Journey with Antoine as he concludes his three episodes sun series. By revealing their plan to block the sun..
Journey with Antoine as he explains the only thing that God left for us to read. https://youtu.be/19aegFEyS0o
Missing episodes?
Follow Antoine as he watches the stars and realizes what’s in heaven truly is on earth.
https://youtu.be/ZxcejsDPXtQ -
Journey with Antwon as he discovers the true meaning of the Sun/ Son walking on water.
https://www.amazon.com/Caesars-Messiah-Conspiracy-Flavian-Signature/dp/1461096405/ref=asc_df_1461096405_nodl?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=353874173411&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13610925302343927043&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012431&hvtargid=pla-449840129680&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=71634025176&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=353874173411&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13610925302343927043&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlo -
Journey with Antoine as he discovers child trafficking inside the rabbit hole.
What on earth happened.
CNN James Alefantis
Obama/ Barry clip
Detective Andy redwood
https://youtu.be/N9OukW44mOw -
Journey with Antoine as he discovers We’re not on a spinning ball in space…
References: links to find the firmament
Space x: https://youtu.be/X2QrrdwBGEs
Ask Rob:https://youtu.be/TaeTM-YbeqE
The long video: https://yo -
Journey with Antoine as he talks about the reproductive system and the science of life..
Journey with Antoine as he explains his events that occurred in the last 7 days..
Don’t own the rights for any music used in this podcast.
Links used as reference are listed below:
Ron Hays interview
Ancient Aliens Debunked
Noah’s Ark found!
https://youtu.be/oQwfU7DvUyE -
Journey with Antoine and he goes where no man has gone before, literally!
I don’t own the rights to any music herd in this podcast!!!!
Links to research:
https://christianobserver.net/challenger-crew-alive-and-well-just-another-false-flag-lie/ -
Journey with Antoine as he breaks down the reality of the Conspiracy Theory of the NWO!
AMER'ICAN, adjective Pertaining to America.
AMERICAN, noun A native of America; originally
applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races,
found here by the Europeans; but now applied to
the descendants of Europeans born in America.
The name American must always exalt the pride of. -
Journey with Antoine as he discovers the word Swarthy. Antoine discovers many important men in America’s past were called this word.
Song used: who dat boy(Tyler the Creator) I do not own the right!!!
Link to sources used for this episode:
Benjamin Franklin quote
Abraham Lincoln Bio:
The Ugly truth( article about Abraham Lincoln:
Abraham Lincoln: the ugly truth
Abraham Lincoln: the ugly truth
The 16th US president is an American icon, his face preserved in coins, statues and now a Steven Spielberg film
Life of Abraham Lincoln:
Life of Abraham Lincoln
Life of Abraham Lincoln
Excerpt from Life of Abraham Lincoln: Being a Biography of His Life From His Birth to His Assassination; Also a Record of His Ancestors, and a Collection of Anecdotes Attributed to Lincoln.
Augustus Washington:
Augustus Washington, Photographer born
Augustus Washington, Photographer born
*Augustus Washington’s birth in 1820 is celebrated on this date. He was an African American abolitionist and photographer specializing as a Daguerreotypist.
Straight Up( YouTube documentary)
Prominent Americans You Assumed Were White
Prominent Americans You Assumed Were White
By Straight UP -
Journey with Antoine as he visit Sesame Street
Journey with Antoine as he discovers the true origin of the Spanish flu. Was it actually a flu or bacteria created by mad scientist!
I don’t own the rights to the music used in the intro:
Finally Igor: Young Frankenstein film
Music: Igor (Tyler The Creator)
Links to research:
Dr. Gates Report: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2126288/pdf/449.pdf
Vaccinated Condemned (Eleanor Mcbean): http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/vaccines/vaccinations_condemned_McBean.htm
Danny Boys Report: https://dannyboylimerick.wordpress.com/2021/05/23/the-truth-revealed-about-the-deadly-1918-spanish-flu-it-was-actually-bacterial-pneumonia/
Other links are also included within the links!
For more information on up an coming episode follow me on twitter @Americahisstori -
Journey with Antoine as he describes the introduction of the 50th state of Hawaii . I don’t not own the rights of any other audio I use in this episode other than mine. https://youtu.be/-tw4CyxBJEQ https://youtu.be/W6_RyE6XZiw
Journey with Antoine as he tries to forget!
Journey with Antoine as he discovers myths and hidden truths of the legendary tale of the Titanic. Was it a hidden agenda or just another Conspiracy Theory? Was the book published in 1898 ( The Wreck Of The Titan.) A plot, premonition or a coincidence? Follow me on twitter @AmericaHisStori. I DON’T OWN THE RIGHTS, to any clips or music used in this podcast!
Journey with Antoine as he continues to fall down the rabbit hole to the 1930’s. As he reveals the true reason this wonder plant became illegal but now legal. I do not own the rights to any music heard in this podcast. Please feel free to follow me on twitter @AmericahisStori
In honor of those who served! @AmericahisStori
Journey with Antoine as he talks about pre-Columbus History. Antoine tells stories about America that is unknown to most and untold to all. This is the story of an ancient civilization and the secrets that were kept in the mounds of America.
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