
  • Topics: Rapture, Caught up, Harpazo, Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Destruction of the Temple, AD70, Signs to Lookout For, One Taken One Left, Sun Moon Stars Darkened, Abomination of Desolation, Isaiah 13, Ezekiel 32, Downfall of Babylon, Downfall of Pharaoh, Downfall of Overseeing System, The Sky is Falling, Left on Earth, Years of Tribulation, Post Mid Pre, Dates and Times You Don’t Need to Know, 1 Thessalonians 5:1, Like a Thief in the Night, Great Trouble and Suffering, Tribulation Never Event or Time Period, Obsessed With End of Time, Daniel’s Prophecy, Jacob’s Trouble, Jeremiah 30, Old Testament Prophets Not Speaking About Eschatology, Jacob Renamed Israel, Wrestled With God in Genesis 32, 1 Corinthians 15, If Christ Did Not Raise From The Dead, Those Who Have Fallen Asleep, Resurrected Like Jesus, New Physical Body, Not All Will Fall Asleep, Not All Will Die if Alive When Christ Returns, Same Reference of 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4

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  • Topics: Rapture, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Luke 17, End Times, Dead in Christ Rise First, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Caught Up, Harpazo, Random Letters Pieced Together, Proof-Texting, Matthew 4, Devil Proof-Texted the Torah, Fear-Based Eschatology, Those Who Have Fallen Asleep, They Will Return With Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15, Dead Will Come From Their Graves, Those Who Have Believed Will Come Back to Life, Idleness, Live Quietly, Work With Your Hands, Return of Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 5, Dates and Times You Don’t Need to Know, Thief in the Night, But You are Children of the Light You are Not in Darkness, Destruction of Temple, Jerusalem Surrounded by Armies, Flee for the Mountains, Head for the Hills, Don’t go to the City, This Generation Will Not Pass Away, Lawlessness Will Increase, Abomination of Desolation, Pregnant and Nursing Women, Sun Moon and Stars Darkened, Two Men in the Field, Two Women at the Mill, Son of Man Coming in the Clouds, Acts 1, AD70, Over a Million Jews Were Killed, Proof-texting Antichrist and Lawless One, Final Judgment, Sheep From Goats, Christians Judged According to What Christ Has Done, Unbelievers Judged According to What They Have Done, Cremation, Left Behind

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  • Topics: Antichrist, Lawless One, End of Time, Eschatology, Colossians 2:8, Tradition of men, Political Figure, Nero, AD70, 2 Thessalonians, 1 John, 2 John, Proof-texting, Protestant Scholastics, John Darby, Anyone Against Jesus, Establish Himself in Temple, Man Riding on Horseback Added Verses to Bible, Temple is Gone, Return of Jesus, Lawless one Taught the Law, Delighted in Unrighteousness, 1 Timothy 1:7, 1 Timothy 1:9, Delighted in the Law, Psalm 1:2-3, Romans 7:22, Nobody Declared Righteous Through the Law, Romans, 3:20, Be Perfect Like God, Matthew 5:48, Matthew 5-7, In Accordance With How Satan Works, False Signs and Wonders, Children of the Devil, John 8, If God Were Your Father You Would Love Me, Lawless One Did Not Love Jesus, Did Not Obey the Gospel, Workers of Lawlessness, Depart From Me I Never Knew You, Matthew 7:21-23, Appear as Angels of Light, Masquerading Like Satan, Thorn in Paul’s Flesh, Lawless One is Specific Individual, Every Letter Paul Lamented About Judaizers Except Philemon, Left Behind Books Series

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  • Topics: 2 Thessalonians, Return of Jesus, Lawless One, Strong Delusion, the Rapture, Matthew 24, Luke 17, Luke 21, Mark 13, Eschatology, Proof-Texting, Protestant Scholastics, John Darby, Plymouth Brethren, Repent the End is Near, Harpazo, Caught Up, 1 Thessalonians 4, The Dead Who Rise First, Cremation, Anti-Christs, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the Rebellion or Apostasy or Falling Away, Nero, Hebrews 6, Galatians 5, John 16, I’ve Told You These Things So you Do Not Fall Away, Turn Away, 1 Timothy 4:1, In the Last Days, In Accordance With Satan, All Signs and Wonders, Refused to Love the Truth and be Saved, Strong Delusion, Do Not Believe Truth, Pleasure in Unrighteousness, Law Not for the Righteous, 1 Timothy 1:9, Stand Firm in the Truth of the Gospel, Pray for Us to be Delivered from Wicked and Evil Men, The Lord is Faithful He Will Strengthen and Protect You From the Evil One, 2 Thessalonians 3, Idleness and People Not Working

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  • Topics: Pastors, Preaching and Teaching, Traditional Teaching, Jesus and Paul’s Warning, Mark 7:9, Colossians 2:8, Lies About the Word Pastor, Complete Forgiveness, Complete Righteousness, We Want What God Wants, Only Blood Forgives, Hebrews 9:22, Hebrews 10:10, Once for All Holiness and Sanctification, Christ has Made You Righteous, 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Colossians 1:22, Colossians 2:9-10, Partaker in Divine Nature, 2 Peter 1:4, Sinning More Not Less, Titus 2:11-12, Romans 5:20, Romans 6:14, Galatians 5:18, Error of Churches Not Being Able to Pay Bills Without Tithing, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Give Freely From the Heart, Tithing is a Curse, Nobody Has Power Over You, You Will Not Lord Over One Another, Matthew 20:25, Christ is Head of the Body and Holds Supremacy, Colossians 1:18, All Members are Vital, Necessary to Function and Express Christ, Body Not Made Up of One Part but Many, 1 Corinthians 12:14, Gatherings Were Open and Participatory, 1 Corinthians 14:26

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  • Topics: Willful Sins, Deliberate Sins, Non-Willing Sins, Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 10:26-29, No Sacrifice is Left, Enemies of God, Romans 5:1, Peace With God Because of Jesus, Trampled on Son of God, Treated New Covenant as Unholy, Insulted the Spirit of Grace, Trusted Son of God, Believed in New Covenant, Spirit of Grace Lives Within Us, Unwillful Sins, Accidental Sins, Non-Deliberate Sins, Sinning According to the Law, Sinning on This Side of the Cross, 613 Different Ways to Sin, Romans 14:23, All Sins Are Willful, We Aren’t Robots, Willful Sins and Sinning Every Once in a While, Every Sin Deserves Death and Jesus Died, Romans 6:23, Every Sin is Forgiven, 1 John 2:12, Your Sins Have Been Forgiven For His Name’s Sake, Your Sins have Been Forgiven Through His Name, John 8, Woman Caught in Adultery, God Sent His Son to Be a Propitiation for Sins, 1 John 4:10, He is the Propitiation for our sins and for the Sins of the Whole World, 1 John 2:2, Satisfying Sacrifice, Did not Atone but Propitiated

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  • Topics: Church, Pastors, Sermons, Body of Christ, Body Life, Matthew 20, Lord Over One Another, 1 Corinthians 11-14, 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Grooming, Narcissism, Temple of Diana, Ephesus, Subjugation, Women Should Prophesy, Acts 19, Jesus Means Nothing, Galatians 5, Christ is of No Value

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  • Topics: Sin, License to Sin, Sinning Without License, Licentiousness, Legalism, License of Righteousness, Grace Through Jesus, Romans 6:1, Romans 6:15, Romans 6:18, Law Compared to Grace, Grace Approx 10 Times in OT, Grace Approx 110 Times in NT, Antinomianism, The Law is Holy Just and Good, Romans 7:12, The Law is Not Made for the Righteous, 1 Timothy 1:9, Churches Teach We Want to Sin, Churches Teach Sinning is Fun, How Dare You Get to Have Fun Sinning, Sinners Shouldn’t be Sinning, Story of Prodigal Son, Parable of Lost Son, Who Was Really Lost, Luke 15:11-32, Be Yourself and Express Your Righteousness, Sin is Not Fun Even for a Season, Theme of Old Testament is Law, Law is License to Sin, Forgiveness at the Temple, Leave Your Sacrifice, Matthew 5:24, Impossible for Blood of Bulls and Goats to Take Away Sin, Hebrews 10:4, Behold the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World, John 1:29, Grace Empowers Us to Live Upright Holy Self-Controlled Life, Titus 2:11-12, License to Be Ourselves, Book of Jude, Gospel Perverted by Licentiousness, Two Ways to Pervert the Gospel, Licentiousness and Legalism, Old Covenant Based on Promise Between God and Israel, New Covenant Based on Promise Between Father and Son, Hebrews 6:16-19, Two Unchangeable Parties, By Grace of God Jesus Tasted Death for Everyone, Hebrews 2:9, Not one Unbeliever Righteous, Zechariah 12:10, I Will Pour the Spirit of Grace onto the House of David The One Whom They Pierced, Ezra 9:8, Brief Moment of Grace, Law Came Through Moses Grace and Truth Through Jesus, From His Fullness Received Grace Upon Grace, John 1:16-17, Law Increased Sin, Grace Increased Even More, Romans 5:20, License to Sin Is Man-Made Tradition of Repentance and Confession, Greasy Grace or Greasy Law, Law is Slippery, Cheap Grace or Cheap Law, House Build on Sand or House Built on the Rock, Matthew 7, Firm Foundation, Rock is the Message about Jesus, Matthew 16, Jesus Became Sin and We Became Righteous, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Sin Will No Longer be Your Master Not Under Law but Grace, Romans 6:14, World Talking About License to Sin and We’re Talking About License to Express Righteousness, 1 John 3:7, Practice of Righteousness, Those Who Are Righteous Practice Righteousness and Holiness, Revelation 22:11

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  • Topics: Jezebel, Jezebel spirit, Spirit of Jezebel, Queen Jezebel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Revelation 2:20, Not the same people, Neither is spirit, Spirit of Jezebel not in the Bible, Proof-texting, Man-made religious church jargon, Emotionalism, Ignoring what Christ did at the cross to demonic realm, Colossians 2:15, Disarmed demonic realm, Triumphed over them, Made a public spectacle of them by the cross, 20 times in Bible, Old Testament 19 times, New Testament 1 time, Confusing narcissistic characteristics with Jezebel spirit, Don’t confuse narcissism with a demonic spirit, Accusations of Jezebel spirit have no biblical foundation, Why aren’t we saying to people who lead others you have the spirit of Moses, People who mix law with grace the spirit of James, Labeled promiscuity sexual actions and attractiveness “Jezebel!”, Accusations come from Satan, Accuser of the brethren, Revelation 12:10, Accuses Day and night

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  • Topics: The Flesh, Sarx, Flesh, Soma, Sinful Nature, NIV Mistake, The Flesh is Not You, The Flesh is Not Your Flesh, Three-Letter Word t-h-e, Adam and Eve Didn’t Need a Sinful Nature to Sin, Don’t Need Sinful Nature to Sin, Christians Sin Without Sinful Nature, Divine Nature, NIV Changed Sinful Nature Back to the Flesh, Most-Read Translation, Two Natures, Sharpie Line Through Sinful Nature, Spirit is Willing the Flesh is Weak, Matthew 26:41, Prooftext to Claim Your Body is Weak, Prooftext to Say You Can’t Trust Your Body, His Own Body Became Sarx, We Were in Him and We Were in the Flesh, He Became Sin and the Flesh, God Sent His Son in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh to be a Sin Offering, Romans 8:3-4, Jesus Condemned Sin in the Flesh to Meet Righteous Requirements of the Law, Perfection, Not About Your Spirit Fighting Your Weak Flesh, Jesus’ Spirit is Willing to go to the Cross to Prove the Flesh is Weak, Greatest Challenge Not Your Flesh, Tell Baby Their Flesh is Their Challenge, Greatest Challenge is Understanding Grace of God and Our New Identity, Demonic Forces Want You to Have a Civil War With Your Own Body, Your Flesh Wants to do Things Against God, The Flesh Does Not Your Flesh, God Crated Your Flesh to Have Wants, Lust of the Flesh, 1 John 2:16, Mind Governed by the Flesh is Death, Mind Governed by the Spirit is Life, Romans 8:6, We Have the Mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Your Flesh is an Instrument of Righteousness, Romans 6:13, Desires of Your Flesh Against Desires of the Spirit, Galatians 5:17, For the Flesh Desires what is Contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit Contrary to the Flesh, Capital S, They Are in Conflict With Each Other, You Don’t Do What You Want, Those Who Belong to Christ Have Crucified the Flesh With Its Desires, Galatians 5:24, Can’t Crucify Yourself, Since We Live By the Spirit Let Us Keep in Step With the Spirit, Romans 7, Proof of Sinful Nature, Sin in Our Flesh, Must Fight Our Flesh, Miserable Man, Romans 6:14, Sin Will No Longer be Your Master, Sin in His Members, Hamartia, Power of Sin, No Condemnation in Christ, Romans 8:1, Set Free From Sin and Death, Romans 8:2, Flesh is Blameless, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Knit Together in Mother’s Womb by God, Psalm 139:13, Temple of Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19, Care for Your body Like Christ Cares for Church, Ephesians 5:29, Your Flesh is a Masterpiece

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  • Topics: Soul, Three Part Being, Spirit Soul Body, Greek Word for Soul, Mind Free Will and Emotions, Thinker Chooser Feeler, 1 Thes 5:23, Soul Expresses What is Happening in Mind, How You Feel About What’s Happening to You and Around You, Conscience, Eyes and Ears Train Conscience, Soul Tie, New Age Concept, Intentional or Unintentional Connection, Tie Means Bound, Christ Set Us Free, Whom the Son Sets Free, John 8:36, It Was For Freedom Christ has Set You Free, Galatians 5:1, Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Freedom, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Break Soul Ties Through Crystals, Meditation, Spiritual Side of Yoga, Tarot Cards, Mediums, Ears Ringing, Strong Thoughts and Emotions Toward another Person, Error of Working Hard to Break Soul Tie, Sealed Up With the Spirit, Ephesians 1:13, David and Jonathan, 1 Samuel 18:1, Soul of Jonathan Knit Together With Soul of David, Describing a Great Friendship, Other Translations Say There Was a Bond Between David and Jonathan, Jonathan Was Bound to David in Close Friendship, Jonathan Committed Himself to David, Jonathan Loved David as Much as He Loved Himself, Jonathan Was the Son of Saul, Mephibosheth was Son of Jonathan, David Honored Mephibosheth, 2 Samuel 9, Intercourse Creates Soul Tie, Sex by Force, Sexual Abuse, 1 Corinthians 6:16, Unites Himself with Prostitute, One Body with Prostitute, Two Become One Flesh, Genesis 2:24, Creation of Adam and Eve, Describing Closeness, One Spirit with Jesus, 1 Corinthians 6:17, You Body is One with Jesus, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Flee From Sexual Immorality, Temple Worship Through Prostitution, Body Not Made for Sexual Immorality, Bought With a Price, You are Not your Own, 1 Corinthians 6:11-20, Discouraging Sexual Immorality Among Ecclesia, Reminding Of Oneness, Reminding of Being Washed Sanctified Justified, Sinning Against Your Own Body, Body is Temple of Holy Spirit, Not About Soul Tie, Paul Responding to Corinthians Using Freedom Improperly, Soul Ties Require Deliverance, Another Person’s Demons, Soul Ties are New Age Teaching, Demons Can’t Be Transferred, Incidents Happening Before the Cross but Not After, Transferred During Sex, Transferred Through Worship or Dabbling in Occult, Demonic Soul Ties, Haunted Houses, Witchcraft, Pornography, Ouija Board, No Problem With Demons After Cross, Colossians 2:15, Christ Disarmed Spiritual Realm, Public Spectacle, 1 John 5, Evil One Cannot Touch You, 1 John 3, Jesus Came to Earth to Destroy Work of the Devil, 2 Thessalonians 3, Jesus Protects you From the Evil One, No Worry About Deliverance of Another Person’s Demons nor a Demon Transfer, Light Has No Fellowship with Darkness, Light of the World in You Protects You at All Times, Tied to the Spirit of Jesus, True Soul Mate, True Soul Tie

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  • Topics: Co-Crucifixion, Co-Burial, Co-Resurrection, Romans 6:3-11, Colossians 2:20, Colossians 3:1, Raised Up With Christ, Ephesians 2:5, You Were Dead in Your Sins God Made You Alive With Christ, Ephesians 1:13, Sealed with the Spirit, Power of the Blood of Jesus, Romans 5:9, Saved From Wrath Through His Blood, Hebrews 9:22, Shedding of Blood, Forgiveness of Sin, Complete Forgiveness, Past Present and Future, Hebrews 10:10, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Complete Sanctification, Only Blood of Jesus Sanctifies, Holy Through His Own Blood, Hebrews 13:12, Completion of Old Covenant, Matthew 5:17, Have Not Come to Abolish the Law and Prophets But to Fulfill Them, It is Finished, John 19:30, Nailed it to the Cross, Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:14-15, Abolished the Law in His Flesh, He Himself Is Our Peace, Hebrews 10:9, He Set Aside the First to Establish the Second, Hebrews 8:13, He Made the First Covenant Obsolete, Weak and Useless, The Old Covenant is the Law, Covenant-Mixture Theology, Mark 2:21-23, New Wine in Old Wineskins, New Patch of Clothing on Old Garment, Law is the Ultrasound and Jesus is the Actual Baby, Our New Identity and What We Want, 2 Corinthians 5:17, You Are in Christ and You’re a New Creation, The Old Has Gone and the New is Here, 2 Peter 1:4, Partaker in Divine Nature, Call Christians Sinners and Tell Them Not to Sin, Ezekiel 36:26-27, New Heart, New Spirit, Put My Spirit in You, Cause You to Walk in My Ways, Ignored Grace, Ignored Jesus, Acts 20:24, Gospel of Grace, Hebrews 2:9, By the Grace of God Jesus Tasted Death for You, Be Careful with Grace, Too Much Grace is Too Much Jesus, Grace is Everything, Vilified Grace, Called Grace Hyper, Bible Describes Grace as Hyper, Super-Abounding, Titus 2:11-12, Grace of God Teaches Us, Jesus Is Grace, What Grace Will Do, Grace Will Wash Feet, Grace Will Serve You, Grace Will Commit His Life to You, Grace Brings Dead People to Life, Grace Eats Meals With Those Who Betray Him, Grace Forgives Those Who Kill Him, Grace Will Cook You Breakfast After You Deny Him Three Times and Abandon Him, Grace Keeps No Records of Your Wrongs, Grace Will Never Leave You or Forsake You, Grace Understands You, Grace is Life

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  • Topics: Boundaries, Church Without Boundaries, Boundaries Vilified, Poor Treatment, Abuse, Religious Abuse, Verbal and Emotional Abuse, Poor Treatment Encouraged, Reveal Poor Treatment of Those Treating Others Poorly, Matthew 5, Sermon on the Mount, Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth, Turn Your Cheek, Anger is Same as Murder, God Doesn’t Treat You Poorly, God of All Comfort, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, He Comforts Us So We Can Comfort Others, The Comforter, John 14:26, John 15:26, God Doesn’t Cause Pain, God Isn’t Two-Faced, Every Good and Perfect Gift, James 1:17, Peace With God Because of Jesus, Romans 5:1, Saved From Wrath of God Because of Jesus, Romans 5:9, Goodness and Kindness of God, Romans 2:4, Our Immense Value to God, God So Loved the World, John 3:16, Jesus Gave His Life for You, You Are Valuable, When Someone Doesn’t See Your Value they Won’t Honor Your Boundaries, Honor Your Own Boundaries, As Long as It Depends on Your Live at Peace with Everyone, Romans 12:18, Peacemaker at Heart, Others Don’t See Your Value, Results of Allowing Boundary Crossing, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Addictions, What Is a Boundary, Boundaries Don’t Control Others, Encourage Self-Control, Where You Begin and Others End, This Works for Me and This Doesn’t, No Is a Full Sentence, Established on Love, Love for Others and Yourself, And Yourself, Boundaries are Not Ultimatums, What you Will Allow in Your Life and What you Won’t, Boundaries are Not Disrespectful, Not Walls, See-Through Fences with Gates, Give you Dignity and Self-Respect, Boundaries are Helpful not Harmful, Protect Your Value, Removes Trash Through the Gate, What You Can Control, Can’t Control Something Means to Honor Your Own Boundaries, Boundaries Bring Your Closer to People Not Further Away, Attacks and Pulling Away Clear Sign Boundary Was Necessary, Those Who Value You Take Boundaries to Heart, Consider Them as Important and Listen, Those who Don’t Value You Gaslight and Project Mean Image, What Boundaries Will You Honor for Yourself, Addiction Recovery Boundaries, Boundaries with People Living in Your Home, Boundaries With Your Marriage, Social Media Boundaries, Messaging Boundaries, Employer Boundaries, Employee Boundaries, Addicted Relative Boundaries, Addicted Spouse Boundaries, Spending Time with Loved Ones Boundaries, Reciprocating Effort to be Involved with You Boundaries, Legalistic Relative Boundaries, Meddling Parents and In-Laws Boundaries, Sexual Needs Boundaries, Safe People Encourage Boundaries, Unsafe People Attack and Reject Your Boundaries, Unsafe People Take no Accountability for Crossing Boundaries, Triangulate to Validate, Attacks Meant to Get You to No Longer Have Boundaries, Unsafe People Benefit From You Not Having Boundaries, Refocus on Immense Value, Boundaries Cause Divorce and Estrangement with Unsafe People, Personally Socially and at Church, Pain of Ignoring Boundaries is Worse, Your Life Matters, Your Mental Health Matters, Your Workload Matters, Your Stress Level Matters, You Matter, You’re Valuable, The Cross Proves Your Value, 39 Lashes Because 40 Killed, Thorns in Skull, Beaten Scourged Spat On Punched, Nailed to Cross Because of Your Value, See Yourself as God Sees You, Valuable

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  • Topics: Church Building, Temple, House of God, Man-made Tradition, Acts 17:24, God Does Not Dwell in Temples, Human Hands, Physical Temple Replaced, John 2:19, Early Church Went to Temple to Evangelize, Temple Destroyed in AD 70, House of God, Temple Called House of God, We Are Now God’s House, Hebrews 3:6, Hebrews 10:21, Constantine, 4th Century, Official Church Buildings, Romans Basilicas, Effort to Legitimize Christianity, Copied Pagans and Jews, Superimpose Hebrews 10:25 and Remember the Sabbath and Acts 20:7, Gathered on First Day is Not a Command Not at a Building Called Church, 7 Churches in Revelation Not Church Buildings, Groups of Ecclesia in Different Regions, Jettisoned Place of Worship, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Worshiped Sun God, Made Sunday Official Holy Day, Put to Death Son and Nephew and Brother-in-Law, Claimed Title of Pontifex Maximus, Chief of Pagan Priests, Magic Formulas to Heal and Protect Crops, Constantinople Named After Himself, Adorned With Pagan Temple Treasures, 12 Monuments, 12 Apostles, Surrounded by Single Tomb, 13th Apostle, Declared Objects as Sacred, Copied Pagan Practice, Mother Obsessed with Relics, Cross and Nails of Jesus, Named Churches After Saints Copied Pagan Temples Named After Gods, Built On Cemeteries and Graves, Believed Were Holy Sites, Built Churches on Top of Peter and Paul and Christ’s Tomb and Place of Birth, Modeled after Basilicas, Longer Front to Back, Place of Government Functions and Civil Activities, Before the Cross We could not Be the Temples, Blood Made Temple Sanctified but Had to be Repeated, Dealt with Sins, Blood of Jesus Made us Sanctified Forever by Grace Through Faith, Dealt with Sins Once and For all, Hebrews 10:1 Those Worshipers Could Never Be Made Perfect, Hebrews 10:14 We Have Been Made Perfect, John 4, Spirit and Truth, Worship the Father Desires, Acts 7:48, Most High Does Not Dwell in Temples Built by Humans Hands, Nor Houses, House Churches are Not Church, The Church is a Living Organism

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  • Topics: Church Practices, Question Everything, Socrates, Socratic Method, Dialectic, Corrupting the Youth, John 7:19, Moses Gave the Law, None of You Keep the Law, Why Do You Want to K**l Me, Tradition of Men, Mark 7:9, Colossians 2:8, Gathering on Sunday, Building Called Church, Hebrews 10:25, “Church” Isn’t in Hebrews, Synagogues and Temple, No Pastor or Priest Preaching, Place of Animal Sacrifices, Remember the Sabbath, Sabbath on Saturday, Acts 20:7, Gathered on the First Day, This Was One Individual Meeting, Not a Description of Weekly Church Gathering, Constantine Began Sunday Worship, Worshiped Sun God, One Person in Charge, Matthew 20:26, It Will Not be Like this Among You, You Will Not Lord Over One Another, Gatherings Described in 1 Corinthians 11-14, Group Participation Encouraged, Everyone Gets Chance to Share, No Pastor Ever Listed as “In Charge”, Elders and Deacons Not In Charge, Reformation Put Pastors in Charge, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Elder is Mature in Any Faith, One Body With Many Members, Hebrews 13:17, Obey Your Leaders, Pastor Not in Hebrews, Leading them Away from Temple Work, Obedience of Faith, Formal Education, Preaching, Requirement for Formal Education in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:27, God Chose the Foolish, John 5:39, You Search the Scriptures, Did Not Choose Formally Educated According to the Law, Did Not Choose Priests, Choose Fisherman and Tax Collectors, Formal Education Began in 16th Century, Preach Means to Speak, Women and and Donkey Spoke More about God Than Anyone Named Pastor, Sermons, Sermon Not in Bible, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons Began Before Jesus, Sophists, Sophisticated, Philosophers, One-Man Monologues for Pay and Prestige, Early Church Was Greek, Clement of Alexandria, Sermons Bad Thing, Augustine and Chrysostom, Sophists Turned Christians, Eucharist Replaced Sermons, Greek Rhetoric, Deceitful Arguments, Constantine Loved Sermons, Pastor Never Gives Sermons, What’s Biblical is Everyone is Encouraged to Share, Tithing, How Many Times Are Believers Commanded to Tithe, How Many Times is Tithing in the Epistles, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Give Freely From the Heart, Not Under Pressure, Not Under Compulsion, Tithing Was Part of the Law, 23.3%, Not Money, Crops Produce Grain Spices Cattle, Tithing is a Curse, Galatians 3:10, Rely on Tithe is Relying on Curse, How Do You Keep the Lights On, Let Your Requests be Made Known, Trust God, Give-to-Get, Rely on God’s Grace Working Through the Body

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  • TOPICS: Fruit, Matthew 7:16, You Will Know Them By Their Fruit, Matthew 7:1, Do Not Judge Or You Too Will Be Judged, People Know Us By Our Fruit, God Doesn’t Know Us By Our Fruit, I Never Knew You, If you Judge Others You Will Be a Hypocrite, False Prophets Known By Fruit, Jesus Is Not the Messiah, Trees or Branches, John 15:5, I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches, Trees Followed the Law, Branches Trust Christ, Trees Self-Sufficient, Branches Can do Nothing on Their Own, Branches Know By Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Branches Don’t Produce Fruit, Bear Fruit, Known By Our Love, Judge Correctly John 7:24, None of You Keep the Law, John 7:19, Jesus Accused of Being Possessed, I Have Not Come to Judge the World but to Save It, John 12:47, You Can Tell Who’s Truly a Christian by Their Fruit, Branches Connected to Vine Not Bearing Fruit, Not Expressig Him, Branches Who’ve Forgotten Who They Are, Forgotten First Love, 2 Peter 1, Forgotten Cleansing Righteousness Holiness Sanctification, Even When We Are Faithless He Remains Faithful, 2 Timothy 2:13, Fruit Coming From Unbelievers, Good Appearing Fruit, Fruit Unto Death, Poisonous Fruit, Romans 7:5, Fruit of Death, Fruit Unto Death, Produced Through Behavior Modification Programs, Bore Through Law, Deadly Fruit, Non-Fruit-Bearing People Are Saved, Fruit-Unto-Death People Aren’t Saved, Produce Fruit in Keeping Up With Repentance, Matthew 3, Christians Are Not Known By Our Fruit, The Fruit of The Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, Against Such Things There Is No Law, Legislate Fruit of The Spirit, We Are Not Fruit Inspectors or Fruit Producers, We Are Branches, Branches Don’t Judge other Branches by Fruit, We Rest and Trust the Vine, He Is Able to Bear Fruit Through Any Branch Who Trusts Him

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  • Topics: Revelation 3:16, Revelation 2-3, Revelation 3:15-17, Spit You Out of His Mouth, Spew You Out, Hot OR Cold, Hot Serves a Purpose, Cold Serves a Purpose, Lukewarm Serves No Purpose, Lukewarms, On Fire For the Lord, Cultural Christianity, Depart From Me, Mixing Law with Grace, Laodicean Hot and Cold Water From Neighboring Town, What Do You Do “For” the Lord, On Fire Competition, Luke 18, “I Fast and I Tithe,” Not Like This Sinner, “I Go to Church,” Comparison Game, Someone Is Always More on Fire, Not About Losing Salvation, Not About Losing Rewards, Hebrews 7:25, John 14:19, Matthew 20, Parable of the Vineyard Workers, Reward of the Inheritance, Colossians 3, Loss of Purposefulness, Loss Sight of First Love, Revelation 2, Abandoning Jesus, Jezebel Teaching Sexual Immorality, Licentiousness, Woman Teaching, 1 Timothy 2, Food Sacrificed to Idols, Lampstand Removed, Modern Church Has Forgotten Its First Love, Moralism, Principles, Law and Grace, King in the Church, Ignoring of 1 Corinthians 11-14, Give to Get, One Main Member, Not Encouraged to Participate, Roman Imperialism and Tradition of Men, Sermons, Cult-Like Gatherings, It Will Not Be Like This Among You, Matthew 20:26, Mark 10:43, Body Life Removed, Revelation 3:17, “You Say You’re Rich and Wealthy and Don’t Need a Thing,” “Wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked,” Distasteful to Jesus, Anti-Gospel, Not Forgiven, Not Righteous, Call Saints Sinners and Tell Them Not to Sin, Call the Righteousness of God “Not One Righteous!”, Try Harder, Put God First, Obey Pastor, What Is Purposefulness, Expressing the Fruit of the Spirit, Not Judging or Condemning, John 12:47, John 3:7, The World Stands Judged and Condemned Already Because of Unbelief, He Won’t Spit You Out, Even When You’re Faithless He Remains Faithful, 2 Timothy 2:13, Persuade others With the Love of Jesus, He Will Hold No Sin Against you, 2 Corinthians 5:19, Christ’s Ambassadors, Be Reconciled, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Be Hot, Be Cold, Be Purposeful, Be Yourself, Remember Your First Love and Express Him.

    CORRECTION: I said Acts chapter 2 when describing Jezebel but I was talking about Revelation 2.

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  • Topics: John 13:1-17, Foot Washing, Repent of Sins, He Gets Us, Feet Washing in Old Testament, Ceremonial Washing, Humility and Servanthood, Luke 7:36-50, John 12:1-8, Exodus 30, Rest and Let Jesus Serve you, Serve One Another, Repeated Washing for Forgiveness, You are Clean, Except for His Feet, 1 Corinthians 6:11, You Were Washed, Judas Peter Thomas and John’s Sinning, Ministry of the Pharisees, Ministry of Reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Corinthians 5, Competent to Minister the New Covenant, Not of the Letter but of the Spirit, Persuade Others With Christ’s Love, Christ’s Ambassadors, Be Reconciled, The Will of the Father, Judas Betraying Jesus was the Will of the Father, John 6 29,40, To Believe In His Son, Condoning Sin, Affirming Sin, Only Serve Those Who Don’t Sin, Committed to People who Sin, Cooked Peter Breakfast, Give Your Life to Jesus, The Sheep Scattered, Zechariah Prophecy, We Had No Life, Born in Adam, Romans 5, Christ’s Life, Colossians 3:3-4, Go And Sin No More, None of Disciples Went and Sinned No More, 1 John 2:1-2, If Anyone Does Sin, The Woman Sinned Again, Grace of God Teaches Us How To Live Holy, John 3:17, Jesus Does Not Condemn But Save, Remove The Log From Your Eye, Be Great By Serving One Another, John 15, I No Longer Call You Servants But Friends, Express Christ, Wash the Feet of Friends and Foes, Lue 14, Count the Cost, Matthew 10, Jesus Didn’t Bring Peace But a Sword

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  • Topics: Matthew 7:9-11, You Who Are Evil, Good Gifts to Children, Bread or Stone, Fish or Snake, Give Good Things to Those Who Ask, James 1:17, Every Good and Perfect Gift, Father of Lights, Job 1:21, The Lord Gifts and Takes Away, Atheists and Supposed Apostates, Genesis 1-2, Creation, And it Was Good, The Fall, Hamaria, The Power of Sin, The Force of Sin, Genesis 4:7, First Death was Atonement, Romans 5, Sin Came Through One Man, Death Through Sin, Death Spread to Everyone, Genesis 3:15, Crush the Serpents Head, God Gave Dominion to Man, Son of Man, Son of God, 1 John 3:8, Destroy the Work of the Devil, Grace Reigns Through the Free Gift of Righteousness, 1 John 3:5, In Him Was No Sin, Appeared to Take Away Sin, John 10, John 11, John 14, Resurrection and the Life, Believes In Me Will Never Die, Eternal Life Through Free Gift of Righteousness, Miracles, Generational Curses, Cancer from Sinning, Those who are Healed Still Eventually Die

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  • Topics: Storms of Life, Matthew 8, Mark 4, Luke 8, Jesus Calms the Storm, Peace Be Still, Where Is Your Faith, Trust Jesus, Rest, Relationship Problems, Financial Problems, Work Problems, Health Problems, Reputation Problems, Hebrews 4:11, Strive to Rest, Healthy Boundaries, Don’t Take The Bait, Defending Yourself, Evil for Evil, Overcome Evil With Good, Be Yourself, Peacemaker, As Long as it Depends on You, Fuel For Gaslighting, Self-Control, Help Someone Else, Count It All Joy, Perseverance and Maturity, Know and Rely on God’s Love, 1 John 4, Remind Yourself of Promises, God Understands, His Grace Is Sufficient

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