
  • Trigger warning: please note this episode discusses sensitive topics including domestic and family violence, and mental health. Listener discretion is advised. If you feel your safety, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, call 000 immediately.

    Our last episode of 2022 is an extra special one! Join host, Heather and guest, Nikki Firmin from DV Safe Phone as they chat about this incredible charity initiative.

    DV Safe Phone launched in 2020 when Founder, Ashton Wood discovered that the mobile phone is often one of the first items to be thrown, broken, or stolen during domestic violence (DV), leaving the victim cut off from the outside world and unable to call for help or create an escape plan. The organisation collects, repurposes, and gifts mobile phones to victims of DV through registered charities and safe houses serving this vulnerable community. The phones they collect are provided as part of an individual's 'safe' or 'escape plan' offering a lifeline to call for help when needed most.

    Fernwood is incredibly proud to be partnering with DV Safe Phone in 2022 and beyond to support this essential service. Tune in to this must-listen episode now and find out how you can make a difference, especially over the festive season.

    Thanks to everyone who listened and laughed with us this year, we'll see you in 2023!

    Helpful resources:



  • Workouts for women that move.

    We’ve all got a favourite gym playlist that we turn up when we’re ready to workout, but Fernwood has introduced something even better! Say hello to Fernwood Pod Coach, with real workouts guided by our fitness guru Lisa.

    This Pod Coach workout is: Christmas HIIT! Follow along with Lisa as she guides you through the workout, and feel free to take a break or modify any exercises as required. You’ll find all the equipment you need around the club, and if you have any questions about an exercise, just ask one of our friendly team members for assistance.  

    As always, make sure you have completed your warm-up and stretching, have a water bottle and towel handy, and wipe down any equipment as you go. 

    Just in case you’d like to see Lisa demonstrate any of the exercises, the link to the video for this workout can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/-5YscfWnHo0

    Let’s get started! 

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Ex-accountant and ex-financial advisor, multi-award-winning entrepreneur and author of four books, Melissa Browne joins us for one of the last episodes of Fernwood Shine for 2022! Melissa is in the business of inspiring, empowering and educating women to create independent wealth by encouraging them to talk all things finance, while providing strategies to help design a life they’re excited about.

    We get ready to wrap up the year with Melissa by getting to know about her impressive background in finance, her tips for navigating spending, budgets and saving in the lead up to and during the silly season, and the irresistible pull of Boxing Day sales.

    Financial wellness isn’t unattainable, and Melissa’s story and career is proof of that. So, get comfy as we chat money, financial goals for 2023, and more...

    Looking for help balancing Christmas budgets and good financial habits for 2023? Visit https://www.melissabrowne.com.au/podcasts-fernwood to access a bunch of great resources!

  • Today's Quick Tip episode is one we can all benefit from! Who doesn't love going out to enjoy a nice meal?

    When it comes to fitness and wellness, nutrition is a hugely important factor that will contribute to your success and overall health and wellbeing. It can sometimes feel like a struggle to maintain a healthy diet when you're looking at a menu full of delicious meals – but that doesn't have to be the case.

    Join Lou from our sister brand, Fernwood Fusion as she takes us through some quick tips for making healthy choices next time you're dining out. Don't forget to treat yourself every now and then, though!

    Tap the play button now and let's get started.

  • Looking for the perfect yoga podcast to guide you through a quick yoga session?

    Follow along with Lou from our sister brand, Fernwood Fusion! Energy meets serenity at Fusion studios, which are designed to offer women a premium fitness and complete wellness experience all in one place.

    Join Lou for this 10-minute hip-opening yin yoga sequence that guarantees to leave you feeling stretchy, flexy, and oh-so relaxed. So, roll out your mat, get comfy, and enjoy the next 10 minutes. This time is purely for you to unwind and focus on yourself.

    If you want visuals to go along with the audio, head to our YouTube channel and watch Lou as she takes you through this fantastic sequence. https://youtu.be/lZ83AKIpCZU

  • This quick tip episode answers an age-old question – how do I build a stronger core? A strong core provides benefits that flow through to many aspects of our lifestyle, you'd be surprised how much we rely on our core all day, every day!

    Join our fitness expert and trainer, Lisa as she gives us simple tips for strengthening our core and working towards well-trained abdominals, as well as how to complement your progress and things to avoid.

    Tap the play button now and listen with Lisa!

  • Fernwood Fitness ambassador, Jelena Dokic joins us for a must-listen special length episode of Fernwood Shine. Author, motivational speaker and vocal mental health advocate, tennis commentator and coach, Jelena’s story is one for every woman.

    Her tennis career to date has been one packed full of amazing highs and some devastating lows, detailing her inspiring and devastating story in her autobiography, Unbreakable. Jelena’s resilience has taken her from strength to strength, bringing light to the darkness of the challenges of being a refugee, dealing with poverty, bullying, and abuse at the hands of her father and tennis coach.

    Jelena talks openly with our host about her upcoming new book, mental health, and believing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Tune in now for an inspiring listen that all women can relate to and learn from.

    *** Trigger warning: this podcast episode discusses domestic violence, mental health issues and content that some listeners may find distressing. Listener discretion is advised. ***

  • Workouts for women that move.

    We’ve all got a favourite gym playlist that we turn up when we’re ready to workout, but Fernwood has introduced something even better! Say hello to Fernwood Pod Coach, with real workouts guided by our fitness guru Lisa.

    This Pod Coach workout is: Upper Body HIIT! Follow along with Lisa as she guides you through the workout, and feel free to take a break or modify any exercises as required. You’ll find all the equipment you need around the club, and if you have any questions about an exercise, just ask one of our friendly team members for assistance.  

    As always, make sure you have completed your warm-up and stretching, have a water bottle and towel handy, and wipe down any equipment as you go. 

    Just in case you’d like to see Lisa demonstrate any of the exercises, the link to the video for this workout can be viewed here:  https://youtu.be/RvCkWohxCms

    Let’s get started! 

  • Plant-based is a bit of a trendy term that we’re sure you’ve recently seen stamped onto many food labels. However, it’s becoming less of a fad, and more of a sustainable and healthy lifestyle choice.

    For those who may be unsure, plant-based eating consists largely of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and small amounts of animal products/by-products. But perhaps you’re wondering…why plant based?

    Nutrition is just as important as exercise when looking to maintain a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle, and a plant-based diet is perfect for doing just that.

    Tune in now with Georgia from our sister brand, Fernwood Fusion and dive into the benefits of plant-based eating!

  • Have you recently taken a break from your fitness routine? No matter why you've taken time away, there’s no reason you can’t eventually get back to it.

    Join our fitness expert and trainer, Lisa for this quick tip about reigniting your workouts after a period of rest. Lisa discusses how to ease into it, what not to do, listening to your body, and ways to keep motivated on your journey to re-establishing a strong health and fitness routine.

    Tune in now and return to the gym floor stronger than ever.

  • "Wellness for women

    Move towards stillness and find a moment to breathe with Fernwood's wellness Pod Coach episodes.

    Follow along with Lou as she guides you through a sequence, integrating the chakras with positive affirmations and movement. Slow down, relax, and connect with the present moment in this short yet powerful yoga session.

    Just in case you’d like to see  Lou demonstrate any of the movements, the link to the video for be viewed here: https://youtu.be/O_H28j9_9Io

    *Any advice or information shared during this podcast is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal or health conditions."

  • Welcome to Day 2 of Women’s Health Week. Fernwood is honoured to again be an official partner of Jean Hailes’ Women’s Health Week in 2022. Running from Monday 5 – Sunday 11 of September, 2022, Women’s Health Week is the biggest week in Australia focusing on women’s health and wellbeing.

    Day 2 focuses on building education around menopause and managing this important transitional period of a woman’s life. As women, we hear the word ‘menopause’ dropped into conversation more frequently as we age, which essentially means saying goodbye to our menstrual cycle – period.

    We caught up with Naturopath and expert in this field at Jean Hailes, Sandra Villella to discuss ‘the menopause’, remove the stigma, and normalise the topic in our everyday conversations so we can better support women’s health and wellbeing.

    A wealth of knowledge, Sandra has been a naturopath for 28 years, starting at Jean Hailes in 1999. On this podcast, Sandra talks about what menopause is, the average age women experience menopause and ways we can better manage our nutrition and wellbeing during this transitional time.

    Sandra looks at how a woman’s nutritional needs can shift as she experiences perimenopause (leading up to menopause), menopause, and post-menopause, plus the implications of alcohol, recommendations for caffeine intake, and the benefits of plant oestrogens, called phytoestrogens.

    This is an essential topic for women who want to better support their health at every age. Join us as Sandra shares quick tips for better nutrition and wellness in the lead-up to, during, and after the menopause.

    We can’t wait for you to hear this episode!

  • Welcome back to season 3 of the Fernwood Shine Podcast! ⭐
    Fernwood is again an official partner of Jean Hailes’ Women’s Health Week for 2022. Running from Monday 5 – Sunday 11 of September, 2022, Women’s Health Week is the biggest week in Australia focusing on women’s health and wellbeing. It’s a timely reminder for women to make their health a priority and to take care of themselves.
    Day three of Women’s Health Week 2022 focuses on building education around pelvic floor health, and the importance of keeping your pelvic floor muscles strong.
    Listen in to an exclusive interview with Janetta Webb, a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist at Jean Hailes. It’s our pleasure to be interviewing Janetta as part of Women’s Health week, to shine a light of the importance of pelvic health; discussing common issues that women face relating to pelvic floor, bladder and bowel function, what people should know about their pelvic floor, and a guided pelvic floor exercise.
    We can’t wait for you to tune in and have a listen. 🎧

    Pelvic floor resources:


    Australian Physiotherapy Association: https://choose.physio/find-a-physio 



    *Any advice or information shared during this podcast is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal or health conditions. Always consult your GP, medical specialist or mental health specialist for health related advice.

  • Wellness for women  

    Move towards stillness and find a moment to breathe with Fernwood's new wellness PodCoach episodes.

    Follow along with Emma as she guides you through a box breathing exercise. Slow down, calm your mind and connect with present moment with this short yet powerful exercise.

    Find a quiet, warm and comfortable space.
    Get into a comfy position, laying down, seated on the floor or in a chair.
    Take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

    Just in case you’d like to see  Emma demonstrate any of the sequences, the link to the video for be viewed here:  https://youtu.be/0HGxm6mxbQo

    *Any advice or information shared during this podcast is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal or health conditions.  

  • We’ve all joined the gym looking for fantastic results, whether it's to hit a personal best, boost your strength and cardiovascular fitness, or simply to develop a healthier lifestyle. Showing up is only half the battle, and the rest is made up of hard work, consistency, and training efficiently. Fortunately for you, we want the same thing! In today's quick tip podcast episode, Lisa guides us through some incredibly efficient strategies and training tips to get the most out of your workouts. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a fitness newbie, following these tricks of the trade will help to boost your motivation, fast-track your results, and ensure you reap the rewards of all your hard work at the gym. Happy training Fernies!

  • Trigger warning: This podcast discusses grief, which some listeners may find distressing.

    Danielle was 23 when her mother Rosa, aged 56, passed away from a rare form of gynaecological cancer in 2012. As Danielle had such a close relationship with her mum, she felt as though her whole world had fallen apart, and found it difficult to contemplate the sense of finality associated with death. Not knowing anyone her own age that had also experienced the loss of a mother, left Danielle feeling misunderstood and lonely. “It’s unrecognised and it’s under-acknowledged. The premature loss is incredibly impactful”, Danielle says.

    Danielle longed to connect with another woman who was in the same shoes, but there was no support specific to losing a mother, or a platform she could feel seen and heard, and receive comfort and reassurance that her feelings were normal. While riding the waves of grief, Danielle decided to invest her time and energy into creating the support network she would have liked available, and commit to changing the path for future motherless daughters. In 2013, she reached out on an American Mother Loss Facebook page with the intention of finding a Victorian-based woman experiencing similar circumstances, and who might share her vision to connect girls and women whose mothers have died. Eloise Baker-Hughes responded, and the two met to discuss all things related to mother loss. It was here that the idea of Motherless Daughters was born.

    Motherless Daughters connects and supports women and girls whose mums have died to help them navigate the everyday, and life’s key milestones without the support of their mum. Motherless Daughters is now an established community of over 10,000 women. “Knowing we are providing a platform for women who don’t have a place to go and speak openly and honestly without judgment or reservation is so special”, Danielle says.

    Coming into Mother’s Day can be a difficult and triggering time for motherless children. In this episode, Danielle also discusses how she brings comfort to herself and others during this time of year through her support network and by normalising feelings of others.

    For those who have lost their mum or a mother figure in their life, the best place you can get in touch with and find out more about Motherless Daughters is through their website www.motherlessdaughters.com.au as well as Facebook by searching ‘Motherless Daughters Australia’.

  • Workouts for women that move.

    We’ve all got a favourite gym playlist that we turn up when we’re ready to workout, but Fernwood has introduced something even better! Say hello to Fernwood Pod Coach, with real workouts guided by our fitness guru Lisa.

    This Pod Coach workout is: Lower Body Strength HIIT! Follow along with Lisa as she guides you through the workout, and feel free to take a break or modify any exercises as required. You’ll find all the equipment you need around the club, and if you have any questions about an exercise, just ask one of our friendly team members for assistance.  

    As always, make sure you have completed your warm-up and stretching, have a water bottle and towel handy, and wipe down any equipment as you go. 

    Just in case you’d like to see Lisa demonstrate any of the exercises, the link to the video for this workout can be viewed here:  https://youtu.be/KD8O_b_aQ3s

    Let’s get started! 

  • Are you breathing correctly? We breathe all day, every day, so you would think we have breathing down pat. But many people do not inhale and exhale properly.
    Breathing, something so simple and natural to us, may be one of the most under-rated health and weight management tools we have. The way in which we breathe is as important for our health and wellbeing as physical exercise, mindful relaxation, restful sleep, and good quality nutrition.
    In today’s quick tip podcast episode, the lovely Emma talks about different breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing (deep belly or yoga breathing) and nostril breathing. She mentions the importance of stimulating the vagus nerve - the super highway to health – how to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system for rest, and techniques for breathing during exercise. Additionally, Emma also talks about the side effects of breathing through the mouth.
    Tune into the Fernwood Podcast and listen to another fabulous episode.

  • Trigger warning: This podcast discusses cancer, which some listeners may find distressing
    For years, Dr Charlotte Tottman has been working with patients as a Clinical Psychologist, specialising in cancer-related psychological distress. A cancer diagnosis can be an incredibly difficult time for the person diagnosed with cancer, as well as the friends, family and community around them.
    At around at 40, Dr Tottman decided she wanted to reshape her corporate career and return to university to study psychology. It was during her third placement as part of her professional training in psycho-oncology that she found her career niche. Based in Adelaide, South Australia, Dr Tottman provides psychological therapies to help her patients navigate post-treatment adjustments.
    Three years ago, while on holiday, Charlotte was applying sunscreen under her bikini line and her hand grazed a small lump. The lump didn’t alarm her, but she made a mental note to have it checked when she got back home. It was dismissed as benign, but the 54-year-old mother of four decided to get a second opinion. Dr Tottman was then diagnosed with breast cancer.
    Dr Tottman shares her experience navigating a breast cancer diagnosis, what she learned about herself, and how it has shaped her career going forward. She speaks candidly about taking a breather alone after burning out, why she exercises every morning, and learning to be vulnerable.
    When you finish this episode, be sure to check out Upfront About Breast Cancer ‘What you don’t know until you do’, a 10-part podcast series with Dr Tottman via bcna.org.au/

  • Wellness for women

    Move towards stillness and find a moment to breathe with Fernwood's new wellness PodCoach episodes.

    Follow along with Emma as she guides you through a mindful meditation. Slow down, calm your mind and connect with present moment with these short yet powerful guided meditations.

    Find a quiet, warm and comfortable space.
    Get into a comfy position, laying down, seated on the floor or in a chair.
    Take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

    Just in case you’d like to see Emma demonstrate any of the sequences, the link to the video for be viewed here: https://youtu.be/O22vF591IYE

    *Any advice or information shared during this podcast is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal or health conditions.