
  • This week on All the Feelings: Sins & Virtues, Tommy and Pete tackle the weighty topic of diligence. It all starts with a seemingly simple question: what does it mean to work hard? But as the duo delves into the nuances of global work cultures, things take a philosophical turn.

    From the "Huguo Shenshan" spirit of Taiwan's tech industry to the "karoshi" phenomenon in Japan, Tommy and Pete explore how diligence can be both a source of national pride and a potential path to burnout. They ponder the meaning of a "good day's work" in a world where some find fulfillment in building tangible things, while others navigate the abstract world of finance.

    You might just find yourself questioning your own relationship with diligence - and maybe even yearning for a siesta.

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  • This week on All the Feelings: Sins & Virtues, Tommy and Pete explore the sin of gluttony, exploring its historical and cultural evolution. From its origins as a necessary caution against overconsumption in times of scarcity to its modern-day manifestation in our capitalist society, gluttony takes on new and surprising forms.

    Our insatiable appetite for more than just food has led to a culture of excess, where instant gratification and the pursuit of profit often come at the expense of our planet and future generations. But can we really blame ourselves? Amazon's ability to deliver our every whim overnight has warped our perception of normal. Maybe that has something to do with it? We’ll never know.

    And speaking of insatiable appetites, Tommy confesses to a gluttonous indulgence of his own: negative fantasies. He's been gorging on imagined slights and criticisms, experiencing what he calls "daymares." Tune in as Tommy and Pete try to unravel the root of these anxieties and explore the ways in which our thoughts can consume us if we're not careful.

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  • Manglende episoder?

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  • This week on Sins and Virtues, Pete and Tommy tackle the surprisingly complex concept of Chastity. While often considered a virtue, Pete makes a compelling case for its inclusion in the pantheon of deadly sins.

    The episode takes a deep dive into the history of chastity belts, revealing a surprising truth: they were likely never actually used in medieval times. Instead, they seem to have originated as a sort of inside joke that later gained a life of its own, becoming a symbol of male control over women's sexuality. However, in a delightful twist, modern interpretations of chastity devices have emerged, flipping the script and empowering women within certain communities.

    The conversation then shifts to the historical influence of the church on perceptions of chastity. From vows of celibacy to linking female "hysteria" with a lack of chastity, the episode explores how religious dogma has often been used to control and restrict sexual freedom. Tommy raises a thought-provoking question: can we discuss chastity today without getting bogged down by outdated dogmas?

    Pete and Tommy wrap up the episode by acknowledging the complexities of discussing chastity in a modern context. They emphasize the importance of personal choice and freedom, encouraging listeners to form their own opinions on this multifaceted concept. Join them next time for another thought-provoking exploration of sins and virtues!

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  • In this episode of Sins and Virtues, we're tackling the fiery emotion of Wrath. Join Pete and Tommy as they delve into the history and psychology behind this powerful emotion, exploring its destructive potential and its surprising presence in pop culture.

    From ancient Greek philosophers to modern-day action heroes, the guys examine how wrath has been perceived and portrayed throughout history. They discuss the cathartic appeal of violent media, questioning whether indulging in fictional fury actually influences real-world aggression.

    Tommy shares a personal anecdote about experiencing wrath while driving, particularly the phenomenon of the "beep back." This leads to a thought-provoking discussion about the triggers and consequences of road rage, and whether a little tire-deflating superpower might come in handy sometimes (hypothetically speaking, of course).

    Tune in for a captivating conversation that explores the multifaceted nature of wrath, its potential for both harm and entertainment, and the delicate balance between righteous anger and destructive rage.

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  • This week Pete and Tommy dive into the totally and completely grounded world of humility. Why is humility so often misunderstood as self-deprecation? What is it about the cultural and historical shifts in how these concepts are perceived that makes being truly humble so hard?

    We begin with a JOURNEY THROUGH TIME (cue the echo), examining how ancient Greek society valued pride over humility and how this perspective flipped with the rise of Christianity. They delve into the role of Jesus Christ's crucifixion in redefining humility as a virtue (which was a BIG DEAL (echo again)), pondering how this transformation occurred so swiftly and profoundly. We also explore secular perspectives, highlighting David Hume's emphasis on modesty and intellectual humility.

    Plus, we have another segment of our one-segment gameshow about how we can possibly "eat humble pie" and Pete tries not to humblebrag but he’s just terrible at it … at … not … doing it. Whatever.

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  • Pete and Tommy get frisky this week as they explore the lascivious legends of lust. From the origins of French kissing to the complex nature of desire, they dive deep into this often misunderstood and stigmatized sin.

    How is lust both a positive and negative force, depending on the context and the individuals involved? Why does it have such a stupidly gendered history and rich tapestry of societal shame? Because the people who made up that shame weren’t having enough sex.

    Join in as they navigate the ups and downs of this passionate feeling, offering ins and outs of insights along the way. And, in case you missed it, we wrote ups and downs and ins and outs in the same sentence. You’re welcome.

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  • This week on Sins and Virtues, Pete and Tommy tackle the tricky topic of charity. Tommy kicks things off by sharing his guilt-ridden relationship with modern charity because who would he be if he didn’t?

    Things take a personal turn toward Charity Shame Street when money isn’t enough. Also, don’t get scammed. It’s super important to research charities to ensure donations aren't just lining the pockets of John Cena impersonators.

    Pete gives a shout-out to the value of local, hands-on charity work, like serving up oatmeal at community organizations. The hosts can't help but imagine the endless requests for more oatmeal and eggs that come with such noble deeds. More eggs, please, indeed.

    Digging into the historical roots of charity, Pete uncovers its origins in ancient religious beliefs and obligations, from sacrificial offerings to good old-fashioned tithing. People, nobody needs you to kill a goat for good anymore. Just go on a Fun Run.

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  • In the season 9 premiere of All The Feelings, Tommy Metz III and Pete Wright dive into the world of sins and virtues, starting with the deadly sin of sloth. But what exactly is sloth? Is it simply laziness, or is there more to this centuries-old concept?

    We begin with a whimsical journey through the history of the seven deadly sins, from the early Egyptian and Greek interpretations to the more extensive list developed by hard-working Christian theologians. Shockingly, sloth originally had a more spiritual meaning, referring to neglect of one's religious duties rather than just physical laziness.

    As we explore the modern implications of sloth, we ponder whether our capitalist society has bastardized the concept. In a world that glorifies hustle culture and constant productivity, is taking a break to read a book or play a video game really a sin? Again, shocking: engaging in fulfilling activities, whether spiritual or not, is crucial for our well-being and sense of purpose.

    So, is Tommy a slothful person? Does Pete secretly wish to become a nocturnal elf, crafting shoes and living off Patreon donations? Tune in to find out and join the conversation about sins, virtues, and everything in between.

    Links & Notes

    CBS Sunday Morning segment on the benefits of laziness by Susan SpencerResearch on sloth and emotional well-being by various institutions, including:Institute for LivingCenter for Well-Being ScienceOxford Center for Emotions and Affective Neuroscience

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  • They’re playing with us. They’re making us dance like marionettes. They’re the seven deadly sins and the seven heavenly virtues and Pete and Tommy are going to see what makes them think they’re so special this season.

  • Sodas and TikTok and Forced Nostalgia? What more do you want for our final season break episode? Don’t answer that question. Tom also introduces his new pastime: murderboards. We hit a reunion of too many years, and we recommend you all watch the Three-Body Problem, but mostly first, you should read the books, which will make you feel small. Happy day!

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  • We’re back with favorite guest Mandy Kaplan with another dish of consumable delights and this month we’re putting lip to bottle in a survey of sweet and regrettably savory fizzy sodas. For those looking to join, here’s the master list:

    1) MOXIE







    These come from fantastic Rocket Fizz stores in Beaverton and LA and we’re thrilled to have had the support of their managers and owners in picking this line-up… even if we didn’t love them all!

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  • Stuck on finding the perfect birthday present for your loved ones? We're here to help! First, we're dishing on the word nerds' selections for "words of the year" - from "rizz" to "hallucinations," it's a vocabulary rollercoaster! Also, dive into the wild world of VR with us as Pete helps Tommy embrace the Vision Pro life, goggle dirt and all.

    Links & Notes

    OscarsSelected Words of the YearMerriam-WebsterOxford DictionariesCambridge DictionaryDictionary.comAmerican Dialect SocietyCasey Neistat's Apple Vision Pro Review

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  • We’re popping the top on dips this month and diving into the best and the worst of the creamy concoctions. We’re talking bean dips. We’re talking creamy spinach dips. We’re talking Ranch. We’re talking cheeses. We’re talking all the things that get jammed into jars and cans, ready for you to crack open this year... or many years in the future.

    Guest Mandy Kaplan is back, creeping out of the neon-lit protection of the Mandcave. You should go subscribe to her show, too! Right here on TruStory FM!

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  • Welcome to the first of our member bonus episodes for season 8 of All the Feelings! Thanks for hanging around, the whole lot of you. May this brief checkin bring you some holiday chuckles, two potential grotesqueries, and a textile mystery.

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  • It’s the big finale of our eighth season and we’re going out with a curiosity: Transcendence. We kick things off with a good-natured debate about our podcast's unique episode numbering, likely a coping mechanism for our collective lack of understanding of the topic.

    Eventually, we get somewhere, though where that is happens to be unique to each of us. It turns out that Transcendence is a word that conjures emotions of “beyond” differently for us. For Tommy, the secret is in The Zipper, a risky carnival ride that illuminates his understanding of transcendence in spite of all warnings otherwise. For Pete, it’s about shedding baggage.

    We hope, dear listener, that this season has made for a fun exploration of our shared humanity. We’ve been thrilled by reports of listener groups popping up and hope to see those continue into next season. Between now and then, this show moves to a monthly schedule with abbreviated episodes in the public feed, and full member bonus episodes for Feeling Friends. We hope you’ll consider joining us on this break before we come back for next season’s exploration of The Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. It’s gonna be weird.

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  • Fear not, dear listener! This spooky episode of All the Feelings will have you shaking in your boots with harrowing tales of terror!

    Pete gets real about his deep-seated fear of angering the public. One wrong move and an angry mob might show up at his door, which he traces to the totally rational experience of watching his news anchor dad navigate turbulent times. Oh, also he lived through Misery... in a theater. Nothing like watching a live ankle crushing to stoke the fear vibe.

    But get this - fear apparently has an evolutionary purpose. Prey creatures needed it to avoid predators. And for early humans, it promoted group cooperation. Whatever, evolution.

    After debating whether fear or terror would be scarier if personified as a Greek god, the ghoulish hosts share nostalgic frights from their childhood. Here's a riddle: What's more terrifying than a ghost looking for his lost arm? The real estate disclosure laws around haunted houses.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be sleeping with one eye open. But you'll also have insight into irrational fears that linger from our past. As Tommy's therapist says, just because something scared us as kids doesn't mean it still applies. That’s old fear. Time to move on.

    So grab a night light and cozy up Uncle Petey and Tommy McGoo for an episode guaranteed to under-deliver. It’s the ATF promise!

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  • What does it mean to be an optimist? What is it like to look at the world and see not just hope, but possibility?

    Yeah, we don't know either. I guess we'll never know.

    KIDDING... kidding, of course. But here's the interesting thing: It turns out optimism is much more complicated than we ever imagined -- and it's precisely because it is so much more than just being blindly good-natured all the time.

    So this week, Tommy brings you a story of the dark side of optimism, one that ends in a crushing, embarrassing blow to his ego, and his back. And Pete comes with scales and stuff. It's like math, and he talks about it with the same level of understanding that he brings to his math studies. That is to say, you might have to work extra hard to understand what the hell he is talking about.

    Also, there's a chance he brings up "Building Information Modeling" but fails to mention that he's actually talking about "Building Information Modeling" as he is talking about it.

    But don't worry: the punchline of this whole episode is that the world isn't as bad as it seems and, in spite of all the "messaging" out there, humanity is low-key kicking ass right now if you know where to look.

    Bonus round: Carl Sagan drops the mic on this episode.

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  • Pete and Tommy are dancing with the green-eyed monster as they take a walk down memory lane with their experiences with Jealousy.

    Hey... Jealousy? What’s the deal?

    Why all the harsh feelings? What’s the skinny on you making us feel so gross and paranoid? Well, turns out there’s a new “gate” on the horizon and jealousy’s evolutionary history has a report. Meanwhile, we’re finally solving the mystery of the difference between jealousy and envy (maybe), and we have a report from our African field office with an extraordinary act of jealousy-busting empathy.

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  • You don’t need an application... you’re in the club already, right? It’s CLUB STRESS! And this week, your club counselors, Tommy and Pete, will share in disturbing detail just how much your annual club dues are costing you.

    We delve into how stress is like that overbearing ship captain in a patented ATF guided meditation. Spoiler: The ship doesn’t make it. See, chronic stress can make your brain do some really funky stuff. From shrinking parts of it to making other parts hyperactive, it's like a weird, science-y episode of "Honey I Shrunk the Brain."

    But don't worry, we won't leave you hanging in this stress-induced chaos. We'll also discuss how you can fight back with exercise, the secret weapon against stress. And yes, we'll be putting your knowledge to the test with a fun, interactive quiz. (Hint: "Sitting on the couch" is not exercise.)

    Plus, we've got the latest research on how exercise can trigger your body's "feel-good" hormones, improve your mood, and help you sleep better. So buckle up for a journey through the body under stress, where you'll laugh, learn, and maybe even do a push-up or two. Because, in the end, the best way to handle stress is to face it with a smile (and a good pair of running shoes).

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  • Well hot diggity dog, it's Pete and Tommy back at it again with another riveting episode of "All The Feelings." This week your duo tackle the touchy topic of "Belonging."

    Things start innocently enough with Tommy guiding Pete through a WTS classic guided meditation. With juice! But the real juice is in the stuff they have long taken for granted. The fellas dove deep into the dicey dynamics of belonging - from pyramid schemes to pizza parlor conspiracies. They covered all the bases, even shouting out to good ol’ Triangle McGee (aka Maslow) for his Hierarchy of Needs. Just wait till they get rolling on imagined communities and mass manipulation. KNEE-SLAPPING GOOD TIMES y’all!

    Don’t forget ... visit allthefeelings.fun and become a feeling friend today!

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