
  • Welcome back to Sandi's book of rooms!

    It's been a while, so Sandi thought it high-time to check-in and see how you're doing, and what a welcome sight that is as we find ourselves in lockdown part 2 of 2020. 

    In this one-off episode, Sandi explores the date of 12th November, which happens to be the day that gave birth to the World Wide Web and changed our lives forever.

    We also learn who Pudge Heffelfinger was, that Emperors shouldn't be called 'Michael', and that blowing-up a whale is never a good idea. 

    We also, as usual, will hear about some amazing women the history books have neglected to document - so thank heavens that Sandi has written her own almanac - inspired to do so by this very series. 

    So sit back and relax once more in the warm glow ... you were missed.  

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, hope you're doing OK? In this episode, we can practically hear the engine revving, as Sandi prepares to take to the road and enjoy the kind of freedom we could have only dreamed of in recent times. 

    In order to spend time with much missed family and to take a well earned break, this shall be the final episode in the current series of We Will Get Past This. 

    Today, Sandi thinks about the women who blazed a trail on the roads, allowing us the privilege of independence today - it's a privilege not lost on any of us right now.

    As always, we hear about women who have been forgotten - or worse, removed from the annals of history.

    Even the overlords of Wikipedia seem to feel strongly about which women should be included on their pages, feel free to change that opinion, because you are indeed free to do so, whenever you like. 

    But for now at least, Sandi bids a fond farewell and thanks you for stopping-by to say hello during these difficult few weeks and months.

    If you think you might miss these snippets of calm, why not go back and listen to them again - surely there will be things you would have forgotten?

     You can also WATCH this series on Sandi's YouTube channel, Vox Toks. 

    Also, if you think a friend might benefit from the escapism of this series, then please do pass it along.

    Take care, be kind ...We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Hello, how are you? Most of us have been living life in lockdown in elasticated waistbands, slouchy sweatshirts and no bra. Our bodies will go into shock the next time we put on a pair of jeans, or suit and tie! Today Sandi is pondering the clothes we wear and what is deemed acceptable attire for women. It's very difficult to ride a bike in skirts and corset - let alone fight the patriarchy, But who decided that women shouldn't wear the trousers and which countries have been the slowest in allowing the freedom of allowing the female species to don a pair of strides? 

    Most of us are beginning to wear 'normal' clothes again as we emerge into the new world, so Sandi is doing the same and will begin to ease this show. She'll take a break for a few days and release the last episode on Friday 4th July 2020 .... just in time for the pubs to reopen. 

    Until next week, take care ...We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how are you? Chances are, that you're listening to this very programme on your phone. It seems we do just about everything on our phones now, except the thing it was invented for - making phone calls.

    If Alexander Graham Bell could see how his invention has shaped our lives, wouldn't he be thrilled? I think we can all agree that we're grateful to those who pioneered the technology which has enabled us to stay in touch during times of isolation and in this episode, Sandi pays homage to those some of those characters...a fair few of them women would you believe?

    Take care and remember ...We Will Get Past This.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello, come on in ... When Sandi says that at the start of each episode, doesn't it actually make you think that you're stepping-in to her room of books? 

    It's amazing the places one can travel to in the mind, and I'm sure many of us have imagined ourselves somewhere far-away and in easier times than the ones we see ourselves in now. 

    White people have always lived in an easier world than those with darker skin and much of history has been written by that white, privileged hand. 

    The history books need to be re-written to include the stories of black people in history and of those now, who are making it.

    Today, Sandi talks about some of the people who worked tirelessly for civil rights and who should be remembered for doing just that. 

    What a shame those in privilege still haven't learnt that sharing it doesn't mean there will be less to go round. 

    One day let's hope that ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, fancy a beer? Well, it's 5pm somewhere in the world isn't it? 

    As much as it's nice to sit down for a refreshing tipple, a lot of women would have found their work loads vastly increased with having to look after children 24/7, as well as managing the home and probably a job too. The lion's share of domestic duties still always seems to fall on the female of the species, no wonder men are able to still dominate in just about every aspect of life, as they are free to pursue learning, ambitions and creativity. 

    Despite the imbalance, there are so many women who have innovated, invented and inspired - most of whom aren't given the credit for their endeavours, or dismissed altogether. As always, Sandi does her bit to redress this injustice and today's episode is no different. 

    Wouldn't it be marvellous if everyone could take this time to redress imbalance, admit mistakes and vow to be better? 

    Well, one can dream...but, We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello, how are you doing? Today's episode was recorded when a certain senior adviser explained that they broke the lockdown in order to test their eyesight, rather than a belief that they were above the rules that they were part of setting ... Other countries must be looking on aghast at these details and who knows what we, ourselves will think when we look back on these most strange times.

    Taking a look back through history is of course what Sandi is doing on a daily basis for this podcast, but through different eyes of the men (because it would have been men) who wrote it all down. Perhaps if Sandi had been around to document the 'golden' age of piracy, school children would be learning about the female characters of that time, because being a man wasn't necessarily an essential requirement for the job, as you're about to hear.  

    Have a good day ... We Will Get Past This 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how are you doing? Despite the fact the human race is having a bit of a hard time at the moment, it's having a positive effect on the planet, which is able to breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy cleaner air, water and brighter night skies. Sandi takes the opportunity to look at the stars and at some of the women who were pioneers in aviation, despite living in an age where the odds were stacked against them. 

    Perhaps when we can all take to the skies again, we may be more mindful of the effect it has on the planet ...maybe we can charter a hot air balloon instead?

    Chocs away ... We Will Get Past This.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how are things with you? What are you up to whilst you listen to these podcasts? Walking? Running? Nothing at all? 

    Perhaps you're using them as an accompaniment to getting household tasks done? Even though we're spending more time at home right now, it doesn't make housework any more appealing than it did before, but as Sandi points-out today; being house-proud didn't create penicillin. 

    Sandi would much rather spend her time in her room of books, than with a hoover in her hand - which many of us can relate to - and all of us are grateful for, as it's this priority which allows We Will Get Past This to happen. 

    So, however you choose to listen, whether it's to enhance a boring task, or relish in some 'me time', don't forget ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello, how lovely to see you again. Sandi's been busy curating another magical mystery tour through history for us all to sink-into, much like a warm bath. 

    Today we get some important information for interacting with the local butcher, hear why you should rub egg white and brandy onto your nipples, take stock at how social distancing has impacted the usually lucrative condom market and then dive into ancient Greece and then look at how the ways women have been written about throughout history still have ramifications for us today...all of this, without even leaving your arm chair. 

    Have a good day... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how are you? Chances are, you've suffered some kind of distress in the past few weeks.

    Perhaps if we all shouted the international call of distress 'Mayday' everything would be fixed? This episode happens to have been recorded on May Day - otherwise known as the 1st May - but thankfully, doesn't find Sandi in any distress. 

    In Sandi's travels along her bookshelves, it's come to her attention that every country around the world celebrates a form of May Day. For some it heralds the start of summer, for others, it marks the days getting chillier; for all though, it's a good excuse to open the wine and get one's dancing shoes on....something we could all do with right now. 

    One day, we'll all dance together again....We Will get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hi there, how much do you know about the world of 'celebrity'? It's not a subject Sandi usually pays any mind to, but today the life and times of a certain Jocelyn Wildenstein have captured her interest. You may remember that the press, rather unkindly, dubbed Jocelyn 'The Bride of Wildenstein' on account of a dramatic change in her appearance, the reason for which, is nobody's business but hers. The bigger question is, why should anyone even care? Well, as this was recorded on National Honesty Day perhaps we should learn to focus on if we're being told an untruth by the people who really count and could do us harm? Just a thought....

    ...Remember though, We Will Get Past This and that IS the truth. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We're back in Sandi's room of books, as she takes a break from her zumba - which is rather fitting as this episode was recorded on International Dance Day!

    Not only do we see Sandi celebrate this auspicious occasion, but also the anniversary of starch being introduced to the UK, so our collars would be floppy no more!

    Yes, the actual date this occurred is documented, but the name of the woman who the starch over and teaching everyone how to use it, wasn't deemed important enough to write down. 

    We then take a journey through time and books from starched collars to Joan D'Arc and ending with a look at the female SOEs who lead the way in the defeat of the Nazi occupation of France. 

    Only Sandi could start with Zumba and end with heroics of the resistance. What a journey.

    Don't forget ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how much cheese have you been consuming of late? Most of us have been eating like it's Christmas day whilst we've been stuck at home and Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a cheese board. 

    Sandi is certainly in a cheesy mood for today's episode, and inspired by the smell of stilton soup wafting around her house, she has dug-out some amazing stories which you curdn't make-up...ahem. 

    We hear about an impromptu cheese festival at the Whitehouse which caused havoc, the story behind the invention of camembert and the tale of the well travelled goat who managed to circumnavigate the globe not just once, but twice. 

    Pull up a cracker and remember ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, hope you're well? Did you intend to have written your bestselling novel by now, become fluent in Manderin or mastered the mandolin by now? 

    It's no surprise you haven't been able to do any of that - times have been stressful and the great swathes of time we're supposed to have to 'sit around at home' are a myth for most of us. However, you can take 9mins out of your day for yourself and listen to today's episode and remember ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hip-bath, hip-bath, lavatory, lavatory, bidet, bidet,douche.

    Don't worry Sandi hasn't reverted to toilet humour for this episode (although nothing really wrong with that is there?), it just looks as though we've caught her doing her vocal warm-ups - which is very professional - I'm not sure all podcasts are showing this level of dedication. 

    With the theatres closed at the time of recording, once all the performers can get back to their craft, they'll no doubt one heck of a warm-up before that first performance.  

    Being in a theatre audience is one of the most exciting ways to watch a show - I mean, anything can go wrong and often does, as you'll hear in the episode. 

    Someone who made a career of things going awry was the wonderful, Lucille Ball. If you don't know much about her then allow Sandi to wet your appetite and leave you wanting more.

    The show must go on and ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello, here we are again. Sandi's at the ready with her Chambers book of days and arming us with the ability to be able to call something by it's 'real' name. 

    Right now we could all do with a 'kindle' of kittens to cuddle and a lot less of 'Donald the Douchebag'

    Plus, if your friends ever refer to you as a 'gazooly' , this episode could provide the cure. 

    Have a good day... We Will Get Past This.  

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Happy Fashion Revolution Day! Well, it was when Sandi recorded this episode anyway, so it might be a bit late for you to celebrate the occasion...but there's always next year. 

    Far from being an occasion which celebrates the industry, it's there to raise awareness of those who are forced to work in inhuman conditions in order for us to have a new outfit for every occasion. 

    New outfits aren't something that many of us have needed of late, although the 'grandmother crafts' which allow us to make a new jumper, dress or scarf are being employed by millions of us after having completed Netflix. 

    The skill of knitting has been with us for at least a milenia and originated somewhere you might not associate with needing a cardigan.

    See you tomorrow and don't forget ... we will get past this. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello there, how are you keeping? If you're in need of a dazzling tale of bravery and persistence, then Sandi has just the thing in today's episode. 

    The Japanese suffrage movement isn't often given much thought to those of us in the west, but it would appear that we've been missing out on an astounding tale of heroism in the face of extreme adversity, and the life story of a lady who changed the world for millions of women. 

    It's a story which should have been immortalised on the silver screen by now, so if you feel inspired to write the screenplay after listening, then there's nothing to stop you. 

    See you tomorrow ... We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello, on the day of recording this episode, it just so happened to be International Mother Earth Day.

     Even though we're forced to travel less and reduce the sizes of our physical worlds in the current climate, we're lucky enough to be in an age where technology enables us to keep in touch with our loved-ones, no matter how far away they may be. 

    Sandi being a mother AND of the international persuasion, is an ideal companion for such a celebration and so, spends this episode talking about some of the characters who documented a race which had nothing but respect for mother nature and father sky... we could learn a lot from these people right now, as a bit of respect for our surroundings might have avoided a disease which has affected all of humanity....but nevertheless, We Will Get Past This. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.