
  • This time it's the back half of a pair of episodes on Kurosawa. As ever, we're talking about the films with the assumption that you'll have seen them, so beware the fearsome SPOILER. Mark picked the movies for Part I and Bob has picked the films for Part II. We also talk a little about Shane and A Fistful of Dollars. Enjoy!

    00:10 Intro to Part 2
    07:37 Yojimbo
    10:36 A Fistful of Dollars
    11:12 Accounts vary about exactly how much Kurosawa received, but he did win his lawsuit
    14:41 "Gamblers" as code for "criminal"
    16:14 Toshiro Mifune
    18:05 Social commentary?
    21:01 Spoilers for Shane
    22:11 Seven Samurai vs Yojimbo
    25:35 The shameless cribbing of Sergio Leone
    27:10 Not knowing the history
    28:12 High and Low
    32:07 The second half is a second movie
    33:55 Mifune and Nakadai
    36:01 The villain
    43:14 Takashi Shimura
    43:46 Kagemusha
    46:34 Solid casting/makeup
    47:41 The accuracy/truthfulness of the story
    49:57 Surrealism; possession?
    55:21 Similar endings for Ran and Kagemusha
    55:52 Mark argues that Ran surpasses Kagemusha as the sun outshines the moon
    57:30 The Coppola (and Lucas) interview
    59:13 The moment it all goes wrong
    1:02:30 Cavalry vs firearms true to the real battle
    1:03:40 Picking a favorite from across both episodes
    1:05:42 High and Low remake?
    1:08:20 The next episode topic

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • First of a pair of episodes about the great Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. Mark is dipping into his ouevre for the first time and Bob is revisiting many of his favorite movies. Featuring SPOILERS throughout, but also the return of the clicky pen! Listen at your own risk.

    00:10 Episode introduction
    04:08 Seven Samurai
    19:50 Wrong, Bob; three left
    20:10 Wrong again; 4 of 7
    20:34 (Seems to be an audio error in the original recording dropping a fraction of a second...)
    25:14 The ending of Seven Samurai being more cynical than the ending of The Magnificent Seven
    26:20 Bob realizes his mistake from 6 1/2 minutes earlier
    27:41 Ran
    39:20 Kurosawa's diminishing eyesight
    42:08 Tatsuya Nakadai
    44:36 Ran makes Mark's top ten films
    45:22 Ikiru
    48:44 Spoiler for the final moments of Ikiru
    57:25 Bob rants about human nature for a while
    1:01:50 Wrapping up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

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  • This is as close as we get to jumping on the bandwagon of popular, recent films. We talk most about the Villeneuve Dune movies, but we also touch on the other iterations. No spoiler warnings in the episode, because the whole podcast is composed of SPOILERS!

    00:10 Intro - What's going to be covered and not
    04:50 There is no such thing as "spoiling" a 70 year old story; no spoiler warnings this podcast
    06:05 Dune, the novel
    13:35 The story from the novel changes in the transition to film
    15:55 Jodorowsky's attempted adaptation
    22:44 Dune (1984) (which we praise with faint damns)
    32:55 Television vs. Movies for adapting books to screen
    33:56 Dune miniseries (2000 and 2003)
    36:30 Dune Parts I and II
    37:42 Bob's rant
    38:00 Mark thinks II is significantly better than I
    39:35 Bob doesn't think II is better than I
    45:00 The secret goals of the Bene Gesserit
    46:32 Zendaya/Chalamet and Chani/Paul
    52:10 Chalamet too young? Too small?
    55:28 We agree Bardem was excellent; Mark is wrong about Walken not being great
    58:52 Zimmer and the music
    01:03:46 Sandwalking and the Rohirrim
    01:04:37 Mark wants the final battle to be longer; Bob disagrees (and gets in a gratuitous swipe at John Wick 4)
    01:07:05 (The Death Star battle lasts just under 11:30)
    01:08:13 Why do the Fremen jaunt off into space?
    01:12:10 Third film coming?
    01:12:53 Dune II is overrated

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Bob finally stopped being lazy and got this edited. Wrapping up our discussion of the Coens and their films along with theme Mark thinks he's sussed out of their movies. As ever, SPOILERS!

    02:00 Why are we doing two episodes on the Coens?
    04:15 Blood Simple
    10:15 Spoilers begin in earnest
    16:49 Subscribers only (unfortunately): https://www.criterionchannel.com/videos/bill-hader-on-blood-simple
    21:17 The Big Lebowski
    23:59 Raymond Chandler
    33:50 Mark's thesis
    35:02 Inside Llewyn Davis
    42:24 Comparing O Brother Where Art Thou?
    50:01 True Grit
    53:38 Law and justice
    54:39 Couldn't find it
    1:05:10 Summing up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Another two part episode (at least two; we haven't recorded any more than this so far) this time around, but looking at a selection of Coen Brothers movies chosen by Mark. We discuss four of their films in this episode and plan to discuss four more. SPOILERS THROUGHOUT!


    00:43 Mark's flu podcast
    01:46 Introducing the topic
    04:10 Raising Arizona (SPOILERS BEGIN)
    20:55 M. Emmett WALSH (Bob apparently has football on the brain, he'll make the mistake again later too)
    24:26 Miller's Crossing
    42:48 Fargo
    45:50 Mark "surfaces" the theme he has in mind that runs through Coen films
    52:49 No Country for Old Men
    1:09:04 Wrapping up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • First episode of the new year is...finishing the topic we started at the end of last year. We're thinking about maybe tackling some smaller topics this year, but the best laid plans, etc. As ever with our podcast SPOILERS ABOUND! Listen at your own risk.

    00:10 Intro
    04:42 The Artist
    10:18 Would it work as a true silent movie?
    12:55 Mark doesn't like the title character
    16:32 Bob loves this movie
    27:24 The Descendants
    29:15 Connection to Sideways
    30:57 George Clooney
    32:29 The Artist vs The Descendants
    40:21 The Help
    46:03 A realistic range of people
    49:58 The Tree of Life
    53:37 Dinosaurs?!
    56:42 War Horse
    58:51 The Black Stallion, redux
    1:02:20 What else could have been nominated? (Drive!)
    1:06:35 Wrapping up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • This time around we decided that since the 2012 Best Picture had 9 nominations, we'd split the discussion into two parts so we didn't have to either run very long or skim over films without discussing them. So 4 this episode, 5 next time.

    00:10 Intro and beard discussion
    03:47 Podcast topic - 2012 Best Picture
    06:05 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
    18:58 Hugo
    31:10 Midnight in Paris
    39:26 "Bougie" interlude
    40:39 Back to the film
    42:10 Owen Wilson, wow!
    42:47 Moneyball
    45:16 The big game
    58:56 Final thoughts and summing up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Another movie that's (loosely) connected to the story of Jesus. We didn't plan it that way, but there it is. The other four films all have some connection to World War II, which at the time was still fresh in the mind for many people. We do have SPOILERS, but not so many as in other episodes? Listen at your own risk; as always we tend to talk about the films with the assumption that our listeners have seen them.

    00:10 Intro
    1:24 Monty Python boys
    3:31 Old films, color vs black and white film
    9:59 Ben-Hur
    21:49 The fad for sword and sandal epics
    24:20 Anatomy of a Murder
    30:26 Stewart vs Heston
    34:07 Room at the Top
    37:11 SPOILERS for Room at the Top
    38:40 Why is it so unpleasant?
    42:27 The Diary of Anne Frank
    55:21 The Nun's Story
    1:06:12 Summing up
    1:09:18 We start to ramble a bit before wrapping up
    1:11:51 Bob is trying to think of El Dorado with John Wayne, James Caan, and Robert Mitchum

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Wrapping up the Indiana Jones trilogy this time around. Hope you enjoy it, SPOILERS, of course! We're not going to talk about the latter two films; at least, not for the foreseeable future. Never say never, though!

    0:10 Opening salutations
    1:13 "The jewel of Southeast Asia"
    4:45 Synopsis
    8:50 Is Indy actually searching for the Holy Grail?
    12:51 Comparing the three films: villains
    19:06 Donovan vs Belloq
    20:55 How does the Grail actually *work*?
    27:53 Nit-picking minor gripes
    29:46 Schoolboy adventure physics again
    34:21 Stretching the plot to have the adventure last longer
    36:21 Fourth wall break
    38:09 Stepping up the action, excellent stunts
    42:37 Less like a serial than Raiders, but more like a serial than Temple of Doom
    44:56 Comparing the three films: the cast
    47:53 More Star Wars connections!
    50:01 Ranking the trilogy
    54:23 Watching them in order isn't really necessary

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Installment number two in our evaluation of the Indiana Jones franchise. (Ugh, it feels a little dirty saying "franchise.") We'll at least get the the third, but no promises about anything further. Very, very mild spoilers for The Sixth Sense (trailer level), and of course SPOILERS! for Temple of Doom. Enjoy!

    00:10 Episode 50!
    03:05 Thinking about Temple of Doom differently after watching it this time
    05:00 The Sixth Sense (very mild) spoilers
    05:35 End of The Sixth Sense spoilers
    09:11 Deliberately low continuity between Raiders and Temple
    09:42 The time gap between the films within the stories (which Bob gets wrong; it's Temple-1936, Raiders-1937, Last Crusade-1938)
    11:48 Plot summary
    14:23 Should Indy have been trading the emperor for the diamond?
    17:29 Temple of Doom more action than adventure
    18:46 The absence of Kasdan
    21:20 What were the big differences between the first two films?
    27:05 The difference between the objects sought
    30:47 Rushed production?
    32:37 Do sequels usually surpass or fall short of the original?
    36:10 The "banquet"? First the raft!
    43:06 The bugs!
    44:01 Amrish Puri and other positives
    46:33 Ke Huy Quan as Short Round
    52:31 Child slavery as a plot element
    53:45 Deus ex machina ending?
    55:17 Who's that big guard?
    57:26 Dan Akroyd and... Casablanca... and James Bond?
    58:39 Wrapping up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Still taking our sweet time in this sleepy summer, we return with a (relatively) in-depth look at a single film. Obviously, spoilers, but c'mon. If you've not seen this, then I don't even feel sorry for you being spoiled. It's your own fault for avoiding such a good movie for this long.

    00:10 Intro
    1:27 Recapping the lost first attempt
    3:07 The deliberate homage to serial films
    6:08 An Alfred Molina discursion
    7:18 The good stuff
    12:24 Museum nostalgia
    14:36 Film as icon; sequels
    17:20 Moichandising!
    21:16 Casting...Alfred Molina!
    28:36 Playing the heavy
    30:55 Recycled sound effects
    31:25 More movie connections
    35:02 The implausibilities increase
    38:06 Keeping it light
    40:31 Influencing other movies
    44:20 Denholm Eliot in brief
    45:35 Summing up

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • It's been a bit slower because...it's summer. Yeah, that's it. Summer, that's the ticket. But we're back again with another episode, this time talking about 1944 and Bing Crosby's big year winning Best Actor in the Best Picture, Going My Way. Talking about it and the other Best Picture nominees we discuss MANY SPOILERS! You have been warned.

    00:00 Intro - Heat and the 4th
    05:38 Going My Way
    20:25 Double Indemnity
    31:16 Gaslight
    40:52 Wilson
    47:35 Since You Went Away
    56:54 Other films in 1944
    1:01:31 And the winner should have been...
    1:03:49 Conclusion

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Slowly getting back into the swing of things; we're back with another timely episode talking about movies from nearly 70 years ago. It's almost silly, but SPOILER WARNING! We're going to spoil them all, insofar as that's possible, since some of them really aren't traditionally spoil...able? Enjoy!

    00:10 Intro and desultory chit-chat
    02:45 The nominees
    04:05 They're how long?!
    04:41 Around the World in 80 Days
    10:43 Palin's Around the World in 80 Days
    14:32 The cameos!
    17:47 Could it have been shorter?
    19:18 Giant
    21:26 Race relations in Giant
    24:55 Muddled character motivations for Jet
    28:01 Escalates, but without resolution
    31:13 The King and I
    35:41 Anna and the King
    38:49 Friendly Persuasion
    44:31 The Hays Code and Gary Cooper
    47:10 The Ten Commandments
    52:42 Story variances and a different acting style
    56:03 "Old" movies
    58:55 What does Bob complain about this time?
    1:04:30 Best Picture choices
    1:05:57 Non-nominees worth mentioning

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • The year is 1997. The category is Best Picture. Who will win? Well, as is unsurprising at this period in history, it's the film pushed by the Weinsteins. But perhaps it ought not to have? We discuss the movies from 1996 that might should have been considered the Best Picture when the awards season rolled around in the first part of 1997. SPOILERS AHOY!

    No timestamps because Bob was in a hurry, but if you're a regular listener you have the advantage of knowing which movie Bob chose for his personal Best Picture.

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Oh, hey, it's an old episode that Bob forgot to edit and upload. Let's draw a veil on that and we can pretend that it didn't quite happen that way. Spoilers abound for a variety of films old and new in this episode where your two hosts run down lists of movies they dislike, but with which the world seems to be enamored. In addition to the movies on our lists, we also spoil (a little) La La Land and Rogue One.

    Spoilers, spoilers everywhere!

    00:00 Wait, what?
    02:15 How did we choose (bad but popular) movies to discuss?
    05:39 Mark's first movie he dislikes
    12:55 Bob's first movie he dislikes
    19:17 Mark's second movie he dislikes
    22:42 Bob's second movie he dislikes
    25:25 Mark questions whether Bob is merely a contrarian
    31:28 Mark's third (and fourth) movie he dislikes
    39:13 Bob's third movie he dislikes
    43:50 Mark's fifth movie he dislikes
    49:45 Bob's fourth movie he dislikes
    58:28 Honorable mentions
    1:00:58 Narrator: "They did not, in fact, talk about the Oscars next time."

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • It's a bit late (Bob's fault), but we're working to at least stay close to our intended schedule. This episode we talk about The Whale and clearly our conversation predated the Oscar awards (a bit interesting to hear our predictions after the fact). As always SPOILERS ABOUND! (We even spoil The Wrestler.)

    00:10 Dudes chatting
    01:45 The Whale
    02:59 Plot synopsis
    06:00 Aronofsky's interest in individuals in forms of isolation
    08:43 The movie is not about justifying characters or them overcoming problems
    10:22 Honesty and/or authenticity
    12:33 Spoilers begin in earnest!
    14:48 I Told Me So - Gregg Ten Elshof
    18:22 Liz as enabler/codependent
    20:32 Other characters - daughter Ellie
    25:50 Charlie chose this life
    28:27 Sometimes authenticity is bad, actually
    32:44 The missionary
    37:00 Brief spoilers of The Wrestler - skip to 37:31 to avoid
    39:39 What's the deal with the title?
    44:09 What do we think in sum about this film?
    48:53 Oscar noms and chances
    50:52 Authenticity in acting?
    57:13 Actually, Letterboxd doesn't do this, at least not free accounts

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Keeping it rolling with a single Oscar nominated film. This week is Tár, a film about an orchestra conductor that changes jobs. It's worth seeing, though it's definitely a movie for people who really get into movies. Next episode The Whale!

    We're sorry we missed an episode, but this is how it goes at this price point.

    00:10 Intro and idle chatter
    02:34 Chinese food in Vancouver
    03:37 No one sees the teapot
    04:23 Tár plot summary and what is the movie about?
    12:35 Is the movie arguing against "cancel culture"?
    17:45 At what point do we begin to witness Tár's downfall?
    22:10 How long has Tár acted in this way before it falls apart?
    25:01 Has Tár lost interest in the music for the music's sake?
    28:20 Tár's relationships
    30:51 Bob theorizes about symbolic meaning off the cuff (and is less pleased with the idea listening to it while editing)
    32:58 The importance of time; manifestations of madness
    37:37 Exile
    39:50 Bob meant to say "South Africa" when talking about Justine Sacco
    42:49 Apocalypse Now reference and consequences
    43:55 Profumo Affair
    45:13 Mark thinks the child is... weird? And could the downfall have been avoided?
    46:29 Ranking/evaluating the movie

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • We're a bit tardy with this upload, for which we apologize. Bob has been having some troubles with his computron.

    This episode we discuss (most of) the movies from Martin McDonagh. His latest, The Banshees of Inisherin is up for a fair few Oscars this year and it seemed like a good jumping off point to talk about his work. Mark had only seen one of his films before while Bob is familiar with them all to a bit greater degree. SPOILERS FOR ALL HIS MOVIES! Which, if you're new here, applies to every movie we discuss, and if you're not you're already well aware.

    No show notes this episode for reasons related to the upload delay. Perhaps next time.

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Now in their 3rd calendar year, Bob and Mark return from a long holiday hiatus with a recap of 2022. Fewer spoilers than usual, but not spoiler-free! LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK!

    0:00 Intro and Holiday Recap
    3:10 Geography Lesson
    6:19 2022 Notable Movies
    10:57 Maverick as the 2022 movie with lasting cultural effect
    12:25 Cinema philistines
    13:19 Was 2022 a good year in film?
    15:01 Regal (not sponsored) Unlimited
    15:52 What we thought about the 2022 movies we saw
    18:09 (Bob has it backwards: Cate Blanchett was in Tar; he's trying to think of Tilda Swinton)
    25:24 Pitch Meeting
    28:21 Wes Anderson digression
    34:38 The Banshees of Inisherin
    34:58 (Bob gets another name wrong; it's John Michael, not Robert)
    38:20 The Menu
    40:39 Bullet Train
    42:46 Tar and Glass Onion
    45:40 Looking ahead to 2023
    47:35 Mark is depressed about the comic book movies and sequels generally
    48:42 Marlowe and others to which Bob is looking forward
    51:23 RLM
    51:43 Best movies seen last year that weren't released last year
    56:53 In conclusion...

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode

  • Because there's about to be a new edition of the Sight & Sound poll for the Greatest Films of All-Time, we decided to tell you what our top ten lists are. Probably not a lot of surprises. But there could be spoilers!

    (Also, Bob's uncertain if he numbered Mark's movies correctly since he did go out of order and didn't mention the rank consistently each time.)

    00:10 We've got jokes in the intro
    02:04 How Bob ranks movies (spoiler: he's a big dork)
    03:59 Baseball-Reference.com!
    04:53 How Mark ranks movies (spoiler: it's quite different because Mark has a social life)
    07:33 How events in our lives affect how we rank movies at different points in time
    08:45 A note on the BFI Sight & Sound polls and how we'll approach the topic
    11:27 Bob #10 spot - The Hidden Blade
    15:05 How are things ranked when they're still new and fresh in your mind?
    15:56 Mark #10 - Prisoners
    18:44 How many of Mark's choices will star Jake Gyllenhaal
    19:16 Is the suspense as done by Hitchcock?
    20:45 Bob #9 - In the Mood for Love
    23:53 Mark #9 - Princess Mononoke
    26:21 Bob didn't like it, but hasn't seen it in a long time
    27:33 Miyazaki's environmental themes
    29:14 Bob's wrong about the timeline
    29:31 Bob #8 - Das leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others)
    34:00 Mark #7 - The Pursuit of Happyness
    36:39 Bob is a Grinch
    37:35 Will Smith playing Will Smith?
    38:47 Is Bob crazy?
    39:32 Bob's #7 - The Apostle
    40:39 Mark #6 - The Empire Strikes Back
    43:00 Star Wars :: The Matrix
    45:04 Bob's #6 - A Night at the Opera
    47:29 The Stateroom scene
    49:04 Mark #5 - There Will Be Blood
    51:28 Bob's #5 - Singin' in the Rain
    53:41 Mark's #1 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
    55:42 Sight & Sound polls
    58:21 Did the poll change with the changing demographics of the critics polled?
    1:00:48 Mark's observations on the list
    1:02:05 Older movies benefit by lack contemporary mediocrity
    1:04:28 How objective can one be when rating movies?
    1:08:07 Does it matter if the movie is in color or black-and-white?
    1:11:55 What's next for the poll(s)?
    1:14:49 Bob's #4 - Seven Samurai
    1:16:10 Mark #4 - The Prestige
    1:17:13 Bob's #3 - Casablanca
    1:18:24 Mark's #3 - Blade Runner
    1:19:15 Bob's #2 - Hamlet (1996)
    1:21:01 Mark's #2 - Nightcrawler
    1:22:19 Bob's #1 - Tokyo Story
    1:23:13 Mark's #8 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
    1:25:08 Wrapping up
    1:25:45 Tom Hanks? No, we're done.

    Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® are the trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This podcast is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    Intro and Outro music excerpted without alteration other than length and volume from AcidJazz by Kevin McLeod under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode