
  • Show Notes

    How to Stop Sabotaging Your Own Energy
    Hint: It Takes MORE than a Change of Thought to Change Your Reality

    No matter the kind of change you’re wanting to create in your life, health or business… thought management alone won’t get you there.

    Not if you're giving away your energy or getting stuck in the pattern of creating your own energy leaks.

    Mindset management IS important and thoughts DO create reality, but thought management is limited if you’re relying on simply thinking a new thought and lack awareness of the energy your FOCUS is creating.

    In this episode, I’m going beyond mindset management to cover:

    Why mindset management alone won’t help you change your reality. How you might be working against your own brain and energetic design and not even realize it. The role of focus and attention in creating a new desired reality. The role of your BODY in energy management. How you might be unconsciously splitting your energy even when you’re excited and focused on a goal.

    All so you can stop sabotaging your natural energetic nature and start creating the change you desire.

    Important Links:

    ✔️Join me for The Vibrant Woman
    A experience and practice in energy mastery where you’ll go from being stretched too thin to feeling vibrant and alive!

  • Show Notes

    If you shy away from goals, especially money goals, because you don’t think it's very spiritual to make money, here’s some truth:

    The reason money and money goals feel bad or yucky to you doesn’t have anything to do with spirituality.

    It’s the meaning YOU are attaching to money and goals that feels bad.

    Listen to this episode to understand the difference between “creating” instead of “making” and learn a process to shift resistant thoughts about goals and money.

    I’m going beyond mindset management to energy management as I teach how to hear guidance more loudly and build a bridge from that guidance to 3D action by creating goals the new earth way.

    Because you ARE here to create…all as a tribute to the creator.

    Important Links:

    ✔️ Change the way you plan your time! Shift from managing time to managing energy with my Inspirement Life Planner! Order your copy at:

    ✔️ Go a step further out of making mode into creation mode. Join me for a Monthly Vision Activation Session for managing energy beyond time.

    *Register now for the next monthly session or relieve the pressure by opting for the annual membership-a monthly touchstone to be sure you stay fully aligned with the desires you are creating for your business and yourself.

    ✔️ To learn more about releasing perfectionism and  shame imprinting, reach out to me at [email protected]

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    The darkest times are a fertile field of opportunity…if you stop letting them shut you or your nervous system down. And on the other side of darkness, you’ll find the courage, confidence and certainty you seek.

    If dark or challenging life events or situations cause you to shut down or pull back or hold off on what you want to create for your life or your business, there is a way to learn to handle and even accept those challenges.

    All darkness is telling you is that you’ve hit the edge of your awareness and experience.

    And we came here to experience!

    In this episode, I’m sharing 4 ways to reclaim unlimited possibilities so you can find the courage and confidence to move forward and be more certain of what you want most in life.

    Important Links:

    Join me for a 30 day immersive experience that will reset your nervous system and your mind.
    Sovereign Soul:
    Unlearn the Hustle & Reconnect with the Divine So You Can Create Your Desired Reality With Greater Ease and Flow

    If you struggle with change and challenges and you’re tired of letting dark times shut down you or your nervous system, let’s talk about how I can support. Book time to talk to me here: https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall

  • Show Notes

    Our culture honors smart thinkers. We even call them a Genius.
    But the full definition of a genius is “an exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.”

    Even Einstein said “I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.”

    In this episode, I’m proposing something radical vs rational. I’m sharing what’s possible when we start leading our business and our life not from our head…but from our body.

    I’m sharing 3 steps to move into your body as a regular practice for making decisions, formulating strategy, and solving problems. The result?

    A beautiful blend of greater success, deeper fulfillment and bountiful joy and abundance  in your biz and in your life.

    Because, after all, you are here to serve your Divine purpose and follow your soul-driven passions and the vehicle to travel that path is indeed…your body.

    Important Links
    I’d love to hear your experience with the process I teach in this episode. Email me at
    [email protected]

    Join me for 30 day immersive experience
    Sovereign Soul:
    Unlearn the Hustle & Reconnect with the Divine So You Can Create Your Desired Reality With Greater Ease and Flow

  • Show Notes

    You’ve probably never thought of music as a strategy to uplevel your communication, performance, leadership ability and even your health.

    But my guest on this episode of #IAmVibrant is here to tell you how music can be used in a therapeutic way to do all of that and more. Frank Fitzpatick is a multi-platinum selling record producer, Grammy-nominated songwriter, award-winning filmmaker, author and international keynote speaker. He’s on a mission to amplify human potential at scale through the power of music, health sciences, entertainment, and technology.

    Frank regularly speaks with audiences of leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, health and wellness experts, high performers, and anyone curious about upleveling the human experience with music and on this episode, he’s showing us how to use the power of music in everyday life to awaken our creativity, improve our wellbeing, rewire our brains, and deepen our relationships so that we amplify our human potential.

    Frank shares micro-practices that make a macro-difference, emerging possibilities with hearables and even touch on leading edge research on music therapies for those on the autism spectrum.

    Get ready to  amplify your state of calm and focus in the most delightful way!

    Important Links:

    Read to “tune” your inner vibrational state to align with the outer success you desire. 

    Talk to Leah about working together at: https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall

  • Show Notes

    When you’re working really hard and giving something your all and not seeing results yet, it’s hard. Sometimes it’s enough to make you want to give up.

    But there is a way to keep the faith and master your energy attunement so that you can create what you really, really want the only way anything is created:

    In energy first.

    Listen in to this episode as Leah shares a quick hits list that will clean up your strategy and efforts.

    Then she’s teaching 5 Ways to keep your faith in yourself and your ability to have what you want most in life.

    Important Links:

    For more info and offerings from Leah Lund including Sovereign Soul-a 30 day practice with daily Divine Energy Attunement + Spiritual Immunity™ Practices and 4-part Masterclass series that helps you build the capacity to stick to it and create what you want most in life, go to www.linktr.ee/leahlund

  • Show Notes:

    Gary Zukav is a Master Spiritual Teacher & Author who, among many appearances and honors, made 36 appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show. His many NYTB books are published in 32 languages and have sold over 6 million copies and include the world renowned Seat of the Soul. Linda Francis, a healing professional for three decades, is a registered nurse and Doctor of Chiropractic. She read and followed Gary’s books and met Gary in 1993 and they created a spiritual partnership. Today, the couple practice and teach authentic power, co-author books and co-founded The Seat of the Soul Institute together. 

    Not only is a new human emerging, Gary Zukav & Linda Francis share it’s really a new species. We’re in an unprecedented transformation in human consciousness and the new human consciousness is emerging FAST- within a few generations unlike the old consciousness that took thousands of millennia to evolve. We’re evolving even beyond our multi-sensory consciousness and this evolution is permeating every part of our lives including business. 

    The new world can be one that runs, not on currency and capital, but on harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life. Amidst the disintegration of ALL of our social structures, this power duo (authentic power duo, that is) shares incredible wisdom for your relationships, business, parenting, leadership and evolution through your heart and soul. They even share how they became spiritual partners in the first place. This conversation is pure delight!


    Episode #33: How to Separate Your Self-Worth From Your Bottom Line

    Do you feel like you’re doing all the right business strategies, yet revenue and profits aren’t where you want them to be?

    Maybe subconsciously you haven’t separated your self-worth from the bottom line in your business? You’re in luck!

    My guest on this episode is Aimee LaLiberte and she’s sharing how to improve your relationship with your money and your business in a way that will take finances from transaction to transformational!

    Aimee is the owner of My Virtual CFO and a trusted profitability advisor to six and seven‐figure business owners who are tired of being behind in their books and are ready to uncover blind spots, course correct, and ultimately get more profitable. Aimee also is a certified life and money coach and works with business owners who seek greater confidence and unwavering drive to attract and build wealth in their businesses and lives. Talk about an unbeatable combination of expertise to have in your corner!

    Listen in and you’ll learn how to maximize profit even if you’re inside the hustle stage, the must have systems that make it easier to receive money and even when to start outsourcing without negatively affecting your bottom line. Heck-Aimee’s even talking about how to embrace paying taxes!

    LISTEN IN HERE and you’ll feel like you’ve just hired your own CEO!

    Important Links:

    ✔️There’s a few days left to qualify for the Early Enrollment Package for 2022’s Spiritual Wealth Creation- a 6 month experience where you’ll learn to embody the energetic frequency of abundance and prosperity in your business and in your life!
    More details available at: https://leah-lund.mykajabi.com/Spiritual-Wealth-Creation

    And to book a call to talk with Leah about Spiritual Wealth Creation before its too late go to https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16479531&appointmentType=7846331

    ✔️Restore your natural energy and sustain it with our B.E.S.T. Burnout Recovery Routine:

    ✔️Brain chemistry depletion can leave you feeling tired, unmotivated, emotional and apathetic. See if it's time to freshen up your brain with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment: https://bit.ly/brainchemistryassessment


    Episode #32: Top 5 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way & Unblock Your Success

    Why can't you get yourself to do the things you say you want to do?

    In this episode, I’m distilling down some of the most effective techniques and strategies that I teach my clients that help you break out of things like...overwhelm, procrastination, self-doubt or a lack of belief in yourself...all of which are signs of blocked energy and getting in your own way!

    It’s time to stop relying on willpower and all other forms of self-sabotage (yes, you read that right) and start releasing energetic blocks so you can get out of your own way and experience the joy and fulfillment you crave.

    This goes way beyond thought management and even further than emotional intelligence.

    This is about managing your energy!

    Important Links:

    ✔️ Is your brain blocking you? If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed or doubting yourself, see if your brain is getting in your way with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment: https://bit.ly/brainchemistryassessment

    ✔️ Pre-order The Inspirement Life Planner 2022 and/or join us for The Manage Your Energy Beyond Your Time Vision Activation Workshop! bit.ly/energyplanner

    ✔️ Spiritual Wealth Creation™ is OPEN!! This group experience is part training, part coaching, part community and 100% practice of mastering your energy attunement with Leah’s mentorship and guidance. To talk with Leah about the program and a plan for your energy attunement, schedule time at: https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall


    Episode #31 Am I Really Doing This? How to Go from Great Idea to Inspired Action

    When you have a Divine nudge that drops in out of nowhere...it is the Creator pointing your awareness to something you are here to do.

    And you know the feeling…

    -bouncing off the walls excitement
    -this is it! Game changer! feeling of certainty
    -no stopping you now determination
    -pure joy and ecstasy of the possibilities

    And then...in the next moment, with one question, the mind takes over with doubt and all the reasons it can’t work and you can’t do it. And you ask yourself...

    Am I really doing this?

    That is the moment that you are most likely to abandon your great idea and step out of alignment with your Divine purpose and in this episode of #IAmVibrant, I’m teaching why that happens and simple steps to get yourself (and the mind) back in the game and into Inspired Action in a way that masters your energy attunement and keeps you from ever abandoning your dreams again!

    Important Links:

    ✔️To learn more about tools mentioned in this podcast like a Master Calendar, 30 Day Creation Plan, The Inspirement Life Planner 2022 or The Manage Your Energy Beyond Your Time Vision Activation Workshop go to bit.ly/energyplanner

    ✔️ Spiritual Wealth Creation™ is OPEN!! This group experience is part training, part coaching, part community and 100% practice of mastering your energy attunementwith Leah’s mentorship and guidance. To talk with Leah about the program and a plan for your energy attunement, schedule time at https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall


    Episode #30 Sacred Feminine Rhythms: How Moving Your Body Moves You Closer To Your Vision 

    What if bringing your Vision to fruition doesn’t have to be so hard? 

    What if it’s not about rethinking your strategy or sacrificing more of your time? 

    What if the secret to success in your business, career and life lies in allowing your BODY to lead? 

    Women and men are designed differently. Period. As women, our bodies are not meant to do the same things in the same timing or routine every day. When we women become attuned to noticing the feedback our body is giving us all the time and align our schedule and activity to follow those rhythms, the result can be greater success with more ease and flow. 

    In this episode of #IAmVibrant, I’m having a juicy conversation with Lindsay Marten Ellis where she’s sharing:
    -how the body has no timeline and what to do when it’s ready to release pent up emotion
    -how to organize your calendar and your day in a way where you’ll never feel like you’re out of time again
    -what projects and activities to take on at what phase and cycle of the cosmos, the month, and your life 

    You’ll learn how to move your body to move closer to your Vision, because the body doesn’t lie. 

    Learn More About Lindsay Marten Ellis: 

    Lindsay is a transformation & healing coach for women; feminine embodiment & human design guide; and Executive Director, advocate, & educator with the activist beauty brand, Beautycounter. Her life’s work is devoted to empowering women to transform from the inside out using a soulful, magnetic, body-based approach. 

    Lindsay’s cutting-edge Awakened Woman framework helps women heal their relationship with themselves through connecting to the body. This journey of healing and self-discovery activates women’s deepest desires on a cellular level, while awakening their soul’s whispers to co-create expansion in the arenas of purpose, alignment, and impact. 

    Women who join Lindsay’s community seek a sisterhood of deep connection, accountability, expansion of growth edges, and commitment to healing and transformation. Learn more at https://lindsaymartenellis.com/ 

    Discover Your Unique Awakened Woman Archetype & Unleash the Fullest Expression of Your Authentic Self with Lindsay’s Quiz: https://lindsaymartenellis.com/quiz/ 

    Important Links: 

    ✔️ Restore your natural energy and sustain it with our B.E.S.T. Burnout Recovery Routine: https://bit.ly/dailybestburnoutrecoveryroutine 

    ✔️ Brain chemistry depletion can leave you feeling tired, unmotivated, emotional and apathetic. See if it's time to freshen up your brain with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment: https://bit.ly/brainchemistryassessment 

    ✔️ Talk to Leah about your energy and map out a plan to master your energy attunement. https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall 

    ✔️ Learn more about Spiritual Wealth Creation- a 6 month experience where you’ll learn to embody the energetic frequency that matches and creates your desires https://bit.ly/SpiritualWealthCreationwaitlist 

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.


    Episode #29 3 Shifts to Break Free of Imposter Syndrome

    I don’t know enough.

    Who am I to do that?

    What if I fail or embarrass myself?

    These are the thoughts of a mind trapped in Imposter Syndrome.

    The definition of Imposter Syndrome is:

    Psychological pattern in which people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud"

    Imposter Syndrome is not that uncommon-even very successful entrepreneurs and business leaders can have an IS experience when they take on something new or move to a bigger scale.

    And breaking free of Imposter Syndrome isn’t as complicated as you...scratch that...the mind might think.

    That’s why I’m teaching 3 shifts you can make to break free of Imposter Syndrome and once and for all have the confidence to “go for it” in business and in life.

    Because it’s your Divine purpose to CREATE.

    Important Links:

    ✔️It's your natural design and Divine right to be a Powerful Creator! If you’d like my support in mapping out a plan for you to move forward and reach your biggest goals in business and in life by mastering your energy attunement, you can schedule time to speak with me here:. https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall

    ✔️Restore your natural energy and sustain it with our
    B.E.S.T. Burnout Recovery Routine:

    ✔️ Brain chemistry depletion can leave you feeling tired, doubtful, unmotivated, emotional and apathetic. See if it's time to freshen up your brain with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment:

    ✔️ Learn more about Spiritual Wealth Creation- a 6 month experience where you’ll learn to embody the energetic frequency that matches and creates your desires https://bit.ly/SpiritualWealthCreationwaitlist

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

  • Show Notes

    Episode #28 Fresh After 50: How to Stay Sharp & Savvy In Your Business & Life

    No matter if you sometimes feel like life is passing you by or if you wonder if “your time” is ever really going to come…

    If you’re 50 or beyond in earthly years, it’s your Golden Age, Powerful Creators!

    In this episode Leah shares how to stay fresh, sharp and savvy as you reinvent yourself, start your next chapter business or evolve and adapt to stay relevant in your current career or business.

    The result?

    Greater success with greater ease and flow.

    Leah is teaching simple steps to begin:

    1. Restoring your natural energy

    2. Expanding your capacity so you avoid emotional triggers

    3. Shifting your mindset especially about aging

    4. Attuning your vibrational frequency-the thing most people don’t do

    This is your guide to being a new earth leader and wisdom keeper that shapes our world as you begin to live life on your terms and experience your greatest joy and potential.

    Important Links:

    ✔️ Restore your natural energy and sustain it with our
    B.E.S.T. Burnout Recovery Routine: https://bit.ly/dailybestburnoutrecoveryroutine

    ✔️ Brain chemistry depletion can leave you feeling tired, unmotivated, emotional and apathetic. See if it's time to freshen up your brain with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment: https://bit.ly/brainchemistryassessment

    ✔️ Talk to Leah about your energy and map out a plan to master your energy attunement: https://bit.ly/inneralignmentcall

    ✔️ Learn more about Spiritual Wealth Creation- a 6 month experience where you’ll learn to embody the energetic frequency that matches and creates your desires: https://bit.ly/SpiritualWealthCreationwaitlist

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

  • Show Notes

    Episode #27 Beyond Mindset Management: How to Bulletproof Your Motivation Even in Stressful, Unpredictable Times

    It’s not always easy to be the one Divinely assigned to keep the enthusiasm and engagement up in your business…movement…mission…family…or maybe all of the above!

    Yet the unpredictability of the world right now can cause even the most motivated leaders to feel disillusioned, disenchanted or just plain tired or burned out at times.

    Maintaining your motivation amidst the false starts, setbacks, disappointments and delays takes effort and a strategy.

    It’s still possible to create success in your business and life right now. Some would say MORE possible IF you pay attention to how you are feeling and release resistance, fear, worry and confusion.

    Everything you desire is still out there…in the field…waiting for you to attune to it and receive.

    Important Links:

    ✔️It takes clear focus to stay motivated and on track. It’s a matter of managing your energy beyond your time. Learn my Inspirement Life™proprietary energy management process and keep yourself on track by joining:
    Manage Your Energy Beyond Your Time

    ✔️What if your lack of motivation isn’t “you” at all? What if it’s your brain? Take our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry assessment and find out if depleted brain chemistry is the cause of your apathy, procrastination, lack of energy or motivation and more.

    ✔️ If your heart, body, spirit and even part of your mind KNOW that you’ve been living an energetic lie, meaning for all the personal growth and mindset work you’ve done, your energetic vibration STILL doesn’t match your desires, schedule time to talk with me about how I can support your energetic attunement. Schedule time here:
    Inner Alignment Strategy Call:

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.


    Episode #26 Managing Time Vampires to Protect Your Energy

    It's easy to know when an energy vampire has you in their grip: you feel their negative energy and it drains you.

    But are you as aware of when you are in the presence of a Time Vampire?

    We truly can’t manage time, meaning we can’t manufacture more of it, but when we manage our energy beyond time, we instantly feel better about how we spend our precious time. Time Vampires zap your productivity right along with your energy and you just might be going along with their priorities without even realizing it. The result?

    Lower productivity, wasted time and most important of all...lower energetic vibration.

    And you attract and create from that vibration.

    In this episode, I’m teaching how to spot a Time Vampire and more importantly how to manage your experience with them so that your priority (and your energy) isn’t sabotaged or hi-jacked.

    The strategies in this episode will not only help you be more productive and create what you intend to create, but they just might help you have a great relationship with someone you’d previously been avoiding and, in the process, liberate BOTH of your energy.

    Important Links:

    ✔️Successfully managing your interactions with Time Vampires requires that you have a solid plan for your time (and energy) up front. Learn my Inspirement Life™ proprietary energy management process and keep yourself on track by joining:
    Manage Your Energy Beyond Your Time

    ✔️If your heart, body, spirit and even part of your mind KNOWS that you’ve been living an energetic lie, meaning for all the personal growth and mindset work you’ve done, your energetic vibration STILL doesn’t match your desires, schedule time to talk with me about how I can support your energetic attunement. Schedule time here:
    Inner Alignment Strategy Call:

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.


    Episode #25 Courage to Find & Follow Your Divine Purpose

    If deep inside, your heart longs to make a change in your career, business or life but you’re afraid of the consequences, you’ll want to listen to this episode.

    My guest Keri is sharing the moment of truth where she realized she was sacrificing her values for her career and in that instant, she made a new choice.

    Even though everything looked good on paper in her life, Keri had been feeling hollow inside for a while, so she opened herself up for a change...and then the courage came.

    Keri is sharing where that courage came from and the bold moves it enabled her to make. She shares what happened when she walked away, and pressed pause allowing for a total reset in her life and work.

    She’s even sharing the Meaningful Manifestation technique that was born out of her personal journey. This process helps you avoid manifesting “things” that still feel hollow and unsuccessful and start manifesting in a way that is meaningful for the world.

    Keri Stanley’s courageous move led her to found the Grace of Fire Movement and help women leaders create space to lead their lives fulfilled and on fire as they rise in their career. You can learn more at:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keri.stanley.7

    Instagram: @keristanley_adventures

    And look for Keri’s new podcast Grace On Fire including her interview with me!

    Important Links:

    ✔️To release energy drains through Breathwork, try my
    Breathwork to Release Anger, Fear & Worry and Restore Peace, Hope & Love

    ✔️ To learn other Energy Mastery techniques & practices that I use personally and with clients, download my free: Aligning Your Vibration With Your Desires Guide
    *This will also subscribe you to my emails and you’ll receive energy mastery tips and techniques, as well as be the first to know about Breathwork courses and classes.

    ✔️Know you are ready to shift away from struggle, hustle and overthinking into ENERGY MASTERY and want to talk with me about working together, schedule time to talk at: https://bit.ly/bestenergyandcapacity

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

    If you’re enjoying this podcast, remember to give us a 5-star review! It helps others like you learn to lead a healthy, conscious high frequency business and that makes a difference in the energy and consciousness of our world. I appreciate it and will your sisters in biz!

  • Show Notes

    Episode #24 Breathwork for Problem Solving, Decision Making & Action Taking

    There’s nothing like indecision or getting stuck in a problem to drain your energy and suck our creative juices dry. Yet-overthinking and rethinking do little to solve the issue or create your desired results.

    If you’re tired of the spin cycle of the mind, in this episode, I’m teaching another way. A way to shift your attention to your energy and mastery the quality of your vibration and the quality of your results.

    Breathwork is an ancient practice and I consider it the original frequency therapy, and it can be used as a 1 min Energy Rescue and a vibrational anchor to start and end your day.

    Listen to this episode to learn some basics of Breathwork and a specific process to use Breathwork to solve problems, make decisions and motivate yourself into action.

    The most beautiful thing about enlisting the support of the Breath to solve your problems? You can tune yourself to the vibration you choose and then turn over the problem and allow Spirit to do the heavy lifting.

    Important Links:

    ✔️To go deeper with Breathwork, try my Breathwork to Release Anger, Fear & Worry and Restore Peace, Hope & Love:

    ✔️ To learn other Energy Mastery techniques & practices that I use personally and with clients, download my free: Aligning Your Vibration With Your Desires Guide: https://bit.ly/alignyourvibrationguide

    *This will also subscribe you to my emails and you’ll receive energy mastery tips and techniques, as well as be the first to know about Breathwork courses and classes.

    ✔️Know you are ready to shift away from struggle, hustle and overthinking into ENERGY MASTERY and want to talk with me about working together, schedule time to talk at: https://bit.ly/bestenergyandcapacity

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

    If you’re enjoying this podcast, remember to give us a 5-star review! It helps others like you learn to lead a healthy, conscious high frequency business and that makes a difference in the energy and consciousness of our world. I appreciate it and will your sisters in biz!


    Episode #23- Empath on a Mission: Tap into Your Super Power

    If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) or Empath, leading your business, movement, or mission at the best of times can be overwhelming and in the space of more recent global events it may have put you into an unprecedented level of sensory overload.

    But I’m here to flip the lens on what it means to be an Empath.

    We are ENERGY beings, designed to lead with our energy. So, whether you’ve closed yourself down for protection and you’re feeling nothing OR you’re feeling everything and can’t seem to control your emotions PLEASE KNOW THIS:

    When you learn to FEEL your emotions long enough for them to expand you without them sabotaging or derailing you or your purpose, you’ll redefine the experience of empathic energy and step into your power as a light anchor for our world.

    In this episode, I’m sharing how to begin using your empathic abilities in your favor, for your expansion and the betterment of all.

    Useful Links:

    ✔️Take our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment to see if your brain chemistry is the root bio-chemical cause your sensitivity (or low confidence, indecision, procrastination, anxiety, overwhelm) and low capacity:

    ✔️If all that empathic energy has burned out your light, get back to your vibrant self with my free Best Burnout Recovery (daily) Routine

    ✔️Learn to transmute undesirable, unproductive emotional energy and TUNE IN to the vibration of what you want to create with my free Aligning Your Vibration With Your Desires Guide

    ✔️Start managing your energy instead of your time so you can release pressure and stop overcomplicating your success. Mid-Year July 2021-June 2022 Now Available! https://bit.ly/3pjIFm4

    ✔️Ready for high touch support to align your energy internally to create success externally? Book an Energy Strategy call with Leah at

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

    If you’re enjoying this podcast, remember to give us a 5-star review! It helps others like you learn to lead a healthy, conscious high frequency business and that makes a difference in the energy and consciousness of our world. I appreciate it and will your sisters in biz!


    Episode #22 Avoid Being In the 55% of Women Who Doubt & Burnout in Business

    If you’re a woman in business and you sometimes doubt your skills or that you have what it takes to be truly successful...you’re not alone, but you are headed for burnout.

    It’s estimated that 55% of female entrepreneurs and business leaders doubt their ability to successfully lead their business and, in my experience, I'd say that percentage is higher.

    The longer you operate from or tolerate doubt and procrastination…
    Or if you consistently second guess your strategy and your skills…
    It's an easy recipe for burnout and failure. I see it all the time.

    Listen in to this episode where I’m sharing physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and even bio-chemical strategies to build your capacity, along with your confidence, so you can stop doubting and start trusting...yourself, your purpose and your potential.

    Useful Links:
    ✔️Take our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment to see if your brain chemistry is the root bio-chemical cause of low confidence, indecision, procrastination, anxiety, overwhelm and low capacity:

    ✔️Ready for high touch support to bust the mindsets that keep you doubting? Book a call with Leah by emailing [email protected] subject line: Call with Leah

    ✔️Start managing your energy instead of your time so you can release pressure and stop overcomplicating your success. Mid-Year July 2021-June 2022 Now Available! https://bit.ly/3pjIFm4

    ✔️Find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.

    If you’re enjoying this podcast, remember to give us a 5-star review! It helps others like you learn to lead a healthy, conscious high frequency business and that makes a difference in the energy and consciousness of our world. I appreciate it and so will your sisters in biz!


    Episode #21 Your New Money Story with Krystal Jackson

    Why do people who are trained for high performance, even the most accomplished athletes, often struggle and fumble when it comes to a post-athlete career like running a business and with making and keeping money in general?

    My guest on this episode knows exactly why. Krystal Jackson is a former All-American volleyball player for UCLA. After college, she played on the AVP Professional Beach Volleyball Tour and also represented the USA Volleyball internationally in countries all over the world.

    After her playing days were over she became instrumental in building Jackson Strength Academy, a sport facility she and her husband Curtis built from the ground up. They achieved solid success, until they hit a rough spot. Krystal is sharing how she had to do the “inner work” before they could move through that rough spot and how she created a sustainable business both at the gym and in coaching others to do the same. She not only tells you “about” her story, she’ll tell you exactly how to shift your money story too.

    Krystal is on a mission to empower women to believe that they truly get to have it all in their life with the body, the impact, the income and the extraordinary relationship!

    This is a candid, real interview about the energy principles of money and core “not enough-ness” that you won’t want to miss.

    For More On Krystal Jackson:
    Instagram: @krystaljackson824
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krystal.jackson.7792
    Website: www.krystaljackson.com/

    Useful Links:

    ✔️Take our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment to see if your brain chemistry is the root cause of your Workaholic Habits, perfectionism, low confidence and even your current money story: https://bit.ly/brainchemistryassessment

    ✔️Ready for high touch support so you can stop resisting success? Book a call with Leah at by emailing [email protected] subject line: Call with Leah

    ✔️Start managing your energy instead of your time so you can release resistance to success. Mid Year July 2021-June 2022 Now Available! https://bit.ly/3pjIFm4

    ✔️You can find other episodes the #IAmVibrant Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts & SoundCloud. And for a full list of listening platforms go here.