
  • "Өзгеру керек" - бұл күрделі философиялық немесе арнайы мамандандырылған тақырыптарға арналған подкаст емес. Бұл жерде әрқайсысымыздың өмірімізде кездесетін, күнделікті тұрмысымызға әсер ететін қарапайым тақырыптар талқыланады: қарым-қатынас, қаржылық сауаттылық, тұлғалық даму, бала тәрбиесі және т.б.

  • Can Dündar hafta içi her gün, sizler için günün gelişmelerini yorumluyor.

  • It's Spring 2142 (a Tuesday), and Gated Galaxies has launched its 400 Oz-8000 ships, each carrying 50,000 "resting guests" to, hopefully, a new home on a shiny, brand-new planet. Except this whole "terraform and take over" idea isn't actually the plan; the real plan is far more nefarious and involves a great deal of cackling. But those aboard the ships don't know that, so off they toodle (those that make it out of Earth's atmosphere, at least), all shiny and optimistic. This is the story of one of those ships – the Oz 9 – and its tiny crew of hopeless incompetents. So far, they've been in space half an hour and several hundred people are dead. So... bright future, clearly.

  • Welcome to Oz Rock Rated! Music aficionados Ben and Sam take a deep dive into a different Australian band's catalogue every episode and rate them from worst to best!

  • Der OZ-Wecker ist Ihr täglicher News-Podcast für Rostock und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Werktäglich um 5 Uhr geben die Moderator:innen Oliver Kramer und Laura Korpal Ihnen die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Ostsee-Zeitung kompakt zusammengefasst aufs Ohr.

    Impressum: https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/impressum/

  • Bienvenu dans Oz, le podcast qui vous inocule l’audace d’oser ! Inscrivez-vous sur [email protected] et on en parle ensemble ☀️

    Ecriture et réalisation : Caroline Vigneaux 
    Photo : Pascal Ito 
    Production : One Woman Prod 
    Tous droits réservés  
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Ozzie Jurock interviews movers and shakers in the real estate industry.

  • LİSTEYİ TAKİBE ALINIZ. Podcastlerin %99'unu biz atarız. %1'ini danışmanlarımız atabilir.

  • Ozma of Oz: A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein published on July 30, 1907, was the third book of L. Frank Baum's Oz series. It was the first in which Baum was clearly intending a series of Oz books.

  • OzCast is the official podcast platform of conservation charity, OzFish Unlimited. OzCast features leading scientists, fish ecologists, and industry experts revealing findings, explaining research, and communicating important issues affecting the health of Australian waterways and their surrounding environments. By drawing on their years of experience both in the field and the lab, OzCast provides a look below the surface into the historical, cultural and scientific world that surrounds our rivers, creeks, oceans and lakes.

  • The Ozone Nightmare covers a wide range of subjects, from gaming to politics, comics to culture. We speak our minds, for better or worse, but we also try to keep the conversation approachable for everyone.

  • Ozarks True Crime is an editaudio Original investigative podcast based on true crime in the mysterious and oft-forgotten region of the Ozarks. Host and writer Anne Roderique-Jones travels to back to her hometown and weaves in a personal narrative as she examines the intricate trail of untold stories.

  • Зориг сангийн "Байгаль орчны манлайлал" хөтөлбөрийн Төгсөгчдийн холбооноос хөтөлбөрийнхөө 10 жилийн ойн баярын хүрээнд зориулан “ZORIG FOUNDATION ALUMNI PODCAST”-аа эхлүүлсэн билээ. Харин 2022 оноос агуулгынхаа хүрээг илүү тэлэх, зөвхөн Зориг сангийн хөтөлбөрүүдийн төгсөгчдөөс гадна бусад сонирхолтой зочдыг оролцуулах зорилгоор ажиллаж эхэлсэн бөгөөд 2023 оноос подкастын нэрээ өөрчилж Ozone podcast нэрээр та бүхэнд хүрч эхэллээ. Бидэнтэй хамт байж, дэмжиж ирсэн бүх сонсогчдодоо баярлалаа.

    Facebook Page: @EFPalumni
    Instagram: @EFP_alumni
    Email: [email protected]

  • Ozark Highlands Radio is a weekly radio program that features live music and interviews, recorded at Ozark Folk Center State Park’s beautiful 1,000-seat auditorium in Mountain View, Arkansas. In addition to the music, our “Feature Host” segments take listeners on a musical journey with historians, authors, and personalities who explore the people, stories, and history of the Ozark region.

  • This podcast discusses Ozonics, hunting, and everything in-between. 

  • Daily Devotion live from Zion House of Prayer for 30min.

    Every day at 6am from Monday - Friday.

    Hear and be Blessed.

  • Esse é o podcast da OZI Escola de Audiovisual. Aqui nós amamos vídeo, trabalhamos com vídeo e fazemos as pessoas entrarem nesse mercado de maneira mais rápida e segura.

  • Step into a wholesome haven: The timeless charm of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"Yearning for a feel-good escape from the modern world? Tune in to "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," the quintessential radio sitcom that brings warmth and laughter to generations. Join the Nelson family – Ozzie, the loveable bandleader, his sweet-natured wife Harriet, and their mischievous sons David and Ricky – as they navigate the everyday joys and challenges of family life in America's golden age.Why tune in to "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"?
    A slice of Americana: Immerse yourself in the nostalgic charm of 1950s suburbia, with its friendly neighbors, quirky situations, and wholesome values.Laughter for all ages: From Ricky's teenage misadventures to Ozzie's bumbling attempts at DIY projects, the show delivers timeless humor that resonates with families of all eras.Heartwarming relationships: Witness the genuine love and respect between the Nelsons, offering a refreshing perspective on family life and highlighting the importance of communication and understanding.A gentle escape: Escape the stresses of modern life with the show's soothing radio format, filled with warm dialogue, playful sound effects, and a touch of sentimental music.A cultural touchstone: Experience a piece of American radio history and understand the origins of the popular family sitcom genre.Whether you're seeking a nostalgic trip down memory lane, a feel-good family entertainment option, or a glimpse into a simpler time, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" offers a timeless recipe for wholesome fun. So grab your milk and cookies, gather your loved ones, and join the Nelsons for a heartwarming audio adventure!

    Keywords: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, classic radio, family sitcom, 1950s, Americana, wholesome humor, family values, feel-good entertainment, nostalgic, timeless, historical radio, audio escape.

  • This podcast follows the strange stories of Vincent Vangetti, a fictional journalist in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

    By day, he's a newspaper reporter. When the sun goes down, he's a paranormal investigator looking into what goes bump in the night around town.

    Eureka Springs is a Victorian mountain village nestled in the Ozarks. It was named for the pools of water beneath the town that contain mystical properties. Combine that with an unknown number of supernatural beings in the area, and you get some amazing paranormal activity, all of which Vangetti investigates.

    New episode every month.

  • Ozhet Podcast - это авторский подкаст журналиста международника, эксперта по PR и коммуникациям, мамы чудесной дочки Сафии Айгерим Кали.

    Инстаграм: aikona_zaikona
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Каждый выпуск Ozhet - это история о нас, поиске нашей идентичности, о наших корнях, о контексте, в котором мы живем и о матрице из которой не так то просто выбраться, о болях и поисках себя, о настоящем моменте и будущем наших детей.