
  • Winter months and January in particular can be hard on us all, with shorter days and darker evenings. We all want to wake up in the morning and go through our day feeling motivated and energised. Sadly, this doesn’t always happen, particularly as we are creatures of habit and more often than not our lifestyle patterns need to be shaken up and reinvigorated to ignite the motivation within us. How can we energise ourselves and get the motivation we all need so that we can get the most out of life? Imparting his knowledge on us and motivational technique to life your best life is, Robert West, Professor of Psychology at University College London and an Associate of UCL’s Centre for Behaviour Change. For more information, visit, 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Confirmed cases of coronavirus have now spanned the globe, and figures of new cases are increasing each day. COVID-19 has spiralled out of our control, leaving countries across the globe in a state of emergency and doctors and nurses overstretched. At present, it is expected that the coronavirus pandemic could affect the UK well into 2021 and may lead to 7.9 million people being hospitalised, adding even more strain on health services and with knock on effects on the economy. There are simple measures that each and everyone of us can do to help minimise the spread of coronavirus, as our very actions can help reduce the chances of us catching it and in turn spreading the virus. This week's Food For Thought sees NHS Dr Joshua Wolrich discuss the evolving advice and spread of misinformation in these uncertain times. Please note, all evidence-based information shared in this episode are accurate as of 20 March 2020. For more information, visit and Further resources can be found at;

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.