
  • On today's podcast episode I’m sharing a big announcement:

    I am retiring from coaching, yoga teachers and healers for some powerful reasons. Because I value transparency, I’m sharing those reasons with you today.

    First, I am going full steam ahead into my new consulting practice for autism families. Many of you know, I have a child on the spectrum and one year ago I finally stepped up as a leader to help other families thrive instead of letting stereotypes define them. I never expected this to be my dharma. But it’s here and it’s so so needed.

    Second, I've received so much joy from coaching yoga teachers over the last five years, I'm going to share the other reasons why I'm no longer serving this audience, because there's incredible value to those people who truly do want to earn a living through their yoga teaching and healing work. Are you one of the rare people who are truly committed to being successful and financially independent as a wellness professional? If so, keep reading.

    The real purpose of today's podcast is to have a radically honest conversation about why I'm choosing to release this part of my work, but also how I plan to go out with a bang because I want to serve the select few yoga teachers who are really serious in upleveling their business.

    If you're reading this and raising your hand and saying, “Sara, that's me! I'm the person who wants financial independence. I'm the person who wants to grow my business and support my family and support myself and live a beautiful life through this healing work,” this episode is going to create powerful shifts for you.

  • On today's podcast episode, where we're talking about a topic I've seen come up in almost every sales call I've done this year: How the fixation with social media marketing that consumes so many yoga teachers, healers, and wellness professionals, is actually costing them money for so many reasons! So many of my potential clients believe that if they just figure out the social media thing, money, clients, and success will fall from the sky. I get it because I used to feel that way too. What they don't realize is that their obsession with getting this "right" is causing them to miss out on tons of vital sales that are hanging out right in front of their noses.

    We're going to dive into this in detail today. We're also going to look at how you can avoid this problem and create a profitable, powerful, sustainable business with or without social media.

    Come find out more on my latest episode.

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  • On today's episode of Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professiona we're looking at a very common and important question in most wellness businesses, and that is what's better for your business group work or one-on-one work.

    I come at this through the yoga lens and I've worked with many wellness professionals of all kinds, but one common theme that I see in the yoga world time and time again, is that group work is what really lights people up, but it doesn't pay as well.

    ​​In many cases, yoga teachers will often make better money for teaching a one-on-one session. However many of them say they hate teaching the one-on-one sessions. They love the group work, but they feel like they have to teach one-on-ones in order to make ends meet so to speak.

    ​I want to call this out and say that it's not true.

    Come find out why on the latest episode. Click the link below to listen now.​

  • on today's podcast episode, where I'm getting real with you. About the time both myself and my business got sued. That's right. Someone managed to take Saratoga to court, and while it was uncomfortable at the time, it was one of the best things that has ever happened to my business. And to me, I know that sounds crazy, but stay with me and listen through the entire episode. And you're going to hear how it really made me bolder. It made my business stronger and I don't regret one moment of it. The reason I'm sharing this here today with you is because so many people I speak with clients, potential clients, people on social media, et cetera, really want to put themselves out there into the world. They want to share their gifts and their passions. They want to help and heal others.

    And yet they're scared of all the things that might go wrong. They're scared of the haters. They're scared of the negative reviews and they're scared of the big, bad Wolf lawsuits. My hope in sharing this with you today is to show you that for many people, this is just a milestone in your business. Just like getting your first refund request. It's nothing to lay awake at night. Wondering about it's nothing to prevent you from putting yourself out there to the world, unless you choose for it to be. So I'm going to run you through what happened when myself and my business faced that worst case scenario of someone filing a lawsuit against us and how we got through it and what we learned along the way, because I am a better person now for having gone through this experience.

  • On today's podcast episode, where we're talking about three things you can do right now to bring more money into your wellness business.

    So often people over-complicate this, they think, I need more money. I'm not reaching my goals.

    They start thinking about a whole new line of services to sell or having to go into a launch model of selling, selling, selling really hard. This doesn't feel good or natural to them.

    I'm here to blow this notion right up in your face and tell you that it doesn't have to be that hard. It doesn't have to be that complicated to bring more money into your business right now.

    That said there are things that you need to show up for and take action on. So we're not going to pretend that you're sitting at home on the couch, eating Bon bons, and this is how you're going to make more money.

    Definitely not.

    You're going to have to show up and take action. It can be simplified and it can be much more joyful than you expected it to be.

    Some of this podcast episode might be new techniques that you've never even thought of. Some of it might be a little bit scary, even though straightforward.

    I'm going to encourage you to listen all the way through. Running a successful business that grows healthily, one that is profitable and sustainable is often not the most sexy thing. What I mean is that you're not always launching new services. You're not always doing hardcore social media campaigns. Sometimes it's the small behind the scenes tasks that make the biggest difference. This episode is going to highlight that very, very well.

    Come found out more on this episode of Ancient Wisdom of the Modern Wellness Professional.

    You can listen now wherever you enjoy podcasts, and if you haven’t already, please be sure to leave a review on Apple or Stitcher

  • On today's podcast episode we're once again talking about sales. I see this subject as beautiful, magical, and fun. Others find it nausea inducing. If that sounds more like you, then take a deep breath because you're in the right place.
    However, today we are looking at sales through a different lens. Namely, why aren't you closing them, even when you go into a sales call with confidence?

    Many of you have popped up recently in my dm's and in my email telling me about this exact issue, and you're all saying the same thing. You're going into the sales call feeling excited, prepared, and enthusiastic. You've been devoted podcast listeners and used your intake forms to qualify your prospect beforehand (good job!) and are aware this person could be an ideal client for you.

    But instead of closing the sale you up going into the friend zone, except you don't remember losing control of the call. When I ask you what went wrong you sincerely don't know.

    The answer is more straightforward than you think, and you can start changing the outcome of your sales calls immediately once you discover it (no, you don't need another certificate to do it).

  • On today's podcast episode, we were taking an honest look at the sales activity you're probably missing. Today I am going to give you tips that you should implement in your business, starting today and watch your sales and revenue transform for the better are you ready?

    When most new yoga teachers and wellness professionals who I coach dive into their onboarding process with me, they usually come in thinking that their problem is in the form of marketing or social media. As we look closely at everything in their business, we quickly realize what they have is a selling problem.

    Now, there is so much chatter all over the place. So much talk about launching and getting your online program up and running.

    People tell you to create email funnels as if, once you automate all of these things, you can just set it and forget it. And watch sales magically fall from the sky. Will these processes help your selling? Yes, they will. Are they enough on their own? Absolutely not.

    Come find out how to fix your selling problem on todays episode

  • On today's podcast episode I have a very special guest, one of my favorite guests, Nicole Otchy. Nicole is not only a brilliant personal stylist, but she is a dear friend of mine.

    We went to high school together, so we go way back. We're both 40 this year. So we go way, way back.

    It's been such a joy to discover each other as adults, as business owners and as fellow women moving forward in our lives.

    If you don't follow Nicole on Instagram, first of all, you should. Second of all, our topic today came from an announcement that she made last week on her Instagram that stirred up a lot of news and really joyful news at that.

    That was her pregnancy announcement. She shared very vulnerably that she is and that she has been waiting to share this announcement for five years.

    From that came beautiful topic of how can you show up for yourself for your business on social media, in your email, or however you need to show up, even in person.

    If you're going through things behind the scenes that make you feel challenged or sometimes less than or questioned yourself then this episode is for you.

    Nicole has certainly experienced this with her journey towards being pregnant and a mother. I've certainly experienced this in my life as being a mother to a special needs child and having a journey that looks really different.

    So today we are both getting really honest and personal with you, and we're going to dive right into this topic.

  • On today's podcast episode, where we're going to get quite disruptive as I like to do and really call out something that needs to be called out in our very large, very competitive yoga and wellness industry. If you want to increase your income, and I'm guessing you do because you're listening to this podcast to begin with, stop trying to be the best in your industry. Now we're going to break this down and go into the complexities. There are a lot of them. I want you to listen to this from a place of curiosity and not from a place of judging yourself, because certainly you're going to hear things that sound a lot like what you've been doing. And there's no judgment in that. I've certainly experienced almost all of these things myself, so I know how it feels and I'm here to coach you through it. If you are ready for help to move out of the self-judgement zone click the link below to book a call with me. https://form.typeform.com/to/u3clhS

  • On today's episode of Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional I am diving into the details around how I can serve and support you today.

    I'm sharing this episode today for two reasons. One, my business has changed tremendously over the last year, and now not only do I work with yoga students, I also coach yoga teachers as I have for many years, as you probably know, from listening to this podcast, but I also work with special needs parents.

    I have opened up a consulting practice for this population in the last year. So if that speaks to you, you're going to want to listen all the way to the end.

    The other reason I'm sharing this episode today is because let's face it. Our world is a different place than it was even just one year ago.

  • On todays episode we are diving into a topic that keeps coming up, especially from new clients who I've recently welcomed into my business. This is the topic of sabotaging being visible due to the fear of being judged.

    This is especially problematic if you KNOW you can help someone with your healing gifts, but you don’t put yourself out there because you’re concerned about being judged by others. This is especially true for those who’ve been schooled by the “Karens” in their industry about how they are supposed to do things.

    If you've never listened to anything else that I've said on any of my podcast episodes, I want you to listen to this now.

    You are being judged already.

    You are being judged every day of your life. You've been judged since the day you were born. Can we just rip this bandaid off now and take away the mystery? Stop acting out of fear. Stop trying to tiptoe around and prevent yourself from being judged.

    You're being judged already. You always will be. If you choose to let it stop you, the only one you’re hurting is yourself.

    Come listen to more on the latest episode of Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional and find out how you can step out of the shadows and really put yourself out there and be really unapologetic about your sales and selling to people.

  • On today's podcast episode I am interviewing a brilliant teacher and a beautiful person, Stefanie Seher. Stephanie is from Germany. We met in an online group, which was centered around an abundance mindset program.

    We grew to have a wonderful relationship. Eventually Stefanie became a client of mine.

    One of the things I love about her was that she didn't wait to dive into the business side of her work. Stefanie new it was her time and that she didn't need to wait until she taught yoga for 10 years or been a practitioner for 20 years before she saw results in her business.

    Come hear Stefanie's story on the latest episode.

  • On today's podcast episode, I am thrilled to have Jacquette Timmons, financial behaviorist, an author, a speaker, and a podcaster, as my guest
    I had the pleasure of attending one of Jacquette's pricing workshops in 2020, and let me tell you, she left quite an impression.

    I have attended many money seminars over the years and Jacquette's was the only one who asked questions that were not only appropriate, but SO disruptive in a good way. Seriously, they made me
    I knew I had to have Jacquette on the podcast to deliver her deep financial wisdom with you. We laugh a lot and go into a strong, nuanced conversation about money quickly, covering so many key points that wellness professionals need to hear but are often ignored by money experts.

  • On today's podcast episode, where we're diving into a question that might sound obvious, but is actually very nuanced and layered.

    This is a question that you can ask of your clients, but it's also a really important checking point for you to ask yourself.

    The question of, is this person coachable, or to turn the mirror towards yourself? Am I coachable?

    You might initially think, of course isn't everybody coachable?

    Well, the answer is no.

    ​​The reasons why might surprise you as we get into them. I'm hoping this episode allows you to get even more discerning with your screening process when you're evaluating, whether someone is the right type of client for you, or you're the right type of person to serve them.

    ​​It's also crucial that you check in with yourself on this topic because many people in the yoga and wellness industries go gangbusters and hire coach after coach or sign up for program after program, and then feel frustrated when they don't get the results that they want.

    ​​And to that, I say the only common denominator in that situation is you. So let's dive in and conquer what is a really valuable topic today.

  • On the podcast today we are diving into a really important question for you as a wellness professional, whether you're a yoga teacher or a personal trainer or a Reiki master does not matter. This question is relevant for you.

    The question is, do you have a spending issue?

    I'm not talking about the kind of spending issue where it's feast or famine or the type of spending issue where you go into debt.

    Today's issue is more of an issue around personal identity. This comes up a lot for wellness professionals, especially when it comes to getting new certificates. That was the subject of the very first episode of this podcast. So that's not a new topic. I've spoken about it countless times, but today we're looking at it from the angle of spending. Let's dive in.

  • How many times have you said the words, "let me meditate on it?" On today's podcast episode I am calling out the pervasive advice spiritual seekers not only give to others but also take themselves. I know the intention behind this advice is good. The advice givers want to support you in making a thoughtful choice, not acting impulsively, etc. But we're going to talk today about why this is actually becoming problematic, especially amongst wellness professionals and spiritual professionals. Are you "meditating" on things or just plain procrastinating?
    Come find out more on this episode of Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional.

  • On this weeks episode of Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness professional, we're examining the topic of the “thing” you’ve been unwilling to do in your business? I coach many wellness professionals, and ALL OF THEM have blocks around something major, such as being visible on social media, selling, owning their worth, and charging appropriate prices.

    Often, those things feel big, scary, and impossible to tackle. These aren’t the big things I’m talking about. With the right support,with the right coach, with the right team, you can manage that stuff seamlessly.

    I'm here to talk about doing the thing that feels impossible. That feels like you might actually die in the process. The reason for that is something deeper. It's something deeper than just the money, the sales call, or the new branding.

    You're probably expecting me, a deeply intuitive person who is very connected to my feelings and emotions in any situation, to tell you that when you feel yourself encountering that resistance around that huge thing, you're unwilling to do that you should acknowledge your discomfort and then avoid doing that thing.

    That's not what I'm here to say, and I speak from recent experience.

    So I want you to think of the thing that is so big, so intense, and so scary that you would judge yourself harshly for doing this thing.

    I'm also here to ask you, what's there for you on the other side of this judgment
    Come find out more on Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional.

  • This week on Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional we are going to share one of our favorite episodes from 2020. This podcast episode is a testament to a principle I firmly believe in: The more you show up as the most powerful version of YOU, the more successful you become. Bianca Passiglia (Bianca Lotus) is a past client and a brilliant teacher in her own right. Well before the COVID-19 pandemic began, I invited Bianca to be interviewed for this podcast to discuss her journey as a healer and business woman. When she showed up with her harmonium in tow and declared that we would be incorporating chanting into our episode, I thought, "of course we are, this is SO Bianca." And we did. Our conversation covers everything from the scariest thing I asked her to do during our work together, to what it REALLY means to hold space for someone, to that time she had to have a super awkward conversation with her 75 year old teacher (it's the most entertaining story we've ever told on the podcast). What I want you to receive from this episode is, there is no cookie cutter approach to yoga practice or yoga teaching. As Bianca's mentor, my goal was NOT to make her a cookie cutter version of me. Instead, I was committed to supporting her as she stepped into a more powerful version of herself. Listen all the way to the end of the episode to hear her stunning voice. She even put me on the spot to chant with her, and I happily obliged.

  • Today on Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional we have a very special guest LaShanna Small.

    LaShanna is a yoga teacher, a mother, a grandmother, and a woman of color. Today she is going to share her story of how she has been able to step up and share her voice on the issue of racial inequality in the spiritual community.

  • Today on Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wellness Professional I’m sharing my evolution as a yoga teacher and business owner in hopes it will inspire you.

    There were some unpredictable bumps and detours that I could never have anticipated on my path and I get real around these with you today.

    I want to do this because people have this idea that they're going to become a yoga teacher or healer and everything will sort itself out without any effort. Their schedule will be perfect, they'll make plenty of money, and they'll live the dream.

    But the reality for many of you is a very, very different one.

    It was for me too until I made powerful investments in myself.

    Dive into this episode to hear more about what I invested in and how I transformed my business to one that’s thriving on the podcast now.