
  • Michael Mithoefer, MD is a Clinical Investigator and acting Medical Director of MAPS Public Benefit Corporation. He and his wife, Annie, completed the first phase 2 clinical trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in 2009 and a subsequent study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in military veterans, firefighters and police officers. They are now supervising therapists in the ongoing MAPS Phase 3 trials of MDMA-assisted Psychotheapy for PTSD, leading trainings in MDMA- assisted psychotherapy for therapists interested in working on clinical trials, and providing FDA-approved MDMA sessions for research therapists. He is Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina, is a Grof certified Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner, has been a Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist, and has been board certified in Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine.

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  • Michelle Glass is a level three Certified IFS Practitioner, Alternative Counselor*, and SoulCollage® Facilitator in Eugene, Oregon. She is the author of the well-received book, Daily Parts Meditation Practice©: A Journey of Embodied Integration for Clients and Therapists and provides DPMP workshops at the Annual IFS Conference and around the world, as well as offers support for those wanting to work with the tools of the DPMP process.

    Having over 15 years of experience with the IFS Model and learning it first from the inside out, Michelle brings a palpable nature of a Self-led / mostly-unburdened system to the world. Becoming acquainted with her parts through healing from a childhood of complex trauma, she like Dick, is “a crusader for the personhood of parts.” Her IFS healing journey and Dick’s interest in her tools birthed the DPMP process. 

    She loves bringing the gifts of intimately knowing her own system to facilitate others, especially therapists and practitioners, in doing so. Her private practice the Listener, LLC, has always been online enabling her to see clients around the world and she maintains a lengthy waitlist. Additionally, Michelle is the editor of the Foundation for Self Leadership's magazine, OUTLOOK

    She has greatly enjoyed expanding her world-wide circle of colleagues and friends through these positions. She is currently on a writing sabbatical to complete her next book which will take readers through a felt sense of a highly-blended system with little access to Self to that of a mostly-unburdened Self-led system. 

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  • Susan is a Lead Trainer for IFS Institute since the early days, and helped Richard Schwartz to develop the model all along the way. Susan just published a book on Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement and Touch in Practice -  North Atlantic Books.
    In this episode we welcome back Susan and check in with her on this pandemic tough days. Then we dive in Susan's new book: writing process, main ideas and practices.
    For more on this Podcast,  and to get episodes transcriptions, please visit our website:

  • Robert Falconer has an undergraduate degree in cultural anthropology, with a focus on the history of religions.In the early 1980s he pursued his masters degree in psychology while balancing a career in construction and real estate investment.When Robert started as a therapist, he focused on the work of Milton Erickson and hypnotherapy. He then moved into working with Jack and Helen Watkins; who developed ego state therapy. In his career as a therapist, Robert spent considerable time at the Esalen Institute and decades involved in gestalt therapy. Robert has been familiar with IFS therapy for 20 years, but completely devoted himself to the model for the last 10 years.

    Robert was one of the first men to speak publicly about being sexually abused as a child, and for many years he worked primarily with men with a similar trauma history. Now he works with people learning IFS. Most recently Robert co-authored with Dick Schwartz a book entitled “Many Minds, One Self:evidence for a radical shift in paradigm“

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  • After a career in social work management, Liz became interested in alternative approaches to leadership and organisational change, working as an independent consultant and facilitator for public services.
    She particularly engaged with participatory approaches based on ideas around systems theory, including Open Space Technology.

    In 2008, Liz trained in psychosynthesis, a model that has many similarities with IFS, not least the idea of sub-personalities and a core self, within a spiritual context. She qualified as a therapist and set up in private practice, with an emphasis on working with trauma. She trained in other (Therapeutic )  modalities including EMDR and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, but since discovering IFS a few years later this has been her map for understanding and navigating the world, inside and out.

    Liz is an experienced IFS therapist and has been a PA many times. Her travels with IFS over the last few years have taken her to cities Madrid, Copenhagen, South Korea and Bali, as well as to the IFS conference in Denver. Currently she is working as ‘lead PA’ on online L1 and L2 trainings internationally.

    Alongside her therapy practice, Liz continues to work from time to time as an Open Space facilitator. With colleagues, in 2018 she organised the first Open Space weekend for the IFS community in the UK. This has now become an annual event and next year’s will be the fourth.

    In between all this, she continues - and enjoys - her private practice as an IFS therapist and supervisor, based at her home in Bath in the UK.

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  • Jeanne Catanzaro, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist with 25 years’ experience in treating eating and trauma related issues. She has written articles about IFS and eating disorders, and is dedicated to helping people develop Self-led relationships with food and their bodies.
    Jeanne is a certified IFS therapist in private practice in Brookline, Massachusetts, and is Vice Chair of the executive committee for the IFS Institute.

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  • Deb Dana is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specialized in treating complex traumatic stress and lectures internationally on the ways Polyvagal Theory informs clinical interactions with trauma survivors.  She is the consulting to the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium in the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University and the developer of the Rhythm of Regulation clinical training series. Deb is trained in Internal Family Systems and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy,  and completed the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies at the Trauma Center.  Deb is the author of The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy (Norton, 2018), Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection (from Norton) and co-editor with Stephen Porges, of Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory (Norton, 2018). 

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  • This is an episode with Richard Schwartz,  author and founder of this amazing and unique Psychotherapy Model. Internal Family Systems is for many a Metamodel, a model of the Mind, a Map and a Path to our lives, a new Paradigm, a Social Mouvement. Please welcome Dick Schwartz.

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  • In this episode we are welcoming back Mary Kruger, an AAMFT supervisor and an IFS Lead Trainer. Mary is the founder of Rimmon Pond Counseling, an IFS-based private practice located in New Haven, Connecticut; specializing in addictions, eating disorders, and trauma for over 25 years. Mary incorporates IFS with her own penchant for the experience, and has developed a variety of creative ways to work with parts and access Self-energy in individual, relational, and group contexts.  She enjoys sharing her experience in teaching and consulting on a national level. Mary is noted for her humor, creativity, passion, and love of dancing and people. She also offers private therapy, consultations and workshops.

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  • In this Episode Paul Neustadt help us recognize the true nature of our exiles, differentiating them from their burdens, and identifying their natural qualities and Gifts, hiden behind experiences of neglet and abuse. Paul suggests some tools to find and reflect back this qualities and gifts, and shares some personal stories to ilustrate this inner processes. Paul also offers a Meditation and a writing exercise.

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