Sånn er du

  • Fire crossfit coacher, en hund, masse fjas og noe litt seriøst? Vi spør hverandre hele tiden, hvorfor er du sånn?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Du har kanskje hørt om det som skjer i Palestina, men du vet ikke helt hvorfor det er sånn? I denne podkasten tar vi for oss aktuelle temaer om det som foregår i Palestina, lærer litt om historien, kulturen og om menneskene. Kanskje det ikke er så komplisert som de sier? Med Rania Iraki og Nader Khalayli. Produsent Ingvild Mjøen Sausjord Illustrasjon av Leif Arno Hofheinz Jingles av XXD Polo

  • Hva er det egentig som skjer i verden, og hvorfor er det sånn? I Utenrikshospitalet forsøker vi å diagnostisere verden én episode av gangen. Podkasten ledes av Ane Teksum Isbrekken, Marie Furhovden eller Therese Leine, og sammen med gode kollegaer ved Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt (NUPI), setter vi ulike hendelser og temaer under lupen.

    Har du ris eller ros, eller kanskje tips til tema vi burde se nærmere på? Send oss en epost til [email protected] da vel!

    Vi høres!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Anniken (36) og Kristine (32) befinner seg på et sted i livet hvor alt skulle ha vært på stell med familie, jobb, hus, bil og økonomisk stabilitet. Men sånn er det ikke for alle!Trodde du også livet skulle være annerledes i 30-årene?Følg med når disse to deler opp- og nedturer, Tinderdates, break-ups, jobbmuligheter og masse mer.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • En podd med reportage, reflektioner och samtal för dig som är intresserad av människor. Sådana som kanske liknar dig själv eller sådana som är helt annorlunda och kanske just därför extra intressanta. För dig som nyfiket vill vandra tillsammans med andra på slingriga vägar genom att ta del av människors verkligheter, tankar och drömmar. 

  • Nothing out of the ordinary here. Just two average guys with a passion for fantasy football giving their above average takes to get you all the bragging rights in all your leagues.

  • This is a podcast covering what's going on in the world of sports! From the NBA to the NFL, Casey and Tanner will be giving you a fresh take on the most recent and up to date news. You can listen every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts!

  • Welcome to 'Mastering Agility,' the podcast where we explore the dynamic world of agility in business, technology, and personal development. In an ever-evolving landscape, agility is not just a buzzword; it's a mindset, a strategy, and a way of life. Join us as we dive deep into the principles of agile methodologies, uncovering the secrets of Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and beyond. But we don't stop there. We'll also investigate how businesses can adapt and thrive in today's fast-paced world, sharing insights on fostering innovation, cultivating resilient teams, and driving transformative change. Moreover, we'll delve into the realm of personal development, offering practical tips and strategies to enhance adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning. Through thought-provoking discussions, expert interviews, and real-world case studies, 'Mastering Agility' equips you with the tools and inspiration to navigate uncertainty with confidence and master the art of agility in every aspect of life. Tune in and unlock your potential for growth and success in the age of agility!" 

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

  • This podcast was born out of a desire to create a space for acceptance, validation and some light heartedness to the typically heavy subject of Food Addiction.

    Although Food Addiction is not yet a recognized diagnoses, it is very real and they believe that the support that is available could use a fresh, new and empowering perspective.

    We will discuss the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of food and addiction as well as the role that the Food Industry plays in the chronic over consumption of food.

    We hope that our conversations bring you hope, happiness and healing!

  • Podcast für Musiker*innen: Jeden Sonntag grooven Bassist Andreas Reinhard und Schlagzeuger Dustin Sander durch musikalische Themen und teilen Interessantes, Unterhaltsames und Hilfreiches. Das Lernen und Spielen eines Instrumentes und das Leben als Musiker*in als spannende Reise mit all ihren Höhen, Tiefen und Herausforderungen, egal ob man Just for Fun oder als Profi unterwegs ist. Supporte den Podcast auf https://www.patreon.com/HauptsacheGroovt

  • Why do we, the young Indians, need to understand politics? Because we are the future of our country and we need to represent it in a manner that is well-informed, sensitive and intelligent. Also because, understanding how events around the world affect our country from a historical, economical and political standpoint, is a lot of fun! Don't agree?

    Tune into Politics for Dummies with RJ Aniket from Radio One and Ambassador KP Fabian, an Indian Diplomat, who served in the IFS from the crucial years of '64 till '00. In this podcast Aniket, our obvious student asks all those questions we would rather not ask out of the fear of judgement and Fabian, the forever professor, makes learning cool.

    This is a Radio One production, brought to you by HT Smartcast.

  • Vi har alla en längtan efter bekräftelse. Att känna sig älskad och behövd. Jag möter det ofta i mitt jobb som student- och krogpastor och jag känner själv igen mig i denna längtan. Kanske du också?

  • Join Grimsteak, James Cruz, Flavortown, and LadyEboshi as we discuss new and old anime in a very casual manner. New episodes once or twice a month and always welcoming listener interaction.

  • In einer neon-grellen Vorzeit, bekannt als die 80er, wurden an den Stränden von Paris und in den schneeverwehten Straßen von Haifa zwei Männer geboren, die mit diesem Podcast absolut nichts zu tun haben.
    Gut 30 Jahre später versammeln sich zwei Typen, um von der Gastro zu retten, was noch zu retten ist.
    Sie erzählen über Alltag, Probleme, aber auch über all das, was die Gastro so liebenswert und einzigartig macht.

  • Dé NBA podcast van Nederland. Een wekelijkse Nederlandse kijk op de mooiste competitie van de wereld: de NBA. Met o.a. Sander Lantinga, Sam Planting en Edwin Valent. Meer informatie via dedunk.com

  • Liz was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December 2022 and started chemotherapy in February 2023. She uses her time in the chemo chair to fess up about her views on all manner of subjects.

    Is she a feminist? Is it ok that she gets botox? Why is she addicted to her smartphone? Is she an alcoholic? Oh ... and why did she get breast cancer?!

    Tune in to hear what Liz and her guests make of all these topics and more.

    Find out more on Instagram @convosduringchemo

  • The Dropshot is a twice-weekly Call of Duty Warzone and multiplayer podcast hosted by two young men who are deeply passionate about the game. Through years of playing Call of Duty on PC, Razinon and Tanner have developed a level of insight - and strong opinions - that they are happy to share with the world via The Dropshot. The podcast is streamed at TheDropshot.com/live and is also available on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit TheDropshot.com for links to all of the podcast's varied content, including the vibrant Discord community, the Patreon for bonus content, and much more.

  • “Alt det du mærker” er en hyldest til alle følelserne og fornemmelserne i kroppen. Uanset om du byder det velkommen eller ej, så mærker du livet på godt og ondt — og din frihed ligger ikke i kontrollen, men i nysgerrigheden og omsorgen for dig selv og alt hvad du sanser og føler. Krop- og psykoterapeut Simon Funder guider dig med kærlig hånd igennem Alt det du mærker.

  • Here at The Outskirts Podcast with Tanner and Friends our aim is to provide a place for our guests to share tales from the outskirts of normal life with you, our listeners. The stories and interviews we curate may include themes of life lived under extreme duress and with remarkable resilience, moments of colossal failure and redemption, high strangeness, and supernatural understanding. The human experience can be shocking, hard, strange and full of wonder. What do you make of it? We'd love to hear! Please submit a written or audio file summarizing your story or area of expertise to: [email protected]. You can also phone us with a brief message at (318)372-1453. Upon review we will reach out to arrange for a time for your story to be told on: The Outskirts Podcast with Tanner & Friends. Cheers!

  • Kläderna, maten, kroppen, sinnet, produkterna vi köper, valen vi gör. Det här är en podcast som utforskar hållbarhet i alla aspekter av livet. Kan vi leva ett rikt liv utan att ta mer än vi behöver?

    Som människor har vi drivit långt ifrån våra rötter. Det moderna samhället har accelererat långt förbi dagens människor, vilket har gjort att många av oss känner oss psykiskt utmattade, vilsna inför vår plats i universum och längtandes efter något annat, något mer.

    Vår livsstil har kolliderat med vår mänskliga natur, och i vårt sökande efter de saknade bitarna vänder vi oss till konsumtion i hopp om att fylla tomrummet. Vi försöker köpa vår väg ut ur olycka. Men i takt med att vi tar slut på jordens resurser gräver vi också hålen i våra själar djupare.

    Vi som pratar heter Milla & Jonna och kallar oss cyniska miljövetare.

    Följ oss: "Du, Jag och Jorden" på Instagram, Facebook & Twitter
    Email: [email protected]