of the Potato Programme, which has significantly enhanced food security and agricultural practices. The discussion highlights a crucial shift from traditional aid to empowering communities as leaders of their progress, showcasing Vita's pivotal role in fostering sustainable, community-led change across rural Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • This podcast episode is recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, and features Dr. Ashenafi Gunnabo, Arba Minch University’s Assistant Professor of Plant-Microbe Interactions. It explores the transformative impact of his collaboration with Vita in the Gamo Highlands. Together, they tackle the critical issue of potato crop diseases that threaten local subsistence farmers. Through the establishment of a tissue culture laboratory, they produce disease-free potato plantlets, significantly boosting crop resilience and yield. This innovation enhances food security and lays the groundwork for sustainable agriculture. The initiative is poised to serve as a model for broader application across Ethiopia and Africa, addressing the pressing challenges of climate change and food security. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, the podcast episode spotlights Dr. Degife Zebire, Arba Minch University's Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics. Dr. Zebire is a driving force behind the modernisation of Ethiopian agriculture through innovative technologies. The episode highlights his collaboration with Vita on the Plant Village app, a mobile tool that diagnoses plant diseases and pests, significantly enhancing crop management for farmers. This initiative has improved efficiency and sustainability in farming, boosting farmers' livelihoods. The podcast also delves into Dr. Zebire's broader vision for expanding these technologies across Ethiopia to increase agricultural productivity, along with his ongoing research in crop production and plant breeding, aiming to build a more sustainable farming future for the country. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, the podcast episode features Demoz Ayele Betru, Vita’s Manager of the Improved Cookstove Programme. The discussion delves into the impactful work of Vita, a pioneering organisation committed to sustainable development in Ethiopia. The episode highlights how the Improved Cookstove Programme is transforming rural communities by providing cleaner cookstoves and empowering locals through active involvement in every stage of the process. This initiative is easing the daily burdens of women and girls, enhancing air quality, and promoting a sense of ownership and self-reliance. The episode presents a hopeful vision for the future, demonstrating how community-led solutions can lead to profound, positive change. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • The podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, features Dr. Abera Uncha, Director of the Postgraduate School at Arba Minch University. Dr. Uncha discusses his efforts to empower local communities by focusing on food security, forest restoration, and gender empowerment. He also highlights the collaboration with Vita and the impact of introducing fuel-efficient stoves to reduce deforestation and promote sustainability. Dr. Uncha's work shows the importance of community-led, environmentally conscious projects that address interconnected challenges such as climate impact, food production, and gender roles, emphasising the crucial role of community engagement in achieving long-term success. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • The podcast episode, recorded in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, highlights Vita's impactful work, as explained by Risko Assefa, Vita's Community-led Learning Project Leader. Key initiatives include introducing improved cookstoves that cut fuel consumption by 50% and enhancing women's health, safety, and time management. This time-saving allows women to engage in income-generating activities, furthering their empowerment. Risko's vision extends beyond cookstoves, aiming to tackle broader challenges through local collaboration, with women playing a central role. Her work exemplifies community-led development, fostering a brighter, more equitable future in Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • The podcast episode, featuring Tsehayu Kassie, Vita's Programme Manager for the Gamo Zone Project, speaking from Arba Minch, Ethiopia, highlights the success of the Gamo Zone Project, which focuses on sustainable development and community empowerment. The project has significantly improved food security, transforming agricultural practices such as potato and mango farming, resulting in higher yields and reduced wastage. Key initiatives include innovative water management systems, improved cookstove technology, and extensive forest and land restoration efforts. Vita's work has benefited over 60,000 households, fostering a self-sustaining and environmentally conscious community. The episode underscores Vita's long-term vision for resilience, innovation, and sustainable development in Ethiopia. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tadele Girma Kodo, Vita's Potato Senior Agronomist, highlights the transformative impact of Vita's agricultural programmes in the country. Vita has made significant strides in Ethiopian agriculture, particularly through its potato programme, which has greatly enhanced disease management using AI via the PlantVillage app. This technology has expedited disease detection. Vita's initiatives also include improving seed access through community-based systems, introducing Diffused Light Stores to reduce post-harvest losses, and promoting integrated pest management, increasing potato yields. Beyond agriculture, Vita's efforts have bolstered nutrition and economic prospects for rural communities, showcasing the broader impact of sustainable practices on food security and livelihoods in the region. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Sultan Abdrahiman George, Vita’s Head of the Green Impact Fund, highlights the impactful initiatives Vita has undertaken in the country. The podcast episode discusses these efforts, focusing on grassroots actions to address climate change while empowering local communities, particularly women. The Green Impact Fund, which began as a small-scale project, has grown significantly, now benefiting over 50,000 households with improved cookstoves and providing clean water access to more than 100,000 people. A community-led approach has been crucial to the success, especially in the widespread adoption of fuel-efficient stoves. The programme has driven reforestation efforts, with over half a million trees planted to restore natural resources. Vita’s initiatives make tangible livelihood improvements and contribute to broader sustainability goals. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Mesfin Kebede, Vita's Coordinator of Natural Resource Management, highlights his decade-long work with the organisation. He focuses on transforming rural Ethiopia through agricultural innovation. Mesfin discusses how Vita's initiatives have uplifted over 100,000 smallholder farmers, enhancing their productivity and quality of life. Key successes include introducing improved potato seeds and promoting moringa trees, both vital for food security and income generation. Vita's holistic approach also supports farmers with financial services, training, and technological tools like the PlantVillage app. Mesfin emphasises the need for continued collaboration to scale these impactful programmes further. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/

  • Speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Asfaw Mekuria, Vita's Ethiopia Country Director, reflects on 14 years of impactful work focused on sustainable development and innovation. Vita has been dedicated to enhancing rural Ethiopia's food security and agricultural practices. The organisation collaborates with government bodies to introduce new technologies, such as improved cookstoves, which reduce health risks and improve efficiency for women in rural households. Vita has also pioneered agricultural innovations, linking production with marketing to ensure sustained benefits. Asfaw highlights the importance of collective effort for sustainability involving the government, communities, and partners. Looking ahead, Vita plans to expand its holistic approach, integrating food security with other programmes to improve livelihoods comprehensively. Asfaw remains optimistic, emphasising the significance of collaboration, innovation, and long-term impact in their ongoing work. Visit: https://vitaimpact.org/