
  • Milwaukee faces a significant challenge with over 70,000 lead service lines. In response, the city has implemented a replacement program initiated by an ordinance in 2017. This initiative leverages federal funding to focus on disadvantaged communities, with an emphasis on neighborhoods identified as most in need through an area deprivation index.

    In this episode, Superintendent Patrick Pauly of Milwaukee Water Works, Janet Pritchard from the Environmental Policy Innovation Center, and Richard Diaz of the Blue Green Alliance discuss the program’s funding strategies, including principal forgiveness funding that allows for 100% coverage of private side replacements without costs to property owners. They highlight the impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which has provided a substantial influx of resources, enabling Milwaukee to increase its replacement goals from approximately 1,000 lines per year to 2,200 in 2024 and 3,500 in 2025.

    Additionally, the discussion emphasizes a robust workforce development strategy, which mandates that contractors must allocate 25% of project dollars to small business enterprises and ensure that 40% of work hours are performed by workers from local disadvantaged areas.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. This episode on lead service line replacement is supported by BlueConduit, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Environmental Policy Innovation Center.

  • Milwaukee is tackling the challenge of urban stormwater management through an innovative community-based public-private partnership.

    The Fresh Coast Protection Partnership is expanding green infrastructure, enhancing neighborhood quality, and developing the local workforce.

    In this episode, Bre Plier from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and Kurt Farrell of CIS delve into the intricacies of scaling these efforts, benefits of collaboration, and impactful results seen so far, such as capturing millions of gallons of stormwater and revitalizing urban spaces.

    They also highlight the importance of designing with maintenance in mind, engaging community stakeholders, and fostering small, minority, and women-owned businesses.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet.

    This episode is made possible by CIS, who is working with community visionaries to lead some of the nation's largest urban infrastructure programs to create resilient cities. Visit cisolutions.com

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  • Developing and recognizing emerging leaders in the water sector is crucial for addressing current and future challenges. The WaterNow Alliance’s Emerging Leaders program plays a vital role in this effort by identifying and supporting professionals who are driving positive change in their communities.

    This episode presents brief interviews with the seven individuals recognized this year, along with Caroline Koch of the WaterNow Alliance, discussing their impactful work in areas like lead line replacement, green stormwater infrastructure, and fostering diversity and equity within utilities.

    The leaders featured include David Fielder II (Detroit Water and Sewerage Department), Tiffany Diaz (City of Georgetown, Texas), Dom Bennett (Lee’s Summit Water Utilities, Missouri), Christopher Lang (City of New Orleans), Grace Vogel Sanders (Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans), Xochitl Coronado-Vargas (Tucson Water, Arizona), and Amanda Jones (Tucson Water, Arizona).

    Their efforts demonstrate the transformative potential of emerging leadership in water management.

  • Managing water resources effectively is crucial, especially in regions facing scarcity and drought. The OpenET platform, developed through collaboration between NASA, the Environmental Defense Fund, and other partners, offers a groundbreaking solution by leveraging satellite data to measure evapotranspiration.

    In this episode, we hear from Forrest Melton of NASA and Robyn Grimm, formerly of the Environmental Defense Fund, who explain the science behind OpenET and its diverse applications.

    The episode also features insights from various users across the water sector, including farmers and water managers, who discuss how OpenET is transforming their approach to water use and conservation.

    From supporting regulatory compliance to optimizing irrigation, OpenET is proving to be a critical tool for ensuring sustainable water management in the face of climate challenges.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet.

  • Marine conservation and the preservation of the U.S.'s most cherished underwater environments are critically important issues.

    National Marine Sanctuaries provide a solution by protecting these vital ecosystems.

    Shannon Colbert of the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation shares insights into the significance of these sanctuaries, which range from vibrant kelp forests and coral reefs to historic shipwrecks and cultural sites.

    The discussion delves into the establishment and expansion of sanctuaries, the importance of community involvement, and the multifaceted benefits of these protected areas.

    Shannon highlights ongoing efforts in marine debris removal, restoration work, and educational initiatives to foster a deeper connection and stewardship among the public.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. This episode is from a conversation at the Reservoir Center in Washington DC where waterloop is a media partner.

  • As the need for sustainable water management becomes increasingly critical, developing the next generation of leaders is paramount.

    One promising solution is the Colorado Water Fellows Program, which connects students with water issues and equips them with practical experience.

    In this episode, Jessica Thrasher, Water Equity Programs Leader at the Colorado Water Center, discusses bringing together students from various majors to gain a holistic understanding of water management.

    She highlights the importance of diversity in backgrounds and perspectives in addressing water challenges, and the role of hands-on experiences and internships in preparing students for careers in the water sector. Jessica also covers the program's expansion and its contributions to a more equitable and informed water workforce.

    This episode is part of the Color Of Water series, a collaboration between waterloop and the Water Hub that features interviews with diverse experts from communities across the country.

  • Communities along the Mississippi River face numerous challenges from natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and droughts.

    This episode explores how adopting nature-based solutions can bolster resilience against these impacts.

    Mayor Errick Simmons of Greenville, Mississippi, shares insights into his community's efforts and the collaborative initiatives of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative.

    Simmons discusses the environmental and economic benefits of implementing nature-based infrastructure, such as floodplain reconnections and marsh restoration. He also highlights the importance of equitable strategies that support the community and foster corporate responsibility.

    The conversation covers innovative funding models involving carbon credits and the reinsurance industry, emphasizing the need for sustainable and long-lasting solutions to protect communities along the river.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. The Mississippi By Nature series is supported by the Walton Family Foundation and outfitted by Patagonia.

  • Floodplain reconnection has emerged as a crucial solution to mitigating flooding, improving water quality, and supporting biodiversity along the Mississippi River corridor.

    In this episode, Chris Rice of The Nature Conservancy discusses the restoration of Mollicy Farms, the largest floodplain reconnection project ever undertaken in the U.S.

    Chris explains the extensive efforts involved in breaching levees, planting millions of trees, and reestablishing natural water flows to revive the 25-square mile floodplain along the Ouachita River in Louisiana.

    The conversation highlights the significant environmental and community benefits of restoring such areas, including floodwater storage, habitat creation, and water filtration.

    Additionally, Chris delves into the partnerships and challenges encountered throughout the project, providing insights into how similar initiatives can be implemented elsewhere.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. The Mississippi By Nature series is supported by the Walton Family Foundation and outfitted by Patagonia.

  • The fact there are 2.2 million people in America without safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in their homes does not receive enough media attention or public awareness. There are lessons on how to change this from the high-profile coverage of connected environmental issues such as climate change.

    This episode features a conversation with Bill Weir, Chief Climate Correspondent at CNN. It was recorded during the first-ever gathering of the US WASH sector organized by Vessel and held in Washington, D.C.

    Bill shares his experiences and observations reporting at the nexus of climate and water. He also discusses advice for working with the media, the importance of storytelling, and the value of focusing on solutions.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet.

  • Communities across the United States face significant challenges in accessing and effectively utilizing federal funding for water initiatives. The solution lies in leveraging these resources to empower grassroots organizations and address local water issues.

    This episode is a recording from a session at River Network’s River Rally, during which Celina Mahabir of Community Water Center and Kirsten Shead of Milwaukee Water Commons discuss strategies.

    They delve into the "how" of navigating federal funding, ensuring dollars reach the places most in need, and advancing impactful, long-term solutions. Additionally, they explore the role of philanthropy and share examples of early successes from federally supported projects.

  • The River Network’s Emerging Leader Award highlights rising stars at the crossroads of water and justice. Designed to boost early career professionals, the award offers recognition, confidence, and networking opportunities.

    At River Rally 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, four awardees shared their impactful work, the reasons for their recognition, and their successful water initiatives.

    This episode delves into the stories of Charles Miller, Megan Nguyen, Kevin Jeffery, and Hira Ahmad, exploring how they are making significant strides in the water sector and championing justice through innovative solutions and community engagement.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet exploring solutions for sustainability and equity in water.

  • The Potomac River, once labeled a national disgrace due to severe pollution, has seen significant improvements over the decades. Through efforts such as wastewater treatment upgrades and cleanup of industrial hotspots, the river's health has greatly improved, making it often safe for recreational use.

    In this episode, Dean Naujoks, the Potomac Riverkeeper, discusses the progress achieved and the ongoing challenges like agricultural runoff and urban stormwater.

    He also highlights successful initiatives and legal victories that have contributed to cleaner water, and underscores the importance of continuous vigilance and community involvement in safeguarding this vital waterway that flows through Washington, D.C.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. This episode was launched from the Reservoir Center, where waterloop is a media partner.

  • Jackson, Mississippi, has long struggled with inadequate water infrastructure, highlighted by a major treatment plant failure in 2022 that left 160,000 residents without safe drinking water.

    Lexus Giles, an artist from Jackson, reflects on these challenges through her work "Wading the Woes of Jackson Water."

    The exhibit features pieces that represent the struggles and adaptations of Jackson's residents in accessing clean water.

    In an interview conducted at the first-ever gathering of the U.S. WASH sector in Washington, D.C., Lexus discusses the habits her family developed to cope with the unreliable water supply, such as carrying plastic water bottles and adding bleach to bathwater.

    She explains how these personal experiences and the resilience of her community have influenced her art.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet.

  • Agencies responsible for natural resources along the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River corridor often face significant challenges due to limited resources. A powerful solution to this problem is the Gulf Corps program, which leverages funding from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlement to support nature-based projects.

    This episode features conversations with Christina Wayne from The Nature Conservancy, Brian Pember from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and Austin Bowley from the Corps Network discuss the transformative impact of this initiative. Filmed at a worksite in Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge, they discuss the program’s dual focus on environmental restoration and workforce development.

    The Gulf Corps’ efforts include trail maintenance, invasive species removal, and building living shorelines, significantly enhancing public access and conservation. This episode underscores the critical need for such initiatives to sustain and restore nature while providing valuable job skills and career opportunities.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. The Mississippi By Nature series is supported by the Walton Family Foundation and outfitted by Patagonia.

  • California is grappling with a severe groundwater crisis, underscoring the urgent need for accurate accounting under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). SGMA mandates that certain basins develop plans to achieve groundwater balance by 2040, ensuring that withdrawals do not exceed recharge rates.

    Various tools are being used or developed to tackle this challenge, ranging from field meters and well monitors to computer models and online platforms.

    This episode features conversations with Ann Hayden, Vice President of Climate Resilient Water Systems at the Environmental Defense Fund; Brad Samuelson, Managing Partner of Water and Land Solutions; and Brian Lockwood, General Manager of Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency.

    They discuss the pressures and solutions for groundwater accounting from the Central Valley to the Central Coast. The episode also includes a demonstration of the Groundwater Accounting Platform.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet.

  • Many people in Oregon face significant water justice challenges, including affordability, accessibility, and quality. Addressing these issues requires place-based, community-specific solutions.

    In this episode, Alai Reyes-Santos, Associate Director of the PNW Just Futures Institute for Climate and Racial Justice, discusses her work in Oregon and what she has learned from her roots in Puerto Rico.

    She explains the diverse water justice issues in Oregon, such as distrust of water quality among communities of color, inadequate infrastructure in tribal areas, and the vulnerabilities of renters.

    Alai also highlights the efforts to build a Water Justice Network and a Water Justice Leadership Institute, aiming to empower communities and advocate for equitable water policies.

    waterloop is a nonprofit media outlet. This episode is part of the Color Of Water series, a collaboration between waterloop and the Water Hub that features interviews with diverse experts from communities across the country.

  • Louisiana faces severe coastal erosion and land loss, making coastal restoration a critical challenge. One of the innovative solutions is the $2.9 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project, which aims to restore about 20 square miles of wetlands and land.

    In this episode, Brad Barth, Diversions Program Manager from the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, discusses this massive engineering feat, which aims to harness the Mississippi River's natural sediment flow to rebuild the coast.

    Barth explains the multiple factors contributing to coastal erosion and how this project integrates with other restoration efforts. He details the design and functionality of the sediment diversion, highlighting its role in delivering sediment and nutrients to sustain marshlands.

    Additionally, Barth shares insights into the broader strategy of using nature-based solutions, such as barrier island reconstruction and marsh creation, to protect and restore Louisiana's coast.

    waterloop is a nonprofit news outlet. The Mississippi By Nature series is supported by the Walton Family Foundation and outfitted by Patagonia.

  • Urgent water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) challenges persist across the United States. Peer-to-peer support for utility professionals in these communities can make a positive difference.

    Anniestacia Denton, a Utility Advisor at Moonshot Missions, provides a look into these pressing issues, with a particular focus on her home state of Alabama.

    Bringing a unique perspective on the severe sanitation problems in the Black Belt region, Anniestacia shares her journey into the water industry and her active role in transformative initiatives like the UNLEASH Hack. She explains how she is dedicated to resolving funding and trust issues in underserved communities, advocating for equitable solutions, and implementing practical, impactful changes.

    waterloop is a nonprofit media outlet. This episode is from a conversation at the Reservoir Center in Washington D.C. where waterloop is a media partner.

  • This episode features a series of rapid-fire questions with Alan Roberson of the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, delving into some of the most pressing issues facing the drinking water industry today.

    The conversation tackles hot topics such as regionalization, Consumer Confidence Reports, the Lead and Copper Rule, PFAS, point-of-use filtration at homes, and the safety of bottled water.

    Alan provides expert insights into these critical areas, highlighting the latest developments and regulatory changes that impact public health and water quality across the United States.

    This episode is from a conversation at the Reservoir Center in Washington, D.C. where waterloop is a media partner.

  • The South continues to experience rapid development and is now facing more intense rainfalls due to climate change. This makes stormwater management a more critical issue for the region. This episode delves into the challenges and solutions with Vinicius Taguchi, an Extension Associate at North Carolina State University.

    He highlights Wilson, North Carolina as an example of a community with stormwater problems exacerbated by a history of segregation and lack of investment in infrastructure, a situation found across the South.

    Vinny delves into management strategies, ranging from traditional stormwater ponds to green infrastructure solutions like bioretention and permeable pavement. He highlights technology's role, from low-cost sensors to smart control systems optimizing water levels based on forecasts.

    Vinny emphasizes the importance of collaboration across disciplines like civil engineering and urban planning. He also discusses pathways for students interested in stormwater, reflecting the field's multifaceted nature and opportunities for environmental stewardship.

    This episode is part of the Color Of Water series, a collaboration between waterloop and the Water Hub that features interviews with diverse experts from communities across the country.