
  • @ArtOfExperiencing I Act Out Scenarios of People 'AS IF' they were Characters. The people might be real but my acting interpretations are imaginary, of course! In this episode I imagine #meghanmarkle Celebrating #princewilliam ooopppsss I mean #princeharry a little slip of the tongue. Meghan being an actress I take the opportunity to use what I know, as an acting coach, and dream on these fictional scenarios, more specific imagine her as #marilynmonroe singing Happy Birthday to President JFK a long time ago. I hope you watch and let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you all for your support. Multumesc. As always these are only my opinions, nothing more!!!#artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #mihaelammihut #mihutmethod #actingcoach #sva #theactorsstudio #membership #romanian #american #royalfamily #newyork

  • Mihaela M. Mihut@ArtOfExperiencing I ACT Out Scenarios of people, specifically in this episode, Meghan Markle, Oprah and Prince Harry 'as if' they were characters. I take everyday events, what is already in the news in public, plus the use of my imagination. Combining at all, trying to analyze people's behavior 'as if' they were characters, from my Acting Perspective. In this episode I act out an imagined phone conversation between Meghan Markle and Oprah... plus I act out the Duchesse Lying to Prince Harry, about INVITE NOT for him, from Oprah!!! As always these are only my fun, hopefully, interpretations from my acting understanding and perspective, as an acting coach. Nothing more nothing less. Using Acting Tools and Exercises that I believe are of use to fictional and real life. To do all that I first make fun of myself! I hope you enjoy and will let me know if yes or no!? Thank you. Multumesc. On a serious note I am so happy to see the beautiful hashtag#princesscatherine hashtag#princewilliam and their gorgeous family in the new released short film. Prayers to them all and to hashtag#kingcharles hashtag#artofexperiencing hashtag#youtubechannel hashtag#sva hashtag#actingcoach hashtag#theactorsstudio hashtag#membership hashtag#mihaelammihut hashtag#romanian hashtag#american hashtag#acting hashtag#royalfamily

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  • @ArtOfExperiencing Do Harry and Meghan want back their royal 👸🏻 🤴 roles? Hmmmmm ... What do you think!? In this episode I get personal myself, and so does the Duchesse, showing you how I get to work on my episodes! For those who say I make fun of #harryandmeghan or others, I act out or talk about in my episodes, you will see that I make fun of myself, first! Acting 🎭 Out requires that and so much more!!! Analyzing people 'as if' they were characters takes a lot to reveal of myself... my personal fears, insecurities, failures plus understanding of human behavior and imagination, all from my acting perspective, as an acting coach, to then create my versions of people I try to portray. That is what #artofexperiencing my #youtubechannel is all about. Nothing more. I hope you enjoy this episode and let me know what you think in the comments below! Your support is always inspiring!!! These are all my personal opinions. Thank you. Multumesc. #acting #actingcoach #actingteacher #sva #theactorsstudio #membership #newyork #american #romanian #characters #people

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Drum ROLL.... Please!!! I present to you all A Physical Comedic REHABILITATION Show with the Scope To Get Back ROYAL ROLES... One laughter at a time, one day at a time, as someone smart once said! In order of appearance: 'Actress' Meghan Playing the Manipulater and Prince Harry who is being Played and must do all the work to convince the Royal Family, the audience of Great Britain, and of the World, that all was said and done before was just a joke!!! Now with their new show they will begin anew with the help of image experts to mastermind a plan to get what they already had, it is sounding as comedy of the Absurd, to tell you the truth!? One thing I must divulge, it has a lot of Physical Comedy and you should all watch ! Oh well, what do I know, I am only here to watch it myself, as an audience member, attempt to act it out and then relate to you my interpretations, my acting variations as an acting coach and from my acting perspective. I do hope you enjoy. If yes please subscribe, like, share and all the rest. Thank you, Multumesc. Mihaela M. Mihut #artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #mihaelammihut #actingcoach #sva #theactorsstudio #member #royalfamily #newyork #american #romanian #acting #comedy #rehabilitation #laughter #act #plan #sussexes

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Poor Prince Harry ... is everyone turning their back on him! It is being said that all he does is live in the past while his Duchesse wants him to be in the future and achieve her ambitions... #meghanmarkle Has now changed her script as she knows to do, after all she calls herself an actress, only her scene partner #princeharry has a hard time adjusting to her new scenarios. He is missing being adored and going on Real Royal Tours while Duchesse Meghan is stirring up new ways to get her ways and become an entrepreneur!!! These are all my personal opinions, my acting versions and interpretation, from my acting perspective, of people 'as if' they were characters. Wishing you all a great Labor Day Weekend and/or beginning of Fall!!! Thank you. Multumesc. #artofexperiencing #mihaelammihut #youtubechannel #actingcoach #svany #theactorsstudio #membership #royalnews #royalfamily #romanian #american #acting #characters #scenarios #storytelling #england

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Here I go again, giving you my #actingcoach Perspectives & Re-ACTions to the latest #royalnews of #meghanmarkle and #princeharry who 'Will' not be invited to #princewilliam future Coronation as King + No Renewal of their contract to do Shows on Netflix. The CEO #tedsanders oops 😬 I mean #tedsarandos is choosing #victoriabeckham Fashion Show instead of the #susexess Cooking and Polo Shows on the giant #netflix Platform! Ayayay which meand Oh Noooo in Espanol are shocked by all the latest news, now that they are back home in #california from #columbia #royaltour As alwasy, these are only my opinions, my Acting Interpretations, using my personal understanding and my imagination, of the DUO 'as if' they were #characters I hope you all enjoy... please make comments below! Your support means the world to me and it is very helpful for my little channel #artofexperiencing #mihaelammihut on #youtube to grow! Thank you, Gracias, Multumesc ... #sva #actingteacher #theactorsstudio #membership #romania #transylvania #kingcharles #princessofwales #royalnews #actor #entertainment #comedy #parody #davidbeckham #duchessedesussex #imagination #humanbehavior #actingtips

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Wow, I have to say only #harryandmeghan can do so much Acting Out, Pretending, Dancing, Kissing, Translating, Loving, Impersonating and ohhhh.... so much more, in only 4 days, on the so-called #royaltour in #columbia #southamerica Now back home in #montecito #meghanmarkle reflects on it all, what!? As always, on this channel, in this episode, these are only my, Mihaela M. Mihut, Interpretations, Variations of the #duchessedesussex Reflections on it all! As an #actingcoach I am #acting out my versions of #people "as if' they were #characters. These are all my personal opinions, using my imagination, my understanding of people and their behavior, from my acting perspective. I try to put all that together and I hope you will enjoy and please let me know what you think in the comments below!!! If you enjoy please continue to like, subscribe, support my little channel, as you all have already been so kind to do so! Thank you, Multumesc, Gracias... #artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #mihaelammihut #sva #actingcoach #theactorsstudio #member #romanian #american #newyork #entertaining

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Hola Columbia! 🇨🇴 Evita is Home, says the Duchesse thinking shes in Argentina 🇦🇷 not in Columbia 🇨🇴 Acting Out 'Breakingnews' #breakingnews all the way from #columbia Columbia... Dukesa #meghanmarkle finally gives a speech in "Spanish" or is it "Italian" the Duchesse #duchess seems to think both languages are the same and universally understood by all! Wow, what a beginning to her 'Royal Tour' #royaltour and of Dukes Harry's #dukeofsussex who ends up, pretty much out of her frame, no matter that the People of Columbia only ask for him. We want principe Harry you can hear them, no calls out for Dukesa Meghan... I am so lucky to be able to try to figure people out from my understanding as an acting teacher/coach. As always, on my channel with every episode, these are all only my interpretations and explorations from my acting perspective of #people People "as if" they were characters #characters I hope you all enjoy this Acting #acting Version!!! Please do let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Your support is very much appreciate it. Thank you. Multumesc. #artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #sva #actingcoach #theactorsstudio #members #royalfamily #southamerica #harryandmeghan #franciamarquez #american #romanian #spanish #italian #universal #actress #aro

  • @artoexperiencing There is always something new with these two! #meghanmarkle and #princeharry I hope I got to catch up with the #sussexes and their so-called new endeavors under the #aro lifestyle. There are royal tours, cooking shows, rolling of the eyes on morning shows, private planes and Hamptons rendezvous with the rich and famous, offers of advice to parents and their children, unanswered calls to #kingcharles all in their pursuit to become relevant and make money!!! I am so excited to continue to figure #meghanandharry out, from an #acting Perspective as an #actingcoach As always, on every episode, all I am doing is express my interpretations and act out different #scenarios of people 'as if' they were #characters I hope you enjoy. Please let me know in the comments below, it is so helpful to have your feedback! Thank you so much for your support!!! #artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #actingtips #svan #sva #theactorsstudio #members #newyork #podcast #america #romania #royalfamily #princesscatherine #princewilliam #england #canada #southamerica #colombia #columbia #royaltour

  • @ArtOfExperiencing Here are my Acting Reactions and Detections of Liers in Trials. #acting gives us tools to be able to use and detect human behavior, truths or lies. In this episode I chose some of the moments from the Black Swan Trial/ Ashley Benefield and ex ballerina was found Guilty. The most revealing moments, for me of her lies, were during the cross-examination of #ashleybenefield by the assistant state attorney #suzanneodonnell Suzanne O'Donnell in my opinion was brilliant in having the boldness to ask the defendent to demonstrate the event. Acting is also demonstration so for her to know the power of demonstrating in trials is to be applauded, bravo. It is so powerful and so useful in trials that most lawyers will prepare with acting coaches to become better lawyers and understand better how to tell their stories in details to make the jurrors believe. Trials are now streamed and watched by so many people all over the world because they are giving us the audiences the best of show, real, horrific, surprising behavior in people who we all can identify with and react to. Our mirror neurons will be triggered in us watching them go through all their up and down moments, without us having to move or act. Their actions are enough to trigger our mirror neurons. We can all sit back, watch and wait for the verdict Guilty or Not Guilty. Is is unbelievable how True Crime has become so watched by so many, it is as if we are watching a spectacle and what better way to interpret a spectacle than by the way of Acting. So here are all my acting interpretations, as an acting coach, of the defended, Ashley Benefield, and why specifically I believe the jurrors found her Guilty. Of course these are only my opinions, as they are always, on my channel. Analysis of people 'as if' they were characters. Please let me know what you think and if you agree with me or not. Thank you so much. Kisses to all! #artofexperiencing #youtube #acting #actingcoach #sva #theactorsstudio #member #newyork #characters #interpretation #humanbehavior #trials #theblackswantrial #courttv #lawndcrime #podcast #guiltyverdict #jurrors

  • What a beautiful, royal movie star, surprising appearance by #princessofwales and what a raw reaction, in the form of Dog Biscuits, by #theduchessofsussex Meghan Markle!!! The appearance at Trooping the Colour was pure sublime elegance by Princess Catherine, her fragility sustained by her strength cannot be denied, she gives us all hope! She is a true Royal Movie Star #moviestar The other suprise was the reveal of another product not for humans this time, noooo but much more original... Dog Biscuits by the Duchess Meghan. What a vivid contrast!? You must give it to the #sussexes for trying so hard and not givine up... Sincerely. As always this episode, as all episodes on my channel, represent only my personal opinions, I give only my #acting #interpretations of People 'as if' they were #characters That is what Acting is the Analysis of People. To try to better understand ourselves and others. It is only my ACTING Impression, Interpretation of events, people etc. Thank you so much for your support, please continue to subscribe, like, if you enjoy, and all the rest. Kisses and Multumesc. #artofexperiencing #theactorsstudio #members #actingcoach #svanyc #royalnews #sussexnews #romania #america #nachofigueras #newyork #princewilliam #kingcharles #queen #england #montecito #acting #actingteacher #eliakazan #characterdevelopment #characters #personaldevelopment #privatemoment #speakingout #actingtechnique

  • What a journey it has been for me, I can only imagine what it must have been like for #meghanandharry going on their Pretend, Not Acted, because #acting requires self awareness and the Duo lack it, in my personal opinion. Also it is my imaginative understanding that the Duchesse is constructing her parallel scenarios for not getting to the ones mostly desired, going to the Oscars, going to be applauded for an Oscar, Emmy ... anything in the field of the Stars of Hollywood! If I am not invited there I will invite myself somewhere, why not! People buy it so she keeps selling it. As always these are only my #acting #interpretations of people as if they were #characters. Nothing more. Thank you so much for your support, always.

    Mihaela M. Mihut#artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #actingcoach #sva #theactorsstudio #membership #american #romanian #newyork #podcast #mihaelamihut #elamihut #nigeria #royaltour

  • Here is my Acting Out Version of Meghan Markle's Appearance on the Late Late Show with #craigferguson 10 years ago, before Prince Harry! I believe, in my opinion, her plan to get a rich English man was conceived a long time ago... but what she got was beyond what she ever thought or dreamed of! The Role of A Lifetime by Marrying Prince Harry. She auditioned and got the Role of The Duchesse. Wow, bravo! Let us give her some credit, that is no small goal, whaaaat.....Oprah!!!Let me know what you all say... please.Here in this episode is my re-action and action of the Duchesse on that Late Late Show, a long time ago. As always all my episodes are meant to be entertaining, these are only my personal opinions, from my #actingPerspective. I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think in the comments below. I thank you for your support. Multumesc.#artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #sva #actingcoach #theactorsstudio#membership #royalnews #america #romania #acting #characters#duchess #role #roleplay #goals #oprah #johnlegend #chrissyteigen #jam#aro #dukeandduchessofsussex #podcast #spotify

  • Mihaela M. Mihut Method: Art of ExperiencingThank you for joining me on my #acting journey. In this episode I re-create the latest awkward events of #meghanmarkle and #princeharrry As always my channel, this episode, is based on my acting interpretations, of people 'as if' they were #characters I always say... the most important thing in Acting, in my opinion, is to Have Fun. As acting, informs life and vice-versa, let us not forget to also Have Fun in Everyday Life!!! Thank you so much for your support, it means a great deal to me. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Feedback from you is very constructivein the way I continue to come up with acting variations to make my channel better. Thank you. Multumesc. #artofexperiencing #youtube #youtubechannel #acting #actingcoach#theactorsstudio #membership #sva #theroyalfamily #aro #american#romanian #polosport #nachofigueras #scenarios Thank you to @The Royal Rogue on Youtube

  • #meghanandharry Pulling back the curtain... or pulling off their new #shows As always these are my #acting interpretations of people as if they were #characters I welcome you to a Preview of #meghanmarkle and #princeharry2 new shows on #netflix Cooking, gardening, entertaining, friendsheeping and horsing around, all in their two new shows! How will they do it all? Find out here as I act out my version of what is to come. Thank you so much to all of you finding my channel #artofexperiencing and watching it. Please subscribe, like and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I am grateful. Oh yes I almost forgot... I want to give a shout out to one of my favorites to watch @DANIELBOlAND Mihaela M. Mihut #theroyalfamily #princewilliam #princesscatherine #kingcharles #sva #actingcoach #theactorsstudio #membership #dukeandduchessofsussex #sussexroyal #american #romanian #youtube #podcast #spotify #applepodcasts #entertainment #cooking #gardening #polosport #royalnews

  • My 100 Episodes Celebration!!! In 'THE MAGIF IF' world of Acting #acting the possibilities are infinite. Characters can have a second chance to repair damage, they can ask for forgiveness, apologize to those they have wronged and overall get a shot at being better and doing better as people. Would it not be nice this was the reality!? Imagine #meghanmarkle and #princeharry apologize to their families! Well I can imagine as my channel is all about that, interpreting situations, in my imagination, and analyzing people as if they were characters. How lucky am I to be doing that as my job as an #actingteacher It was #alberteinstein who said something like this; Reality will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. What can be more freeing than that... That is why #acting and the world of #themagicif associated with acting, is so powerful. It gives #techniques #methodacting #actingskills to be used not only by #actors but by everyone in everyday life. Teaching at #sva Continuing Education classes, I get the opoortunity to meet those #professionals willing to give Acting a try and it is always blowing my mind to see them in their results. It's beautiful to watch anyone in real and fictional #scenarios get those opportunities to undo wrongs in their lives. We would all be so lucky to be able to do that, I think!!!I thank you all so much for supporting my channel, please subscribe, comment, like etc. I am so grateful to all of you! Multumesc. @artofexperiencingMihaela M. Mihut #artofexperiencing #youtubechannel #theactorsstudio #membership#actingcoach #america #romania #characters #actingskills #fictional

  • @artofexperiencing As these are only my interpretations using my imagination I am so inclined to believe that #meghanmarkle must be thinking: "I wrote THE BENCH" before Kate...she cannot bring herself to call her #princess #princesscatherine sat on the bench to share a moving, powerful, hearbreaking #privatemoment revealing her cancer diagnosis. What does, how does The Duchesse respond to try to take the spotlight from the regal, royal star!? She schedules a visit to a children's hospital....give me a freaking break! Really... that is what you got, not credible at all. And for those people, who describe her uninhibited with use of acting skills, reading a book to those innocent children, are you seriously so unaware of what Real ACTing Is!? Please 'I BEG YOU' in the words of #arkadina a #character from #theseagull by #antoncheckov GO Learn what Acting is. If you do not know, comment on something else. Thank you so much to you all helping my channel grow, please let me know what you think of my "acting skills'" in this video. I play Meghan Markle and Arkadina, I try to as #acting is all about the willingness to try and keep trying..... Multumesc, thank you. @artofexperiencing #artofexperiencing #sva #actingcoach #theactorstudio #membership #royalnews #theroyalfamily #princeharry #princewilliam

  • Who is is the Real ACTRESS Now, I say it, I said and I will continue saying it, wihtout any doubt, Catherine the Princess of Wales is the Royal Star. A class, royal ACTress is the Princess of Wales... not Kate. Can #meghanmarkle and #meghanandharry learn from #princesscatherine ACT of Grace to Rise Up to her ACTing Greatly... I do not think so. As many of the conspiracy theorists making all the cruel comments before Princess Catherine's powerful reveal and her shining bright a light on her humanity therefore ours, when she so dignified shared the hearbreaking medical diagnosis. Some people might just have to look inside themselves to find their humanity as it was so well illuminated by the beautiful princess. They shoud have an easy time finding it or not.... As always these are my acting interpretations of people as if they were characters in real and fictional circumstances. I thank you for your support for my channel! #artofexperiencing #youtube #acting #actingcoach #theactorsstudio #membership #sva #princeandprincessofwales #theroyalfamily #characters #characterstudy #behaviour #podcast #spotify #applepodcasts

  • @ArtOfExperiencing How am I so lucky to get such an opportunity to imaginarily interview #meghanmarkle THE Duchesse on her new lifestyle on #instagram The Cherry Orchard lifestyle, I mean the American Riviera Orchard... in my case the first is to be believed as it is a play it is fictional as is the interview. From my acting perspective. It is unbelievable because such interview never took place in reality it only happened in my imagination and fabrication, as an acting exercise; I talk to myself and imagine I am talking to people! My channel is about #acting and #interpreting variations of scenarios with interesting people 'as if' they were #characters in fictional circumstances, I create... As an #actingteacher as an #actingcoach I keep on acting whenever I get a chance so why not do it here. I hope you will get to watch and most importantly you will comment and let me know if you enjoy it or not. It would be tremendous help to help me navigate better and try to grow my little chaneel. Thank you so much. #artofexperiencing #youtube #sva #theactorsstudio #membership #lifestyle #netflix #instagram #harryandmeghan #princesscatherine #princewilliam #princeharry #katemiddleton #theroyalfamily #montecito #california #america #characters #fiction #stanislavski #thecherryorchard #antonchekhov #acting

  • As always these are my personal interpretations from an acting perspective of people 'as if' they were characters in real and fictional scenarios. Unfortunately this episode focuses on the real Trial and more specifically on the Closing Argument of Sean McGuinnness one of the prosecutors in Michelle Troconis Trial and the 6 times Guitly Verdict. Here is why I believe his Closing Argument had Acting Skills all over it and in my opinion helped him in getting the Guilty Verdict. I think Acting will help anyone in any profession do better, knowingly or not. Thank you. #acting #actingcoach #seanmcguinness #trial #guiltyverdict #michelletroconis #fotisdulos #theactorsstudio #membership #sva #artofexperiencing #spotify #jenniferdulos #mihutmethod #methodacting @artofexperiencing