
  • Appraisals and listing presentations are the ultimate job interview. Find out our top tips to win the business from the moment you walk in the door.

    Ready to level up your real estate career? Become a member at Agentmonday.com

    Looking for one-on-one coaching? Book a session with Andrew at our website: agentmonday.com/book-personal-coaching/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In real estate, you need a way to efficiently keep in touch with the vast majority of your audience who aren't looking to buy or sell in the immediate future, while you focus on the people moving right now.

    Content marketing is a fantastic way to do this. It allows you to cost-effectively stay top of mind with everyone you have met throughout your career, along with people from networks you created before getting into the property industry. It's high-leverage, scalable, time-efficient and easy to set up. It also qualifies as soft-touch marketing, which is the ideal approach for clients who don't immediately require your services (but will do, one day).


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • One of my coaching clients recently asked me:

    "If you were starting out in real estate now, in a new area with no contacts, how would you do it?"

    This guide lays it all out, step by step. I firmly believe this process is worth consideration whether you are brand new to real estate, or are already up and running but trying to work out how to take your career to the next level.

    For a written version of this episode, visit our website:



    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • One of our members recently asked: How do we overcome agents who use inflated appraisals, discount commission rates and 'free' marketing plans to win business?

    In other words, how do we overcome competitors who over-promise and under-deliver?

    In this episode, I'll share my strategic thoughts on winning listings against this sort of competition, along with loads of scripts you can use in your next listing presentation.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • You can create more listing leads by offering a client-friendly online experience. That means, giving customers more of what they want (info) without making them search for it.

    Use the tips in this episode to turn your online property listings into lead-generation machines to grow your business.

    For a written version of this guide, along with tips to the seller-articles mentioned, visit our website: https://www.agentmonday.com/how-to-turn-browsers-into-potential-vendors/


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is your client a 'driver' who is in a rush to make a decision? Then you better cut to the chase and get on their level quickly. Answering questions promptly and informatively. On the other hand, if your client is an 'amiable' personality type then you will need to spend time building serious rapport before you start discussing commission rates and marketing plans. It's critical that you understand the person you are dealing with so you can match their energy and cater your approach to suit their needs.

    In this episode, you'll learn what each personality type is looking for, and how to increase your chances of winning their business.


    How to get better at listing presentations (written version with scripts)

    23 questions to win your next listing

    What to put in your pre-listing kits

    Pre-listing kit intro letter template


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, I share my top tips for improving your appraisal-to-list ratio.

    Listing presentations are a part of your business you can improve. And quickly, too! Small changes can make a massive difference to your results. Simply asking the right question at the right time could help you grow your real estate business dramatically in the months ahead.


    How to get better at listing presentations (written version with scripts)

    23 questions to win your next listing

    What to put in your pre-listing kits

    Pre-listing kit intro letter template


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The key to unlocking a real estate business with consistent commission income is to build a machine that produces a steady stream of listing opportunities. That machine is your database combined with a regular communication strategy.

    For links and further info, check out the companion guide on our website: https://www.agentmonday.com/how-to-reconnect-with-your-database/


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A reactive real estate business lacks intention, and that leads to inconsistent sales (if any), irregular income patterns, and often, more challenging clients.

    It's time to flip the script and be proactive, rather than reactive. In this episode, I'll teach you how to focus on dollar-productive activity to increase your income and take back control of your time.

    For links and further info, check out the companion guide on our website: https://www.agentmonday.com/proactive-vs-reactive/


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you want to grow your income and/or free up your time, leverage everything you do to achieve maximum benefit.

    Specifically, leverage your past success, your time, and your marketing.

    To access templates, scripts and articles mentioned in this episode, along with a written version of this guide, visit the Agent Monday website:



    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, I give you specific strategies and a whole heap of scripts to maximise your chances of creating a positive client experience, even when the sale price ends up being less than what the owners originally wanted.

    Coach owners through your appraisal - "If your price is out there, this marketing approach will find it."Prepare owners for every eventuality well before deadline day.When presenting offers, don't have an agenda. Explain all options to your clients: Accept the offer, negotiate, or reject it and go back to the market.Be on their side - back your owners up no matter what they decide to doIf they ask for your opinion, that's a privilege. Don't take advantage.Avoid talking in absolutes at all costs. Eg. "This is the best offer your ever going to get."Instead, say "If there was a better price out there right now, I'm confident we would have found it."Let them think about it overnight if they want to. It's ok to let people sleep on it.When you get close on price, don't be afraid to strategically lower your commission.

    Always remember, excellent service makes the unacceptable acceptable.

    Related guide:

    How to approach deadlines when you have no offers


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you want to increase sales and/or free up more of your time, start by understanding which of your prospecting activities are producing the best results.

    Armed with this key information, you can decide where to focus your future efforts to procure as many listings as possible with the limited prospecting time you have available each week.

    In other words, you can focus on the tasks which give you the highest income return.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Want to get that all-important first sale under your belt? I'll take you through the mindset, key values and specific marketing activities that will get you over the hump, and help launch your successful real estate career.

    For more tips like this along with a full content library for your email and printed newsletters, visit https://agentmonday.com

    Advice guides mentioned in this episode:

    Why you should be working with more property investorsHow to get better at listing presentationsHow to leverage one sale into many more


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is part 2 of our podcast series on burnout and managing stress in general.

    To listen to part 1, see episode 21 of this podcast, or visit this link: https://www.agentmonday.com/how-to-manage-stress-and-burnout-in-your-real-estate-career/

    In part 2, we dive into how to stop the rot and avoid making things worse. Then, we jump into proactive steps you can take to get to a better place.

    Ready for personalised help? Use this link to book a coaching session:



    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • One of the biggest real estate career killers is the blame game trap.

    When the going gets tough, it's easy to blame your office, your manager, the market, your vendors, and your spouse. You name it, it's easy to find a scapegoat for your troubles. And it's addictive too!

    The blame game can cause us to withdraw at a time when what we really need to do is engage more and lean into crucial conversations, even when we don't have all the answers.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you are feeling stressed, irritable, depressed, overwhelmed, or just a distinct lack of motivation, this episode is for you.

    Experiencing burnout is natural, extremely common and comes with the territory of working in real estate. In this podcast, I share simple coping mechanisms you can use to help survive periods of high stress.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Choosing the right location for your real estate farming area can make or break your business.

    In this episode, you'll learn how to choose an area that will maximise your sales, what kind of marketing pieces to drop and how often to deliver them.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to develop your own real estate newsletter. That way you can efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is where you find your newsletter content. We are an exclusive content library for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Real estate can be a lonely job, especially if you don't have someone in real estate you can talk to about the challenges you face on a daily basis. In this episode, I'll talk you through the many benefits of finding a real estate buddy, and how to go about doing it.


    The best way to build a real estate business with a consistent, steady flow of income is to build a communication machine that allows you to efficiently keep in touch with a large group of people while showing them that you are THE go-to real estate expert in your local area.

    Agent Monday is an exclusive content marketing club for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business. Find out more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Every appraisal is a golden opportunity. A job interview you need to ace to have any chance of winning the business. And if you can increase your appraisal to list ratio, it will have an immediate, positive effect on your income.

    In this episode, you will learn how to level up your appraisals and provide a world-class customer experience.

    View show notes and download the 5-star appraisal checklist at our website:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode is full of tips to help you increase your appraisal to list ratio, by understanding what your owners really want.

    Topics covered:

    What your owners are looking forHow to mentally prepare for listing meetingsWhat to do before the meetingWhy being adaptable can increase your chances of successQuestions to ask your potential clientsThe four key personality types and how to approach each oneA listing strategy that actually worksWhy sitting on the fence is a terrible ideaHow to use your inherent positivity to win more listings

    Above all, believe in the advice you deliver. Be confident, be positive and be sincerely interested in your owner's dreams and aspirations for the future.

    Related agent advice guides:

    What to put in your pre-listing kits

    How to get better at listing presentations

    The Agent Scoring Matrix (listing tool)

    Learn more at https://www.agentmonday.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.