再不更新這個頻道真的要被遺忘、或者有人要退追了:) 如果你對諮商也有點好奇,歡迎來聽聽我踏入諮商室的心路歷程! YouTubeu同步上線! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: SZA - BMF Hotel Ugly - is there free breakfast here? Chase Shakur - you need an angel SZA - drive Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends (Provided by Lofi Girl) --Hosting provided by SoundOn
一上台就會抖的症頭不知道怎麼解Q YouTubeu同步上線! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Missing episodes?
我受得了德國人嗎?你受得了日本人嗎?真的不曉得ㄟ:) YouTubeu同步上線! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Ajmw - Way Back When Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
聽完大家可以跟我分享歐洲到底值不值得待下去! YouTubeu同步上線! 歡迎同步搜尋Chia的podcast:30cc三十西西 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Ajmw - Way Back When Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
兩個客家人聊天,客家腔應該沒有很明顯吧! 沅臻從台大戲劇走到客語廣播主持人的心路歷程,一次講給大家聽! 我們YouTubeu也同步上線啦!!! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
不可能那麼久才更新一集吧! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Ajmw - Hometown Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
不可能在那邊一直亂說話!😍 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Ajmw - Hometown Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
大家都來聽聽聰明人講話是什麼樣子,就是這個樣子! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
你也想學個第二外語嗎?請先做好心理準備!:) 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
真的認識一輩子了吧! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
來聽聽什麼叫做把自己逼到極限! 可以小額贊助我(兩百萬分感謝!):https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/df3675da-5a6f-4787-a6c6-3d3db36ea86b BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
來聽聽看經濟系到底在幹嘛,加速器又是在加速什麼! BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
一起來聽聽我們對於古典樂的碎念哈哈 BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl 選曲: Brahms - Violin Sonata No 1 in G Major, op. 78 Scriabin - Deux Poèmes, Op 32 Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
我真的剪到太快樂!最好笑的一集! BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
來聽聽創業/開咖啡廳/與人共事到底有奪難! BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
怎麼會有剪到一半自己感動出來的問題? BGM: Tatami Construct x towerz - Good friends Provided by Lofi Girl --Hosting provided by SoundOn
回到訪談系列! 勘誤:新加坡的人口組成大概是華人、印度人、馬來人 BGM: Tatami Construct x tower - good friends --Hosting provided by SoundOn
這次的故事更荒謬了 BGM: Carly Rae Jepsen - Tug Of War Luz - The authur 不擁有音樂版權,且不作為商業用途,如有侵權疑慮,煩請告知謝謝。 I do not own the copyright of the music. And the music will not be used for commercial purpose. Please contact me if there is any concern about the violation of the copyright. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在歐洲旅遊真的膽戰心驚 BGM: Grace Vanderwaal - Poser Jeremy Zucker - Oh, mexico 不擁有音樂版權,且不作為商業用途,如有侵權疑慮,煩請告知謝謝。 I do not own the copyright of the music. And the music will not be used for commercial purpose. Please contact me if there is any concern about the violation of the copyright. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
笑死掉,內容到底要多日常? BGM: Rex Orange County - Pluto Projector Elliot Moss - Slip 不擁有音樂版權,且不作為商業用途,如有侵權疑慮,煩請告知謝謝。 I do not own the copyright of the music. And the music will not be used for commercial purpose. Please contact me if there is any concern about the violation of the copyright. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
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