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    In this episode, I sit down with Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. He recently issued new state guidance for COVID-19 boosters.

    “We are reminding Floridians and people around the country and really around the world that these are these are not products that we recommend they put in their bodies,” he says.

    We dive into the latest studies and data surrounding the COVID-19 boosters and discuss why Florida’s guidance differs from that of the federal government.

    “People are pretending that they can continue skating along with the clinical trials that happened four years ago to justify approvals today,” says Dr. Ladapo.

    We also look at other health concerns facing Floridians, from the recent Measles outbreak to upcoming ballot measures relating to abortion and marijuana.

    We reached out to the CDC and FDA to get their response. An FDA spokesperson replied via email: “The FDA strongly disagrees with the State Surgeon General of Florida’s characterization of the safety and effectiveness of the updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccination is safe and effective and continues to be the cornerstone of COVID-19 prevention. The updated COVID-19 vaccines meet the agency’s rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • In this episode, we sit down with Gordon Chang to understand the Chinese regime’s strategy to destabilize America, from fentanyl warfare to election disinformation to suspicious activity at the border.

    “We’re seeing a change in composition of Chinese migrants. So if we go back two or three years ago, it’s basically family groups. Now you’re seeing packs of single males, groups of five to 15, military-age, traveling without family members, some of them pretending not to speak English. And as Chairman [Mark] Green noted, U.S. Border Patrol knows some of them have links to the Chinese military,” Mr. Chang says.

    We also discuss China’s growing nuclear arsenal, tensions in the South China Sea, and where things may be headed.

    “We have these extremely belligerent, provocative acts, some of which constitute acts of war against the Philippines. … We see this right now at Sabina Shoal. Last month, it was Second Thomas Shoal. Before that, it was Whitsun Reef. But all of these areas are very close to the main islands of the Philippines and very far from China. They are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.”

    America has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines and has issued multiple warnings—with little effect.

    “We see momentum toward war, and we Americans have got to ask ourselves, what is going to stop this momentum to war?” Chang says.

    Chang is the author of the new book “Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America.”

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    Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist and the Emmy Award-winning host of “Full Measure.” She is also the author of several books, including, most recently, “Follow The Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.”

    “Why am I as a non-medical reporter unearthing stories that this whole industry of medical and science reporters are not unearthing?” she asks.

    In this episode, we dive into the problem of scientific and medical corruption, and how Attkisson’s eyes were opened to the dangers of blindly believing every establishment narrative about our health.

    “The federal government/pharmaceutical industry have learned how to take our taxpayer money, legally launder them through universities—public and private, who then say they don’t have to reply to your FOIA requests or turn over any data, who then put out studies that are little more than narratives and propaganda that go unchallenged,” says Attkisson.

    “The health of the individual and their informed consent is far paramount to what you think you are doing for the good of mankind. You don’t have the right, as a researcher, to say, ‘I can sacrifice this child or I can sacrifice something about informed consent because I think I have a more noble goal.’ That’s not your right.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • What is the connection between the anti-Israel protests we are seeing today and the 2014 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri? Is there a link to the French and Bolshevik revolutions?

    “The reason they tell you there’s systemic racism is because if you believe that, then the only logical conclusion is you must have a completely systemic overhaul,” says Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. “It’s not about improving the lot of anyone. It’s about power.”

    And what do these have to do with the industrialization of the West and America’s Great Society programs of the 1960s?

    “It was those programs that disadvantaged the family, and I think that’s really at the heart of the problem,” says Katie Gorka, chair of the Fairfax Republicans in Virginia.

    In this episode, I sit down with Gorka and Gonzalez to discuss their new book, “Next Gen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • John Lenczowski is the founder, chancellor, and president emeritus of The Institute of World Politics, a District of Columbia-based graduate school that specializes in the instruments of statecraft and national security. He was the principal Soviet affairs advisor to President Ronald Reagan.

    What are the Chinese Communist Party’s primary tools of strategic deception? And why don’t more people know about them?

    “The Chinese have 600 front organizations operating in the United States today trying to influence all sorts of segments of our society,” he says.

    In this episode, we sit down to discuss America’s failure to understand the nature of the communist China threat, and what should be done to counter it.

    “The problem is that our foreign policy establishment is principally concerned with creating what I consider to be the false atmospherics of peace, rather than genuine peace,” he says.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • “We need more members of Congress who recognize that there’s value on both sides,” says Jill Long Thompson, a former U.S. congresswoman from Indiana who served in the 1990s. As a Democrat, she represented a heavily Republican district as a fiscal conservative.

    She says that today, polarization and gerrymandering—the redrawing of district lines for partisan benefit—have made people like her few and far between in Congress.

    “We are electing people who are either further to the right or further to the left,” she says.

    In this episode, Thompson makes the case for a return to bipartisan cooperation and civil discussion across the political divide. She’s the editor of and a contributor to the new book “Across the Aisle: Why Bipartisanship Works for America.” It features essays from a number of current and former members of Congress, both Republican and Democrat.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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    Dr. Marty Makary is a surgeon, professor at Johns Hopkins University, and author of “Blind Spots: What Medicine Gets Wrong, and What It Means for Our Health.”

    “We’ve got to recognize now the best practices are exactly opposite of what the medical establishment pounded into pediatricians for 15 years,” he says.

    In this episode, we explore the culture of medical groupthink and cases where health recommendations have produced disastrous results, looking at diabetes, peanut allergies, opioids, C-sections, and the low-fat diet.

    “The medical establishment created a dogma in 1955 that fat was bad for your health. It was based on one guy: Dr. Ancel Keys,” says Dr. Makary.

    How can America reverse the trend of chronic disease and poor metabolic health? Is there any hope?

    “The foundation of the medical profession is not to have a one-size-fits-all. It’s always to consider nuance and to consider scientific detail,” says Dr. Makary.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • From fake online personas to manipulated audio and deep fakes to artificial amplification networks, the Chinese Communist Party is becoming more creative about how they manipulate Americans, Canadians, Taiwanese, and other targets online.

    Independent China researcher Sarah Cook has been studying the Chinese regime’s online campaigns for years. She says there are five key tactics the regime uses to influence our media and the global information space.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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    EJ Antoni is an economist and fellow at the Heritage Foundation, whose research focuses on fiscal and monetary policy. In this episode, we break down the discrepancies between government data, media reporting, and today’s economic realities.

    “Essentially, a third of all the jobs we thought we had added over that year are gone. They never existed. It’s like taking four whole months of job creation and ripping them off the calendar,” says Antoni.

    Are the financial models no longer trustworthy?

    “We don’t see the numbers quite matching up to a lot of the government statistics,” says Antoni. “And we get into some very perverse situations where the [Bureau of Labor Statistics] actually counts something as an increase in quality when, in fact, it’s a decrease, and the consumer is paying more for it.”

    Antoni analyzes various indicators and inputs to determine what the real data reveals about the state of our economy.

    “Where I think this becomes scandalous is the fact that these statistical problems first became evident in the spring of 2022, so more than two years ago, and nothing has been done to correct them.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • The first known survivor of China’s state-run forced organ harvesting regime recently went public with his story in Washington.

    Peiming Cheng, who was imprisoned for 8 years and brutally tortured for practicing Falun Gong, was also forced to undergo surgery in November 2004. He woke up with a foot-long scar across his side.

    Subsequent comprehensive medical examinations revealed he was missing a large part of his liver and a portion of his left lung.

    And in a stunning admission, the Chinese regime has recently publicly acknowledged doctors operated on Cheng without his consent—supposedly to save his life.

    So what is the significance of this case? And what’s next?

    In this episode, I sit down with international human rights lawyer David Matas, who was among the first to independently investigate allegations of forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China.

    I also speak to Robert Destro, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and was instrumental in getting Cheng to America; former Congressman Frank Wolf, a fierce champion of human rights in his three decades in Congress; and Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • “Currently, there is a surplus of fentanyl pills in America. The surplus, I believe, is driving increased addiction rates, because now fentanyl pill prices are going down. Drug usage is going up. Addiction rates are going up.”

    In this episode, I sat down with Michael Brown, a former DEA special agent and the current director of Counter-Narcotics Technology for Rigaku Analytical Devices.

    The cartels are now mass producing or have the capacity to mass produce multi-ton quantities of fentanyl, which is a direct indication that they’re receiving more precursor chemicals from China,” said Brown.

    We dug deep into the fentanyl crisis and illicit drug trade in the United States and got an insider’s look into the narcotic supply chain, from China, to Mexico, to the southern U.S. border.

    “We’ve passed the point of no return in terms of reducing addiction in rate to what’s coming into the country in terms of narcotics—meaning, until we can reduce the supply chain, we’re not going to be able to reduce the addiction rate,” said Brown.

    But how best to reduce the supply chain? Is it merely a matter of sealing our border?

    “We know that 98% of all the narcotics coming into the United States are transported in vehicles—in commercial cargo that come across the United States. So, for me, the vulnerability for the cartels is that transportation cross-border network that they have,” said Brown.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • We’ve heard a lot about how Israel is a beneficiary and dependent on the United States. But is that really the case?

    “Our economy is heavily dependent on Israel. And there’s this illusion that really irritates me—that somehow Israel is a dependent of the U.S., or some kind of abusive child or something. But Israel really gives us far more than they take,” argues George Gilder.

    He is an investor, economist, and best-selling author of 23 books, including the post-Oct. 7 updated edition of his 2009 book, “The Israel Test: How Israel’s Genius Enriches and Challenges the World.”

    “You destroy Israel, the value of the world economy would drop by 50 percent,” says Gilder. “It’s knowledge that enables wealth. And knowledge comes from human minds created in the image of their Creator. And this is the great monotheistic vision that Jews have vouchsafed to the world and that is crucial to Western civilization.”

    From the first pogroms in ancient Egypt and up to the present day, what role has envy played in anti-Semitism?

    “I think the evil in men’s hearts is to tear down accomplishment, excellence, and genius. It’s really a perverse envy that we all have to labor to overcome. I mean, envy is natural to all of us, and it’s our Israel test. It cleaves the hearts of the world and it continues to challenge us,” says Gilder.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • “When [social security] was first established, you had 40 workers for every retiree. Today, we have three workers for every retiree. You also have people living longer, and you have all people forced into this system that they don’t own … and they can’t transfer it to their heirs,” says Star Parker. She is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) and editor of the book “The State of Black Progress.”

    America’s social security system is broken, Parker says. And it’s not just social security. She argues that America’s welfare and safety net programs are all built on a one-size-fits-all model that fails to actually help the poor. Instead, they entrench generational poverty in certain communities, she argues.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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    “The promises of the American experiment and liberty are still what people want, and they are most in tune with what does it mean to be an authentic human being. Communism, on the other hand—it only works by force. It keeps its own people locked away in countries that are essentially gulags. It doesn’t value the human person—the fundamental dignity of men and women as they are.”

    In this episode, I sit down with Eric Patterson, the president of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, to learn about their research on Venezuela and China.

    “You could go [to China] for such and such a price and get a new lung or a new liver or something on 24 hours notice. Now, what kind of organ industry can advertise that you can shop around, and on a very, very short notice to get a vitally needed organ?” asks Patterson.

    We also explore a key flaw in American foreign policy.

    “We misunderstood how to deal with the Taliban, we misunderstood how to deal with the Iraqis, and so many other places, when we didn’t take seriously the religious milieu in which they live, in which they make decisions,” says Patterson. “And this is also true of secular states like China ... There is a ruling ideology that’s been expressed by President Xi.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • “What you’re seeing in the Philippines is one more step in China’s effort to tighten its control over all parts of the South China Sea,” says retired U.S. Marine Col. Grant Newsham, an expert on the Asia-Pacific region and a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

    In recent clashes near the submerged reef known as the Second Thomas Shoal, there have been cases of Chinese vessels ramming Philippine ships, deploying water cannons, and injuring several sailors.

    In this episode, Newsham breaks down the Chinese communist regime’s decades-long strategy to gain control of the South China Sea, from methodical island building to deploying a combination of Coast Guard, maritime militia, and fishing fleets to harass and intimidate other nations.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • W. Bruce Lee is the executive director of the Phoenix Correspondence Commission, the first nationwide convention of states since 1861. It’s a little known government body owned by all 50 states organized to provide another check on the federal government.

    “After 40-some odd years of no progress in Congress, the states are being looked at as the solution now. And the states do need to buck up,” said Lee. “If Congress is unwilling to control itself, then there needs to be some external enforcer.”

    He argues the best way to rein in federal spending and reduce the $35 trillion national debt, is through a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

    “At $35 trillion, we’re spending more on interest payments than we do on our national defense,” he said. “If you do not have economic stability, you do not have anything. The whole house of cards comes tumbling down.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • In this episode, I sit down with John Lott, founder and president of The Crime Prevention Research Center, to discuss his extensive research into national crime rates, arrest rates, as well as gun permit laws and how they impact crime.

    “In 2022, the last year that we have the National Crime Victimization data for, while the FBI showed a 2 percent drop in violent crime, the National Crime Victimization data showed a 42 percent increase in total violent crime,” says Lott.

    Why is there such a disconnect between media reporting that violent crime is down and the public’s perception that crime is surging?

    “If you look at arrests for total crimes, reported and unreported, only 8 percent of violent crimes result in arrest,” says Lott.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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    Space policy expert Greg Autry believes the Chinese communist regime may be looking at targeting Taiwan with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon attack. What would such an attack look like, and why might an EMP be the weapon of choice for the Chinese regime?

    Autry is the director of space leadership, policy, and business at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and a professor at Arizona State University. He’s also the co-author of “Red Moon Rising: How America Will Beat China on the Final Frontier.”

    “Space is the ultimate high ground,” but America is at risk of losing its superiority in space, the policy expert says.

    What would losing the second space race mean for America and its allies?

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • Why are people in developed economies having fewer and fewer children? Is it really because raising children is too expensive? Or are there other factors at play? How will declining population rates affect Western economies and societies?

    And why are some families bucking this trend, and having five, six, seven, or even eight children? How does having children affect a woman’s long-term happiness?

    In this episode, we sit down with social scientist and researcher Catherine Pakaluk, author of “Hannah’s Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth.”

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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    The end of the U.S. dollar gold standard in 1971 had unexpected, far-reaching consequences for the United States and its adversaries, ones that are central to today’s economic and geopolitical realities. What happened?

    Jeffrey Tucker is the senior economics columnist at The Epoch Times and the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute.

    “You’re gutting your entire industrial base and turning yourself into a whole country of indebted and stupid consumers. And you’re not making anything anymore. This is a crazy system,” said Tucker.

    In this episode, we dive into what’s really going on with the U.S. economy. Are we in a recession? Are prices and unemployment rising or falling? What about domestic goods and imports? And what is the data really saying?

    “You need to adjust this data by inflation, which is easy to say. But if you’re going to do that, you need an accurate reading of inflation. And if you don’t have that, you’re going to end up with inaccurate data,” said Tucker.

    He claims that many financial indicators we use to measure economic growth are inaccurate.

    “So now, we’ve got the highest rate of multiple job holders we’ve ever seen. Some people are holding two full-time jobs, which is extremely strange,” he said.

    Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.