Humanistic Buddhism + A Prayer for Excursion & Travel 人間佛教 + 旅行出遊祈願文
Strategic Psychology (Excerpt) 心術(節錄)
Missing episodes?
1. 100-word Inscription of Sheng Shih-Hsing. 2. Cui Ziyu’s Mottos 1. 申文定公百字銘 2. 崔子玉座右銘
About Asking (Excerpt) 問說(節錄)
Sariputra, All Dharmas Are Marked With Emptinesses (Excerpt) 舍利子 是諸法空相(節錄)
1. Admonition 2. Ode to the Wooden Fish & Drum 3. A Moment of Thought 1. 警世 2. 魚鼓頌 3. 一念之差
Buddhist Affinities Across 100 Years (Excerpt) 人間佛緣,百年仰望(節錄)
Gathas on the Transmission of Teachings Of the Seven Buddhas.
Selection of Poems by Li Bai 李白詩選
Patience for Life, Patience for Phenomena, Patience for non-arising of Phenomena 生忍法忍無生法忍
Cottage Notes 草堂筆記
1. Silk-Washer’s Creek 2. Passing DongTing 1. 浣溪紗 2. 《念奴嬌》過洞庭
Time is Life 時間就是性命
《呻吟語》四則 Moaning Words
The Cold Food Festival + Returning to Ling Gao in the Night 寒食帖 + 《臨江仙》 夜歸臨皋
1. The Unmovable Mind + The Daily Practice of Chan 1. 禪心 2. 生活禪
The Ten Abstinences 十戒
Admonition For Bo Qin 誡伯禽
Past & Present Life + 2 Others 前世今生 + 另2首
The River is Red + 2 Others
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