Welcome to Test Tubes and Cauldrons, a podcast where we talk about the science behind spirituality! Astra, Fel, and Han are three occult practitioners with a love of science who are trying to do what everyone else is…make sense of the crazy world around us and our purpose in it! Hop into the discussions and try not to blow up a test tube or two!
Kviečiu pokalbiams apie meilę ir kaip šis stebuklingas gyvenimo ingridientas padeda gyventi geresnę kasdieną. Kalbu apie tai, ką praktikuoju - kūno, emocinį ir dvasinį intelektus. Kalbu apie jogą, neuro mokslą, budizmą, ezoteriką, santykius, seksą, kūrybą, verslo meną ir tai, kas gimsta mano - mamos, moters, partnerės, kūrėjos - kasdienos gyvenime. Su meile, Milana
Scientists With A Cause is a podcast of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in which you discover the contribution of our scientists to the Sustainable Development Goals. These are 17 goals set by the United Nations to lead our planet and its inhabitants towards sustainability, and away from poverty and climate change. How do our scientists go about this and what actually happens behind the walls of the VUB? You will hear the scientists about their research, their vision, the solutions they strive for and about why this is important for your life and our future.
I discuss clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics topics from the perspective of drug development scientists. I share my expertise and knowledge about designing and conducting clinical pharmacology studies and discuss how to analyze the data using the most effective approaches. I draw from my experience of over 20 years working in drug development organizations and consultancies.
"Everyone in the world deals with their mentality consciously or unconsciously, but not everyone takes the time to learn and develop themselves based on the good and the bad experiences they live. Join Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) Andrew Toce and NCAA Hockey Coach Zach Perkins as they discuss tips, tricks and mental skills to help you, your child or your athlete continue to be the best versions of themselves in every part of life. Join us for a short 20-30 minutes weekly to gain a mental spark to keep you refreshed and productive!"
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This podcast features content for the modern ophthalmologists, including topics such as cataract and refractive surgery, glaucoma, and retinal disease, among others. Evolve’s podcasts help today's ophthalmologists stay current on important topics in an easy-to-access, on-demand format.
Fr. Conor Donnelly is a priest of Opus Dei. He qualified as a medical doctor in University Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. After ordination he spent 22 years doing pastoral work in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently an assistant chaplain at Kianda School in Nairobi, Kenya. He has produced these podcasts to help you pray and grow in your relationship with God.
- siekia pristatyti intelektualiai pagrįstą krikščioniškąjį tikėjimą bei atsakyti į jį nukreiptą kritiką, tuo pačiu skatinant civilizuotą dialogą su prieštaraujančiais. (Į)kūrėjas: Laurynas Jacevičius, filosofijos mokslo daktaras, religijos studijų magistras (VU).
Patinka, ką darome? Paremkite misiją:
Mūsų veikla įmanoma dėl tokių žmonių, kaip Jūs! -
MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.
VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė -
Krikščioniškas projektas viso pasaulio tikintiesiems. Laidos, liudijimai, konferencijos, maldos, pranešimai, informacija ir tiesus bei atviras kalbėjimas visomis tikėjimo temomis.
Svetainė: https://zuvele.ltYoutube.: -
ENERGYMARKETING ist ein Podcast von Stefanie Bruns für erfahrene Experten, Coaches und andere High Achiever, die auf der Suche nach einem Soulaligned Success sind.
Hier wirst du deine Unternehmer Identität, deine spirituelle Reise und die Skalierung deines Seelenbusiness massiv vorantreiben.
Folge dem Tribe, abonniere unseren Podcast und verpasse keine Episode. Teile ihn mit deinen Freunden und sichere dir unsere kostenfreien Materialien auf -