
  • Let’s evoke change, together. Join us in sharing results, experiences, and inspiration!

    In the fourth episode of this mini podcast 'Accelerate 50/50: the series' Diana Zandbergen speaks with Marcel Prins, Chief Operational Officer at Robeco. He shares his vision on the importance of 50/50, the current status of gender diversity and inclusivity in the Financial sector and the motivation of Robeco to join the Accelerate 50/50 research as a deep dive company.

    WIFS has joined forces with Deloitte to Accelerate 50/50. Together we aim to accelerate the progress in shifting the status quo. We are challenging the sector by aiming for a 50/50 balance of women/men representation in leadership positions within the Financial Services Industry.

    With the goal to inspire and share positive actions in order to adapt culture and systems we conduct a research into the largest players in the Dutch financial sector. To execute this research, we use public data research, deep dives and interviews into the 50/50 gender balance in top positions. Robeco is one of our deep dive companies.

    In this series Mirelle van Gemert and Diana Zandbergen will speak with executives of several companies within the Financial Services Industry who are participating as a deep dive company in the research.

  • Let’s evoke change, together. Join us in sharing results, experiences, and inspiration!

    In the third episode of this mini podcast 'Accelerate 50/50: the series' Mirelle van Gemert speaks with Hylkia Nas-Kersten, Chief Product Owner Core Transactions, and Doke Warmerdam-Homan, Lead Data Governance & Oversight at Personal & Business Banking, from ABN Amro. They share their vision on the importance of 50/50, the current status of gender diversity and inclusivity in the Financial sector and the motivation of ABN Amro to join the Accelerate 50/50 research as a deep dive company.

    WIFS has joined forces with Deloitte to Accelerate 50/50. Together we aim to accelerate the progress in shifting the status quo. We are challenging the sector by aiming for a 50/50 balance of women/men representation in leadership positions within the Financial Services Industry.

    With the goal to inspire and share positive actions in order to adapt culture and systems we conduct a research into the largest players in the Dutch financial sector. To execute this research, we use public data research, deep dives and interviews into the 50/50 gender balance in top positions. ABN Amro is one of our deep dive companies.

    In this series Mirelle van Gemert and Diana Zandbergen will speak with executives of several companies within the Financial Services Industry who are participating as a deep dive company in the research. Next up is Robeco.

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  • Let’s evoke change, together. Join us in sharing results, experiences, and inspiration!

    In the second episode of this mini podcast 'Accelerate 50/50: the series' Mirelle van Gemert speaks with Leonique van Houwelingen, CEO of Aon The Netherlands. She shares her vision on the importance of 50/50, the current status of gender diversity and inclusivity in the Financial sector and at Aon & their motivation to join the Accelerate 50/50 research as a deep dive company.

    WIFS has joined forces with Deloitte to Accelerate 50/50. Together we aim to accelerate the progress in shifting the status quo. We are challenging the sector by aiming for a 50/50 balance of women/men representation in leadership positions within the Financial Services Industry.

    With the goal to inspire and share positive actions in order to adapt culture and systems we conduct a research into the largest players in the Dutch financial sector. To execute this research, we use public data research, deep dives and interviews into the 50/50 gender balance in top positions. Aon is one of our deep dive companies.

    The rest of the series Mirelle van Gemert and Diana Zandbergen will speak with executives of several companies within the Financial Services Industry who are participating as a deep dive company in the research. Next up is ABN Amro.

  • Half of the world population consists of women, half of the Dutch population consists of women, half of the clients of the Financial Services companies consist of women, half of the employees of the financial services companies consist of women. So, why doesn’t half of the leadership in Financial Services companies consists of women?

    In the Netherlands, progress in shifting the status quo to the 50/50 balance is too slow.

    That's why WIFS and Deloitte have joined forces in to Accelerate 50/50.

    How will we make that shift?

    In this first episode of this mini podcast 'Accelerate 50/50: the series' Mirelle van Gemert, Sanne Welzen and Hayat Douich talk about the motives that drive both WIFS and Deloitte, as well as what they hope to achieve from this research.

    The rest of the series Mirelle van Gemert will speak with executives of several companies within the Financial Services Industry who are participating in the research.

  • Looking for some inspiration and fresh perspective on the topic of gender inclusive leadership during the winter holidays?

    In this newly recorded WIFS podcast, esteemed gender inclusivity experts Mary Jane Roy, Robert Baker, Sonya Richardson and Andre Knol, who are all contributors to the recently published book 'Ready for female leadership: The future is now!', share their views on how men can be allies in the transition to gender inclusive workplaces, and what truly gender-inclusive leadership qualities look like.

    These two themes are very relevant for WIFS' ambition to achieve a 50/50 balance in the financial sector. The podcast therefore gives a lot to think about in terms of the role individuals can play in effectuating balanced leadership.

    We hope you will enjoy listening to this podcast!

  • Rob Spuijbroek is één van de eerste mannelijke leden van WIFS. Deze Rotterdamse vader is sportief, leergierig en heeft een indrukwekkend cv. Rob is al 33 jaar werkzaam in de financiële sector. Tegenwoordig is hij ondernemer en coacht hij directieleden, executives, commissarissen en potentials in dit gebied. Een focus op mensen staat voor hem centraal. Hoe kijkt hij naar het belang van feminiene waarden in de financiële sector? Wat motiveert hem om zich in te zetten voor onze missie? In deze aflevering gaat WIFS voorzitter Diana Zandbergen gaat met hem in gesprek om inspirerende verhaal te horen.

  • Bianca Tetteroo - voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van Achmea - is te gast in onze podcast. Bianca gaat in gesprek met WIFS directeur Mirelle van Gemert en blikt in deze podcast terug op haar pad naar de top van het bedrijfsleven. Ook gaat ze in op het belang van persoonlijke ontwikkeling, het belang van diversiteit in teams en leiding geven met purpose. 

  • Het jonge, ondernemende geluid van WIFS. Dat hoor je in deze derde podcast, waarin bestuurslid Lievijne Neuteboom in gesprek is met Anouk Schaap. Lievijne en Anouk kennen elkaar van Young WIFS, dat inmiddels onderdeel is van WIFS.

    Anouk begon op haar 25e in de financiële sector. Inmiddels heeft zij haar eigen bedrijf en werkt zij als leiderschapscoach en trainer. Ook spreekt ze regelmatig voor publiek over dit onderwerp. Hoe heeft zij de overstap van manager naar het ondernemerschap ervaren? Hoe is zij gekomen tot dit succesvolle bedrijf, waarbinnen feminiene waarden centraal staan? Dat en meer deelt zij in deze podcast. En natuurlijk horen we haar visie op gebalanceerd leiderschap.

  • In deze podcast spreken Mirelle van Gemert en Fionnuala Herder-Wynne over vrouwelijk leiderschap. En ze delen het nieuws: binnenkort start het leiderschapsprogramma van WIFS.

    Mirelle en Fionnuala hebben het over hoe vrouwelijke power in leiderschap het verschil maakt en hoe het de wereld beter maakt.

    Waar het volgens Fionnuala om draait bij vrouwelijk leiderschap? Ze vertelt: “We are out of balance. To restore this, we need to be able to strengthen the feminine voice, to balance the masculine. For me the essence of feminine leadership is an understanding of that shift, from ‘power over’ … to ‘power to create’."

    Mirelle van Gemert is bestuurslid van WIFS. Fionnuala Herder-Wynne is partner van de RedZebra Group, Fellow of Oxford Leadership en dialoog facilitator voor het European Leadership Platform.

  • We zagen het als thema bij de verkiezingen: nieuw leiderschap. Juist tijdens deze coronacrisis hebben we behoefte aan leiderschap met een visie op duurzaam herstel.

    We moeten meer oog hebben voor het grotere geheel en ons meer richten op de lange termijn, in plaats van de korte. Juist de focus op de lange termijn en compassie zijn de essentie van vrouwelijke power, die zowel in mannen als vrouwen zit.

    Bij WIFS zetten we ons al sinds 2009 in voor meer vrouwelijke power in de financiële sector. In deze podcast is Diana Zandbergen, voorzitter van WIFS, in gesprek met Nicolette Loonen, die WIFS heeft opgericht.