
  • This episode is for all of you out there who having been trying to manifest a better life for yourself, but it's just not happening. Or it's not happening as quickly as you want it to.

    There are probably a lot of reasons why you don't have it, but they can be boiled down to 3 simple ones that I share in this episode.

    Take a listen to find out what they are AND shift them in your favor!

    Apply to Become HER: https://www.krystalewoods.com/become-her

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    Learn more about Human Design: https://www.krystalewoods.com/human-design

  • This week I sit down with my friend Vanessa: a homeschooling, minimalist, plant based, positive parenting mom.

    Vanessa is a US veteran, military wife, and carries a long list of qualifications including YTT, Master's degree in exercise science, certifications in life coaching and group exercise, and more. She is the embodiment of health and wellness.

    We sit down and talk about taking the “easy” route vs. sticking by values, balancing business, homeschooling, parenting, and personal goals, Vanessa's morning routine, how she manages to always be intentional with her time, why homeschool and how to get started, Waldorf education and why we both chose it for our children, how Vanessa started her homeschool co-ops, the importance of connecting with other parents, dealing with pressure to conform, how to practice positive parenting, and so much more.

    If you've ever considered homeschooling or are looking to learn more about minimalism, taking the road less traveled, or positive parenting, take a listen now!

    Connect with Vanessa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevanessaswitch

    Buy her comprehensive guide to starting your own homeschool co-op: www.etsy.com/shop/earthandkai code “ALIGNEDMOTHERHOOD” for 15% off

    Connect with Krystal: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

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  • Raising children, running the home, maintaining relationships, taking care of myself, AND running a business is no joke.

    In this episode, I share about how I juggle it all and more importantly WHY I choose to.

    I talk about how I think balance is a myth, setting boundaries around my time, energy, and emotions, using my knowledge of Human Design to optimize how I work and live...and so much more.

    This is just me, being real with you about how I manage my crazy life.

    If you ever feel overwhelmed like I sometimes do, check out this tapping (EFT) video I made for you. It's called "Tapping for Busy Moms": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClYKWoGOp30&feature=youtu.be

    For details and to apply to my new program Become HER: https://www.krystalewoods.com/become-her

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • In this episode I sit down with money strategist/mindset coach Alyssa Hammond.

    We riff on power struggles resulting from income inequality in a relationship, why women hesitate to invest in themselves, the mom guilt we all live with, MLMs, how to feel more empowered with money, foster parenting, and so much more!

    Alyssa is the first coach I ever hired, and not only does she know her stuff but she is an amazing human being. Take a listen and get inspired to attract more abundance into your life!

    Connect with Alyssa: https://www.instagram.com/wealthwithalyssa

    Listen to The Wealthy Fempreneur podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-wealthy-fempreneur-podcast/id1482883072

    Join Alyssa's free Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beewealthysociety/

    Learn about Together We Rise: https://www.togetherwerise.org

    Connect with Krystal: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • Real talk, I'm not a big New Years resolutions kinda girl, BUT I do believe in the power of intentions and the specific, actionable goals behind them.

    I learned a lot of lessons in 2019, and my goals will reflect that. I studied Human Design and manifestation in 2019, and my goals will reflect that too.

    In this episode I break down my process for goal setting, and actually share what my goals are for every area of my life. If you're looking for some inspiration or direction for your own intention and goal setting, take a listen in!

    Don't forget to sign up for my free workshop on January 5 all about goal setting and manifestation according to your Human Design: https://www.krystalewoods.com/events-1/2020/1/5/2020-vision-a-free-interactive-human-design-and-manifestation-workshop

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • We all thought we were perfect parents until we actually had children, am I right?

    But then we have kids and suddenly we are navigating so many important choices about their lives, and we have to do that with another person. And no matter how much you love your partner, you're not always going to agree with them.

    In this episode I dig a little deeper into some of the core issues that can sometimes cause disagreements, and how we can navigate them more harmoniously.

    I give real life examples of how Human Design has helped me communicate more effectively in my relationship, and how my partner and I have dealt with parenting disagreements...even when they are heated and I know with certainty that I am RIGHT (all the time).

    Take a listen and don't forget to head over to my Instagram feed to leave a comment with a real life example of how you and your partner have navigated these issues. Let's discuss!


  • What if you could predict that your child might have trouble settling down at night? What if you knew at birth that your child needs to talk things out in order to make correct decisions? Or that she amplifies the emotions of others in the room? What if you knew all of this at birth and you could tailor your parenting to match what your unique child actually needs? If you could meet her exactly where she is and help her maintain a relationship with her higher self so she doesn't have to go through years of therapy and inner work like you've had to?

    Human Design can offer insights like this, and I've already been using it to parent my son in a way that serves his highest good and help my clients do the same. In this episode I take you through a mini-analysis of my daughter's chart, what it means for her, and how I can use it to tailor the way we parent her.

    If you want more knowledge on the basics of Human Design, go to https://www.krystalewoods.com and sign up for my free course, Discover Your Design.

    Want to go even deeper? Order your personalized Human Design chart summary: https://www.krystalewoods.com/human-design-chart-summary/personalized-human-design-chart-summary or schedule a private session with me: https://www.krystalewoods.com/privatecoaching

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • If you don’t know, now you know: our daughter Corinne (“Coco”) was born almost six weeks ago (but like how has it been six weeks already?!).

    Anyway, like most of the plans I make, my birth plan was basically shot to hell. The plan was to have a magical home birth. 6 hours tops of beautiful labor aided by crystal healing sound bowls and candles and all the things. Birthing her into the tub with my partner and my son by my side, maybe with some Stevie Nicks playing softly in the background because that’s just how I roll. No complications, no delays, no crises.

    Take a listen to this episode for the deets on what ACTUALLY went down. Hint: my daughter is clearly here to teach me all the lessons and force me to face all of my fears!

    Check out photos here: https://www.krystalewoods.com/blog/2019/11/21/coco-a-birth-story

    Get in touch with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • In this episode I sit down with Fauzia Morgan a second time to dive deeper into her world of expertise: intuitive, holistic nutrition.

    Fauzia shares her personal health story and how it led her to her path as a nutrition consultant, esthetician, and entrepreneur.

    She educates us on commonly undiagnosed issues like hypothyroidism, autoimmune disorders, and adrenal burnout. We discuss common obstacles to getting healthy: unsupportive partners, cost, low self-worth, burnout, lack of postpartum support, etc. We touch on white coat syndrome and the importance of connecting with your medical provider.

    This episode is full of so much juicy, valuable content! Enjoy.

    Get in touch with Fauzia: www.fauziamorgan.com or www.instagram.com/fauziamorgan

    Get in touch with Krystal: www.krystalewoods.com or www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    Watch this interview on video: https://youtu.be/1uluRgaz3IA

  • In this episode you hear the real, raw, 38 weeks pregnant ME, sharing the process I've been going through during my second pregnancy.

    I talk about how I've been preparing my body, my mind, my partner, my son, my home, and my business for labor, birth, and beyond. It's an exciting but scary time, and I don't hold back on expressing how I feel about it!

    If you've ever thought about having a second child, or maybe you already have 2, 3 or more children, take a listen and see if you can relate!

    Get in touch with Krystal: www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    Get your free Human Design chart and Krystal's new free intro to Human Design course: https://www.krystalewoods.com/get-your-chart

  • In this episode I'm speaking with holistic nutritionist and esthetician, Fauzia Morgan about all the things.

    Fauzia shares about her struggle to conceive, her postpartum experience, undiagnosed health issues, and ultimately what led her to her current path as an entrepreneur in the wellness industry.

    We also dive into self-worth, blocks that keep moms and women stuck, boundaries, human design, and so much more. Seriously, when I said "all the things," I meant it!

    If you've ever wondered what it would be like to come sit on my couch with a glass of wine and ponder life with me, take a listen to this episode!

    Get in touch with Fauzia: https://www.fauziamorgan.com

    Get in touch with Krystal: https://www.krystalewoods.com

  • Do you always put the needs of your family before your own? Do you struggle to make time for yourself? Do you ever feel frustrated, burned out, even resentful?

    In this episode I share my recent self-discovery process and how it's led me to setting clearer boundaries with myself and my loved ones.

    I talk about Human Design: how my aura and defined/undefined energy centers operate and are affected by the people around me. I also touch on how I've changed the way I communicate with my partner according to his and my energy types.

    I give solid, practical examples of how I've implemented this new knowledge into my life to ease resistance and live more in alignment with my higher Self. Because taking care of our own needs is NOT selfish! If we aren't showing up at 100% for ourselves, we aren't showing up 100% for our families either.

    Keep up with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    Visit my website to learn about your unique Human Design: https://www.krystalewoods.com/get-your-chart

  • Did you know that incontinence is not actually normal, no matter how many babies you've had? Did you know that you can actually prevent it?

    In this episode, I'm speaking with physical therapist and pelvic floor specialist Brianna DeWitt about the importance of a healthy pelvic floor.

    We talk about incontinence, diastasis recti, the proper way to do a Kegel, and so much more. Bri schools us on common problems, stigma, and misconceptions when it comes to pelvic floor health, as well as when to see a specialist.

    We even touch a little bit on how we can better support postpartum moms after birth.

    If you're a mom, expectant mom, or thinking about becoming one, this episode is a must listen! Your pelvic floor muscles thank you.

    Don't forget to share a screenshot of this episode on Instagram and tag me! www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    The American Physical Therapy Website & PT Locator https://www.womenshealthapta.org/patients/ The Herman & Wallace Blog & PT Locator https://pelvicrehab.com/blog/ The Pelvic Health & Rehab Center https://pelvicpainrehab.com/ The Queen's Women's Health Center PT information: https://www.queens.org/services/womens-health-center/services/womens-health-physical-therapy-qmc
  • Has anyone ever given you the advice, "just listen to your intuition" or "follow your heart"? Have you ever been confused by what that means? I know I have.

    In Episode 3, I dive into what intuition actually is, where you might feel it in your body, how to connect to it, and how to follow it implicitly.

    If you've ever wondered how to quiet all the noise and tune into your inner knowing, this is a must-listen! I share tips and techniques that I personally use and that I use with my clients to help connect with that higher Self that's always there to guide us.

    Body scan meditation & Tapping to Release Anxiety and Work through Intense Emotions: https://www.krystalewoods.com/freebies

    Book a Private Session:https://www.krystalewoods.com/privatecoaching

    Keep up with Krystal on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

  • We can all agree that mommin' ain't easy. But when does the struggle go beyond "normal mom stuff" and become an issue we need to seek help for? What would that help even look like?

    In episode 2 I'm talking with Krista Harper, marriage and family therapist, maternal mental health expert, and mom of 2. We dive deep into the challenges around transitioning into motherhood (for the first AND second time), parenting with a partner who's not always on the same page as you, asking for help, facing our shadows, self-care, and so much more. It's a juicy one for sure!

    If you ever feel alone on this journey called motherhood, pour yourself a strong cup of coffee and listen in as we remind you that we are all in this together, mama.

    KRYSTAL ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/krystalewoods

    KRISTA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kristaharper_lmft

    SMART TALK THERAPY: https://www.smarttalktherapy.com or https://www.instagram.com/smart_talk_therapy

  • In this very first episode of the Aligned Motherhood podcast, I introduce myself as your host and tell the story of how my surprise pregnancy with my son completely transformed my life and helped me get in touch with my intuition. I talk about how hard it can be to quiet the noise to parent confidently and consciously. You'll get an idea of what to expect from this podcast moving forward, and hopefully you'll leave feeling empowered to embody your most authentic self: as a mother and as a human!