
  • I met Erika on Instagram, she is one of my VERY supportive followers and later a great friend. Erika has a great passion to Arabic and the Arab culture. In this Episode we talk about the Arabic language and how Arabic could be used as a great tool.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov

    Azan sound is by Mehdi Yarrahi


    1. 7ale/ حالي: My self

    2. Wasilet tawasol/ وسيلة تواصل: A tool for communication

    3. Bikhsos/ بخصوص: Regarding or in regards

    4. Khayar/ خيار: Choice

    5. Fish khel2e/ فيش خلقي: I vent

    6. Dekeneh/ دكانة: Delli

    7. Ara-reit/ قررت: I decided

    8. Lahjeh/ لهجة: Accent

    9. Entime2/ إنتماء: Belonging

    10. Mawdo3/ موضوع: Topic or subject

    11. Balad/ بلد: Country

    12. 3aylte/ عيلتي: My family

    13. 3ala fikrah/ على فكرة: By the way

    14. Bil 3akes/ بالعكس: To the contrary or in fact

    15. Aldeen/ ألدين: The religion

    16. So2al/ سؤال: Question

    17. Aktar/ أكتر: More

    18. Mish Darore/ مش دروري: Not important

    19. Hadaf/ هدف: Goal

    20. Minon/ منن: From them or from it

  • Alia Bazzi is the founder of Manifest Design Inc. is a Michigan-based company that was founded in 2012. As a Muslim Arab-American, Alia's aim is to help create a strong bond between children and Imam Al-Hussain (pbuh), the same way they look at superheroes as inspiration.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Kawanet/ كونت: I formed

    2. Rasa-khet/ رسخت: Firmed or established

    3. Thaqafeh/ ثقافة: Culture

    4. Fatrah Mo3ayaneh/ فترة معينة: Specific time

    5. Jeel/ جيل: Generation

    6. Bi2ah/ بيئة: Environment

    7. Nekhtere3/ نخترع: Invent

    8. Yistaqteb- Ykhazen- Yestaw3eb/ يستقطب - يخزن - يستوعب: Absorb or understand

    9. Nasharet/ نشرت: Published or posted

    10. Mojtama3/ مجتمع: Society

    11. Ghaleteh el-asesiyeh/ غلطتي الأساسية: Main-major mistake

    12. No2tet ta7awol/ نقطت تحول: Turning point

    13. Zaghtotah/ زغتوتة: Small or young comes from sghireh

    14. Kitmen/ كتمان: Keeping something silent or secretive

    15. Bidaweh/ بضوي: Lights up

    16. Shaghfeh/ شغفي: My passion

    17. 3adeleh/ عدالة: Justice

    18. Mostad3af/ مستضعف: Weakened

    19. Qa2ed/ قائد: Leader

    20. Adiyeh Inseniyeh/ قضية إنسانية: A humanitarian issue

  • Frances Timog from my Levantine Arabic Masterclass talks to us about his neighborhood, best eating spots, and his favorite meals.

    You can find the full script of this episode in both English and Arabic on our website. Thanks Frances for providing the original and translated script.


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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov

  • In the US One out of every five students report being bullied. Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school. Students who experienced bullying or cyberbullying are nearly 2 times more likely to attempt suicide.

    Jinan recently published a book for kids called “Tiny Polly”. The story of a brave bullied chicken who just wants acceptance. Her mission is to bring awareness to bullying and educate kids about acceptance.

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    20 Vocabulary picks:

    1. Enta2alet / انتقلت: Moved (locations)

    2. Tarjem / ترجم: Translate

    3. Tfare2na / تفرقنا: Differentiates us

    4. Shakel / شكل: Looks or appearances

    5. Byet3atah / بيتعطى: Interacts

    6. Tanamor / تنمر: Bullying

    7. Shakhes / شخص: Person

    8. Lon teneh / لون ثاني: Different color

    9. Taw3iyeh / توعية: Awareness

    10. Ta2siro / تأثيره: Its effects

    11. Bidor osto / بدور قصته: The story revolves around or about

    12. Djejeh / دجاجة: Chicken

    13. Kaleb / كلب: Dog

    14. Sahar el-layleh / سهر الليالي: Long sleepless nights

    15. Nes / ناس: People

    16. Rje3tilo / رجعتله: Returned to him 'it'

    17. Akhad w 3ata / أخد و عطى: Give and take- back and fourth

    18. Rafesh / رفش: Shovel

    19. Ada2 el-tafasil/ أدق التفاصيل: Tiniest details

    20. Ta3ate / تعاطي: Treatment

    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov

  • Loulwa Khoury is a New York based filmmaker & film editor who was born and raised in Beirut. She recently edited her first award-nominated feature documentary Paradise Without People (2019) & now she is directing and editing her own film "We Never Left"- the Lebanese Expat Revolution Documentary.

    In this episode we talk about the economic crisis and daily struggles of the Lebanese under a mercy of a corrupted government.

    Please support Loulwa's dream by clicking on the link below. Link expires on April 22nd.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Moyol Siyasiyeh/ ميول سياسية: Politically connected

    2. Wastah/ واسطة: Connections

    3. Tkharajet/ تخرجت: Graduated

    4. Aflem watha2iqiyeh/ أفلام وثائقية: Documentary

    5. Sha2feh/ شقفة: Piece or part

    6. Mekhterbin/ مختربين: Expats

    7. Thawrah/ ثورة: Revolution

    8. Siyesiyeh/ سياسية: Political

    9. Inhiyar/ إنهيار: Collapsing

    10. Fased/ فساد: Corruption

    11. Infigarein/ انفجارين: Two explosions

    12. Dawleh/ دولة: Government

    13. Mozaharat/ مظاهرات: Protests

    14. Inhiyar lal Lira/ إنهيار لليرة: Lebanese pound collapsing

    15. Mosreyeton/ مصرياتن: Their money

    16. Kahrabah/ كهربة: Electricity

    17. T7awel/ تحول: Transfer

    18. Na2o Yfelo/ نقو يفلو: Chose to leave

    19. Al-mod7ek al-mobke/ المضحك المبكي: The funny crying story meaning the hurtful truth

    20. Hayneh/ هينة: Easy

  • Advanced Episode: 10 years ago, the American University of Beirut launched a very unique program that remains unique in the Middle East- University for Seniors. Today’s seniors want to remain intellectually challenged and socially engaged, actively contributing to their community. I spoke with Suma & Hassan who are students at UFS about their experience.

    Make sure to check out our Top 20 Vocabulary picks from this episode below.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Jile/ جيلي: My generation

    2. Ma3-ino/ مع إنو: Although/ Even though

    3. Omiyeh/ أمية: Illiterate

    4. Shakhsite/ شخصيتي: My personality

    5. Terkabe Siyartek/ تركبي سيارتك: Ride your car

    6. 3aj2et ser/ عجقة سير: Traffic jam

    7. Mas2oliyeh/ مسؤلية: Responsibility

    8. Et7amas/ اتحمس: To get excited

    9. Nafa3ne/ نفعني: Benefited me

    10. Jesh/ جيش: Army/ Military

    11. 3ale2at el-dowaliyeh/ علاقات الدولية: Public Relations

    12. Zah2anin/ زهقانين: Bored

    13. Ma3aref/ معارف: Connections

    14. Qta3 el-dawleh/ قطاع الدولة: Government Sector

    15.Taqa3od/ تقاعد: Retirement

    16. Koliyeh 7arbiyeh/ كلية الحربية: Military Academy

    17. Nashat/ نشاط: Activity/ Action

    18. 7ayaweyeh/ حيوية: Energizing

    19. Rasem/ رسم: Drawing

    20. Mo7adarat/ محاضرات: Lectures

  • This episode is great for beginners and intermediate level learners. I talk about my daily routine and introduce new verbs and nouns as I speak.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Aktar min hek/ أكثر من هيك: More than that

    2. Bit7an/ بطحن: Grind

    3. Bdawer/ بدور: Turn on or search

    4. Bghasel Weje/ بغسل وجي: Wash my face

    5. Bfarshe Snene/ بفرشي سناني: Brush my teeth

    6. Bifta7/ بفتح: I open

    7. Btib3at/ بتبعت: Sends

    8. Ekhti/ اختي: My sister

    9. B7ot/ بحط: I put

    10. Fikon T2olo/ فيكن تقولو: You can say

    11. Bjareb/ بجرب: I try

    12. Bima2eno/ بمائنو: Since that

    13. Be23od/ بقعد: I sit

    14. Odet el-nom/ ادة النوم: Bedroom

    15. Btafe/ بطفي: Turn off

    16. N2arer/ نقرر: We decide

    17. Mitel el-tene/ مثل الثاني: Like the other

    18. Bnazel/ بنزل: I post/ download

    19. Abel b wa2et/ أبل بوقت: A head of time

    20. Jom3ah/ جمعة: Friday or Week

  • In this episode Mariam Nabbout founder of Kezbara, The Kezbara Studio, and cohost of Sundays with Mariam & Lily podcast walks us through the 7 steps to create a killer Instagram account.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Namat 7ayete/ نمط حياتي: My life style

    2. Fikrah/ فكرة: Idea

    3. Tab2oha/ طبقها: Make it

    4. Nel2at/ نلقت: Catch it

    5. Ekhla2/ إخلق: Create

    6. Shakel/ شكل: Appearance

    7. Lebe2/ لبيء: Matching with

    8. 3alemeh/ علامة: Grade but 'proof' in this context

    9. Mo7tawah/ محتوة: Content

    10. D3if/ ضعيف: Weak/ skinny

    11. Nazel/ نزل: I post

    12. Ghrab/ غراب: Strangers

    13. Emti7an/ إمتحان: Test

    14. Zboon/ زبون: Client

    15. Yakhod w Ya3te/ ياخد ويعطي: Take and give but it means to communicate

    16. Mablakh/ مبلغ: Amount of money

    17. Jehed/ جهد: Effort

    18. T3ar2elna 3ala tareaq/ تعرقلنا على طريق: Hurtles

    19. Motebe3in/ متابعين: Followers

    20. Jomhor/ جمهور: Audience

  • 10 years ago, the American University of Beirut launched a very unique program that remains unique in the Middle East- University for Seniors. Today’s seniorswant to remain intellectually challenged and socially engaged, actively contributing to their community. Our seniors are accomplished, energetic, sociable, and generous. They have valuable life and professional experiences to share.

    Amani Zaidan who is the program coordinator at UFS chats about UFS and its benefits.

    Make sure to check below our top 20 picks vocabulary from this episode.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Khamseen/ خمسين: Fifty

    2. Shareq El-Awsat/ شرق الأوسط: Middle East

    3. Ahdef/ أهداف: Goals

    4. N7areb/ نحارب: We fight

    5. Shay-khokhah/ شيخوخة: Aging

    6. So7iyeh/ صحية: Healthy

    7. Salimeh/ سليمة: Peacefully

    8. Momakanin/ ممكنين: Empowering

    9. Qadirean/ قادرين: Capable

    10. Fe3elin/ فعالين: Active

    11. Lejneh/ لجنة: Committee

    12. Ara2/ أراء: Opinions

    13. Temyeez/ تمييز: Discrimination

    14. Mo7adarat/ محاضرات: Lectures

    15. Mabade2/ مبادئ: Principles

    16. Iqtisad/ إقتصاد: Economics

    17. Tarikh/ تاريخ: History

    18. Mwazaf/ موظف: Employee

    19. Sot/ صوت: Voice

    20. Takalifna/ تكليفنا : Our expenses

  • Welcome to the 1st episode of Levantine Arabic, made easier season 2.

    In this episode I interview Mark Hachem, we spoke about his video that went viral, how did he start, and what are his coming plans.

    Below are some vocabularies that we used throughout the episode.

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    Music by: Stay Young

    by Nick Petrov


    1. Nas/ ناس: People

    2. Netefe2/ نتفق: We agree

    3. Dayfe/ ضيفي: My guest

    4. Mod7ek/ مضحك: Funny

    5. El-hay2ah/ الحيقة: Seems/ apparently

    6. Bil nesbeh ele/ بالنسبة لإلي: According to me

    7. Faja2ne/ فاجأني: Surprised me

    8. Ta2aleed/ تقليد: Customs/ traditions

    9. Sh-hadeh/ شهادة: Degree/ certificate

    10. Da3em/ دعم: Support

    11. Ro7 el-nekteh/ روح النكتة: Sense of humor

    12. Hadaf/ هدف: Goal

    13. By-ze3-jak/ بيزعجك: Bother you (masculine)

    14. Fatesh/ فتش: Search/ look for

    15. Feel/ جيل: Generation

    16. Zawej el-madaneh/ زاوج المدني: Civil marriage

    17. Erbeh/ قربة: Closeness

    18. Karameh/ كرامة: Generosity

    19. Emet el-3ayleh/ قيمة العيلة: Family value

    20. Twafa2et/ توفقت: Got lucky/ worked out

  • In this episode Michel from *Instagram link below*, discusses 10 things we could do to keep our brain healthy!

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    Books recommended by Michel:

    1. Brain Food by Dr. Lisa Mosconi

    2. Change your brain, change your life by Dr. Daniel Amen

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    Did you know that we spend 28 years sleeping & 7 years trying to fall asleep and couple more year on social media- life is too short & time is valuable. In this episode I talk about 4 tiny habits for better time management.

    Special thanks to for music! You are awesome!

  • This is episode 15 part 2 with my student Malik. We discuss 15 funny phrases we use in our daily conversations. I have attached the page from my book where we introduce these phrases.

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  • I interviewed my student Jonathan and we discussed his experience in dating in NYC. We spoke about his favorite dating App., the pros & cons of dating online, and his craziest date ever!

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