
  • "Your beliefs help to shape the lens through which you see yourself, the world, and how you perceive things. What do you believe? "

    Self-discovery is an inner journey that connects you with the truth of who you are.

    Armed with this truth, you have the insights and understandings needed to create a life that’s aligned with your values, your purpose, and the things that make you happy.

    So cultivate the courage to look within, reflect on your experiences, and peel back the layers.

    Get curious about the mystery that is you.

    In the words of Aristotle, “knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

    Let's explore how journaling can support this journey...

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    Why there's wisdom in knowing who we are. Discovering yourself through your backstory. Identifying your unconscious navigation system by uncovering your values. How your beliefs drive the way you show up in the world. Exploring what matters most to you.

    "When you know yourself, you can make your next steps with intention, purpose, and meaning."

    The power of passion. Defining your strengths so you can leverage them. Putting language around your essence. Knowing yourself through the power of silence.Reclaiming ALL of who we are. And more...

    This week's journaling prompt.
    Who are you?

    "Journaling is a space of silence where you can amplify and activate the inner voice -- empowering you to distinguish between the authentic you and the YOU that's shaped by external forces."

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:

    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Self Journal, Core Values Journal, & Scribe.

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Having tools to lean on and support yourself when things get tough can be reassuring and empowering because you feel as though you’re doing something proactive."

    Life is an up-and-down spiral. As a result, we get to experience the full spectrum of human emotions, which is both beautiful and challenging.

    But as we walk through life, we get to discover more about who we are because of the way we dance through the highs and hold ourselves through the lows.

    The lows can be challenging and complex because they can evoke feelings of overwhelm, uncertainty, chaos, stress, anxiety, and even burnout.

    So how can we stay grounded and clarify our thoughts during these times?

    Let's find some answers in this episode...

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    The power of supporting ourselves through pressure. The fear of losing the ground beneath our feet. What does it mean to stay grounded?Why overwhelming emotions stifle our decision-making skills. Using stream-of-consciousness journaling to articulate the turmoil within.

    "When we blurt out our thoughts in our journal, we empower ourselves to unpack them and process them."

    Using our journal to tackle worst-case scenarios and put worries to bed. Tackling disassociation through journaling. Finding our center through our five senses. The power of specificity in your journal. Exploring the art of noticing. And more...

    When you feel pressure, I want to suggest there’s always a solution. There’s always a way forward. There’s always a next step you can take.

    Yes, the path ahead may be painful, challenging, or difficult…

    But along the way, you may gain some magic and beauty you didn’t expect.

    And with your journal by your side, at least you can rely on one thing.


    Your voice. Your counsel. Your guidance. Your knowing.


    This week's journaling prompts:

    Exactly why do I feel pressured? What CAN I control? What’s available to me right now?What NOW? What NEXT? What LATER? I can handle this because…

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Being grounded in the NOW is incredibly soothing for the mind, body, heart, and soul."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • How easy is it for you to make good decisions?

    Decision-making is an important life skill because the quality of your life is directly correlated

    "When a decision is more complex - such as a choice that will have a significant impact on your life's trajectory, it can feel more empowering to take that decision with a systematic approach. "

    Tune into this episode to hear us explore:

    Why decision-making skills matter. The features of a good decision. How journaling creates the mental clarity needed to make good decisions. Techniques for easing the worry train. Understanding the power of questions. A 12-step sequence for making great choices. And more...

    "When we know we're good at making good decisions --- when those key crossroad moments in our lives show up, we know we'll be able to navigate them and choose."

    The sequence of questions for making good decisions.

    What decision do you need to make - and how much time do you have? What's the background to this decision? What are the opportunities (and what evidence do you have)? What are the risks (and what evidence do you have)? What does your head say? What does your heart say? What’s most aligned with your core values? How would you advise a best friend making this same decision?Who can help you make this decision? What are the alternatives to this decision? The 10/10/10 Method. What’s your decision… and why?

    In a world of instant gratification, where we want things NOW. Where information is at our fingertips. Where we’re heavily influenced by the media and information that surrounds us.

    It’s not always easy to give ourselves the space to really think things through.

    But sometimes, time is exactly what we need.

    When making big decisions, we need the space to feel into all the angles and possibilities. We need the space to gain SELF-AWARENESS plus the time to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

    Innovation, creativity, and lateral thinking are also useful skills for choosing well!

    Imagine how differently you’d feel if you KNOW you’ve made the right choice for you because you’ve thought through the decision thoroughly…

    Remember, your journal is here to hold you anytime you need to go deep.

    I hope the questions & sequence shared in this episode prove useful to you.

    Get to writing!

    "Journaling helps clear bandwidth and shift your perspective. As you create space, you can clear mental chaos and clutter, empowering yourself to make good decisions."

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMors

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Are the things you’re chasing the things YOU want… or are they desires you’ve inherited from society?"

    Do your activities in the outside world leave you feeling fulfilled?

    Or do you feel a sense of emptiness, a lack of fulfillment, and a nagging feeling that surely, there must be more to life than this?

    If you feel any of the above, know you’re not alone. It's not uncommon to feel confused either. After all, you thought you were headed in the right direction!

    Fortunately, there is a solution. We can empower ourselves to feel fulfilled when we learn to distinguish between the desires of our hearts and the desires inherited from society.

    Tune into this episode for more details, plus a journaling activity to help you practice and integrate this idea.

    Tune in now to hear us explore:

    The forces that cause us to desire more. Why we can feel empty and unfulfilled despite achieving the things we want?Leveraging inner work to unravel and know ourselves. Why our inner callings are the pathway to lasting satisfaction. Becoming aware of the way we're influenced externally.

    "When you've gone gut-deep, soul deep... when you know yourself that well, it becomes easier to distinguish between an inner calling and an external desire."

    Discerning the feelings that lie beneath the things we want. Why it can be easier than we think to find the things we're looking for.Exploring alternative ways to feel the way you want. Choosing long-term satisfaction over short-term excitement. Alignment, authenticity, and the power to make great decisions. And more...

    Deeply knowing what you want can give you so much power in your life. It’s the pathway to alignment - where your external circumstances line up with who you are inside.

    It’s the shortcode to informed choices too - where the decisions you make are most likely going to give you the outcomes you want.

    So give yourself the space to do this deep, contemplative work. It could be a game-changer.

    This week's journaling prompts.

    Ask yourself what you want. Feel into what you believe is the ‘thing’ that will change or improve your life. Once listed, ask yourself WHY. Why do you want this thing?As you journal, notice the thoughts that bubble up and explore them. Keep the intention that you want to distinguish between heart desires and external influences. Understand how you want to FEEL. Then explore alternative ways to feel that feeling.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "The human desire for more can l

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • In this week's episode, we explore how the art of writing can unleash passion, creativity, and a desire to make things happen.

    "The more you can architect your life so that you feel as though you're the one calling the shots, the more personal power you can uncover and reclaim."

    Tune in now and hear us explore:

    What are the two types of motivation?Why do we need to cultivate the ability to ignite motivation? The insatiable desire to explore, express, and create. How we leverage motivation to move others. Intrinsic motivation is different for everyone.

    "Intrinsic motivation is something that can transform how you feel when you do things."

    The link between intrinsic motivation and personal power.Finding the pockets in your day to infuse intrinsic motivation. Four questions to unlock intrinsic motivation. Looking inside to ignite your fire. Using intrinsic motivation to expand your life force.

    And more...

    This episode is your invitation to spark intrinsic motivation through practice and commitment. Let your journal take you to a place of discovery by holding space for conversations that let you know yourself, show yourself and evolve yourself.

    Get to writing!

    This week's journaling prompts.

    What do you love - and why?What would you do if you didn’t need to factor in money into the equation - and why? When do you lose track of time? When do you feel full of infinite energy - and why?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Journaling gives us the space to look within and start to understand and uncover what we are intrinsically motivated by."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "When things are changing, bringing the mental mush to the surface through your journaling is a powerful way to acknowledge and articulate your reality."

    How well do you know yourself?
    And what's your process for knowing yourself through change -- when an event or an experience has shifted and challenged what you know to be true.

    In this week's episode, we dive into the power of journaling as a tool for navigating change so you can redefine your identity with confidence, clarity, and courage.

    tune in now to hear us explore:

    The multiple benefits of knowing who we are. The power of choosing to see change as a given. Acknowledging the challenge of change and how it affects us. What happens when we rant and release. The power of putting words to our feelings and experiences.

    "When you're in a period of change, journaling can create a potent space for reclaiming clarity and elevating self-awareness."

    Why your journaling needn't be coherent or structured. Journaling as a tool for mental processing. Why you don't need to read over your journaling. Leveraging questions as a tool to direct & guide your thinking. Cultivating the patience to sit with questions deeply. And more...

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What's my next step, and why?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "The journey to self-awareness is far from smooth... because we're constantly being pulled in multiple directions by external influences in the outside world."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Sometimes we deny, hide or edit what's present because we desire our reality to be different than what it is. When we explore what's present, we bring more honesty into our experiences."

    This week, I'm revealing a journaling technique that can help open new doors of insight and knowledge.

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    Why it's powerful to explore what's present now? in our journal. The power of exploring what's actually there (not what you wish were there). The expansion of sending your awareness into your body fully.Moving beyond the story by noticing what's present. Creating the space to see reality through fresh eyes.

    "Be aware that we can often see what we want to see and what we've always seen rather than what's actually there."

    Using curiosity as a gateway to more creativity. Seeing a familiar sight from a new perspective. What happens when we tap into the energy of the now. How to best explore what's present. The technique described. When to try this practice. And more...

    When you ask yourself what’s present, you get to write from a place of presence and experience - not the mind alone.

    You can uncover something completely unexpected through this practice.

    It’s a powerful way to shake things up and access more ideas, insights, and observations.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What's present NOW?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Journaling what's present invites more authenticity. It also invites more completeness and visibility as well as expanding our awareness of what's actually there."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Each human is unique. Each soul is unique, and each soul does have a purpose, and that purpose goes back to the individual soul's experiences and where there are opportunities for additional expansion and learning."

    This week's guest is Jennifer Spor, an Akashic records channel, a soul-led business mentor, a strategist, and host of the Awaken Your Purpose podcast. Jennifer is a guide for Conscious Leaders who are here to illuminate the way for others through the awakening and embodiment of their sacred wisdom and God-given gifts.

    When she isn’t in her business contributing to raising the planet's consciousness, she loves being out in nature, going on new adventures with her husband, snuggling with her two cats, and diving into all things personal and spiritual development!

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    What are the Akashic records, and what their existence means for who we are? Exploring the soul purpose of having a human experience. The importance of duality in shaping our awareness. The role of societal programming in creating limits. Differentiating between the whispers of the soul and the desires of the ego.

    "We are a soul having a human experience... Being human isn't the epicenter of who we are. We are energy in its purest form."

    Defining the four clairs to understand how your intuition communicates.Staying stuck and "arguing our limitations." Understanding your purpose so you can fulfill it. What our relationship with money is supposed to be. How Jennifer journals. And more...

    I loved this conversation because of it's dance between spirituality and practicality. Jennifer is generous with her wisdom and shares potent techniques and mindsets to help you 'awaken on purpose,' activate your intuition, and confidently differentiate between soul whispers and egoic desires.

    Check it out!

    This week's journaling prompts.

    What am I believing that is keeping me in this space?Who do I have to be, and what do I have to believe to live a soul-led life?

    Connect with Jennifer Spor.
    Connect with Jennifer on Facebook.
    Listen to the Awaken On Purpose podcast.
    Learn more about Jennifer's heart awakening activations - Return To You.
    Check out Jennifer's work at https://www.jenniferspor.com

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Your soul's guidance is never going to be fear-b

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Self-love is a journey for most of us. It's not a destination because - as with anything in life - there are always opportunities and experiences that we can engage with to expand the way we experience self-love."

    In this week's episode, we focus on a journaling technique that can elevate self-love.

    Tune in now to explore:

    What self-love is and what it looks like.The correlation between self-love and how we show up in the world. Why a lack of self-love can spark people-pleasing tendencies. Understanding that self-love isn't selfish. The link between self-love and authentic service.

    "Self-love is saying positive things to yourself. It's having that ability to check the inner critic, so it doesn't drag you down."

    Why more is better when practicing list journaling. What to do if the inner critic shows up when compiling your list? Why list journaling works best when you sit with it. Remember how loving words can elevate and inspire. What would happen if the self-love switch was activated all over the world? And more...

    It takes courage to cultivate self-love -- especially if you've been shut down in the past and told that you are bragging or a big head. Allowing yourself to create a self-love list can open the gateway to more courage, confidence, and appreciation for who you are.

    What's more, the more self-love you feel, the more loving you can be towards other people (because you have more love to give).

    This week's journaling prompt.
    Write a list of things you love about yourself?

    Expansion activities:
    Ask yourself WHY you've put your answers on your list.
    Notice how you feel as you add to your list.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "If we don't have self-love, we can hold ourselves back from going after the things we care about. In turn, we compromise our dreams and desires ."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Spending time alone helps us silence those external influences and get better at distinguishing between all the outside noise and our inner voice. In turn, you can get clearer and clearer on knowing what you really want."

    What is it like to walk the path of curiously discovering who we are? This episode is inspired by this cool quote from the leadership coach and bestselling author, Robin Sharma.

    "The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, talents, your dreams is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal."

    Tune in now to discover how you can know yourself through Sharma's three suggested steps:

    Be comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal.

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    Why feeling comfortable with yourself expands your capacity to hold and accept more of who you are. Dialling down the all-consuming external noise to reclaim space in our heads.Building awareness of the factors that shape our decision-making. The bubbling up that happens when we sit in silence.Why this distractible age keeps us stuck in surface-level thinking..

    "The more we can hear our true self, the more we can make decisions that are aligned with what's going to make us happy."

    The link between silence and surfacing our individual wisdom. Journaling as a side-kick for maximising alone time. When you make your thoughts tangible, you reflect YOU back at you. How loving scrutiny is a gateway to deeper insight. Managing our expectations around journaling. And more...

    Journaling is a powerful tool for knowing who we are. It's an important journey. The more we know who we are, the more we can shape and shift our lives into the direction that can bring us the most joy, fulfillment, and connection with our best selves.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What do you want?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Depth is a differentiator. Depth is where the clarity comes from. The more complex thoughts we can juggle and move through, the more we can surface insight and wisdom. We want to get beyond the surface and superficial chatter."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Can you trust someone with your heart, your visibility, your realness, rawness, imperfections, and wounds - or do you need to build a wall and lock away the key ?"

    Intimacy defines a feeling of closeness and deep connection. Through intimacy, we can feel seen, loved, appreciated, and accepted. In some ways, intimacy offers external feedback on our value and worth. Through intimacy, we collect proof that we matter.

    As humans, we desire feelings of intimacy. We want to be fully seen by selected other people.

    In this episode, we explore how your journal can be used as a tool to enhance the intimacy you experience in your life.

    Here's a taste of what we explore:

    What is intimacy, and why do we seek it?What it takes to be open to intimacy so you can invite it and enhance it. Why safety is an enabler of intimacy. Understanding how trust influences our ability to be seen and be intimate. Deciding to be intimate with who we are.

    "Often, we can go into experiences knowing how it's going to unfold because of expectations and predictions... But what if you could drop the story and just be in the moment? Would that allow for more intimacy?"

    Journaling as a tool for enhancing intimacy. The correlation with how we see ourselves and the intimacy we feel. The role of discernment as we learn to know ourselves. Putting yourself under loving scrutiny. Taking responsibility for your feelings through journaling.And more...

    Your journal is a place where you can know yourself - and there is a correlation between knowing yourself and the intimacy you can invite into your life.

    In this episode, we explore this concept in more detail. Check it out!

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What does intimacy mean to you >>> and how can you cultivate the level of intimacy that you desire in your life?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Our journal is a place where we can truly see ourselves if we're willing to look in the metaphorical mirror."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "When it goes off in another direction that you didn't expect, that's true authentic connection and conversation."

    This week's episode is Brad Walsh - father, husband, photographer, #1 best-selling author, and the host of the top-rated Empowerography Podcast.

    Brad's passionate about creating platforms that elevate women's voices. In under two years, he's amplified the voices of hundreds of women through his top-rated Empowerography podcast, multi-author books, and Facebook community.

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    How to overcome fears of bragging through celebration. How self-acknowledgment boosts your confidence. Spotting the signs of imposter syndrome. Why do we find it difficult to feel?Active listening and the art of spotting authentic conversation cues.

    "Authentic, real bonds are formed when you pay attention and listen to what's being said."

    How a great conversation opens the door to deep introspection. The danger of sticking rigidly to an agenda during a conversation.What Brad enjoys about being a space holder. Why these times are inspiring more women to share their stories. How stories create a ripple effect.And more...

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What are you grateful for?

    Connect with Brad Walsh.
    Connect with Brad on Facebook.
    Listen to the top-rated Empowerography podcast.
    Join the Empowerography Podcast Lounge.
    Check out the multi-author book opportunities at AMA Publishing.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Pain into purpose. Every story of adversity uses what you learned as you went through that process to bring good into the world."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "If you can create a relationship with your journal where it becomes your trusted space where you can feel into the depths of what wants to be expressed, Journaling - as a practice - WILL take you back to the truth of who you are."

    Journaling as a tool, a practice, a ritual, a creator of sacred space is miraculous.

    Bring courage, creativity, and curiosity to the blank page and you'll open a receptacle that has the capacity to reveal YOUR truth back to you.

    Buried within is a voice that knows.
    A voice that's rich with wisdom & insight for these times.
    A voice that's ready to be heard.
    And a voice that will show itself to you freely when you invite it onto the blank page.

    This week, we're exploring the power of REFLECTION as a tool to crack you open so you can extract the unique wisdom your life is teaching you.

    Tune in now!

    In this week's episode, we explore:

    How your journal can reveal deep, potent truths. Coming back to your power through your relationship with the blank page.It's time to HEAR YOURSELF. Let your journal reveal what you have to say. An invitation to the part of you that's ready for more depth, complexity, and juiciness. The confronting nature of facing our shadow.

    "There's so much power in looking backward to create a springboard that propels you forwards"

    Why hindsight is a quickstep to wisdom. Questions to ask to reflect in your journal. With journaling, we never finish where we start. Following the flow of the unexpected tangents. And more!

    It's time for some introspection, quiet contemplation, and deep listening.

    In our distractible world, our attention is fragmented and easily 'stolen' away. If you allow it, your journal provides that still, calm, quiet space where you can reconnect with yourself and surface your truth.

    Let's get to writing.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What is life teaching you about yourself and how to live the life you want?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "We're all walking our own paths, and that path is lined with gold insight. We can use reflection as a tool to go back in and extract the deeper insights life wants to teach us & consolidate our learnings."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "When you are in an abundance frequency, it means you are content. You are happy with where you are - even though you might be wanting more."

    This episode's guest is KaKi Lee who's an Abundance Coach, international best-selling author, and creator of The Abundant Goddess Academy. In her work, KaKi empowers women to get in flow with the US stock market so they can bring their dream life into reality.

    In this bold, brave conversation, KaKi and I dive deep into the energetics, beliefs, and mindsets around creating wealth and abundance.

    This conversation is jam-packed with strategies you can explore today to transform your relationship with money. As your relationship evolves, so does the activation you feel to step into discomfort and build a life around your dreams.

    In this episode, KaKi and I explore:

    How a financial loss helped KaKi understand the true meaning of the word abundance. The important energetic distinction between wealth & abundance.How to shift from needing more to a place of contentment. Finding the safety within to experience contentment. Releasing & transforming the money stories that create money blocks.

    "It's not wrong to want more. We all want to have better relationships and more money, but where is that desire coming from? Is it coming from a place of love or fear?"

    Why it's time to have a conversation with your money. The reason your childhood impacts your current day money situation. How our energy infuses through our money into the world. Exploring how our personal relationship with money can impact equality. Techniques for elevating your money mindset with journaling. And more...

    A big piece of an empowered money mindset starts from within.

    The more you unpack your disempowering money stories, the more abundance you can draw into your experience. This episode is a springboard that will help you activate this shift in your life.

    So dive in!

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What does abundance mean to me?

    Connect with KaKi Lee.
    Check out KaKi's work at www.kakilee.com.
    Connect with KaKi on Facebook and Instagram.
    Listen to The Awakened Feminine Podcast.
    Learn more about contributing to The Awakened Feminine multi-author book.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Productivity is the art of getting more done in less time."

    With World Productivity Day just around the corner, I am bringing you a conversation about how you can use your journal to activate your most productive self.

    In this week's episode we explore:

    Productivity isn't about doing more stuff alone. It's about creating more spaciousness to do more of the things we want. Productivity as a mechanism to take more control over your life. PURGE & PLAN journaling techniques to boost your productivity. How mental clutter drains our productivity -- and what to do to get more focused. Julia Cameron's 'Morning Pages' as a tool to access your flow & inner genius.

    "We can use our journal as a place to purge all the heaviness -- all the clutter, chaos, confusion -- freeing up your mind for clarity, creativity, & deeper concentration."

    Purging as a technique that helps you take action quicker. Planning to climb your equivalent of Mount Everest. Use your journal as an external brain so you can free up bandwidth for creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Taking ownership for the mindsets & behaviours that steal your productivity. Productivity does NOT have to be synonymous with hustle.

    We all have the same 1,440 minutes a day. It's not the amount of time that we have that matters -- but what we choose to do with the time we're given.

    Productivity is a powerful way to drive efficiency so you have more space and freedom to do the things you love.

    Get to writing!

    This week's journaling prompt.
    Who would you BE if you were your most productive self?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Productivity is a practice, a discipline, and a skill."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Let your journal activate the wisdom that lies within."

    There's so much potency & power in learning how to hear your true self.

    This is not a path for the faint-hearted! Many of us have experiences or memories of when our expression was shut down. As a result, we learned to doubt or mistrust the voice within.

    The good news is you can activate this inner knowing -- and your journal can guide you there.

    Learning to hear your inner authenticity is a potent way to reconnect with your desires, fears, hopes, and dreams. When you choose to express what you discover in your journal, you step into one of the most magical & transformative experiences there is...

    Because you choose to reclaim YOU.

    Here's an overview of what we explore in this week's episode:

    The flip side of information abundance.Activating your intuition & innovation. Remembering the power of your uniqueness. That incredible Martha Graham quote. Knowing our inner insight is valuable.

    "Your journal is a powerful connection point that can help you turn on and tune into the wise voice within."

    Finding the balance between consumption & creativity. How embodiment can help us hear our truth. Creating within an indistractible place. Journaling in partnership with your feelings. Cultivating curiosity to become braver with ourselves. And more...

    What would happen if you unblocked your unique expression? Who would you BE, what would you DO, what would you HAVE?

    I invite you to CHOOSE to hear yourself at a different level. Turn to your journal and use it to collect and capture the wisdom you have because of who you are.

    You've got this!!

    This week's journaling prompt.
    Close your eyes, use your breathing to connect with your body, and see what shows up.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Turn inward & listen from the inside-out. Use your journal as a framework, tool, and receptacle to explore the mystery inside.

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Everybody can write, we're born storytellers. Usually, it's just allowing and learning how to start trusting your instincts and your intuition... At the very core of it, it's letting go of, I'm not going to be good enough."

    This episode's special guest is Terrie Silverman, MFA -- a writer, solopreneur, and director.

    As writers, Terrie and I met in the most perfect way. We were both co-authors in the brilliant book Sacred Redesign.

    Terrie is also the founder of Creative Rites where she helps people play, excavate, gather, and assemble their creative gold so they can tame their inner critics, access their authentic voice, and discover their extraordinary stories.

    Together, we had the most incredible conversation about surfacing your truth, expanding your self-awareness, and discovering what it takes to become a powerful storyteller.

    Check it out!

    In this episode, Terrie and I explore:

    What got Terrie interested in using writing as a method to tap into authenticity. The disconnect between the inner gold and our ability to express externally. Cultivating the courage & discipline to sit with yourself. Writing as a practice that expands your identity.Moving beyond the worries of being good enough.

    "I only get to hear the stories of those of us that have survived and that makes it an imperative for us to tell our stories."

    Terrie's technique for getting your magic out - even when you're stuck. Tips for crushing the editing process. Unpacking the power of origin stories. Why we believe our own stories aren't that special. The important difference between anecdotes and stories. And more...

    I loved this conversation with Terrie. It's always a joy to discover how different writers crack themselves open so they can access the gold within.

    If you're ready to discover your authentic voice and show the inner critic who's boss, this episode is for you.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    I remember...
    Well, the thing is, what I really want to say is...

    How to connect with Terrie.
    Discover more about Terrie's workshops, programs, and coaching at Creative Rites.
    Connect with Terrie on Facebook and Instagram.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "When we're writing, we're giving ourselves a gift and we're giving the listener a gift -- and to be able to

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • I have a lot to say about this episode's topic because it's so close to my heart.

    Self-expression is a catalyst for more aligned opportunities. It's an invitation to know who you really are, and it's a tool for experiencing life in the most fulfilling of ways.

    Best of all, journaling is a tool and a practice that can elevate our self-expression - opening the doorway to all the gifts that show up when you can OWN your truth.

    "When we hold back, restrain, silence, and shrink, there are aspects of us that go unexplored, unacknowledged and unseen -- sometimes those parts of us are THE most potent aspects of our being."

    Tune in now to hear us explore:

    How society stifles our self-expression. Understanding the courage it takes to be our fully expressed selves. Articulating the dangers that restrained expression protects us from. Why self-expression catalyses deep inner work. Allowing self-expression to guide you to your dreams.

    "When we express our full selves... we step into the space of more opportunities, like-minded people, intuition, and freedom."

    How self-expression heightens your awareness of who you really are. Journaling as a tool for developing the skill of self-expression. How childhood experiences can make us lose trust in our self-expression. My personal story of reclaiming fearless self-expression. The power of the edit. And more...

    Deep down we all have a deep need to be seen for our truth.

    We're drawn to authenticity because there's a part of us that wants to experience life without the social mask. We want to feel that feeling of being uncensored and untamed.

    It can take huge courage to show your full self.

    And your journal is here to help open the floodgates to more experimentation, intentional risks, and more.

    What does your authentically expressed self feel like?

    I invite you to find out... page by page.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What's burning inside? What do you really want to say?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "You can use your journal as a place to practice, express, and explore."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "When we take to our journal to process a moment, we are SEEING ourselves and HEARING ourselves. We become the witness to our own experiences and we take back that place of empowerment."

    Woohoo! This is episode 100! I'm so grateful to have reached this milestone. Thank you for being on this journey with me as we deepen into the truth of who we are through the power of the blank page.

    In this episode, we're exploring the possibilities that exist when you make self-discovery and self-awareness a desire... something you proactively and intentionally cultivate in your journal.

    As you'll hear in this episode, there are huge amounts of empowerment to be had when you do thought labour in your journal. This intentional act creates more clarity and confidence in all areas of your life.

    Tune in to hear more...

    In this episode we explore:

    The power of sitting with an experience rather than overriding it. Leading yourself through challenges in your journal. Journaling as a complement to your self-empowerment journey. Journaling your way to clarity. The art of making the unconscious, conscious - and how it changes our lives.

    "Journaling gives us the opportunity, space, and the confidence to be able to do our own thought labour."

    Magnifying our awareness of who we are in our journal. Feeling into the possibilities of who we can be. The problem with external validation. Using journaling insights to live our lives more fully and freely. The invitation to redefine your perception of journaling. And more...

    Your journal is a unique place where you can discover, recover and reclaim your truth. It's about making the unconscious conscious - and then using those discoveries to elevate your life.

    This is why I CHOOSE to journal daily - because of how it positively impacts my work, my relationships, my parenting - and more.

    If you know that self-awareness, self-love, and self-discovery (in fact, ALL the SELFs) are something you want to cultivate, journaling IS for you.

    Tune into this week's episode to learn more.

    This week's journaling prompt.
    What is ready to come into your conscious awareness?

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Journaling can help us bring our limiting beliefs and unconscious stories into our conscious awareness. In turn, we can choose to process them, release them, or heal them. "

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!

  • "Bravery is about moving through our expansion and growth pains to tap into what's on the other side."

    Often the thing in the way is our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions about who we are and who we can be. We can use our journal to elevate our courage, confidence, and bravery by writing our way to brave.

    In turn, the impossible can feel just a bit more possible and our dreams can become a reality.

    In this episode we explore:

    What does it mean to be brave? The relationship between fear and the life we want. The difference between real and perceived fears. How our childhood experiences can keep us playing small. Exposing the multitude of things that hold us back.

    "Fear is a compass and an invitation to grow into life."

    Why stay with discomfort instead of going for our dreams. The potent power of elevating your noticing skills by becoming the witness.Why it's powerful to slow things down. Why our saboteurs are actually protecting us.And more...

    I’m my own worst enemy.

    I’m usually the one who’s most in the way!

    My relationship with fear is what I’m always working at… rooting out the things that hold me back and then transmuting them with journaling.

    I invite you to try this for yourself - and see if you can write yourself BRAVE.


    If you could turn your braveness up by 50% what would change in your life? What would you suddenly have the courage to be or do? What would be the result of that? What if you turned up your braveness by 75% or even 100%... then what? Are you ready to turn that dial? If so, write down up to FIVE things that you could do over the next week to experience your BRAVE at a higher level.

    Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
    1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
    2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
    3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
    4. Journaling options... Self Journal & Scribe.

    Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo.

    "Anytime we hold back, there's a thought, a feeling, or a belief that stops us."

    Don't forget to find us on social.

    I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

    Now get to writing!