
  • A twice-weekly conversational offering for coaches, embodiment teachers and anyone who sees the body as more than a hunk of meat.

    Embodiment Unlimited hosts Mark Walsh, Karin Van Maan and Christina Dohr interview leaders and innovators from embodied disciplines. Mindfulness, trauma therapy, martial arts, meditation, somatics, yoga, and movement practices generally, are all discussed, with educators, academics and experts from around the world. The flavour is usually light-hearted and practical.


    Embodied Facilitator Course : https://embodimentunlimited.com/efc/

  • https://www.eldinhasa.co.uk
    My goal with this podcast is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually achieve your goals.
    You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life, and learn how to live to your full potential.
    Hosted By Eldin Hasa, 🌟 Neuroscientist | Mind Architect | #1 Expert on Human Behaviour | Corporate Training | 🎙 SPEAKER | Workshops | Retreats | 18 years Experience | Entrepreneur| Finance | Realestate | E-Learning | Author | 🎙 Podcaster

  • Nonviolent communication is a process that consists of an intention to contribute to our own well being, and the well being of others, compassionately.

    So that whatever we do is done willingly, not done out of guilt, or shame, or fear of punishment, or trying to buy love, by submitting to what we think others expect us to do.

    That we give solely out of the joy that comes naturally from contributing to life. Our own life and the lives of others.


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    You could even create episode length recordings for b

  • This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenberg's classic book "Nonviolent Communication" and many of his videos. It is my intention to share what I have learned and to help those who truly want to become better communicators to avoid some of the common mistakes I see over and over when people attempt to practice NVC. It is truly an amazingly powerful way of speaking and being and I am excited to go on this journey with you.