
  • Jane invites Renee Dela Cruz to discuss the changing the perception around Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), emphasizing its importance and the impact it can have when approached correctly. Renee shares her insights on how PBS is misunderstood and provides a more empathetic and effective perspective on understanding and addressing behaviors.

    Key Points:

    Understanding PBS: Changing the lens on PBS, its roots in applied behavioural analysis and misconceptions around it.

    Toolkit Approach: Viewing PBS as a toolkit to understand and address distressing behaviours by understanding the individual’s environment and triggers.

    Empathy and Empowerment: The importance of empathy, understanding, and empowerment in creating effective Behaviour Support Plans under NDIS.

    Misconceptions about Behaviour: Challenging the idea that behaviours are merely choices and instead highlighting them as responses to distress.

    Family Focused: Using PBS to help families understand and support their loved ones better, rather than just controlling or managing behaviours.

    If you'd like to connect with Renee here is her website:


  • In this episode, I'm joined by Rodney Whyte, a highly experienced pharmacist specializing in the effects of medications on pregnancy, breastfeeding, pediatrics, and women's health. We dive deep into a topic that's close to the hearts of many of our listeners: ADHD medication and its impact during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    We tackle your burning questions head-on:

    Is it safe to take ADHD medication during pregnancy? Rodney shares the latest research findings and dispels some common myths. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and it's crucial to have an open and honest conversation with your doctor to weigh the potential benefits and risks for you and your baby.What about breastfeeding? This is where things get a bit more complex. We discuss the information provided by the Infant Risk Center and emphasize the importance of consulting with your healthcare provider, especially considering the age and health of your little one.To medicate or not to medicate? We understand that this is a deeply personal decision. Rodney and I stress the importance of taking an individualized approach, factoring in your specific medication, health history, and the potential impact on both you and your baby.Prioritizing your well-being as a Mum. It's easy to forget about ourselves when we're caring for a new life, but your mental and emotional health matters. If ADHD medication is a vital part of managing your symptoms and functioning well, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.

    This episode is packed with valuable insights and resources for all you incredible ADHD mums out there who are navigating pregnancy and breastfeeding. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

    Reach out to your medical team for personalised guidance, and don't forget to connect with our supportive community of fellow mums. We're all in this together!

    The Facebook community is here

    **This podcast episode is not to replace individual advice, and is general education only**

    Rodney mentions  www.infantrisk.com and https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/

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  • Jane has Millie Carr joining for this episode on diagnosis. She is a passionate neurodivergent educator, coach and now published Author, who writes children's books about diagnosis. Recently diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 35, Millie was inspired to tell her story and spread the word to young girls.

    In this episode, we delve into the significance of early intervention, the need for open dialogue about neurodiversity, and the crucial role teachers play in identifying and supporting neurodivergent students.

    Episode Highlights:

    Why the Need for DiagnosisNegative Impact on Self-PerceptionLong-Term Implications for Adult LifeBuilding Understanding and AcceptanceHow to Disclose the Diagnosis to a Child

    Check out Millie's previous episodes below:

    Highly Camoflauged and masked ADHD in the classroom

    The Neurodiverse Classroom

    Check out Millie Carr's books on ADHD at https://milliecarrbooks.com/

  • Jane welcomes Emma Rose Parsons from Spectrum House in Melbourne.

    Emma, a psychologist and fellow ADHD Mum shares insights into building resilience in children while managing the urge to act as a problem-solver.

    This episode dives deep into practical strategies for teaching children to cope with challenging situations, the importance of feeling safe for resilience-building, and discusses the nuances of navigating neurodivergent children's needs in various environments.

    **Key Topics**

    - Definition and components of resilience

    - Building resilience in both children and adults

    - The impact of environment and perceived safety on resilience

    - Distinguishing between harmful challenges and positive resilience-building opportunities

    - Strategies for helping children navigate and overcome challenges

    - Balancing compliance and respect in parenting

    - Dealing with sensory preferences and other neurodivergent needs

    - The importance of allowing children to experience safe failure

    - Addressing bullying and creating supportive school environments

    - Parenting approaches to resilience in neurodivergent children

    **Disclaimer, this is general advice only and must be used in conjunction with your own medical team**

    Check out Emma at


  • I'm joined by Joe Peters, a husband and father who's discovered a whole new perspective on ADHD within his family.

    Trust me, you won't want to miss Joe's incredible story of supporting his wife through her recent ADHD diagnosis. He'll reveal the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the incredible growth they've experienced together.

    Joe will be opening up about his own "aha" moments when he started to recognize ADHD traits not just in his wife, but also within their family. It's a raw and honest conversation about empathy, taking responsibility, and becoming a better husband.

    So, don't miss out on this invaluable conversation! Tune in to the full episode to gain a deeper understanding of their shared journey and discover how you can navigate the world of ADHD with love, support, and understanding.

  • Biggest guest I've ever interviewed as I nervously welcome Professor Tony Atwood, a true pioneer in the field of Autism, for an intimate and revealing conversation about the complexities of understanding and diagnosing neurodiversity in children, with a particular emphasis on the often-overlooked experience by those who internalise rather than externalise (often experienced by girls and women).

    Tony shares his unparalleled expertise on how professionals can become more attuned to the subtle signs of neurodiversity that may be masked or internalised, ensuring that no child slips through the cracks. We delve into the critical importance of thorough preparation and documentation in achieving a successful assessment, and explore potential groundbreaking changes to the DSM criteria that could revolutionise the way we diagnose and support neurodivergent individuals.

    Don't miss this rare opportunity to gain invaluable insights from Tony's unique dual perspective as both a seasoned clinician and a compassionate parent. This promises to be a conversation that will leave you informed, empowered, and inspired to create a more inclusive and understanding world for all children.

    I highly recommend all Dr Tony Attwood's courses - he runs Attwood and Garnett Events. Dr Michelle Garnett was unfortunately unwell the day of the interview and she is the second half of this incredible educational company.


  • Just tuned in to the latest ADHD Mums episode? It's a real gem! Jane McFadden had a fantastic chat with parenting expert Gen Muir about the ups and downs of raising neurodivergent kids. If you're looking for some honest, down-to-earth advice and strategies, this is the episode for you.

    Gen gets what it's like to be a parent in the trenches – she shares from both her personal experiences and her professional expertise. So if you're feeling overwhelmed with sibling squabbles (especially if you have neurodiverse kids), Gen's got some amazing tips on how to bring some peace and harmony back into your home. She's all about building strong, loving family connections, even when things get a little chaotic.

    Don't miss out on this heartwarming and super helpful episode!

    Gen's website is here

    and her IG handle Connected Parenting is here

    Gen’s House Rules

    1. We don't each other or ourselves

    2. We don't damage things or property

    3. We don't call people names/unkind words

    4. If someone is showing signs that they are not okay or they say stop we stop and check on them.

  • This episode I reflect on my experiences shared over the past year in the ADHD Mums podcast, I am reminded of the challenges and success faced by neurodiverse families like mine. Throughout the episodes, I have emphasized the importance of neuro affirming approaches, acceptance, and understanding for individuals with ADHD and Autism. My journey has been marked by insights into the NDIS process, therapy fatigue, and the impact of medication on behavior and family dynamics.

    One key takeaway from my podcast journey is the significance of self-awareness, compassion, and individualized approaches in supporting neurodiverse individuals and families. I have learned to trust my instincts, prioritize self-care, and seek professionals who align with my values and beliefs. Through sharing personal experiences and insights, I aim to empower other parents navigating similar challenges.

    As I continue to explore topics such as advocating for children with ADHD, navigating school environments, and promoting self-care, I hope to provide a safe space for discussions and reflections on neurodiversity. My journey with the podcast has been enlightening, challenging, and ultimately rewarding, and I look forward to continuing to share my learnings and insights with the ADHD Mums community.


    The Untold Struggles of Motherhood (Part 2) with Kaitlyn Faulkner

    Advocating for your child’s success at school with Tania Waring

    ADHD and Parenting with Sharon Collins

    High Camouflaging ADHD and ASD with Millie Carr

    Therapy Fatigue

    Addiction and ADHD (Food and Alcohol) with Fiona McIntyre

    Medication and Psychiatrist episode

    Unique Differences of ADHD and Autism in Women with Dr. Jacinta Thomson

    The Episode That Led Jane to Choose Homeschooling with Nicki Farrell

    Life as an Inattentive Mum with Bessie Campbell

    From Skeptic to Advocate: Medication for Children with Jane McFadden

  • This episode of ADHD Mums features Ceri Sanford, an ADHD compassion coach who shares her journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and how she embraces her neurodiversity.

    Ceri discusses the challenges and humorous mishaps she faced while attempting to schedule the interview, highlighting common ADHD traits like forgetfulness and lack of attention to detail. She delves into the importance of compassion towards oneself, particularly for those with ADHD, and provides insights on navigating life's daily challenges without succumbing to shame or unrealistic standards.

    Ceri also talks about her educational background, her decision to pivot her career towards helping people with ADHD, and the conception of her Compassion Project and aimed at fostering a more compassionate and understanding relationship with ADHD.

    The conversation emphasizes self-awareness, the importance of making life adjustments that cater to ADHD needs, and advocating for a realistic portrayal of ADHD and motherhood on social media.

    The episode wraps up with Ceri encouraging listeners to embrace their ADHD challenges with compassion and understanding.

    Check out Ceri on her below website:


  • **Trigger warning: there is discussion of a child disclosing suicidal tendencies**

    This episode of the ADHD Mums Podcast features a heartfelt and enlightening conversation with Alana Mannix about the complexities of co-parenting children with additional needs, particularly in the face of diagnosis disagreements.

    Jane and Alana delve into their personal experiences with ADHD, the importance of seeking documented evidence and working collaboratively with schools, and the challenges of navigating relationships with ex-partners who may not be on the same page regarding their children's needs.

    Key Highlights:

    -Alana shares the challenges she faced in getting a diagnosis for her children due to disagreements with her ex-partner.

    - The importance of documented evidence from schools and medical professionals in supporting children’s needs.

    - Strategies for effective communication with ex-partners, including keeping communication open and factual, and inviting them to participate in medical appointments.

    - Personal insights into managing ADHD as adults and parents, including medication experiences and the impact of ADHD on daily life and decision-making.

    - The role of supportive communities and professional advice in navigating the journey of parenting neurodiverse children in a co-parenting setting.

    The discussion also covers the broader implications of diagnosis and acceptance within families, offering valuable advice and solidarity to parents facing similar struggles.

  • This episode of ADHD Mums features a conversation with Bessie Campbell, a typical Aussie Mum ADHDer who shares her journey of being late-diagnosed with a combined presentation of ADHD, Autism and complex PTSD. Bessie, a mother and a professional in social services, discusses the challenges of managing ADHD inattentiveness, incorporating rigorous systems to stay organized, and the identity crisis following her diagnosis.

    The conversation touches upon the intersectionality of autism, ADHD, and complex PTSD in Bessie's life, highlighting struggles with identity, motherhood, and the exhaustive effort required to maintain semblances of organization.

    Additionally, they delve into the societal perceptions of Autism and ADHD, discussing the implications of labelling these conditions as disorders versus differences.

  • Jane is back with ALL the questions she gets in her DMs - why did she change her mind on medicating her kids?

    Jane discusses her personal experience with medication/paeds and her children and also discusses the WHY, WHY did she change her mind?


    What was the process to medicate a child?Why do you do it?Does that mean your child is short and won't eat food?Why give a child a stimulant who is hyperactive?Do these meds make children lose their personality?What side effects are there and what benefits are there?What does the research say on ADHD and outcomes of children who are medicated or not medicated?Will ADHD change my child's brain so they function better in the future?

    * This isn't an expert point of view, it is a personal experience, everyone should seek medical advice or see their treating prescribing for their professional opinion when varying their medication**

    **If you loved this episode and want to go ahead and get a diagnosis for yourself or your children - check out www.adhdmums.com.au/resources for downloadable guides on paediatricians and psychiatrists**

    Previous episode on Medication and Psychiatrists here:


    Credit to Dr Andrew Huberman, there is research from him in this podcast episode. Check him out at the Huberman lab.

    Credit also to Dr. Daniel Armin from Armin Clinics

  • This episode of the ADHD Mums Podcast features a candid conversation with Kaitlyn Faulkner from @holding_mama, who shares her personal experiences with ADHD, autism, and motherhood, living in rural New South Wales.

    Kaitlyn discusses the challenges and joys of parenting three boys with neurodivergent traits, managing impulsivity and the need for routine, and her journey to a dual diagnosis of ADHD and autism facilitated by telehealth options during the pandemic.

    The episode also touches on the importance of breaking stigmas surrounding neurodivergence, embracing one's identity to model self-acceptance for children, and the struggle with guilt and expectations in motherhood. Kaitlyn and Jane explore the complexities of finding balance, seeking support, and the reality that many mothers experience far more struggles than joy in their motherhood journey.

    Kaitlyn lists Panda as a resource - check it out here

    and Dr Sophie Brock check her out here

    If you'd like to follow Kaitlyn her IG is here where she shows her journey openly and honestly. It's a great page.

    If you loved this type of theme, check out 'The Untold Struggles of Motherhood' (Part 1) with a different guest story here

  • This episode Jane interviews Nicki Farrell from The Wildlings Forest School which delves into the intricacies of non-traditional education paths, starting with a Jane's journey from public and private schooling to homeschooling due to bullying and a lack of support in the classrooms.

    It highlights the emotional and societal challenges of homeschooling, discussing with Nikki how the current education system doesn't offer flexibility, individualisation, and a broad range of learning opportunities.

    The conversation then shifts to cover childhood ambitions within the scope of neurodiversity, emphasising the importance of passion-led learning and catering to autistic children's interests to boost their confidence and emotional well-being.

    Nicki and Jane question traditional schooling in the age of technology and AI, and advocates for a more personalised approach to education that values individual needs and interests over conformity.

    The overall message is that we need to look into educational choices that prioritise mental health, individual growth, and the breaking down of stigmas surrounding neurodiversity.

    Check out Nicki and the Wildling Forest school here

  • This episode of the ADHD Mums Podcast features an engaging interview with AuDHD Mum Eliza Harris, where Jane and Eliza delve into the unique challenges and experiences of neurodivergent females, especially focusing on the nuances of ADHD and autism diagnoses in girls. Through personal stories and insights, they explore the impact of societal expectations, the struggle for a timely diagnosis, and the power of advocacy and understanding in navigating motherhood and life as neurodivergent individuals.

  • In this episode of ADHD Mums, host Jane welcomes back Psychologist Jessica Burgess to discuss the benefits and misconceptions of hypnotherapy for individuals with ADHD and their families.

    They explore how hypnotherapy can address issues such as anxiety, emotional regulation, and motherhood challenges, including 'mum guilt'.

    The conversation delves into how hypnotherapy can help reprogram subconscious beliefs, improve focus, and offer strategies for dealing with daily stresses.

    Jessica also shares personal insights and practical tips for incorporating hypnotherapy into daily routines and how it can be a tool for positive change not only for individuals but for their children as well.


    01:31 Demystifying Hypnosis: How It Works and Its Benefits

    07:28 Exploring Hypnotherapy for ADHD and Its Potential Benefits

    16:24 Addressing Trauma with Hypnotherapy: A Deep Dive

    21:19 Personal Experiences and Myths Around Hypnotherapy

    23:52 Who Should Consider Hypnotherapy?

    25:22 Unlocking the Power of Hypnosis: Benefits and Personal Growth

    27:08 Transforming Parenting: Hypnosis for Moms

    29:37 Hypnosis for ADHD: Real-life Applications and Success Stories

    30:00 The Hypnotherapy Process: What to Expect

    32:38 Finding the Right Hypnotherapist: Tips and Advice

    33:46 Exploring the Emotional Roots of Physical Illness Through Hypnosis

    41:18 Self-Hypnosis: A Practical Guide for Everyday Empowerment

    41:18 Incorporating Hypnosis in Children's Lives for Positive Change

    42:26 Concluding Thoughts: Accessibility and Personal Journeys in Hypnotherapy

    Check out more on Jess Burgess here:


    Jess's other episodes on ADHD Mum's are listed here:

    Relationships and ADHD here

    High Performance Women and ADHD here

    Anxiety and ADHD here

  • On this episode of The ADHD Mums Podcast, Jane is joined by Ange as they explore the theme of perfectionism and its relationship with ADHD. They share personal experiences, starting with a humorous account of their chaotic mornings, highlighting the imperfect aspects of their lives. Ange, an ADHD coach, reflects on her perfectionist tendencies, rooted in childhood, where she would tear out entire pages if not perfect.

     Ange delves into her ADHD diagnosis at 35, sharing the challenges she faced in transitioning from one-on-one client work to leadership roles. The conversation navigates through various dimensions of perfectionism, discussing its impact on tasks, work, and self-worth. Both Jane and Ange emphasise the connection between perfectionism and shame, exploring how negative feedback and societal expectations contribute to this mindset. They discuss the difficulty of breaking the cycle and the importance of self-compassion, self-discovery, and courage in the recovery process.


    Ange highlights the need for individuals to recognise their values, strengths, and preferences, encouraging authenticity. Ange shares a coaching example where challenging ingrained beliefs about laundry allowed a client to reclaim her Wednesdays. This episode sheds light on the complexity of perfectionism, its intersection with ADHD, and the steps toward recovery and self-acceptance.

    Find out more about Angie here:


  • Jane interviews Jessica Burgess, Psychologist on this expert view on Relationships (romantic) and ADHD.


    Jane talks about how she is hyperactive ADHD and her husband has self diagnosed inattentive ADHD and how that can create friction. Jess talks about her relationships and how these have worked over the last few yearsJane and Jess talk about dividing house tasks and the balance/battle on time. Jess talks about little known reasons that ADHD can impact relationships. How we can take responsibility for our symptoms and how they effect relationshipsJess explains how inattentive ADHD can look calm on the outside but the person will be hit with anxiety at some point. Jess and Jane discuss how to communicate frustration in a way that's productive and helpful rather than creating conflict.

    You can listen to Jess' other episodes here:

    Anxiety and ADHD


    High performance and ADHD


  • Jane is joined by Jasmine Meek - the Bayside Doula who was denied a diagnosis last episode and left in a very precarious position mental health wise.

    We follow on her journey, what did she do after her last appointment and how is she feeling now?


    Is Jasmine currently medicated?Did she go back to her GP and/or another psychiatrist?How has this impacted her life?What was the process like and how is she going?

    First two parts of the story are here:

    1. Preparing for a Diagnosis Appointment https://open.spotify.com/episode/4lmaXn1P2UcKrMyK4RTFGo?si=yFUj3RhMQyewIK0_Cw2XOQ

    2. Denied a Diagnosis https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cDxOMa2Zq3TbUxM8fyTLQ?si=tCNL8m7UQxKrMVfGd5j5ug

    Check out Jasmine's website and information about her business here as a doula in Brisbane.


  • On this episode of The ADHD Mums Podcast, Jane welcomes Dr. Jacinta Thomson, a clinical psychologist with expertise in ADHD and autism, for a discussion on the intersection of these neurodivergences. Jacinta introduces the complexity of distinguishing between ADHD and autism, emphasising the unique challenges faced by individuals who may exhibit traits of both conditions. Jane and Jacinta delve into the outdated stereotypes associated with autism and how these perceptions can hinder accurate recognition.

    Jacinta sheds light on the DSM criteria for autism, highlighting differences in relating to others, communication, and interacting with the environment, and advocates for a neuroaffirming approach, emphasising identity-first language to acknowledge that neurodivergent conditions are intrinsic parts of an individual's identity. The conversation touches on how neurodivergent brains process information, sensory sensitivities, and the need for routine.


    The discussion takes a personal turn as Jane shares her experience with a friend's autism diagnosis and the nuances of social interactions. Jacinta explains the subtle ways ADHD and autism traits may manifest in social settings, exploring the challenges of non-verbal communication, understanding implied meanings, and navigating sensory overload. The conversation highlights the importance of recognising the individualised nature of these neurodivergences and tailoring support accordingly, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities involved.

    If you'd like to know more about Dr Jacinta Thomson check her out here: www.timetountangle.com.au/

    Disclaimer from Dr Jacinta Thomson

    It is crucial to note that the information shared in the following episode is for general educational and informational purposes only. The content presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition, and may not fully capture the nuances of your experience. This conversation does not constitute medical or psychiatric advice and is not a therapeutic session. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for personalised guidance from your treating health practitioner.

    If you or someone you know is seeking assistance or clarification regarding ADHD or Autism, we strongly encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide tailored advice based on a thorough assessment of your specific circumstances.