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    The startup world is interesting to say the least.

    One day you will read headlines of a few going out of business, and another you will hear of multiple startups gaining that illustrious “unicorn” billion dollar title.

    And as an investor, it’s tempting to look at some of the astronomical growth rates of certain startups and ask yourself “how do I get a piece of that?”

    And in this episode, we cover just that. How you, as an individual investor can invest in some of the leading startups here in India.

    We will also cover the pros and cons of doing so.

    To discuss all of this, we speak to Karan Mehra, who’s the founder of Tyke.

    And just as a disclaimer, none of the following is investment advice and please make sure to conduct your own extensive research before investing in a startup.


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    Market corrections are a completely natural part of the economic cycle.

    And there are two ways you can view a correction.

    The first is from a negative lens. Where you only see the doom and gloom that are told to us by the news.

    But the second is from a positive lens. It’s keeping in mind that corrections are a huge opportunity.

     An opportunity to introspect on how the world will be different once the cycle inevitably goes back up.

    And if you can critically think about this, and make logical assumptions of what's to come, this time could be a really great opportunity for you.

    How do we understand what’s to come? What are the mental models we need to put in place to be ahead of the curve?

    All of that and more to come in today’s episode.

    To do this, we spoke to Harshad Patwardhan, who’s the Chief Investment Officer at Girik Capital.


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    Real estate is such a fascinating investment.

    When you buy a piece of real estate, you’re possibly buying a family home or a business, and all the while, hoping for returns on your asset.

    This equation makes real estate investments such an interesting option for many of us.

    And there are many ways to gain exposure to the real estate world. A relatively new option for India is an asset class called REITs. 

    A REIT is essentially a mutual fund for real estate.

    And in this episode of the Where’s My Money podcast, we explore the best and most profitable ways to gain exposure to real estate, for your portfolio.

    And to do this, we spoke to Anurag Bhatnagar, who’s the Co-Founder of ShiftAltCap.


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    Inflation is a global problem at the moment. Prices are rising, which in part, are causing economies to slow down

    As investors, this may mean some of our portfolios are in the red. 

    And to truly understand how we should navigate this situation, we need to understand what exactly is going on

    What is inflation? What are the real causes of inflation? Where are the opportunities and channels for investment when there is inflation?

    In today’s conversation, we spoke to Abhishek Bisen, who’s a senior vice president and fund manager at Kotak Mutual Fund


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    Dividend Investing is often viewed as an afterthought.

    The headlines usually only speak about the powers of Growth and Value Investing.

    But, as we navigate our current economic downturn, Dividend Investing is a term that seems to be being brought up more and more.

    And it’s because if utilized correctly, can actually help navigate the uncertain and volatile times that come with a downturn.

    So, what is Dividend Investing? And how do you start Dividend Investing?

    All of that and more to come in today’s episode.

    To figure this out, we spoke to Divam Sharma, who’s the co-founder of Green Portfolio.


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    The Government of India is making bold moves to increase India’s manufacturing capabilities.

    There are several policy changes that are currently being put in place, to help this vision become a reality.

    You may have heard of a few of these, including Make in India, Independent India, and China +1.

    These policies could lead to a large increase in the levels of manufacturing in India, But also, these policies will impact a large set of public companies.

    If you’re interested in learning about how to leverage this change in policy, to increase the overall value of your portfolio, this episode will be perfect for you.

    To discuss how these changes in policy will impact companies, we spoke to Sonam Srivastava, who’s the founder of Wright research.

    And we started the conversation by learning about why India is making these changes.


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    It feels as though every conversation at the moment, includes at least the mention of a looming recession.

    It’s all over the news, social media and really everywhere you turn.

    But, the conversation at the moment lacks a bit of depth.

    It lacks the understanding of how and why a recession may be on the horizon, and how exactly to navigate the situation if it does occur.

    As investors, if we think carefully and move strategically, a recession could be a huge opportunity.

    In this episode of the Where’s My Money Podcast, we walk you through exactly how to navigate a looming economic recession.

    To do this, we spoke to Harsh Goela, who’s the Co-Founder of the Goela School of Finance. This is his second time on the podcast!


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    The stock market is a fantastic place to invest your money.

    Over time, across every cycle, the index has never failed to generate positive returns for investors.

    But, as many of you know, it’s not the only place where you can invest your money.

    A truly diversified portfolio must include what the industry has labelled “Alternative investments"

    And there are so many asset classes that fall under “Alternative Investments”, that it can be super daunting to think about where to even start here.

    So in this episode, we walk you through the options, how to get started investing, and the keys to being a successful investor in this space.

    And to do this, we spoke to Nikhil Aggarwal, who’s the Founder of Grip Invest.


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    The news often mentions today’s FinTech players as “The Disruptors”

    Which they certainly are. Companies such as Paytm, PhonePe, and Policybazaar have absolutely changed the game.

    But amongst the headlines of funding rounds, IPOs and more, it’s easy to get lost in some of the hype.

    It’s easy to forget that the major banks in India such as HDFC, SBI and more, aren’t just going to roll over and let the disruptors win.

    And it’s becoming quite the battle. 

    But who’ll win? The old guard or the new disruptors?

    All of that and more to come in today’s episode

    To learn more about this, we spoke to Vikas Gupta and Ashwini Shami of Omniscience Capital.


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    On the 8th of May, 2022, ONDC, or Open Network for Digital Commerce’s Pilot Program was launched in 5 cities in India.

    ONDC will be an open ecommerce platform which will be freely accessible for buyers and sellers of goods.

    And The primary goal of ONDC, is to break down what the Government sees as Duopolies in the world of eCommerce. Primarily, with the dominance of Amazon and Flipkart.

    Why does the government feel they need to do this? 

    All of that and more in this episode :)

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    FOMO, or Fear of missing out, is a troubling feeling that impacts us all.

    It’s the stomach-wrenching feeling on Friday night when you are so tired from the week's hard work, but all of your friends are going out.

    It’s the urge to watch your favourite sporting event, even though it’s playing at a crazy hour of the night.

    We all just don’t want to miss or waste potential opportunities in front of us.

    And the exact same feeling applies to investing. But in investing, falling into the feeling of FOMO could have not the best impact on your portfolio.

    So how do you avoid it? How do you stay cool when you’re friends are telling you to invest in the next “hot trend”?

    All of that and more to come in today’s episode.

    To do this, we spoke to Simran Kaur, who’s the founder of Girls That Invest, one of the fastest-growing investment podcasts in the world.


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    Is Stock Picking a good idea?

    but picking the perfect stock to invest in isn’t easy.

    And the reason behind this is simple. It’s impossible to predict with absolute certainty the direction a particular stock will move in.

    Even if you’ve digested all of the information in the world about a particular company, it’s still extremely difficult to predict its stock price trajectory.

    This is often why most suggest index or mutual funds because you are able to diversify the risk that a single stock brings with it.

    But what if you want to “Stock Pick”? 

    If you’re interested in learning more about the exact ways to mitigate risks while stock picking, this episode will be perfect for you.

    To do this, we spoke to Hansi Mehrotra. She’s the Founder of Money Management India and this is her second appearance on the podcast :)


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    Is Momentum Investing better than Value Investing?

    Conventional Wisdom tells us that we should invest in a stock, and hold it for the long term.

    And while that strategy of long term investing, has been tremendously successful for so many, there are also several other philosophies that have been proven to be a great way to build your portfolio.

    And it’s all about choosing a philosophy that matches your personality.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to break down the fundamentals of a strategy called Momentum Investing.

    We’re going to take you through What Momentum Investing Is, The Pros and the Cons of this Strategy, and how to get started if you’re interested in making this a part of your approach.

    And to do this, we spoke to Alok Jain of Weekend Investing.


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    Debt funds seem to be somewhat of a mystery.

    We’re often told about the benefits.

    About how they are great vehicle for investors who are looking for steady and stable returns.

    About the fact that if you have a fixed goal, debt can be a great way to achieve that goal.

    And while all of that is true, it’s really important to learn how exactly debt funds work, to truly decide whether they should be a part of your portfolio.

    And to do this we spoke to Abhishek Bisen, who’s a Sr Executive Vice President & Fund Manager at Kotak Mutual Fund.


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    When our portfolio is in the green, we often credit our skill and knowledge for the success.

    BUT, when our portfolios aren’t looking too great, we often attribute the  losses to “bad luck” or “the down market”

    This is fundamentally because, as humans, we have inherent biases, that prevent us from seeing the absolute truth of why things happen.

    Now, if you’re able to understand these biases, and truly analyze whether your recent performance has been through luck or skill, you will have a mindset edge over everybody else investing in the stock market.

    How do you build that mindset edge? How do you minimize the element of luck and maximize your skill when it comes to investing?

    And to do this, we spoke to Harish Krishnan, who’s a senior fund manager at Kotak Mahindra


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    Everyday, we get told by famous investors that “Diversification of your portfolio is important”

    And everyday, we take in that message and continue to follow that advice.

    But rarely do we hear why diversification is so important for the growth of our money.

    Rarely are we walked through specific examples of the exact risks of an undiversified portfolio.

    All of that changes, in today’s episode of the Where’s My Money Podcast.

    To understand the perfect levels of diversification for all age groups, and to understand the risks that come with a lack of diversification, we spoke to Jayant Pai, who works for PPFAS Mutual Fund.

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    Humans are such an interesting species.

    We’ve been able to survive and prosper through so many difficult periods in history.

    Through Ice-Ages, Heat Waves, Predator Attacks, famins and so much more, we’re still here.

    And so many of the survival instincts that have led us through these difficult periods in history, have been deeply ingrained into our subconscious mind, to help us make fast and instinctual decisions.

    But, some of these strengths that have got us to where we are today, are actually flaws when it comes to investing.

    Because they create psychological biases, that prevent us from making the right decisions at the right time.

    And in this episode of the Where’s My Money podcast, we explore the question. Should we ignore our gut instinct and follow formulas to make our investment decisions?

    To explore this, we spoke to Rukun Tarachandani, who’s a VP at PPFAS Mutual Fund.


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    The Russia - Ukraine War has been all over the news.

    And there seems to be a new tragedy, almost on a daily basis.

    But beyond the human tragedy, there have also been serious economic impacts.

    Impacts that us as investors must be aware about.

    And in this episode of the Where’s My Money podcast, we walk you through exactly how the conflict will impact your portfolio, and how to navigate this situation, to make sure that your portfolio stays in the green.

    To do this we spoke to Mukul Malik, commonly known as Asset Yogi.


    We hope you enjoy this episode of Where’s my Money by Tickertape! On this show, we simplify the finance landscape in India for you. So if you are looking to venture into stock investing, sort your personal finance or make sense of how economic developments can impact your money, this podcast will be a perfect addition to your morning commute or household chores.

    Also, if you enjoyed the episode and want more of this, Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to never miss an episode!

    Last but not least, consider downloading the Tickertape app. It is an investment analysis platform for stocks, mutual funds, etfs and much more.

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    On this podcast, we’ve referenced Warren Buffet several times.

    And how can you not? He’s one of the greatest investors of all time, and there’s a ton to learn from his wisdom.

    And as you probably already know, Warren Buffet’s major principles of investing come from the ideas of value investing and long term investing.

    By long term investing, we essentially mean that you buy a particular stock that you really love, which could be because of a plethora of reasons, and then you hold it for a long period of time, in the hopes that it will continue to exponentially compound and grow.

    It sounds pretty smart and it’s clearly worked for Warren Buffet and a ton of other famous investors.

    But is there more to this story? Have we prematurely set this philosophy as the gold standard for investing without deeply analyzing if it’s always effective for everybody?

    To explore this, we spoke to Anand K. Rathi, who’s the Founding Partner at Augment Capital. And this is actually his second appearance on the Where’s My Money Podcast.


    We hope you enjoy this episode of Where’s my Money by Tickertape! On this show, we simplify the finance landscape in India for you. So if you are looking to venture into stock investing, sort your personal finance or make sense of how economic developments can impact your money, this podcast will be a perfect addition to your morning commute or household chores.

    Also, if you enjoyed the episode and want more of this, Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to never miss an episode!

    Last but not least, consider downloading the Tickertape app. It is an investment analysis platform for stocks, mutual funds, etfs and much more.

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    Zomato’s been all over the news in the last few days.

    On Monday, March 21st, Zomato’s Founder Deepinder Goyal announced to the world that Zomato would now deliver food in 10 minutes.

    That’s right, 10 minutes. If you ordered something just before listening to this episode, you’d likely have it by the time we’re done here.

    They’re calling this pilot program “Zomato Instant”.

    But, is it?

    How will they pull this steep promise off? What will they deliver? And will this put their delivery drivers at risk?

    Check out the episode for all of that, and more.


    We hope you enjoy this episode of Where’s my Money by Tickertape! On this show, we simplify the finance landscape in India for you. So if you are looking to venture into stock investing, sort your personal finance or make sense of how economic developments can impact your money, this podcast will be a perfect addition to your morning commute or household chores.

    Also, if you enjoyed the episode and want more of this, Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to never miss an episode!

    Last but not least, consider downloading the Tickertape app. It is an investment analysis platform for stocks, mutual funds, etfs and much more.